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40 Cards in this Set

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The nurse is caring for patient with ulcerative colitis. Which finding would the nurse report to the physician?
bloody diarrhea
rebound tenderness
hgb of 12
rebound tenderness
(s/s peritonitis)

nursing diagnosis should be in discharge planning for postop colostomy?
sexual dysfunction
body image, disturbed
fear r/t poor prognosis
nutrition: more than body requirements
body image, disturbed

p. 771
in recording stool for patient w/Crohn's disease, what characteristic should RN expect to see
chr constipation
constipation alt w/diarrhea
stool constantly oozing from rectum

p. 771
What r/f for colorectal cancer should RN include in teaching?
age older than 30
high-fiber, low-fat diet
distant relative w/colorectal ca
personal h/o ulcerative colitis or GI polyps
personal h/o ulcerative colitis or GI polyps

Patient has undergone EGD. RN highest priority
monitor temp
monitor c/o heartburn
warm gargle for sore throat
assess return of gag reflex
gag reflex

p. 777
Patient w/PUD, medication h/o reveals intermittent use of several meds. Which one should be avoided d/t GI tract irritation?
nizatidine (Axid)
sucralfate (Carafate)
omeprazole (Prilosec)

p. 772
Patient w/colostomy has order for irrigation. RN uses what solution to irrigate?
tap water
sterile water
sterile distilled water
sterile LR
warm tap water

p. 774
RN is doing admission assessment on pt w/ hx of duodenal ulcer. To determine if ulcer active, which sx should RN assess for?
weight loss
pain relieved by food intake
pain radiating down r arm
pain relieved by food intake

p. 772
RN is assessing patient 24 hrs post choley. T tube has drained 750 ml green-brown drainage since surgery. What intervention appropriate?
clamp t tube
irrigate t tube
call MD

p. 770
Pt is 2 days postop colostomy and begins to pass malodorous flatus from stoma. What is RN's correct interpretation?
normal, expected
early s/s ischemic bowel
pt should not have nt removed
indicates inadequate preop bowel prep
normal, expected

p. 773
Pt has just had ileostomy. RN assesses client immediately postop for most frequent complication?
folate deficiency
malabsorption of fat
intestinal obstruction
fluid/elect imbalance

p. 774
Pt with new colostomy is concerned about odor. RN teaches patient to include what food to reduce odor?

teach deodorizing foods

p. 773
s/s acute cholecystitis
-severe/steady epigastric/RUQ pain after eating
-RUQ tenderness
-back, R scapula, shoulder pain
-fever, chills, anorexia
s/s chronic cholecystitis
may be asymptomatic
diagnostic tests: cholecystitis
bilirubin-r/o obstructed bile flow
amylase/lipase-r/o pancreatitis
abd xray: gallstones w/high Ca content
U/S: dx cholelithiasis, assess emptying of bladder
cholecystogram: oral dye to assess gb ability to concentrate and excrete bile
scans: IV radioactive dye-dx duct obstruction, acute/chr cholecystitis
meds for cholecystitis
(pain relief during acute attack)
-cure infection, reduce imflammation/edema
reduce chol content of stones, leading to dissolving:
-Actigal (ursodiol)
-Chenix (chenodiol)
(high cost, 2 year tx, high recurrence, hepatotoxic)
For itching d/t severe jaundice, accumulating bile salts on skin:
-Questran (cholestyramine)
(binds w/bile salts, excrete in feces)
risk factors: cholecystitis
family h/o gallstones
race: Native American, Northern European
rapid weight loss
use of OCP
biliary stasis (pregnancy, fasting, prolonged parenteral nutrition)
diseases/conditions: cirrhosis, ileal disease/resection, sickle cell, glucose intolerance
dietary tx for cholecystitis
limit fat (esp if obese)
fat soluble vit (Vit A, D, E, K) and bile salts (if bile flow obstructed)
NPO and NG tube (acute attack, reduce n/v)
U/S guided
used w/drug therapy to dissolve large gallstones
shock waves
mild sedation
assess for biliary colic after procedure
what is goldenseal contraindicated in?
pregnancy, nursing mothers
surgery for cholecystitis
lap choley
minimally invasive
quick hospital stay
r/f laparotomy (open choley)
gall bladder removed
t-tube placed
excess bile drained
purpose for t tube in choley
maintain patency of bile duct
promote passage of bile till edema decreases
bile collected in drainage back below op site
Nursing dx: cholecystitis
imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
risk for infection
what assessment finding indicates likely perforated ulcer?
numbness in legs
rigid, boardlike abdomen
rigid abdomen

p. 770
RN is performing colostomy irrigation. Pt c/o abd cramps. What is appropriate action?
notify MD
stop irrigation temporarily
increase height of irrigation
med for pain and continue irrigation
stop temporarily

p. 772
ileostomy client is instructed on essential care of stoma:
massage area below stoma
limit fluid intake to prevent diarrhea
eat high-fiber foods such as nuts
cleans peristomal skin meticulously
clean skin

p. 773
Pt has RN dx of body image, disturbed. What action by pt indicates progress toward identified goals?
looking at ostomy site
reading ostomy literature
watch RN empty bag
practice cutting ostomy appliance
practice cutting

p. 773
definition: PUD
an erosion/ulcer/break in mucosal layer of esophagus, stomach, small intestine
patho: PUD
ulcer develops d/t mucous gel and bicarb unable to protect against gastric juices
etiology: PUD
1) H.pylori bacteria: decrease efficiency of mucous gel, damages epithelial cells
2) NSAIDS-interrupt prostaglandin synthesis
3) increased gastric acid secretion
4) decreased secretion of adequate mucous protection
prostaglandins: PUD
type of hormone:
in GI system:
decrease gastric acid secretion
increase gastric mucous secretion
risk factors: PUD
family hx
excessive smoking/alcohol use
foods and beverages w/caffeine
H. Pylori infections
chronic gastritis
definition ulcer
break in GI mucosa
develops when mucosa cannot protect from damage from hydrochloric acid and pepsin
location: peptic ulcer
any area of GI tract exposed to acid-pepsin secretions
duodenal ulcers:
location,age, gender
most common
age 30-55
more males
gastric ulcers: location, age
2 major risk factors for PUD
use of NSAIDS
chronic H. Pylori infx

what risk factor doubles chance of PUD?
cigarette smoking
which type of peptic ulcer most common?
which type increase r/f gastric ca?
H. Pylori infection
-in 70% people with PUD
-spread fecal-oral/oral-fecal
-produces enzymes that reduce mucous gel's efficiency
-usually gastric, can affect duodenal