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234 Cards in this Set

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Increase anxiety
Decrease depression
locus ceruleus (stress & panic)
Incr schizo
Decr Parkins, depression
ventral tegmentum and SNc
decr anxiety and depression
raphe nucleus
decr Alzheim, Huntington, REM sleep
basal nucleus of Meynert
decr anxiety, Hunting
nucleus accumbens (reward center, pleasure, addiction, fear)
thirst & water balance
adenohypophysis control
neurohypophysis releases hormones
inhibits lateral area (hunger)
stimulates ventromedial area - satiety
anterior hypothal
AC - cooling
posterior hypothal
suprachiasmatic nucleus
circadian rhythms
made in supraoptic
made in paraventricular
major relay for ascending sensory info
spinothal and dorsal columns and medial lemniscus
pain and temp, position and proprioception. going to primary somatosensory cortex
trigem and gustatory pathway (Make up on face)
primary somatosens cortex
calcarine sulcus
sup olive and inf colliculus of pons (hearing)
auditory cortex of temporal lobe
Limbic system
cingulate gyrus
mammillary bodies
septal nucleus
contralateral cortical input from middle cerebellar peduncle and ipsilateral proprioceptive info via inf cereb ped. input nerves are climbing and mossy fibers
stim feedback to contralateral cortex, out put nerves are Purkinje fibers to deep buclei of cerebellum to cortex via sup cereb ped
deep nuclei (L-->M)
Dentate, Emboliform, Globose, Fastigial
Lateral cerebellum
voluntary mvmt of extremeties
medial cerebellum
balance, truncal coord, ataxia, fall to injured side
basal ganglia
vountary mvmt and posture. receives cortical input, provides neg fb back to cortex
putamen + caudate
putamen + globus pallidus
D1 receptor is direct (stim)
D2 is indirect, inhib
Direct path
cortex and D from substantia nigra pars compacta stim D1 R in striatum. ACh stims GABA, substance P, which inhibit globus pallidus internus and sunstantia nigra pars reticulata, which inhibits thalamus and stims cortex
increases motion. loss of dopamine results in decreased motion
Indirect path
cortex stims striatum but D from SNc inhibits via D2, leads to Ach which inhibits GABA and enkephalin, which inhibits GPe, which inhibits subthalamic nucleus, which stims GPi, which inhibits thal which stims cortex
normally, inhibiting inhibitory pathway leads to more motion so loss of dopamine leads to inhibition and less motion
contralateral subthalamic nucleus lesion. loss of inhibition of thalamus through globus pallidus
neuronal death via NMDA-R binding and glutamate toxicity. atrophy of striatal nuclei (main inhibitors of mvmt)
CAG repeats. Caudate loses ACh and GABA.
basal ganglia lesion
slow writhing mvmt
basal ganglia lesion
sustained involuntary muscle contractions
writers cramp
essential tremor
action tremor (worse when holding posture). AD
self-med with etoh, which decreases tremor. tx: b blockers
resting tremor
intention tremor
zigzap when pointing
cerebellar dysfxn
kluver-bucy syndrome
hyperorality, hypersex, disinhib behavior
frontal lobe
disinhib, poor conc, orientation, judgment. primitive reflexes
right parietal lobe
spatial negleclt syndrome (agnosia of contralateral side of world)
reticular activating system (midbrain)
reduced arousal/wakefulness
mammillary bodies
confusion, ophthalmiplegia, ataxia
memory loss, confabulation, personality change
cerebellar hemisphere
intention tremor, limb ataxia
cerebellar vermis
truncal ataxia, dysarthria
contralateral hemiballismus
anterograde amnesia (no new memories)
paramedian pontine reticular formation
eyes look away from side of lesion
frontal eye fields
eyes look toward lesion
central pontine myelinolysis
acute paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia, diplopia, LOC. from hyponatremia correction. increased signal in pons.
recurrent laryngeal nerve
lose all larynx muscles except cricothyroid
motor inability to speak
broken boca
nonfluent aphasia with intact comprehension
fluent aphasia with impaired comprehension
poor repetition but fluent speech, intact comprehension.
arcuate fasciculus
contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing
contralateral face and arm paralysis and sensory loss, aphasia, left-side neglect
leg-foot area of motor and sensory cortices
Ant Comm Art
most common circle of willis aneurysm
visual field defects
Post comm art
CNIII palsy
lateral striate
divisions of middle cerebral artery, supply internal capsule, caudate, putamen, GP.
