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62 Cards in this Set

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1. Eon
Longest unit of time that is measured in billions of years
2. Era
Next longest unit of time measured in millions to billions of years
3. Period
Unit of time defined by fossils found within specific rock layers
4. Epoch
Smallest division of time usually several million years
5. Fossil
Preserved remains or traces of living organisms
6. Relative Dating
uses geological principles to place events in chronological order
7. Principle of Superposition
Older beds lie under younger beds in any undisturbed geological sequence
8. Principle of Horizontality
Rock beds were originally deposited horizontally
9. Principle of Crosscutting
An intrusion is younger than the rock it cuts across
10. Principle of Uniformitarianism
The present is the key to the past
11. Absolute Dating
The actual age of a geological object
12. Radiometric Dating
Process by which scientists determine the ratio of parent to daughter nuclei within
13. Daughter Element
The new element formed after nuclear emission/decay
14. Half-life
The amount of decay over a period of time of a radioactive substance
15. Radioactive Decay
An unstable element breaking down to a stable element
example: uranium to lead
16. Vernal equinox
All areas on Earth receive equal light
17. Summer solstice (northern hemi)
Sun’s direct rays hit the Tropic of Cancer
18. Autumnal equinox
All areas on Earth receive equal light
19. Winter solstice (northern hemi)
Sun’s direct rays hit the Tropic of Capricorn
20. Energy
The ability to do work or transfer heat
21. Work
Work is done on an object when the object is forced to move. Work equals force times distance
22. Potential Energy
Stored energy or energy at rest, Type of energy
23. Kinetic Energy
Energy in motion, Type of energy
24. Heat
The total energy of the particles in an object
25. Radiant
The energy associated with waves of light
26. Mechanical
The energy associated with the motion or position of an object
27. Chemical
The potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
28. Electrical
The energy associated with moving electric charges
29. Nuclear
The potential energy associated with the nucleus of an atom
30. First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only change form
31. Second Law of Thermodynamics
When energy is changed from one form to another, some energy is always lost as heat. 100% of energy cannot be converted into useful work
32. Entropy
law of disorder
33. Power
Work performed in a certain period of time
34. Turbine
A device that uses mechanical energy to turn a generator
35. Generator
Converts mechanical energy to electrical energy (parts: magnet and coil of wire)
36. Photovoltaic Cell
converts sunlight (solar) energy into electrical energy without a generator
37. Renewable
Resources that can be replenished rapidly (hours to decades)
38. Nonrenewable
Resources that would take millions to billions of years to replenish
39. Static electricity
build up of electrons on the surface of an object
40. Current electricity
flow of electrons
41. Volt
a which measures the force to push electrons through a circuit
42. Ampere
measures the amount of electrons that flow through the wire in one second
43. Watt
measure of the electric power used by an appliance
44. Kilowatt
1000 watts
45. Kilowatt Hour
equals the number of kilowatts in one hour; the measurement used by electric companies for homes and businesses
46. Megawatt
one million watts
47. Gigawatt
one billion watts
48. Quad
equals quadrillion BTU
49. BTU
British Thermal Unit (amount of heat that will raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit)
50. Conductor
allows electrons to flow through it
51. Insulator
does not allow electrons to flow through it
52. Global Warming
Increase in the Earth’s average temperature
53. Global Climate Change
Change in average weather conditions in a region over a long period of time
54. Greenhouse gases
Gases that absorb sun’s energy and emit energy in our atmosphere (examples: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor)
55. System
A set of parts that interact/work with each other
56. Lithosphere
The Earth’s solid surface to include continental and oceanic crust and the upper mantle (Earth’s interior)
57. Hydrosphere
Includes all of the water (solid, gas & liquid) on the Earth
58. Atmosphere
The gaseous layer that surrounds the Earth, protects us from UV
59. Biosphere
All life on Earth to include plants, animals and man
60. Anthrosphere
Human construction (everything we build)
61. Magnetosphere
The magnetic field of the Earth which protects us from most of the solar wind particles
62. Global Dimming
Less sunlight reaching the Earth due to particulate air pollution