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45 Cards in this Set

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Resting Membrane Potential
A difference in electrical charge from the inside of the cell to the outside


Maintained by different concentration in ions:
More K+ inside cell than outside
More Na+ outside cell than inside
Inside cell membrane is negative; outside of cell membrane is positive

Cell uses energy to maintain the gradient
Ion channels
-Leakage channels
-Voltage-gated channels
-Chemically (ligand) gated channels
-Mechanically gated channels
Are Integral or transmembrane

Channels are specific

Sodium Ion channels only allow sodium through
Leakage channels
Randomly alternate between open and closed positions. Typically more K+ leakage channels

Found in nearly all cells, including the dendrites, cell bodies and axons of all types of neurons
Voltage-gated channels
Opens in response to a change in membrane potential (voltage)

Voltage-Gated channels participate in the generation and conduction of action potentials found in axons of all types of neurons
Chemically (ligand) - gated channels
Opens or closes in response to a specific chemical stimulus like neurotransmitters

Dendrites of some sensory neurons such as pain receptors and dendrites and cell bodies of interneurons and motor neurons
Mechanically gated channels
Opens or closes in response to mechanical stimulation in the form of vibration such as sound waves, touch, pressure, or tissue stretching.

Dendrites of some sensory neurons such as touch receptors, pressure receptors and some pain receptors
Graded (local) Potential
Short distance transmission

Occurs in dendrites and cell body

May be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing

Signals decrease in strength with distance

No Refractory period

Involves summation fo impulses at axon hilock

Involves voltage-gated Na+ channels
Action Potential
Transfers impulses over longer distances

Occurs along axons

Always depolarizes then Repolarizes

All or Nothing Principle

Signal does not lose strength over distance

Involves voltage-gated Na+ channels and voltage-gated K+ channels
Gather input and relay signals through cell body to axon hillock in graded potentials
Cell body
Summates input (adds up) input signals converge at axon hillock
Axon hillock
Trigger zone where cell reaches
-55mv in order to reach threshold to send action potential
Graded potential
a small deviation from the membrane potential that makes the membrane either more or less polarized
Making inside of cell more positive
making inside of cell more negative
In action potentials
When stimulated to threshold, the axon depolarizes, beginning the action potential

The action potential (nerve impulse) propagates along the axon

The action potential is generated; it is ALWAYS exactly the same strength and duration

Involves voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels
Impulse conduction Process
Begins with stimuli coming through dendrites
Types of ion channels involved are Mechanical-gated channels or chemical (ligand)-gated channels

Summation occurs:
-Depolarizing stimuli make inside of cell more positive
-Hyperpolarizing stimuli make inside of cell more negative
Adding up the exitatory and inhibitory impulses at the trigger zone (axon hillock) determines if an action potential is generated
Spatial summation
Impulses come from many synaptic end bulbs
Temporal summation
Impulses come repeatedly from the same synaptic end bulb
Results of summation
Action potential is generated- there are enough exitatory impulses to reach threshold -55mv
-55 to +30 is depalarization

All or nothing principle

Requires stimulus strong enough to reach threshold of -55mv

Action potential is always the same strength

Voltage-gated Na+ channels upen

Membrane potential becomes 30mv

Inactivation gates close - no more Na+ enter
Cell returns to -70mv

Voltage gated K+ channels open and K+ flows OUT of cell

Na+ is being pumped out via pumps

Anions remain in cell

Membrane potential of -70mv is established once again

May hyperpolarize to -90mv
Refractory Period
Absolute- Cell CANNOT generate another action potential no matter how strong the stimulus is
Relative Period
While the K+ ions are moving back into cell; requires a larger than normal stimulus to generate an action potential
Moving along Axon
Propagation or Conduction

One way impulse transmittion
-refractory period prevents impulse from moving backwards
Continuous conduction
Slower, in unmyelinated axons
Faster, in myelinated axons, requires less energy: ion moves through extracellular fluid
Factors affecting speed of impulse
Axon Diameter: Larger diameter has bigger surface area and impulse moves faster

Temp affects speed: Warmer is faster
Intensity of Stimulus
Action potential is All-or-Nothing

Difference in intensity of stimulus are determined by
-Frequency of impulse
-Number of sensory neurons stimulated
Electrical Synapses
Electrical transfer of impulse occurs at gap junctions

Found in visceral smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, CNS, and embryo

Synchronization of cell responses
Chemical Synapses
Neurons and effector do not touch

Requires carrier molecules to cross the space, called a neurotrasmitter

Chemical exchanges delays impulse by about 0.5 msec
Excitatory postsynaptic Potential
Bring neuron closer to threshold; cell becomes more positive inside
Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential
Takes cell farther away from threshold, same as hyperpolarizing cell becomes more negative inside
Signal Transmission at Chemical Synapse
More than 50 substances act as neurotransmitters

Cells usually can release more than one type

Transmitters may be exitatory or inhibitory

Classified by chemical structure
Small Molecule Neurotransmitters

1st one identified
Activates all Motor neurons

Deactivated by enzyme Acetylcholinesterase
Small Molecule Neurotransmitters

Glutamate and Aspartate
Acive in CNS

Amino Acids

Glutamate main Excitatory

Glutamate is responsible for Ischemic Strokes

Inactivated by reuptake
Small Molecule Neurotransmitters

GABA and Glycine
Amino acids

GABA is only in CNS


Valium enhances GABA

GABA-main inhibitory
Biogenic Amines Neurotransmitters

Hormones responsible for Fight or Flight:
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Dopamine
Can either be Excitatory or Inhibitory Depending on the receptors
Emotional Response, Addictive behavior, Pleasure pathway,

Inactivated by reuptake and enzymatic action (MAO-MonAmine Oxidase)
Sensory perception, mood, appetite, sleep induction

Inactivated by reuptake

Prozac blocks reuptake

Blocked by LSD
Enhanced by Ecstasy
Consists of 3-40 amino acids

Found in both CNS and PNS

Excitatory and Inhibitory
Opiod Peptides

Substance P
Enhances pain signal transmission
Influencing Neurotransmitters
Synthesis may be stimulated or Inhibited

Released is enhanced or blocked

Receptors are activated or blocked

Removal can be stimulated or Inhibited
Removal or Neurotransmitter
Neurotransmitter MUST be removed after transmission to allow for cell recovery

Enzyme degradation
Reuptake by cells or uptake by neuroglia