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17 Cards in this Set

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को त्यो कुर भन्छ

Who says that?

कोले त्यो कुर भन्यो

Who said that?

घरमा कोही छ

There is someone in the house

घरमा कोही थिएन

There was noone in the house

मेरो हातमा केही छैन

I don't have anything in my hand

घरमा केही पनि छैन

There is noone at all in the house

मेरो हातमा केही पनि थिएन

There was nothing at all in my hand

के लिनुहुन्छ?

What would you like (extra polite)

मैले काम गरें

I worked

हमीले फिलिम हेर्यौं

We watched a film

उसले मलाई नमस्ते गरेन

He did not greet me

उनीहरुले सिनेम धर बन्द गरे

They shut the cinema

सिनेम घर बन्द भयो

The cinema closed

हामीहरुले काम शुरु गर्यौं

We started work

काम शुरु भयो

The work began

कोठामा गर्मी थियो

It was hot in the room

हम्रो कोठामा गर्मी भयो

It became hot in the room