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115 Cards in this Set

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Average energy of a positron emitted during positron decay?
4/10 or 0.4 of the maximum energy.
1 WLM = ?
1 rem CEDE
Radiation exposure to miners is regulated by?
30 CFR
Maximum dose allowed to miners is?
4 WLM per year
A geiger counter has enough voltage to cause?
Secondary electrons with a long range avalanche
What type of decay "competes" with positron decay?
Electron capture
A gas-filled detector is collecting 100% of the ion pairs produced. It is said to be operating in what region?
Which laser wavelength is considered a retina hazard for safety purposes?
400 to 1400 nm
To achieve secular equilibrium, which of the following conditions must be met?
Parent half-life >>> Daughter half-life
What is the limit for external surface contamination on a DOT package?
22 dpm/cm^2
The threshold limit value (TLV) for exposure to radiation from a microwave oven is?
10 mW/cm^2
Tissue dose from thermal neutrons occurs principally as a result of?
(n, gamma) reactions with hydrogen
(n,p) reactions with nitrogen
What are the value(s) for gas amplification factors in ionization chambers?
Equal to 1
What is the clearance time for a particulate traveling through the trachea?
0.1 hour
What is the clearance time for a particulate traveling through the bronchi?
1.0 hour
What is the clearance time for a particulate traveling through the bronchioles?
4.0 hours
What is the clearance time for a particulate traveling through the alveoli?
10 to 1500+ days
In a semi-infinite cloud of gamma-emitting noble gasses, the gamma contribution to the absorbed dose rate can be estimated as?
D = 0.25EX

D = rads/sec or rem/sec
E = gamma energy (MeV) * yield
X = concentration (uCi/cc)
What are the 4 major types of cells in circulating blood?
Erythrocytes, Lymphocytes, Granulocytes, Platelets
What are the purpose of erythrocytes?
Oxygen transport to the cells
What are the purpose of lymphocytes?
Generate antibodies to fight infection
What are the purpose of granulocytes?
Fight infection by phagocytosis
What are the purpose of platelets?
Blood clotting agent and vessel integrity
How do you calculate RBE?
Dose of 250 kVp x-Rays
Dose of other radiation
What is the current value for LD50/60 in humans?
410 rem whole body with no medical intervention
At what exposure level does Gastrointestinal Syndrome start?
1000 rem
At what exposure level does Cerebrovascular Syndrome start?
5000 rem
What level of exposure produces temporary sterility?

Permanent sterility?
250 rem

500 rem
What are the 3 categories of somatic (late) effects of radiation?
Life shortening, leukemia, and other cancers.
What was the result of the BEIR V committee?
"Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation"
What is the protection factor (PF) for a full-face, negative-pressure, SCBA?

What is the protection factor (PF) for a full-face, pressure-demand (positive pressure), SCBA?
Negative Pressure - 50

Positive Pressure - 10,000
What is the protection factor (PF) for a full-face, demand (negative pressure during inhalation), air-line respirator?

What is the protection factor (PF) for a full-face, continuous-flow, air-line respirator?
Demand - 100

Continuous Flow - 1,000
What is the protection factor (PF) for a half-mask, demand (negative pressure during inhalation), air-line respirator?

What is the protection factor (PF) for a half-mask, continuous-flow, air-line respirator?
Demand - 10

Continuous Flow - 50
What is the protection factor (PF) for a half-mask, negative pressure, air-purifying respirator?

What is the protection factor (PF) for a full-face, negative pressure, air-purifying respirator?
Half Mask - 10

Full Face - 100
What is the protection factor (PF) for a supplied air hood respirator?
Protective actions for nuclear accidents are grouped into which three time phases?
Early, Intermediate, and Recovery
The electron volt is a unit of energy equal to what?
1.6E-19 Joules

1.6 x 10^-19 Joules
During the "early" phase of an accident, what effective dose equivalent should the limit be set at for emergency responders?
5 rem

50 mSv
How do you increase X-Ray counts in a scintillation crystal?
Thinning the crystal
Federal regulations governing licensing and radiation safety for industrial radiographic operations can be found where?
10 CFR 34
What agency approves the design of respiratory protection devices?
What is the quality factor for a thermal neutron?
What regulation covers quality factors?
10 CFR 20
What is the FWHM value for a Cs-137 photopeak on a NaI system?
50 keV
The "source" of the majority of radon in the environment is generally from which of the following decay series?
How does Cs-137 decay?
By emitting beta particles of two different energies.

0.51 MeV (95%)
1.17 MeV (5%)
One RAD is equal to what?
100 ergs/gram
What is the term used to describe a process in which a number of fragments are emitted from an excited nucleus?

