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157 Cards in this Set

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Brain & Spinal Cord
spinal & cranial nerves transmit info to & from CNS
Autonomic NS
regulates visceral function
has components of CNS and PNS
Brain ridge
Brain rooves
three membranes surrounding the brain
dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater
3 segments of the brain
cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem
Locations of the 4 ventricles
2 lateral ventricles in each hemisphere
third between two thalami
fourth between brainstem & cerebellum
Arteries that carry blood to the brain that meet in the Circle of Willis
2 carotid arteries, 2 vertebral arteries
How deoxygenated blood is carried back to the heart and lungs
Venous sinuses return deoxygenated blood to the internal jugular veins in the neck
The difference between neurons and glial cells
glia support neurons
Number of neurons in the brain
100 billion
Number of synapses for each neuron
The difference between gray matter vs. white matter
(1) White matter myelinated axons, enables connectivity between brain areas
(2) Gray matter cell bodies and synapses
why white matter is white
Function of neurons
bring sensory information from periphery, send motor signals from brain
houses nucleus & organelles
short processes, receive input
long process, sends output
Summary of how information is transmitted between neurons
Influx of sodium ions reverses polarity of axonal membrane, sends electrical action potential
At synapse (chemical) neurotransmitter, diffuses across synaptic cleft, binds to receptor, either depolarizes (excitatory stimulus) or hyperpolarizes (inhibitory stimulus)
Location and function of astrocytes
star shaped
Location: both gray & white matter
Function: support neurons, metabolic regulation of the microenvironment, respond to brain injury
Myelinating cells: location and function
Oligodendrocytes: mainly in white matter, CNS
Schwann cells: PNS

Function: speed up action potential
Function of microglia
go to damaged areas, dispose of pathogens & debris
Locations and functions of epyndemal cells
Location: line ventricular system, choroid plexus
Function: form a secretory epithelium that produces CSF
Blood Supply - Consequences and timeline of events after interruption of oxygenation
neurologic symptoms within seconds, irreversible neuronal damage and ultimately death within minutes
The four great vessels of the neck: where they originate and terminate
Originate from subclavian artery
Terminate circle of Willis

(1) Right common carotid: originates from subclavian artery, bifurcates into external branch that supplies extracranial structures and an internal carotid artery (ICA) that irrigates brain.
(2) Left common carotid: originates from ascending aorta, bifurcates
(3) Left vertebral artery combines with the R vertebral artery and forms: basilar artery
R and L Posterior cerebral arteries: where the originate, what they supply
Originate near intersection of posterior communicating artery & basilar artery.
Supply posterior cerebral regions
R and L Middle cerebral arteries: where the originate, what they supply
originates from internal carotid
Supply lateral aspect of cerebrum, anterior temporal lobes & insular cortices.
R and L Anterior cerebral arteries: where the originate, what they supply
arise from the internal carotid arteries
Supply the anterior regions of the cerebrum, medial frontal lobe & superior medial parietal
Anterior and Posterior Communicating arteries: what they connect
(a) ACoA: joins two ACAs
(b) PCoA: connect the PCAs with the ICAs
Functions of CSF
provide buoyancy that prevents brain from touching skull and regulate chemical environment of brain neurons
Location and function of the Foramen of Monro
opening in each lateral ventricle, how communicate with third ventricle
Location and function of the Cerebral Aqueduct
midbrain, connects fourth and third ventricle
Location and function of the Cisterna Magna
subarachnoid space where fourth ventricle empties
CSF capacity and rate of production
140 mL, 450 mL per day
enlargement of ventricular system from an excess of CSF
olfactory, roof of nasal cavity through cribriform plate, terminates in olfactory bulb
CN 2
optic, optic disc, visual info to LG nucleus, sent to contralateral visual field
CN 3
Oculomotor, brainstem origin, movement of eye, pupillary light reflect
CN 4
trochlear, brain stem, depresses eye and rotates inward.
