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10 Cards in this Set

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Neuron Definition & Structure

Basic structural and functional unit of NS

Structure: highly specialized, no mitosis

Structure of a neuron (3) - describe each

Cell body - nucleus & most cytoplasm

Dendrites - conduct impulses toward cell bodies; highly branched = large surface area for synapses

Axon - conducts impulses away from body

Nerve coverings, list & describe

Endoneurium - CT over individual axon

Fasicle - group of axons

Perineurium - CT around fasicle

Epineurium - CT surrounds entire nerve, contains blood supply, adipose

Classification of Neurons

Functional (3) - definition, list and describe

Functional: direction of impulses

- Sensory/afferent - receptor to CNS, arriving to CNS

-Motor/efferent - to muscle/gland from CNS, exiting CNS

-Association/interneurons - connections btwn sensory & motor in CNS; MOST COMMON

Classification of Neurons

Structural (3) - definition, list and describe

Structural: # of processes extending from cell body-Bipolar = rare, special senses (nose, ear, retina)-Multipolar =many dendrites and 1 axon -Most motor-Unipolar = single process divides into 2, Most sensory

Area of Innervation

Somatic afferent / efferent

Visceral afferent / efferent

Cell body (4)

Nissl bodies - specialized ER, gives dark color

Nuclei - group of cell bodies in CNS

Ganglia - group of cell bodies IN PNS

Gray matter - darker tissue bc high number of cell bodies

Axon (7)

Axon hillock - tapered region of axon where it exits

Axon collaterals - side branch of axon, allows it to innervate more than 1 target

Axon terminals / telodendria - branches at end of axon

Synaptic end bulbs / terminal boutons - enlarged tip of axon terminal, contain vesicle w/ neurotransmitters

White matter - tissue lighter in color bc bundles of myelinated axons

Nerve = bundle of axons in PNS, held by CT

Tract = bundle of axons in CNS

Draw organization of NS

Functions of Nervous System (3)

Sensory - monitors ext & int environment

Motor - regulates response of other body systems to maintain homeostasis

Integration - of information for appropriate response (higher brain function, instincts)