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105 Cards in this Set

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Wage Concessions
Agreement to raise wages
Provides same positive answer to every question
Variable Expense/Cost
Changes of cost in business depending on the consumption of goods and services.
I.E> weather changes, electricity, material labor, utilities, hourly wages,
Fixed Expense/Cost
Expense that don't change based on production & sales. I.E salary, rent, insurance,etc
Cross Functional Group
Made up of specialist from different areas of company
Task Force
Unit/Group established to work on a singled defined task
Self-Directed Team
Group of EE working together in their own ways towards a common goal which THE TEAM DEFINES

Note: EE involvement & empowerment increases
Self-Managed Team
Criterion-Related Validity
Selection tool predicts important elements of work behaviour.
Knowledge + skills needed for Job
THeoretical trait I.E. creative art test
GIve EE test now and review 6 month later and review w/ current performance
Increase or decreased in test scores for EE math job performance
Multiple Cutoff Model
Applicants must achieve a min level of proficiency at each stage
Multiple Hurdle Model
Applicants w/ highest test score move on to next stage.
Ran Formula
Payment of trade unions dues is mandatory regardless of the workers union status
Surreptitious Union Certifications
Literature being left on EE cards in parking lot
Pattern Bargain
Attempt for a volunteer agreement
Master Contract
covers all unionized work sites in an industry
High scores makes up for low score in another area
Interest Arbitration
disagreement of terms of conditions that should be included in a CBA.
Final Offer Arbritration
Method of resolving CBA deadlocks where arbitrator must make a decision.
Rights Arbitration
arbitration over interpretation of the meaning of contract terms 0r employee work grievance
Strike, usually short term during the labour negotiations. Stike one or a few employers in an industry or a multi-employer association at a time
signs cards stating they wish to be represented by the union
Mandatory Ballot & Card-Check
2 ways which unions can certify in Canada
CBA Deadlocks
situation between the labour & management of the company where there is a failure in the CBA negotiations resulting in stalemate.
Surfacing Agreement
Going through the motions w/ no intentions
Agency dues
EE who don't join Union but pay equivalent union dues.
Octave Band Analyzer
Sound level meters that divide noise into frequency compounds
use to evaluate hearing loss
measures the exposure to something in the environment
Sound Pressure Level Meter
Measures level of sounds pressure generated by noise pollution
Control Budgets
calculation of standard variance
COMA Model
Assessing knowledge transfer, transfer of learning, participant motivation to learn & participant confidence in using new skills.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Determine if it is a sound investment
Needs Assessment
Zero Based budget
Every line of budget must be approved (No reference to previous years)
Variance vs past years (Jamil's Budget)
Makes allowance for any unforeseen changes or variances
Re-structure / Re-Evaluate / Re-Think
Battery Tests
Honesty & Integrety
learning outside of time constrainst
time based/ need to be their
Types of Captital
Human - Knowledge
Renewal - intellectual
Structural - hardware, software copy rights, pattents
Relationship - intangible value that an organization has through relationship w/ clients
Selection Ratio
Determines the proportion of applicants to be hired
Distributed Learning
training being spaced out overtime. Faster learning and longer retention.
Project Management
Primary goal organize project
Computer Based Training
often uses positive reinforcement to encourage learning
Vestibule Training
EE can learn to operate assemble equipment before going out on floor
Error of Central Tendency
All EE are rated average.
Leniency or Strictness Error
EE either get unusually high or low ratings
Recency Error
Focus on most recent behaviour rather than on the whole picture
Contrast Error
EE evaluation based either upward or downward b/c of comparison w/ another EE just recently evaluated
Similar-To-Me Error
Appraiser inflates the evaluation of an employee b/c of mutual personal connection
Halo Effect
Interview bias that allows one strong point to overshadow all other information
Strategic Relevence
Individuals standards directly relates to strategic goals.
Criterion Deficiency
standards captures ALL of an individual contributes
Criterion Contanmination
Performance capabilities NOT reduced by external factors
Reliability (Consistency)
Standards are quantifiable, measurable and stable
Utility Analysis
Measuring outcomes
Cost Analysis
Breaking down the cost of some operations
Needs Assessment
1) Organizational - environment, strategies, resources

