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41 Cards in this Set

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How do you calculate heart rate?

What is considered high blood pressure?

208-(.7 x age)

150/100 must have physician approval

Training principle of flexibility? And name type of stretching.

active stretching at the beginning of a routine .

Static stretching at the end of a routine.

30 sec holds gradually increasing ROM

4 main training principals are ..?


Specificity training

Ceiling effect

Progressive adaptation

What are 2 types of muscular strength ?

And describe each

Static and dynamic.

Static is holding a weight in place.

Dynamic is a weight that can be moved

How is muscular strength increased?

By isometric exercises (static)

Or low rep isotonic

Fitness assessment for muscular strength

4-6 rep range to concentric failure. For overall upper body use 1 rep max bench press.

Fitness assessment for body composition.


Body pod

Bio electrical impedance

Skin fold caliper

Equation to calculate fat weight

Body weight x BF%= fat weight

Training principals for core stability

Free weights and Challenged movements to promote balance and stability. Dynamic and Isometric exercises must be in every routine.

Training principals of muscular endurance. Definition?

This is the ability to perform a contraction repeatedly. Pushing, pulling, squatting.

This assessment effects as much muscle as possible.

What is RMR? And how do you calculate it ? for men and woman

resting metabolic rate.

men= (10 X weight) + (6.25 X height) -(5 X age) +5

woman=(10 X weight) + (6.25 X height) - (5 X age) - 161

Fitness assessment for muscular endurance

Upper lower core

Upper = push-up test (shoulder/triceps) chin-ups (biceps/shoulders)

Lower = squats

Core = dead bug, planks

Training principals of cardio-respiratory conditioning. Definition?

This is the prolonged ability of heart and lungs to supply muscles w oxygen.

1. Type

2. Intensity 60-70%

3. Duration

4. Frequency 3-5 generally recommend

5. Rate of progression 6-8 weeks then change

Fitness assessment for cardiovascular endurance

LOW - doesn't require physician

MODERATE- doesn't require physician

HIGH- requires physician approval.

CVD risk profile

What is the structure and type of the skeletal muscle cell fiber ?

Type = Skeletal.

Skeletal muscles are

1. striated.

2. Arranged in parallel MBF groups

3. Attach muscle to bone

4. Voluntary

5. Nervous system

What are the 3 types of muscle cell fibers?




What is the structure and type of the "smooth" muscle cell fiber?

1. Are smooth not striated.

2. Involuntary

3. Not arranged in any regular MBF

4. ANS

5. Arteries and veins

What is the structure and type of cardiac muscle cell fiber?

1. Involuntary

2 Found in heart and cardiac ends of main blood vessels

3. Squeezes heart wall inward

4. CNS

5. Striated

Initial consultation questions

1. Major risk factor ID

2. Medical history

3. Current Medications

4. Physician contraindications

5. Chronic illness or Bio Mechanical impairments

6. CVD Risk profile

7. Waivers and other professional documents

Explain metabolic oxidation

The chemical energy being maintained for ATP synthesis

Name and explain the 11 bodily systems

1. muscular

2. skeletal

3. circulatory

4. respiratory

5. nervous

6. digestive

7. immune

8. endocrine

9. integumentary

10. reproductive

11. urinary

What is mitochondria ?

The powerhouse of the cell. Organelles that takes in & breaks down nutrients needed for ADLs.

What is lactic acid?

unused accumulated fuel that builds up b/c of anaerobic glycolysis

Explain aerobic energy

how many times a week and duration ?

what does it trigger?

intensity for beginner/advanced?

3-5 times a week, 20-30 min duration

60-70% for beginner 70-85% advanced

Oxygen dependent produced by mitochondria.

Triggers cannibalism of amino acids, blood protein, organ tissue and muscle tissue.

Describe Red Slow Twitch fibers ?

Type I

slow oxidative

more mitochondria

fatigue resistant

low impact/ long duration

20-25 rep range

marathon runner

Describe White Fast Twitch fibers?

Type 2B

fast glycolytic

less mitochondria

fatigues quickly

high impact/ short duration

sprints, lunges

4-6 rep range

Name the 4 stages of digestion

Ingestion - mouth

Digestion - stomach

Absorption - small intestine

Utilization - throughout body

What would you use to help in assessing risk. Screening and risk factor determination.

CVD risk profile- major risk factor id

ParQ questionaire

medical health questions

medical status questions

current meds

physician contraindications

chronic illness or bio-mechanical repair

What is ATP?

The basic energy currency required for muscle contraction

Aerobic activity requires what for energy.


Equation for Total Caloric expenditure.

Name types of metabolism.

RMR+activity expenditure +Thermic effect of food= Total Caloric Expenditure

Ectomorph -fast metabolism

Mesomorph- normal

Endomorph - slow

Explain anaerobic glycolysis

Produce ATP in the absence of oxygen.

Short duration:high intensity


Anaerobic activity


Uses energy systems to produce ATP in the absence of oxygen.

Short duration/ high intensity

5 components to a physiological assessment


Muscular strength

Muscular endurance


Body comp

Performance and non performance variables

Performance: Cardiorespiratory

Muscular endurance

Muscular strength





Non performance:

Body comp



Skin fold caliper

Periodic re evaluation

Major risk factor ID

General client info

Minor injury treatment












Social health

Physical health

Intellectual health

Cognitive health

Emotional health

Spiritual health

Social Health

Face To face interaction w family friends and community

Physical health (components)

5 components

Cardio respiratory, Muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility

What is the assessment to each of the 5 components?

1. Cardiorespiratory: VO2max

2. Muscular endurance: upper/lower/core

3. Muscular strength: 1 rep max

4. Flexibility: sit/reach, back scratch, squat

5. Body comp: skin fold caliper