CN 5
trigeminal, motor and sensory, sensory nerve of face, three divisions: opthalamic, maxillary, and mandibular, join in the trigeminal ganglion outside brain stem and enter pons as a single nerve. Controls chewing muscles
a. Eyes (opthalamic): innervates orbit, nose, forehead, scalp
b. Maxillary: innervates skin over cheek, upper portion of oral cavity
c. Mandibular: innervates skin over jaw, area above ear, lower part of oral cavity
CN 6
abducens, brain stem, contracts lateral rectus muscle, moves globe laterally
CN 7
facial, muscles of face, ear, neck, eyelids, and facial expression, taste from front of tongue, facial nucleus in pons & innervates ipsilateral muscles of face. Taste via chorda tympani to solitary tract in pons & medulla
CN 8
vestibular and cochlear division, balance and hearing, use mechanoreceptor in inner ear. Send info to pons. Vestibular goes to brain stem and cerebellum, cochlear goes to medial geniculate nucleus to primary auditory cortex
CN 9
glossopharyngeal, muscles of pharynx, tongue, nasopharynx, middle and outer ear, taste from back of tongue. Motor, sensory, and autonomic functions of face.
CN 10
vagus, parasympathetic input to thoracic and abdominal regions, larynx, pharynx, outer ear
CN 11
accessory, purely motor. Extension of spinal cord, neck and upper shoulders, helps us move our head. Lower medulla/ upper spinal cord
CN 12
hypoglossal, motor, move tongue, arises from medulla
Three components of brain stem
midbrain, pons, medulla
The 10 cranial nerves that terminate in the brain stem that are tested in a neurological exam to localize pathology
Four major brain stem tracts
Corticospinal tract
Corticobulbar tract
Medial Lemniscus
Spinothalamic tract
Corticospinal tract: location and function
begins in precentral gyrus of frontal lobe, descends to the spinal cord, input to motor neurons that directly innervate voluntary muscles. Ventral portion of midbrain, pons, & medulla, decussates at medulla
Corticobulbar tract: function
similar origin/role as corticospial tract, terminates on various brain stem motor nuclei.
Medial Lemniscus: location and function
sensory, continuation of dorsal column system, information regarding vibratory and position sensation to contralateral ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus & then to somatosensory cortex of parietal lobe
Spinothalamic Tract: location and function
sensory, transmits pain and temperature sensation from the periphery to contralateral VPL thalamic nucleus and then the parietal lobe
Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS): function, consequences of damage, responsible for level of consciousness or content of consciousness?
General activating system for brain, send fibers to thalamus, project to entire cerebrum. Major role in wakefulness and sleep, circadian rhythm. Damage results in loss of normal arousal and coma. LEVEL of consciousness.
Cerebellum Functions
coordination, postural control, equilibrium, and motor control
Function of cerebellar hemispheres
coordination of the limbs
Function and location of Vermis
postural adjustment
most medial portion of cerebellum
Cerebellar inputs
vestibular, spinal, and cerebral cortical inputs through inferior and middle peduncles
Cerebellar outputs
sent from four deep nuclei through the superior peduncle to midbrain and then to contralateral ventral anterior and ventral lateral nuclei of thalamus, influence motor cortex
Where ataxia can occur in cerebellar lesion
ipsilateral side of body as the cerebellar lesion. Limbs, trunk, or speech
Cerebellum's role in learning
procedural learning (i.e. playing an instrument)
Diencephalon: four parts
thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, and epithalamus
Function of thalamus
primarily sensation, also movement, arousal, cognition, and emotion. Sensory relay station.
Function of Ventral Posterior Lateral (VPL) and Ventral Posterior Medial (VPM) nucs
somatosensory info from contralateral side of body and face, taste
Function of Lateral Geniculate Nuc (LGN)
visual projections from optic nerve synapse
Function of Medial Geniculate Nuc (MGN)
auditory fibers synapse
Inputs, outputs and function of Ventral Anterior Nuc (VA) and Ventrolateral Nuc (VL)
fibers from cerebellum. Send fibers to basal ganglia. Motor function.
Inputs, outputs and function of Intralaminar Nuc
arousal system, receive input from brain stem ARAS and relay this input to activate the cerebrum.
