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125 Cards in this Set

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early warships which were crewed by trained fighting men and propelled by oars as well as sails were called


for many centuries after the fall of Rome in 476 AD Europe suffered in the turmoil of the dark ages while the Middle East North Africa and Eastern Mediterranean fell under the control of the


the capital of the Byzantine Empire was at


the longest period of peace in world history was known as the

Pax Romana

our alphabet is based on the alphabet of what ancient people


what famous War was fought to secure control of the Turkish straits in order to insure Greek control of the Aegean Black sea trade

the Trojan War

what city is known as the birthplace of democracy and government


the Punic Wars were between what two major powers

Rome and Carthage

King Philip the second sent his Spanish Armada against England in 1588 for which of the following reasons

to retain Spain's supremacy on the seas, to stop English privateers from raiding his ships, and to bring England back into the Catholic Church

the first to seek new sea routes to the Indies and the Orient were the


with the Treaty of Paris in 1763 the war in the North America between France and England ended. who control the world see at that time?


national wealth was measured by the amount of treasure in the Royal vaults. the total wealth of the world was limited. to become richer and more powerful a nation had to make some other nation poorer through capture of its trade in colonies. this was

mercantile theory

in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 Christian forces defeated the

Ottoman Turks

the ability of a nation to defend their own sea communications and to deny the enemy the use of the sea to carry on a war is called

sea power

which of the following were English Sea Dogs

Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, and Martin Frobisher

the second group to master the sea were the


what group of Europeans became the leaders of Western culture after the Greeks


what Italian states became a great commercial and naval power during the Crusades


the age of discovery was referred to as being a new age of

Sea power

the first people known to use sea power were the sailors and traders of ancient


the American Revolution began at

Lexington and Concord Massachusetts

the continental Navy did not affect the outcome of the war with England. true or false?


in a battle with British ships John Paul Jones uttered the famous words I have not yet begun to fight. true or false?


When France formally joined the war in 1778 England had to change her war strategy. true or false?


the end of fighting in the colonies was marked by the British lost at


the peace treaty ending the Revolutionary War was signed in


the Continental Congress was reluctant to establish a Navy because they thought that coastal Calvary forces of the various colonies would suffice and any continental Navy warships would be overwhelmed at sea. true or false?


although general Arnold lost all of his ships in the Battle of Lake Champlain it is considered a victory because it

Slowed the British advanced enough to allow the Americans time to regroup and train troops

the Declaration of Independence was signed July 4th...


captain Richard Pearson commanded the British shop Sarapis and its famous battle with John Paul Jones on the Bonhomme Richard. true or false?


the Peace of Paris in 1783 gave the Americans a territory that extended west

to the Mississippi River

when General Clinton return to New York, he left General Cornwallis in command of British forces in the south. True or false?


the battle off the Virginia capes, when Admiral de Grasse drove the British fleet back to New York, made victory at the Battle of Yorktown possible. True or false?


who was the first commander of the Continental navy?

Esek Hopkins

who was in charge of the American troops at the Battle of Lake Champlain in 1776

Benedict Arnold

instead of meeting General Burgoyne in Albany 1777 general Howe made an ill-advised decision to capture which city


England imposed a tax on the American colonies in order to

raise money to pay its debts from the war with France

general Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga, New York, in October 1777, after marching his troops European style through an open field. True or false?


who led Maine backwoodsmen in the first American capture of a British ship

Jeremiah O'Brien

when did Congress finance the start of the colonial Navy

October 13th 1775

when did Congress authorize the beginning of the Marine Corps

November 10th 1775

what was the name of the US ship commodore preble sent to recapture or destroy the USS Philadelphia?


President Jefferson did not favor building large seagoing ships because

he believed the Navy should only protect the American coastline

what us ship fought in the two most famous Quasi War battles with France

USS Constellation

given in to demands for tribute and ransom usually

leads to more demands

the name of the last ship left in the Navy after the Revolutionary War was the USS


the Barbary States economy was based on

piracy and tribute payments

the Navy act of 1794 authorize the construction of 6 frigates, however, only three were built. True or false?


in 1804, Commodore Preble tried to convince the Pasha of Tripoli to

release the US crewmen

when the Pasha of Tripoli refused to cooperate in the release of us crewmen, Commodore preble decided to

use force

why didn't the United States build any new ships after the Revolutionary War

there were no funds for maintaining or building ships

all of the below are a result of the British government's Orders in Council except

Britain was prohibited to trade in the West Indies

the newly signed Constitution authorized the United States Congress to

provide and maintain a Navy

after the Revolutionary War ended in 1783, what was one of the first acts of the new American government?

