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31 Cards in this Set

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what are the two main divisions of the nervous system?

Central nervous system

peripheral nervous system

what does the central nervous system consist of?

Brain and the spinal cord

what nerves do peripheral nervous system consist of and where do the emerge from ?

Cranial emerge from brain

and spinal nerves emerge from spinal cord

what is the peripheral nervous system divided into structurally and functionally?

somatic nervous system

autonomic nervous systems

what is somatic nervous system?

concerned with voluntary, skeletal muscles

what is autonomic nervous system?

concerned with non voluntary, non-skeletal muscles.

what is the autonomic nervous system divided into?

sympathetic division and parasympathetic?

what word describes sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions


what kind of neurons consist in the autonomic nervous system?

motor neurons and some sensory neurons

What is dual innervation

when most internal organs are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic motor neurons

what physical difference is there between sympathetic and parasympathetic motor neurons


short preganglionic motor neuron

long postgangleonic motor neuron

neurotransmitter: noradrenaline


long preganglionic motor neuron

short postganglionic motor neuron

neurotransmitter: acetylcholine

what is a ganglion?

a small bulge region in a motor neuron which contains lots of synaptic junctions.

where are most ganglions located in sympahetic motor neurones

on the spinal cord or in close proximity to the spinal cord

where are most ganglions in parasympathetic motor neurons?

near the organs and tissues or even on the organs

which autonomic nervous division is responsible for dilation of pupils?

Sympathetic division

where is the cardiac centre?

medulla oblongata of brain

what is heart rate determined by?

balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve activity.

what increases heart rate and force of contraction of the heart

sympathetic divison

what decreases heart rate?

parasympathetic division

how do you calculate turning force?

force x distance from picot

what is a synovial joint?

most flexible of all joints and allows movement of bones in relation to each other

what does extensor and flexor muscle mean?

flexor is when the bicep CONTRACTS and tricep RELAX

extensor is when the bicep RELAX and the tricep CONTRACT

what term can decribe bicep and tricep extensor and flexor actions?


what are bones cells?


what do osteocytes do?

produce organic and non organic components of bone

what gives bone strength?

calcium and magnesium phosphate

what gives bone flexibility?


what are the three main types of muscles?

Involuntary (smooth)



what are the features of Involuntary muscles?

smooth muscle Innervated by the autonomic nervous system

contract slowly tire very slowly

long and thin

may be triggered by hormones

appear cylindrical next to each other

what are the features of voluntary muscles?

known as skeletal/striated

involved in moving limbs

contract quick and powerful

tire quick

what are the features of cardiac muscle?

forms muscle of heart


cells joined by intercalacted discs

controlled by the autonomic nervous system

contain gaps for rapid movement of ions

contraction powerful, relaxation powerful

continuous throughout life and doesn't tire.