infarct of post GP causes pure motor hemiparesis
watershed zones
between ACA/MCA, PCA/MCA
damage in severe hypotension. upper leg and upper arm weakness, higher order visual processing problems
anterior circle stroke
sensory and motor dysfunction, aphasia
posterior circle stroke
cranial nerve deficits, coma, cerebellar defects, dominant hemisphere ataxia, nondominant neglect
anterior spinal
contralat hemiparesis of lower extrem, medial lemniscus (less contralat proprioception), ipsilateral paralysis of hypoglassal
contralat loss pain/temp, ipsi dysphagia, hoarseness, decr gag reflex, vertigo, diplopia, nystagmus, vomit, ipsi horners, ipsi face pain/temp, trigem, ipsi ataxia
ipsi face para, ipsi coch, vestib (nystagmus), ipsi face pain/temp, ipsi dystaxia
APCKD, Ehlers-Danlos, Marfans
Charcot-Bouchard microaneurysms
chronic HTN, basal ganglia and thalamus affected
epidural hematoma
rupture of middle meningeal artery (branch of maxillary), often fractured temporal bone. lucid interval, then transtentorial herniation and CNIII palsy
biconcave disk not going thru suture lines. can cross falx, tentorium
subdural hematoma
rupture of bridging veins. delayed symptoms. elderly, alcoholics, blunt trauma, shaken baby
crescent shape, crosses suture lines. gyri preserved, cannot cross falx, tentorium
subarachnoid hemorrhage
aneurysm or AVM ruptures. worst HA. bloody or yellow spinal tap.
2-3 days later, vasospasm. tx with CCB
parenchymal hematoma
causes: HTN, amyloid angiopathy (lobar strokes), DM, tumor.
basal ganglia and internal capsule
ischemic brain dz
irreversible damage after 5 mins
most vulnerable: hippo, cerebell, watershed, neocortex. red neurons (12-48 hrs), necrosis and neutros (24-72hrs), macrophages (3-5 days), reactive gliosis and vasc prolif (1-2 wks), glial scar (2 wks)
stroke imaging
bright on diffusion-weighted MRI in 3-30 mins, stays bright 10d
dark on noncontrast CT, bright is hemorrhage
sup sagittal sinus
main area of CSF return via arachnoid gran
normal pressure hydrocephalus
wet, wobby, and wacky
communicating hydrocephalus
decr CSF absorption
hydrocephalus ex vacuo
incr CSF in atrophy. no ICP (Alz, Picks, HIV)
lumbar puncture
dorsal columns
pressure, vibration, touch, proprioception
fasciculus cuneatus (upper body, extremities) is lateral
fasciculus gracilis (lowe body, extremities) is medial
spinothalamic tract
pain and temp
lateral corticospinal tract
voluntary motor
legs are lateral
upper motor neuron
everything up
tone DTRs, toes
atrophy and fasciculation
poliomyelitis and wednig-hoffmann
LMN, destroy anterior horns. flaccid paralysis
anterior spinal artery occlusion
spares dorsal columns
tabes dorsalis
affects dorsal columns
impaired proprioception and locomotor ataxia
random. scanning speech, intention tremor, nystagmus
combined UMN and LMN, no sensory def
damages anterior white commissure of spinothalamic tract, resulting in bilateral loss of pain/temp. arnold-chiari II
Vit B12, Vit E defs and Friedreich's ataxia
demyelination of dorsal columns, lateral corticospinal tracts, and spinocerebellar tracts
ataxic gait, hyperreflexia, impaired position and vibration sense
polio sx
malaise, HA, fever, nausea, abd pain, sore throad, muscle weak, atrophy, fasciculations, fibrillation, hyporeflexia
CSF with lymphocytic pleocytosis with slight elevation of protein (no change in glucose). virus in stool/throat
Werdnig-Hoffmann dz sx
infantile spinal muscular atrophy. AR. floppy baby. tongue fasciculations. die at 7mos
degen of anterior horns, LMN
defect in SOD1, betel nut ingestion. fasciculations
tabes dorsalis sx
charcot's joints, shooting pain, argyll robertson pupils, absence of DTRs, positive romberg, sensory ataxia at night
Friedreich's ataxia