to tax in coming foreign shipping

after the Revolutionary War, the citizens of the United States that lived inland

didn't want to be taxed for a coastline Navy

when Congress passed the Navy act in 1794, the bill stated that naval ship building would stop if

the United States made peace with the Algiers

the first secretary of the Navy was

Benjamin Stoddert

when the US did not meet the tribute demands of the Pasha of Tripoli he

declared war on the US

in 1802, President Jefferson sent a squadron of ships to the Mediterranean Sea to

protect American trade

in 1803, when Commodore preble assembled his forces in the Moroccan port of Tangier, the Emperor of Morocco was impressed by preble because of his

display of strength

in 1803, Commodore preble sent the USS Philadelphia to blockade the port of Tripoli. What happened to his ship?

it ran aground and was captured

who was the youngest man to reach the rank of captain in the short history of the US Navy?

Stephan Decatur

the main reason Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory was to

finances war in Europe

where did England defeat France to become the ruler of the Atlantic Ocean in 1805


kidnapping men and forcing them into military service is defined as


what tactics did the English Navy use to get sailors to serve on their vessels in the early 1800s

they began seizing seamen off US ships, claiming they were deserters from the Royal Navy

between 1808 and 1811, over 6000 American citizens were forced into the Royal Navy. True or false?


which Navy vessel did the British take four crewmen from in 1807

USS Chesapeake

as a result of the Chesapeake affair, Jefferson had Congress try to stop the drift toward war by

stopping all exports of needed raw materials and food to Britain and France

when James Madison became president in 1809 he

urged Congress to pass a bill declaring an import embargo against harassing nation

who cried out the immortal words "don't give up the ship!" After being moratally wounded in battle during the War of 1812?

Captain James Lawrence, Chesapeake vs Shanno

as the result of Jefferson's embargo on raw materials and food to Europe,

American shipping interests in New England suffered economic disaster, farmers in the south and west suffered due to a lack of markets for their products, and smuggling became widespread, draining tax income from the federal government

which of the following American warships of the war of 1812 was given the last thing nickname "Old Ironsides" because of the way her heavy oaken hull deflected British cannon balls

USS Constitution

the naval battle that kept the Great Lakes and North West Territory for America was fought and won on September 10 1813 by

Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie

with Napoleon defeated in Europe, Britain was able to send more troops and ships to American waters in 1814. At this time they made damaging amphibious assaults in the Chesapeake Bay Area on

Washington DC and Baltimore, Maryland

on September 18 14 and night long British naval bombardment of Fort McHenry guarding Baltimore

inspired Francis Scott Key to write the star-spangled banner

what action did France take in response to President Madison's action asking Congress to declare an embargo against harassing nations

lifted all decrees against American vessels

what famous battle took place after the treaty ending the war of 1812 had been signed in Europe on Christmas Eve 1814

the Battle of New Orleans

what was the name of the treaty that ended the war of 1812

the Treaty of Ghent

the chief task of the US Navy between 1815 in 1860 was

protecting America's growing overseas commerce

after the Civil War, the US whaling industry stopped being of much importance in the US mainly because of the

discovery of oil and natural gas in Pennsylvania

which of the following statements is incorrect concerning naval and maritime matters after the Algerian war of 1815-1816

the Navy ceased all operations in the Mediterranean Sea and returned to home waters

US Naval Operations in the Western Hemisphere between 18 22 and 1826 we're concerned mainly with

wiping out piracy in the Caribbean West Indies area

in his great adventure story, Moby Dick, Herman Melville wrote about the great New England industry of

whaling, for lighting oil, whalebone, and other products

since colonial days, the most important commercial fish species for Massachusetts fisherman has been the


the first regular, schedule ship service for passengers, mail, and freight between New York and new England was provided by the

packet ships

the profitable trade carry on during the 18th to mid 19th centuries among New England, West Africa, and the West Indies was called the

triangular trade

the principal cargoes carried, in order, on the New England-West Africa-West Indies circuit were

manufactured goods, lumber and salt fish, and raw materials

although the United States Congress outlawed American vessels from taking part in the slave trade as early as 1808, and defined this trade as piracy as late as 1820, anti-slave laws were seldom enforced because

smuggling of slaves into the South was carried on by pirates with little local or federal hinderance, political pressures were exerted in Congress by southern planters in New England slavers both of whom profited from the trade, and there was no cooperation between the United States and British governments Navy's on anti slavery Patrol procedures

the basic reason that the United States and Mexico went to war in 1846 was that

Texas had been admitted to the Union before the Rio Grande had been established as the state's southern border

the beginning phase of the marine hymn, " from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli" refers to USMC actions, respectively, in the

Mexican War and the war with the Barbary states 1801 to 1805

the largest amphibious landing carried out by the US forces during the Mexican War took place at