Inputs, outputs and function of Dorsal Medial (DM) and Pulvinar nucs
association regions, contribute to cognition, connect with frontal and parietal-temporal-occiptal cortices.
Connections and functions of Anterior nuc
emotion, limbic system
Hypothalamus: Overall Autonomic funcs
maintain homeostasis, body temperature, digestion, circulation, water balance, sexual function
Hypothalamus: Functions of Anterior regions
parasympathetic branch
Hypothalamus: Functions of Posterior regions
sympathetic branch
Hypothalamus means of managing endocrine function
pituitary gland
The response that makes the hypothal a key component of the limbic system
fight or flight
Subthalamus connections and their role
connect to basal ganglia and cerebral cortex, function unknown
Location of the Epithalamus
superior and caudal to thalamus
Function of the basal ganglia, gray matter or white matter
Gray matter, modulation of the cerebral cortical control of voluntary movement.
How basal ganglia differs from cerebellum in function.
Cerebellum coordination, basal ganglia initiation and timing of movements.
BG Input
cortical, substantia nigra
BG Output
VA and VL thalamic nuclei
BG Loop
cortical inputs reach striatum by means of white matter tracts called internal/external capsules, go to globus pallidus, then to VA and VL thalamic nuceli. Return to motor cortex via internal capsule.
Definition of Striatum
caudate + putamen
Lenticular nuc
putamen + globus pallidus
Location and function of Substantia Nigra and consequences of pathology
midbrain, deliver dopamine to striatum, activate basal ganglia and motor system in general. Pathology = Parkinson’s (dopamine depletion), bradykinesia (slowness of movement), rigidity, resting tremor.
Limbic system: origin of name
limbus, meaning border
Limbic connections
thalamic, hypothalamic, and cortical
Limbic components
hippocampus, amygdala, cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus
Limbic role in emotion (circuit)
Papez circuit: cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, the hippocampus, the fornix, mammillary bodies, mammillothalamic tract, anterior nucleus of the thalamus
Amygdala location and function
anterior temporal lobe
emotional learning and response, sensory input funneled through amygdala, assesses emotional valence
Hippocampus location
medial temporal lobe
Hippocampus components
dentate gyrus, hippocampus proper, and subiculum
Hippocampus structure
curved sheet of three layered cortex
hippocampus function
acquisition of declarative memory (learning of facts and events)
Consequences of damage to hippocampus
severe and disabling dysfunction of recent declarative memory
How we know DM nuc of thalamus or basal forebrain suggests all are involved in declarative learning
if any is damaged, severe and disabling dysfunction of recent declarative memory
White matter definition and function
link cortical and gray matter regions, collections of CNS axons ensheathed with myelin, efficient communication in sensory and motor systems, integration of higher functions
Categories of WM pathways
afferent/efferent tracts, commissures, association tracts
Afferent tracts (White Matter path)
thalamic tracts: relay somatosensory information from thalamus to parietal
optic radiations: project from lateral geniculate body to the occipital cortex
Efferent tracts (WM path)
Corticospinal tract: projects from motor cortex to lower motor neurons in spinal cord
Corticobulbar tract: projects from motor cortex to motor neurons in brain stem
Function of the three Commissures
Connect hemispheres
Corpus callosum, anterior commissure, hippocampal commissure
Function of association tracts (what regions or structures they link)
join gray matter regions within each hemisphere
Short association fibers (Arcuate or “U Fibers”)
connect adjacent cortical gyri throughout cerebrum
Long association fibers
link ipsilateral cerebral lobes (superior occipitofrontal fasciculus and arcuate fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, cingulum)
arched tract in limbic system that connects hippocampus and mammillary bodies within Papez circuit
Medial Forebrain Bundle
joins hypothalamus with caudal and rostral brain regions, control of ANS
Cerebral cortex
outermost layer of cerebrum, thin sheet of neurons, most advanced functions of human brain, “bark”
Proportion of cortex, number of layers and organization
90%, 6 layers: outermost molecular layer, external granular cell layer, external pyramidal cell layer, internal granular cell layer, internal pyramidal cell layer, innermost multiform layer.