AR trinucleotide repeat (GAA, frataxin gene)
impaired mitochondria, staggering gait, freq falls, nystagmus, dysrthria, pes cavus, hammer toes, HCM (cause of death). kids have kyphoscoliosis
brown sequard
hemisection of spinal cord
ipsi UMN signs below, ipsi loss of tactile/vibration/proprioception (dorsal) below, contra pain/temp loss below, ipsi sensation loss at lesion level, LMN signs at level
PAM is Horny
ptosis, anhidrosis, miosis (pupil constrict)
spinal cord lesion about T1
muscle spindles
monitor muscle length
help you pick up heavier suitcase than you thought
Golgi Tendon
monitor muscle tension
let go of a heavy object when it's too heavy
superior collilculi
inferior collilculi
parinaud syndrome
paralysis of conjugate vertical gaze due to lesion in superior collilculi (pinealoma)
pupil constrict (PS, E-W nuc, musc), accommodation, eyelid open (levator palp)
mastication, ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular divisions
taste fron anterior 2/3 tongue, lacrimation, salivation (submand, subling), eyelid closing (orbic), stapedius
taste from post 1/3 tongue, swallow, salivate (parotid), chemo/baro, sytlopharyngeus (elevate pharynx, larynx)
epiglottic taste, swallow, palate elevation, midline uvula, talk, cough, viscera, chemo/baro
nucleus solitarius
visceral sensory info (taste, baroreceptors, gut distention)
nucleus aMbiguous
motor innervation of pharynx, larynx, upper esophagus
dorsal motor nucleus
PS fibers to heart, lungs, upper GI
CNXII lesion
LMN lick your wounds
CNV motor lesion
jaw deviates toward side of lesion
CNX lesion
uvula deviates away from side of lesion
CNXI lesion
weakness turning head to contralateral side of lesion, shoulder droop on side of lesion
UMN facial lesion
contralateral paralysis of lower face only
LMN facial lesion
ipsilateral paralysis of upper and lower face
Bells palsy
AIDS, Lyme, Herpes, Sarcoid, Tumors, DM
KaLaMity test
lateral ptergoid
opens jaw. V3.
takes more muscles to keep your mouth shut
masseter, teMporalis, Medial pterygoid
close jaw
CN X innervates all palat muscles except
tensor veli palatini (CNV)
CNXII innervates all glossus muscles except
palatoglossus (X)
Na+ rich, sim to ECF
K+ rich
utricle and saccule
contain maculae, detect linear acceleration
semicircular canals
contain ampullae, detect angular acceleration
near vision
ciliary muscle contracts, zonular fibers relax, lens relaxes and becomes more convex
distant vision
ciliary muscle relaxes and lens flattens
ciliary muscle
M3 accommodation
ciliary process
beta produces aqueous humor
sphincter muscle of iris
M3, miosis
dilator/radial muscle of iris
a1, mydriasis
closed angle glaucoma
no epi
CNIII damage
look down and out, ptosis, pupillary dilation, loss of accommodation
CNIV damage
diplopia, downward gaze, tilts head toward lesion
CNVI damage
medially directed eye
marcus gunn pupil
afferent pupilary defect. decreased bilateral pupillary contraction with light shine
pretectal nuclei
pupillary light reflex
MLF damage
MS. nystagmus in abducting eye
cold water, nystagmus toward lesion with quick phase to opposite side
warm water: nystagmus to opposite side with quick phase to same side
down syndrome
ApoE2 protective. apoE4 late onset.
Picks (frontotemporal lobe)
aphasia, parkinson, personality change
pick bodies are tau
rapid, monoclonus
spongiform cortex
MS findings
incr IgG in CSF, oligoclonal bands are dx. MRI. periventricular plaques with axon preservation
Guillain Barre
inflamm and demyelination of peripheral nerves and motor fibers of ventral roots. symmetric ascending muscle weakness. sometimes autonomic dysreg.
incr CSF protein with normal cell count. papilledema.
tx: plasmapheresis, IVIG
demyelin of CNS due to destroyed oligos. JC virus. fatal.