Veracruz under the command of General Winfeld Scott

the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago

ended the Mexican War in February 1848, recognized US annexation of the New Mexico-Arizona Territory and California, and set the Rio Grande as the US-Mexican border

realization of the American manifest destiny in 1848 meant that

the dream of a country stretching from coast to coast had come true, the American people would have to assume great new responsibilities for a great new territory, as well as reap benefits from it, and a Pacific naval fleet would be required to defend the west coast and protect US shipping on the Oriental trade routes

the most beautiful and fastest sailing ship ever to cross the sea were the

square rigged clippers

during the peak years, most clipper ships were used as

passenger - cargo ships from the east coast to California during the gold rush

the fast decline of the clipper ships after 1855 was caused by

completion of a railroad across the Isthmus of Panama, increased use of steam ships for transoceanic commerce, and the opening of the transcontinental stagecoach line from St Louis to San Francisco

after the Navy succeeded in reopening the China trade in 1842, the next objective of American maritime and naval interest was to

open the trade door to Japan

when the war of 1812 began, the Royal Navy significantly outnumber the US Navy in men of war and ships of the line. True or false?


the CSS Alabama was built in a British port for a Confederate agents without the British government's approval. What was its purpose?

to disrupt the unions commercial shipping

the forces that were protecting Charleston during the Civil War used to kind of war vessel made from old gunboats cut close to the water line and covered with iron plating. They were armed with a charge of gunpowder attached to the end of a long spar that protruded from the bow. they were called


why did President Jefferson Davis use privateers during the Civil War

to destroy the unions blockade, to capture union commercial goods, and to weaken the unions economic strength

the last ships of the Confederate Navy were destroyed and the last major southern port was closed by Admiral Farragut in August 1864 in the violent naval battle of

Mobile Bay (Alabama)

on March 25th 1865 General Robert E Lee launched his final attack on General Ulysses S Grant troops. Although Lee had suffered fewer losses, he surrendered a few weeks later because of a lack of

men, food, and military supplies

what was the most pressing economic problem faced by the U United States after the Civil War

providing funds to rebuild the nation

what was the major political difference that cause southern states to break away from the Union in 1860

new states were not being admitted into the union as slave states

Admiral Farragut was an outstanding naval commander. What Navy did he serve with during the Civil War

Union Navy

the Union Navy established naval blockades from

Virginia to Texas

Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, figured that the unions blockades with anger at least two major foreign nations that were buying goods from the Confederate states. What were the names of these two major nations?

England and France

in the first battle of Bull Run on July 21st 1861, 50,000 troops of both armies fought in Northern Virginia not far from Washington DC. which army won that battle?

Confederate Army

England and France felt that Trade during the Civil War was far more important with the

United States

in 1862, the Union forces developed River gunboats which were the first ironclad vessels in the United States. in what River Valley did these vessels see their first action

Tennessee and Mississippi river valleys

who commanded the New River Boat squadron that demolished Fort Henry in February 1862

Commodore Andrew Foote

Fort Jackson and Fort st. Philip were established by the Confederates on the Mississippi River to protect the South's largest and most important port city. What was the name of that city?

New Orleans

Admiral Farragut union sleep moved up the Mississippi River in April 1862, taking heavy fire from Fort Jackson and Fort st. Philip. as he moved through the midst of the Confederate defensive fleet, his actions caused what city on the river to surrender?

New Orleans

before the Union forces left Norfolk, Virginia, early in the war, they were ordered to destroy many of their own vessels to keep them from being captured and use later by the Confederates. One of the vessels that was sunk was raised by the Confederacy was the

CSS Virginia

the Confederates had designed the CSS Virginia with one purpose in mind. What was the purpose?

to break the union's blockade

the CSS Virginia and the USS monitore fought in one of the greatest naval battles of the Civil War. Their battle open to new book on naval tactics. what made both vessels so unusual during this time?

swivel guns, iron armor plating, and turret fired guns

the Battle of Hampton Roads was a major

naval battle

who was the general in charge of the Confederate land forces

General Robert E Lee

what's general defeated the Union forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville and also moved north through the Shenandoah Valley and invaded southern Pennsylvania

General Lee

the Emancipation Proclamation made a significant difference in European attitudes toward the Civil War. Although it did not stop slavery, it was so great psychological move. Who gave the Emancipation Proclamation speech?

President Abraham Lincoln

the Emancipation Proclamation of September 22nd 1862, free all slaves in the Confederate States as of January 1st 1863. in 1865 Congress added an amendment to the Constitution which ended slavery in the United States. What was that amendment?


during the Civil War, Charleston was not as important as a seaport city as it is today. What state is Charleston located

South Carolina

the CSS Hunley was a submersible vessel that was designed to pull a torpedo into the side of an enemy ship. Who developed this vessel?

the Confederate forces