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101 Cards in this Set

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The EKG records the...

Electrical activity of the heart

Electrodes are also referred to as:


Which of the following instruments measure blood pressure?


Hypotension is defined as:

Systolic pressure below 90 and diastolic pressure below 60 mmHg

Tissue swelling due to accumulation of interstitial fluids is called:


Which of the following supplies blood to the heart muscle?

Coronary arteries

Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium via the:

Superior and inferior vena cavae

A murmur is an abnormal sound that may indicate:

Structural heart disease

The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute is called:

Cardiac output

The stylus marks the EKG paper by:


Narrowing of the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle is called:

Mitral stenosis

The proper electrode placement for Holter monitoring is:

Anterior trunk of the body

Blood flow from the heart to the lungs is via the:

Pulmonary arteries

What is the correct order of the chain of infection?

Source, means of transmission, suspecting host

The descending aorta carries oxygenated blood to the:

Systemic circulation

The S wave is characterized as:

The first negative wave after R

The Q wave, if present, is always:


Ventricular repolarization results in which of the following events?


The PR interval is measured from:

The beginning of the P wave to the end of the PR segment

The ability of cardiac pacemaker cells to spontaneously generate their own electrical impulses without external stimulation is known as:


The first electrical impulses that is recorded on the EKG paper during a normal cardiac cycle is the:

P wave

A female patient complains about the EKG procedure and states "it's against my religion to be disrobed in front of a male technician." The appropriate response from the male EKG technician is to:

Get a female EKG technician to perform the test

Which of the following tests requires an informed consent signed by the patient?

Exercise cardiac stress test

EKG strips must include the following info:

Patients name and identification number

Which of the following would be a reason that a physician request exercise electrocardiography?

Previous symptoms of angina (chest pain)

Several wave forms


Movement about from the baseline


A wave form and segment


A line between wave forms


The 12 lead EKG is produced by application of the following to the patient:

10 electrodes (6 chest 4 arms/legs)

An electrical event that is expected to result in contraction is called:

Depolarization (discharge)

The right ventricle pumps blood into the lungs through which valve?


Which area of the circulation would you find mixed blood (oxygenated and deoxygenated)?


Which layer of the heart is responsible for contraction and relaxtion?


If the patient asks, "How did the ECG come out?" The ECG technician's response must be:

"The doctor will give you the results"

The normal running speed of the EKG paper is:

25 mm/sec

The normal sensitivity level for running EKG's is:


A normal standardization mark should measure:

10 mm

This ensures a check of the internal calibration of the EKG machine:


The small squares horizontally on the EKG paper equal:

.04 sec

The vertical axis of the EKG paper measures:


The P wave

Atrial depolarization

The PR segment

Delay at the atrioventricular (AV) node

The QRS complex

Ventricular depolarization

The ST segment

Pause between ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization

The T wave

Ventricular repolarization

A normal PR interval should measure:

.12 - .20 seconds

A normal QRS complex measures:

< .12 seconds

One method to calculate heart rate from an EKG strips is to:

Count the small boxes between the R-R interval and divide into 1500

Which of the following will not interfere with an EKG tracing:

Patient falls asleep

A normal sinus rhythm can have all the following features except:

PR interval of .24 seconds

Which of the following will often produce an irregular rhythm?

Sinus dysrythmia

The primary pacemaker for the healthy heart is the:

SA node

The inherent rate of the A-V junction is:

40-60 pulses per minute

5th intercostal space midclavicular line, left side


Midpoint between V2 and V4


4th intercostal space, right side of sternum


5th intercostal space, midaxillary line, left side


The correct lead from the center of the heart to the positive pole of the left leg:


The correct lead from the right arm to the left leg is:


The correct lead from the right arm to the left arm is:


The correct lead from the center of the heart to the positive pole of the right arm:


The correct lead from the left arm to the left leg is:


A small wave that appears after a T wave that is occasionally seen is called the:

U wave

Myocardial infarction (blocking of blood supply) is the medical name for:

A heart attack

The medical term for fainting is:


The protective sac that covers the heart is called:


Another name for the bicuspid valve is the:

Mitral valve

A pounding or racing of the heart, such that the patient is aware of his/her heartbeat is called a:


Which limb sensor is the reference or ground electrode:

Right leg

Which of the following is not an EKG technician's responsibility during exercise electrocardiography?

Administration of drugs

Which of the following leads to a wandering on an EKG tracing?

Tension or pulling an electrode lead wire

How many electrodes are attached to the patient for Holter Monitoring? (24 hrs "pack")

5 electrodes

What sinus rhythm has a rate of more than 100 beats per minute?

Sinus tachycardia

Which of the following changes take place during respiration?

The R-R intervals shorten with inspiration

What is true about P waves?

There is always a P wave before every QRS complex

The heart rate for this patient is approx:

75 bpm

The rhythm for this patient is:

Normal sinus rhythm

What is the duration of the PR interval?

.2 seconds

This tracing is an example of:

Ventricular tachycardia

The heart rate for this patient is approximately:

270 bpm

This tracing is an example of:

Atrial fibrillation

Which of the following would not be a cause or a reason to stop the exercise electrocardiography?

Patient's heart rate is considered normal

The R-R interval on an EKG tracing is 5 large squares, the heart rate for this patient is:

60 bpm

The left atrium:

Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins

Which of the four heart chambers had the thickest myocardium?

Left ventricle

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs at the level of the:


The apex of the heart:

Points downward and to the left

In CPR what is the correct ratio of breaths to compressions?

2 breaths to 30 compressions

What is the key concepts of HIPAA?


According to the new CDC guidelines, Standard Precautions prevent the spread of infections from all of the following, except:

Non-intact skin

Who assigned the letters associated with the formation of the PQRS waves?



Superior vena cavae


97. Left ventricle

98. Right ventricle

99. Tricuspid valve

100. Right atrium


Pulmonary artery


Left atrium


Aortic valve


Left ventricle


Right ventricle


Tricuspid valve


Right atrium