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13 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 Neurons and what are there functions?

Sensory Neuron- Gather info from senses to send to the CNS and transmits impulses to the interneuron.

Inter Neuron- Links sensory and motor neuron

Motor Neuron- Transmits info from the CNS to muscles, glands and other organs.

The parts and there functions of a neuron?

Dendrites- receive signals from other nerves or sensory receptors and relay the impulse to the cell body.

Axon- Long extension of a neurone that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.Links nerve to next.

Cell Body- part of manufacture of neural transmitters and cell metabolic reactions.

Parts of Neuron con'd: Schwann Cells?

Schwann Cells- Neurological cells that surround axon and make up myelin sheath.

Node of Ranvier- Spaces between adding schwann cells where action potential occurs.

Reflex Arc, what is it and the order of


It is connections of neurons allowing our involuntary response to stimuli.

Pain receptor=sensory neuron=interneuron=motor neuron= effector. Receptors perceive stimulus, sensory info is conducted from senses into spinal cord, inter connects to motor and motor carries info away from spinal cord and into muscles and glands.

What are Glial Cells?

They are support cells that nourish neurone and remove waste and defend against infection. Glial Cells and Neurons make up nerve fivers.

What is the Axon Terminal?

It releases neurotransmitters to transmit signals to the next junction. Junctions are between

neurons and another cell synapse.


Synapses are used for the connections between neurone or between neurone and effectors. They are small vesicles at the end of axon terminals containing transmitter chemicals. When impulse reaches end plate, Ca+ rushes in causing vesicles to pop and release their neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft.(space between axon and next nerve.)

Lobes of Cerebral Cortex? And where are they located?

1.Occipital Lobe- process visual info

2. Temporal Lobes- Auditory reception and understanding speech and retrieving visual and verbal memories.

3. Parietal Lobes- Sensory info from skin processes infer about body position.

4.Frontal- is a part of conscious thought, intellect, memory, voluntary muscle movements.

Broca vs Wernickes Area?

Broca- Frontal lobe and coordinates muscles for speaking.

Wernickes- Temporal lobe and stores info involved in language comprehension.

Neurons Definition

Basic structural and functional units of the nervous system and they are specialized to respond to chemical and physical stimuli to conduct electrochemical signals and release chemicals that regulate various body processes.

Nerve Definition

Message pathway of the nervous system made up of many neurone grouped into bundles and surrounded by protective connective tissue.


Common transmitter released from the PNS diffusing across synaptic cleft bonding to specialized receptors in the PON. These receptors open Na+ channels causing next wave of transmission.


Once Acetylcholine is released then this enzyme is released from the PRN. It breaks down the acetylcholine allowing Na+ channels to close allowing PRN to recover and prepare for the next wave.