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49 Cards in this Set

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What two plexuses supply the lower limb?
-lumbar plexus
-sacral plexus
The lumbar plexus comes from what spinal nerves?
Where is the lumbar plexus located?
in lower abdominal cavity, against muscles of posterior body wall
What two nerves are the major motor nerves arising from lumbar plexus?
femoral and obturator nerves
What is the lumbosacral trunk?
where part of L4 spinal nerve also joins with L5 nerve
Where is the lumosacral trunk?
passes over pelvic brim into pelvis -- contributes to sacral plexus
Where is the femoral triangle?
upper 1/3 of anterior thigh
What forms the femoral triangle?
-inguinal ligament -- superior border
-sartorius m. -- lateral border
-adductor longus m. -- medial border
-iliopsoas and pectineus m. -- floor (underlie femoral vein, artery, and nerve)
What runs through the femoral triangle?
(from medial to lateral) femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve
What region(s) does the femoral nerve innervate?
anterior hip and thigh
The femoral n. comes from what plexus and spinal nerves?
-lumbar plexus
Where is the femoral nerve located?
-runs inferiorly through pelvis in groove between iliacus and psoas major m. (on lateral side of psoas major muscle)
-then passes under inguinal ligament with iliopsoas m. and enters femoral triangle
What innervates the iliacus muscle?
femoral nerve
Immediately after the femoral nerve enters the femoral triangle, what does it do?
divides into several branches
What 3 muscles will the branches of the femoral triangle innervate?
-sartorius m.
-all 4 parts of quadriceps femoris m.
-pectineus m.
What innervates the medial thigh?
obturator nerve
What plexus does the obturator nerve come from?
lumbar plexus
Orientation of obturator nerve?
-within pelvis, runs inferiorly on medial side of psoas major m.
-exits pelvis through obturator foramen to enter medial thigh
Obturator n. supplies all medial thigh muscles except ?
pectineus and hamstring part of adductor magnus
What muscles (names) does the obturator nerve supply?
-gracilis m.
-adductor longus m.
-adductor brevis m.
-obturator externus m.
-adductor part of adductor magnus m.
What spinal nerves is the sacral plexus from?
Where is the sacral plexus located?
within true pelvis, lying on surface of piriformis m.
What 3 nerves does the sacral plexus form?
-superior gluteal nerve
-inferior gluteal nerve
-sciatic nerve
What innervates the gluteal region?
-superior gluteal nerve
-inferior gluteal nerve
-several small nerves from sacral plexus
Orientation of superior gluteal nerve?
exits greater sciatic foramen at superior margin of piriformis m.
What muscles does the superior gluteal nerve supply?
-gluteus medius
-gluteus minimus
-tensor faciae latae
Orientation of the inferior gluteal nerve?
exits greater sciatic foramen at inferior margin of piriformis
What muscle(s) does the inferior gluteal nerve supply?
gluteus maximus only!
What muscles do the several small nerves from sacral plexus supply?
-quatratus femoris
-superior and inferior gemelli
-obturator internus
What innervates the posterior thigh?
tibial and common fibular divisions of sciatic nerve
Sciatic nerve is derived from ____ and is the _____ nerve in the body
-sacral plexus
Location of sciatic nerve?
-emerges through greater sciatic foramen at inferior margin of piriformis m.
-then runs inferiorly through posterior thigh, deep to long head of biceps femoris m.
The sciatic nerve divides into what?
-tibial division of sciatic nerve
-common fibular of sciatic nerve
The tibial division of sciatic nerve is on what side of the sciatic nerve?
What muscles does the tibial division of sciatic nerve supply?
-long head of biceps femoris
-hamstring part of adductor magnus
What side is the common fibular division of sciatic nerve on?
lateral side
What muscle(s) does the common fibular division of sciatic nerve supply?
short head of biceps femoris
The two divisions remain together as sciatic nerve until ?
they separate in distal 1/3 of thigh (at upper border of popliteal fossa)
-tibial nerve
-common fibular nerve
What does the politeal fossa contain (not muscles)?
-popliteal artery and vein
-tibial nerve
-common fibular nerve
Location of tibial nerve?
-runs vertically through center of popliteal fossa
-passes deep to gastrocnemius and soleus, then into deep posterior compartment of leg
-passes behind medial malleolus and enters medial side of plantar foot
Tibial nerve supplies what region(s)?
all muscles of superficial and deep posterior leg
What does the tibial nerve divide into?
medial and lateral plantar nerves of foot
What supplies the intrinsic muscles of foot?
medial and lateral plantar nerves
Location of common fibular nerve?
-follows tendon of biceps femoris muscle along superior-lateral border of popliteal fossa
-runs laterally around (superficial to) neck of fibula
-enters lateral leg
What does the common fibular nerve divide into?
-superficial fibular nerve
-deep fibular nerve
Location of superficial fibular nerve?
runs down leg within lateral compartment
What does the superficial fibular nerve supply?
lateral compartment muscles
Location of deep fibular nerve
-passes deep - goes through lateral leg compartment and enters anterior leg compartment
-continues down anterior leg compartment
-crosses ankle and continues onto dorsum of foot
What muscles does the deep fibular nerve supply?
(all anterior compartment muscles)
-tibialis anterior
-extensor digitorum longus
-extensor hallucis longus
-fibularis tertius
-extensor digitorum brevis
-extensor hallucis brevis