2) Task Analysis - Content of training, duties in jobs

3) Person Analysis - who needs training
Pay Grades
Groups of Jobs within a particular class that are paid the same rate
Wage Curve
Curve in a scattergram representing the relationship between relative worth of job and wage rate
Competency-based or skill based pay system
Allows for prosecution of decision makers for criminal negligence regarding OH&S
Salary Compression
New EE makes more than current employees
9-Grid Box
Purpose - Succession Planning
Hot-Stove Rule
Consistent punishment / know why
Summative Evaluations
Is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of the program activities (summation). The focus is on the outcome.
Formative Evaluations
Is a method for judging the worth of a program while the program activities are in progress. This part of the evaluation focuses on the process.
Used at end of courses or tranining
Assessment Centers
Job simulation test / Role Playing / Behavioural
Workforce Reduction Options
- Reduce hours
- Eliminated Shifts
- Transfers
- Attrition --> Natural Departure
- hiring Freeze
Transfer of Training
Ability of learners to apply the skills learned on their job.
Programmed Instructions
Breaking down the course content into highly organized logical sequences that demand continuous response on the part of the trainee.
I.E. spot quizzes throughout training
Compressed Work Week
Gives you the benefit of an extra day off by allowing you to work your usual number of hours in fewer days per pay period. Work four 10-hour days each week and then enjoy a three day weekend, or work 80 hours in nine days with an extra day off every other week.
Positive stress that accompanies achievement and exhilaration
Good Will
the ability of the company to earn a larger profit from its recorded assets than would be normally expected.
Medical Testing
It is legal provided if it falls within the limits of statutes and the contract of the employee.
Job Ranking System
Jobs are arranged on he basis of their relative worth.
(Simplest and oldest)
Job Classification System
Jobs are classified and grouped according to a series of predetermined wage.
Hay Profile Method
Job evaluation using 3 factors - knowledge, mental activity, and accountability.
Used to evaluate executive and managerial positions.
Point System
Evaluation that determines relative value of a job by the total points assigned to it.
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Union largest public sector
The difference between budget and actual
AIDA - describes a common list of events that may occur when a consumer engages with an advertisement.
Attract - attract the attention of the customer
Interest - raise interest by showing advantages
Desire - convince customers the need for product
Action - lead customer to purchase
Managers/Supervisors not member of Union
Canada Labour Code

Common Law
Safety Governed by?
Employee Data Collection
easy to fill in forms that are filled in by people for purposes of recording information. The data will be transcribed into a computer. Transfer process is when most errors occur.
Relationship between 2 things/points
Metacognitive Strategies
Participants are taught how to self-regulate their learning by asking such questions as: Why is it important for me to learn this? What should I focus on to strengthen my weakness in this area?
On-The-Job Training
1) Poorly implemented training programs

2) Popular for management development
Programmed Instruction
Breaking down the course content into highly organized logical sequences that demand continuous responses on the part of the trainee.

Individuals can work on own pace.
The three fundamental worker rights that underlie most health and safety legislation

(No Right to Report to WSIB)
1) the right to refuse unsafe work

2) the right to participate

3)the right to know about hazards in the workplace
The different duties and responsibilities performed by an employee
Judgemental Composite
The most common method used by employers to make selection decisions.
Systemic Discrimination
A pattern of discrimination throughout a place of employment that is a result of pervasive, interrelated actions, policies or procedures
Adverse Discrimination
(FEELING) Learning from specific experiences and relating to people. Sensitive to other's feelings
(WATCHING) Observing before making a judgment by viewing the environment from different perspectives. Looks for the meaning of things.
(THINKING) Logical analysis of ideas and acting on intellectual understanding of a situation.
(DOING) Ability to get things done by influencing people and events through action. Includes risk-taking.