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
multifocal perivenular inflamm and demyelin after ifxn or vacc
metachromatic leukodystrophy
AR LSD due to arylsulfatase A def. sulfatide buildup impairs myelin sheath
Charcot-Marie-Tooth dz
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. peripheral myelination defects.
simple partial seizure
consciousness intact
complex partial seizure
impaired consciousness
generalized seizure - absent
petit mal, no postictal confusion. blank stare
generalized seizures - myoclonic
quick repetitive jerks
tonic clonic (gen)
grand mal. alternating stiffening and movement
tonic (gen)
drop seizures. falls to floor. looks like a faint.
due to irritation of CN V and release of substance P, CGRP, vasoactive peptides.
tx: propanolol, NSAIDs, sumatriptan acute
peripheral vertigo
semicircular canal debris, vestibular nerve ifxn, menieres dz
positional testing: delayed horizontal nystagmus
central vertigo
less common. brain stem or cerebellar lesion. vestibular nuclei, posterior fossa tumor
positional testing shows immediate nystagmus in any direction
sturge weber
congenital disorder with port-wine stains around V1, ipsilateral angiomas, pheos
glaucoma, seizures, hemiparesis, MR.
Tub sclerosis
hamartomas, MR, seizures, ash leaf spots, AD
neurofibromatsis I
cafe au lait, lisch nodules (hamartomas), skin, optic gliomas, pheos, AD. NF-1 on Ch17
von hippel lindau
cavernous hemangiomas, bilat RCC, retina, brain stem, cerebellum, pheo, AD, VHL Ch3
supratentorial tumors
adults (infra are kids)
half adults are mets
glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV astrocytoma)
most common adult, bad prog. astrocytes have GFAP. in cerebrum, can cross corpus.
psuedopalisading pleomorphic tumor cells border central area of necrosis and hemorrhage
2nd most common adult. parasag. from arachnoid cells. surg.
spindle cells concentrically arranged in whorled pattern psammomas
3rd most common adult. acoustic often. surg. S-100. cerebellopontine angle
NF2 if bilateral
rare, slow. frontal. chicken-wire capillary pattern
fried egg cells. calcified
pituitary adenoma
rathkes pouch
pilocytic astrocytoma
well circ. kids. posterior fossa. GFAP. benign
rosenthal fibers - eosinohilic, corkscrew fibers.
malig. PNET. hydroceph. kids
rosettes or perivasc pseudoros. small blue cells. radiosens.
4th vent. hydroceph. bad prog. kids
perivasc pseudoros. rod shaped blepharoplasts (basal ciliary bodies) near nucleus
kids. cerebellar. VHL if retinal too. makes epo.
foamy cells and high vasc.
kids. benign. supratent.
rathke. calcification
uncal herniation
stretches CNIII (ipsi dilated pupil, ptosis)
compresses ipsi PCA (contra hommonymous hemianopia)
compresses contra crus cerebri (ipsi paresis)
caudal displace brain stem (duret hemorrhage)
ring enhancing lesion
mats, abscess, toxo, AIDS lymphoma
uniformly enhancing lesion
lymphoma, meningioma, mets
heterogeneously enhancing lesion
Glioblastoma multiforme
alpha agonist glaucoma
epinephrine and brimonidine
decr aqueous humor synthesis
glaucoma beta blockers
timolol, betaxolol, carteolol
dec aqueous humor secretion
glaucoma diuretics
decr aqueous humor secretion
glaucoma cholinomimetics
pilocarpine, carbachol, pyhysostigmine, echothiophate
incr outflow, contract ciliary muscle to open trabecular meshwork
sfx: miosis, cyclospasm
glaucoma prostaglandin
incr outflow. darkens iris
open K+ channels, closeCa, decr synaptic transmission. inhibit release of ACh, NE, 5-HT, glutamate, substance P.
