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33 Cards in this Set

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what are the differences between role conflict and role ambiguity
role conflict occurs when a persons job roles or responsiblities conflict with one another often seen at immidate levels of supervision. role ambugity occurs when an individual is not provided enough information about his or her role to porperly perform the job.
what is the purpose of the enlisted force structure
to define the specific responsibilites for each rank, the relationship between each rank and how each rank fits into the organization, and career progression thro0ugh the enlisted ranks
how does the enlisted force structure contribute in the air force
it lays on the foundation for effective discipline. it provides guidence and direction to NCOs spelled out in the form of the NCO general responsibilites, If the NCO fullfills these roles he or she will be better able to establish and maintain control while, at the same time, taking care of the professional devlopment of subordinates
what is the supervisors role in helping subordinates adjust to the military enviroment
the supervisor should engage in such activites that let the subordinates know the supervisor cares about thier well being and career devlpoment. taking the time to ensure they fully understand what is expected of them and taking a personal interest in them are great ways to directly be involved and to demonstate genuine concern
describe actions you should take in preventing disciplinary problems
a supervisor should communicate expected standards and behaviors to subordinates. those standards and expectations should be enforced consistatly. be directly involved. be a positive role model
what corrective measures could you take in order to maintain dicipline
when prevention fails you may need to resort to verbal or written counseling. LOR- must be able to provide documentation and info to 1st sgt or commander
describe the PDP process
PDP is process of gaining and maintaining dicpline wihthin organization
explain model behavior
a person that feels a need to set goals and fulfill that need
how do coping behaviors impact you as a leader
understanding the coping behaviors will better prepare you to deal with the success and failures of your subordinate
explain the role of learning in behavior
learning is the process that conditions us to react to a given situation of process a given set of information in a certain way.
explain the differences between mcclellands and herzberg's motivational theroies
Hertzberg- it asserts that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are caused by different work related factors calles hygienens
Mcclellend states that three critical needs, power; affilition and schievement may be fullfiled through the organization.
according to vrooms expectancy theory how does motivation occur
because a person assingns meaning or value to what they see or preceive as a realistic outcome based on thier behavior
hwo do aspirations fit into the behavior process
they are a motivational force that play a role in our ling term goals and have an interactive relationship with our needs and behavior in reaching that goal
explain the role of personality in the behavior process
personality motivates is and impacts how we are typically going to respond to any given situation
how would a poor self concept in your subordinate make it more challanging for you as a supervisor
a poor self concept results in a person not believeing that they are cabable or important
explain the difference between self efficacny and locus of control
self efficacy refers to the degree of control people feel they have in a given situation. locus of control relates to whether people feel the outcomes of thier behavior are truely a result of thier action
describe the role of valued as a behavior influence
we use values to make pass judgement and make decisions. we use values to assess the action of others, develop positions on issues and avoid certain tasks.
define personal discrimination
actions taken by an individual to deprive a person or group of a right because of color, national orgin, race, religion or sex. such discrimination can occur overtly, covertly intentionally or intenionally
define systemic discrimination
actions by an institution that through its policies and procedures deprive a person or group or a right because of color, national orgin, race, religion or sex. such discrimination can occur overtly, covertly intentionally or intenionally
explain the way sexual harrassment occurs and give an example of each
verbal-sexual complimants pressure for dates or ridicule non-verbal-leereing ogling cartoons, notes pictures etc. physical
explain how alcohol is a significant contributor to human relations incidents
is a catalyst for conflict. inhibitions are lowered
describe how morale is impacted by human relations incidents
morale is greatly reduced when discrimatory acts are taking place because people feel frustrated, helpless and unaccpeted
give an example of how human relations issues impact productivity
people will respond to having rights or opporunities deprived by not performing thier assingned work tasks.
explain how human relations issues negatively impact quality of life
human relations incidents impact an individuals ability to positively interact with the rest of the team
what is the superviosrs role in preventing human relations issues
we must establish communicate and enforce policies regarding human relation issues
explain the supervisors role in using corrective measures when dealing with human relation issues
when they are necessary we must be prepared to take action and get the unacceptable behavior to stop. must not ignore acts and must provide detailed, factual information about the behavior
identify the four types of sentances you should use throught your writeen communication
simple sentance-a sentance that expresses one complte thought
compound sentance- a union of two are more simple sentances
complex sentance- a simple sentance with a dependent clause attached to it.
compound-complex sentance- a combination of a compound and complex sentance.
name the standard sentance mechanics you should be aware or when writing
punctuation, capitalizaton and abbreviation
briefely describe each of the common obstacles to sentance coherence
faulty order of sentance parts and misplaces modifiers
faulty parallesims
faulty relationship of ideas
what are the three basic components of a paragrapg
topic sentance. support sentance and closing sentance
what is the basic concept of sentance of paragraph coherence
all of the paragraph parts should be arranged so that thier relationship is clear to the reader
what are some examples of transitional devices you can use to show a contrasting relationship
but, still however, nevertheless and yet
how do you use number to maintain paragraph coherence
if the controlling idea is singualar you keep all the references to it singular