Vertical organization, columns of cells arranged perpendicular to the cortical surface, respond as a unit to a given stimulus
Allocortex: number of layers and where it's found.
Olfactory system, hippocampus. Three layers: outer molecular layer, pyramidal cell layer, inner polymorphic layer
Brodmann's areas: how many and how they are differentiated
50, based on histological characteristics
Frontal Lobe (location)
most rostral, anterior to rolandic fissure, superior to sylvian fissure
Temporal Lobe (location)
inferior to the Sylvian fissure
Parietal Lobe (location)
posterior to rolandic fissure, inferior margin is defined by two lines that form the posterior extent of temporal lobe
Occipital Lobe (location)
posterior to both parietal and temporal lobes.
Insula (location)
under sylvian fissure
Vertical organization of brain
MacLean, triune brain, three levels of neural development
reptilian, paleomammalian, neomammalian
Reptilian brain
brain stem, cerebellum. Thalamus
arousal, autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and visceral functions
paleomammalian brain
drives, childrearing, communal bonding, territoriality
neomammalian brain
Cerebral cortex
cognition & emotional behavior
Functions of the anterior cerebrum
Primary motor, frontal operculum, medial frontal
Primary motor cortex
frontal lobe, corticospinal & corticotubular tracts originate in precentral gyrus, cortical control of voluntary movement
Frontal operculum
motor aspects of language
Medial frontal areas
motivation to engage in voluntary action
Functions of the posterior cerebrum
Temporal, parietal, occipital
Temporal lobes
audition, comprehension of language and sounds
Both Parietal lobes
somatic sensation
Right Parietal lobe
visuospatial information
Occipital lobe
Function that is usually left hemisphere dominant
Functions that are usually right hemisphere dominant
constructional ability, spatial attention, language prosody
Nonlateralized functions
higher functions, behavior, cognition
Summary of Localizationists thought
localization of function in nervous system, lesion method to study higher functions, map of brain-behavior relationships.
Localizationists thought advantages and disadvantages
Good for localizing cranial nerve deficits and hemiparesis, unreliable in identifying sites of higher functions, resembles phrenology
Equipotential theory
no specific localization of higher functions, all cerebral cortical areas are capable of supporting the operations of higher functions, lesion to any cortical zone could be expected to diminish neurobehavioral capacity in proportion to the amount of tissue damaged.
Equipotential theory limitations
Clinical and experimental evidence contradicts this claim, neuroimaging studies show specialization of cerebral areas exists
network model
integrated ensembles of interconnected cerebral structures subserve specific neurobehavioral domains. Neuroanatomically linked networks that operate as a functional unit.
Frontal lobe size
1/3 cortical surface
Function Precentral gyrus (Brodmann 4)
voluntary movement
Function Broca's area (44 and 45)
language fluency (left), motor prosody (right)
Function Dorsolateral prefrontal (9 and 46)
working memory
Function Prefrontal (8, 9, 10, 46, 47)
executive function
Function Orbitofrontal (11, 12, 25)
comportment (inhibit limbic impulses and maintain appropriate behavioral repertoire)
Function Medial frontal / Cingulate gyrus (24, 32, 33)
Function Heschl's gyrus (41, 42)
Temporal lobe
receive sound stimuli, primary auditory cortex
Left superior temporal gyrus aka Wernicke's area (posterior part of 22 on left)
speech sounds are decoded, comprehension of language
Right superior temporal gyrus (posterior part of 22 on right)
emotional/expressive aspects of sound, interpretation of prosody, music
Postcentral gyrus (3,1,2)
interpretation of tactile information
Angular gyrus (39) and supramarginal gyrus (40)
reading, calculation
Left parietal lobe in general
Right parietal in general
Network of locations in right parietal lobe and consequences of damage
visuospatial function, negotiate 3D space, spatial attention. Damage = hemispatial neglect
Calcarine cortex (17)
Areas next to calcarine cortex (18,19)
visual association cortex, perception of visual stimuli
Ventral occipital areas projecting into inferior temporal lobe
what, recognition
Dorsal occipital areas prjecting into parietal lobe