partial agonist at mu, agonist at kappa
causes withdrawl if on full opioid agonist
weak opioid agonist, inhibits serotonin and NE reuptake
partial seizure drugs
phenytoin, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, phenobarbital, valproic acid, tiagabine, vigabatrin, levetiracetam
tonic clonic seizure drug
1) phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid
2) lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, phenobarbital, levetiracetam
absence seizure drug
1) ethosuximide
2) valproic acid
status epilipticus durgs
1) phenytoin for prophylaxis
2) diazepam/lorazepam acute
incr Na+ channel inactivation
phenytoin, carbamazepine (trigem neuralgia!), lamotrigine (sorta)
GABA analog, inhibits HVA Ca channels
for periph neuropathy, bipolar
blocks Na channels, incr GABA
incr GABA-A
pregnant women and kids
valproic acid
incr Na inactiv, incr GABA
also for myoclonic seizures
blocks thalamic T type Ca channels
increase GABA A
also for ecclampsia (after Mg)
inhibits GABA reuptake
irreversibly inhibits GABA transaminase, incr GABA
modulates GABA and glutamate release
carbamazepine tox
diplopia, ataxia, agran, aplastic anemia, liver, teratogen, induce p450, SIADH, stevens-johnson
ethosuximide tox
GI, HA, hives, stevens-johnson
phenobarbital tox
p450 induction
phenytoin tox
nystagmus, diplopia, ataxia, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, megaloblastic anemia, teratogen, SLE-like, induce p450
valproic acid tox
GI, liver, spina bifida, tremor, WG
lamotrigine tox
stevens johnson
gabapentin tox
sedation, ataxia
topiramate tox
mental dulling, sedation, kidney stones, WL
thiopental. incr duration of Cl channel opening, thus facilitate GABA and decr neuron firing
facilitate GABA by incr freq of Cl channel opening. decr REM
short acting benzos
TOM. triazolam, oxazepam, midazolam. highest addictive potential
non benzo hynptics
zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone
insomnia. reverse with flimaxenil. tox: ataxia, HA, confusion
lipid soluble or active tpt. decr blood solubility means rapid induction and recovery. incr lipid solubility means incr potency.
inhaled anesthetics
hepatotox (halothane), nephrotox (methoxy), proconvulsant (enflurane), malignant hyperthermia, expansion of trapped gas (NO)
intravenous anesthetics - barbituates
thiopental high potency, high lipid solub, rapid brain entry. induction of anesthesia, short procedures.
intravenous anesthetics - benzos
midazolam for endo. amnesia
intravenous anesthetics - arylcyclohexylamines
ketamine. PCP analog. block NMDA. stimulant. disorient, hallucinate, bad dreams
intravenous anesthetics - opiates
morphine, fentanyl
rapid induction, short procedures. potentiates GABA
local anesthetics, esters
procaine, cocaine, tetracaine
local anesthetics, amides
lidocaine, mepivacaine, bupivacaine
block activated Na channels
block small, myelinated nerves first, but size predominatse. lose pain first, then temp, touch, pressure
given with vasoconstrictors (except cocaine)
neuromuscular blocking drugs, depolarizing
in phase I, block potentiated if try to reverse with cholinesterase inhibitors (prolonged depol); in phase II (repolarized), they work (ie neostigmine)
complications: hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia
neuromuscular blocking drugs, non-depolarizing
tubocurarine, atracurium, mivacurium, pancuronium, vecuronium, rocuronium
compete with ACh at receptors. reverse with neostigmine, edrophonium, cholinesterase inhibitors
tx neuroleptic malignant syndrome
prevents release of Ca from sarc retic
bromocriptine, amantadine, levodopa, selegiline, antimuscarinics
parkinsons drugs
park your mercedes benz
benztropine. antimuscarinic, improves tremor and rigidity but not bradykinesia
agonize D receptos
bromocriptine, pramipexole, ropinirole (non-ergot)
incr dopamine
anantadine (tox ataxia), L-dopa/carbidopa.
L=dopa can cross BBB and is converted there to dopamine.
tox: arrhythmias, dyskinesia after admin, akinesia betw. carbidopa is peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor.
prevent dopamine breakdown
selegiline (selective MAO type B inhib), entacapone, tolcapone (COMT inhibs, prevent L-dopa degrad)
selegiline inhibits MAO-B, which metabolizes D over NE and 5-HT
NMDA receptor antagonist, helps prevent excitotoxicity (from Ca)
tox: dizzy, confused, hallucinate
donepezil, galatamine, rivastigmine
AChE inhibitors. Alz
nausea, dizzy, insomnia
Huntingtons MOA, drugs
incr dopa, decr GABA and ACh
Reserpine and tetrabenazine - amine depleting
haloperidol - dopamine receptor antagonist
5-HT 1B/1D agonist. vasoconstricts, inhibits trigem activation and vasoactive peptide release
tox coronary vasospasm, mild tingle