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29 Cards in this Set

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The three types of reflexes include:
Muscle stretch, Golgi tendon organ reflex and flexir withdrawl reflex
Senosry receptor involved with muscle stretch and location
Muscle spindle; muscle
Motor nueron involved with muscle stretch reflex
Gamma motor neuron in the ventral horn
Muscle stretch reflexes are ___synaptic
An example of a muscle stretch reflex is the ______ which stretches the _____ and is a ______
knee-jerk; quadricpes muscle; DTR
The muescle spindle excvites sensory neurons located in the ____
Diminshment of DTR due to peripheral nerve injury
Adbsence of DTR
Reflex becomes hyperactive
Triceps reflex tests ____ innervated by _____ and ____ peripheral nerve
tricpes brachii, C6,C7, radial (C7-C8)
Biceps reflex tests ____ innervated by _____ and ____ peripheral nerve
biceps brachii, C5,C6, musculocutaneous
Patellar reflex tests ____ innervated by _____ and ____ peripheral nerve
quadrceps femoris, L3/L4, femoral nerve
Achilles reflex tests ____ innervated by _____ and ____ peripheral nerve
gastroencemus and soleus, S1 and S2, tibial
The muscle stretch reflex is known as the ____ loop
Gamma loop
How does one assess muscle tone?
Passively extend and flex the limbs
What are the components of an upper motor lesion?
Spastic paralysis with hyperrelfexia
What does a flexor-withdraw reflex involve?
Skin receptors and movement of a whole .limb that experiences painful stimulus
Mechanism of flexor-withdraw
Pain receptors activate excitatory interneurons which synapse with flexor muscles to withdraw the limb
A Golgi tendon reflex provides information on ___________
The amount of tension in a muscle
A Golgi tendon reflex leads to ________
Relaxation of the muscle since there is an inihibition of the motor nuerons
The muescle spindle excvites sensory neurons located in the ____
Diminshment of DTR due to peripheral nerve injury
Adbsence of DTR
Reflex becomes hyperactive
Triceps reflex tests ____ innervated by _____ and ____ peripheral nerve
tricpes brachii, C6,C8, radial
Hypo or are reflexia indicate _______ damage
peripheral nerve or spinal cord segment
Hyper reflexia indicates ____ damage
descending neural tract since desceding systems inhibt segmental reflexs
Define: Spasticity
Increased muscle tone (hypertonia)
Define: clonus
Prolonged oscillation of contraction and relaxation of the limb