It literally means to "break apart".
When must a yellow II label be applied to a shipment?
When surface radiation levels are greater than 50 mrem/hr or a TI greater than 1.0.
What is covered by 10 CFR 19?
Notices, Instructions, Reports to Workers
What is covered by 10 CFR 20?
Standards for Protection Against Radiation
What is covered by 10 CFR 30?
Licensing of By-Product Material
What is covered by 10 CFR 35?
Medical Use of By-Product Material
How many disintegrations are in 1 curie?
3.7E10 dps

3.7 x 10^10 dps
How do you convert roentgen to coulombs?
1 roentgen = 1 R = 2.58E-4 coul/kg

1 R = 2.58 x 10^-4 C/kg
What is absorbed dose defined as? What are its units?
1 rad = 100 ergs of deposited energy per gram of absorber

1 Gray = 1 J/kg
What is the difference between the 6CEN and the 0.5CEN rule?
6CEN - Results in exposure rate at 1 foot

0.5CEN - Results in exposure rate at 1 meter.
What is KERMA?
Kinetic Energy Released per unit MAss

Desribes energy deposition by charged particles released by indirectly ionizing radiations.
What is the standard that applies to the safe use of lasers?
Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) is used in calculation of the maximum permissible exposure. The PRF is normally specified in terms of what?
What is the FDA regulation for X-Ray tube leakage exposure?
100 mrem/hr at 1 meter
What are the 3 naturally occurring decay series (and the parents)?
Thorium (Th-232) (4n)
Uranium (U-238) (4n+2)
Actinium (U-235) (4n+3)
What is the thumbrule for individuals involved in a criticality accident?
0.1 mr/hr using GM prove on individuals exposed during criticality accident is 15 rad
What is the "specific effective energy" (SEE)?
The energy absorbed per unit mass of the organ per disintegration of the radionuclide.
Where can repiratory protection factors for airborne radioactive material be found?
10 CFR 20 Appendix A
Where can lists of derived air concentrations (DACs) and annual limits on intake (ALIs) be found?
10 CFR 20 Appendix B
Where can quantities of licensed materials that require labling be found?
10 CFR 20 Appendix C
Light greater than what wavelengths are absorbed in the cornea?
1400 nm
What is the transport index (TI)?
The dose equivalent at one meter from the package surface.
The "working level" (WL) as a unit of radon decay is equal to what?
1 liter of air with emission of 1.3E5 MeV alpha.
What is the range for alpha particles in air?
Ra[cm] = 0.56E for E<4 MeV

Ra[cm] = 1.24E - 2.62 for 4<E<8 MeV
What is the density of air at STP?
1.29E-3 g/cm^3

1.29 x 10^-3 g/cm^3
What is transient equilibrium?
P t1/2 > D t1/2
When will a parent and daughter never reach equilibrium?
P t1/2 < D t1/2
What is secular equilbirium?
P t1/2 >>> D t1/2
What government document speficies the noble gas concetration range for PWRs and BWRs?
Regulatory Guide 1.85
Radiation exposure may cause what 3 types of effects?
Tumor induction, fertility problems, and hereditary effects.
The largest respirable particle is considered to be how large?
10 microns
The respiratory tract is divided into what three compartments?
Tracheal/bronchial tree
The resonant frequency for the reference man is what?
70 MHz
Sample lines for plant vents should be designed to minimize sample line losses by?
Maximizing velocity and diameter
Minimizing distance
How much tritium is permitted to be disposed of in sanitary sewege?
5 Ci/yr
The "end window" on a GM probe performs what function?
It is the low Z material for alpha and beta detection.
What is the maximum permitable dose to the public from a decommissioned nuclear reactor?
0.25 mSv/yr
25 mrem/yr

per 40 CFR Part 190
Photon attenuation is the reduction in photon intensity by what 2 processes?
Scattering and absorption processes.
How many curies of K-40 does the reference man contain?
1E-7 Ci
1 x 10^-7 Ci
How is a positron created?
When a proton is converted into a neutron.
What is the Total Organ Dose Equivalent (TODE)?

What is the limit?
The sum of the deep dose equivalent and committed dose equivalent.

50 rem
What is the definition of a Very High Radiation Area (VHRA)?

Where is this regulation found?
500 rads in 1 hour at 1 meter from the radiation source.

10 CFR 20

*** Notice it is rads/hr not rem/hr. Concerned with non stochastic effects at this level.
Gamma rays get their energy from what?
Nuclear disintegrations
What should be used after mild soap and water is used to remove surface contamination.
Potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
When an ALI has been exceeded, when should the NRC be notified?
Within 24 hours if it is greater than 1 ALI but less than 5 ALIs.

Immediately if it is greater than 5 ALIs.
When calculating stay times, what is the factor used for full occupancy?
T = 1
When calculating stay times, what is the factor used for partial occupancy?
T = 1/4
When calculating stay times, what is the factor used for occassional occupancy?
T = 1/16
What Beta energy will penetrate the dead layer of skin?
70 keV
What does the DOT consider to be not radioactive?
0.002 uCi/gm
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the gonads?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the colon?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the lung?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the red bone marrow?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the stomach?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the bladder?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the breast?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the liver?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the esophagus?
What is the tissue weighting factor (according to ICRP 60) of the thyroid?
What is the BEIR V risk coefficient?
8 x 10^-4 / rem
What is the NUREG 8.29 risk coefficient?
4 x 10^-4 / rem

* Includes an occupational risk reduction factor.
What is the ICRP 26 risk coefficient?
1 X 10^-4 / rem
According to ICRP 23, what is the reference man's breathing rate?
2 x 10^4 mL/min

2E4 mL/min
How many liters are there per cubic foot?

How many milliliters are there per cubic foot?
28.3 L / ft^3

28,300 cc / ft^3
What is the ratio of polyethylene to human tissue?
0.14 gm / 0.1 gm
What is the average daily intake of water by the "reference man"?

Where is this value found?
2.2 L

How many curies of K-40 are there in the reference man?
100 nCi