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16 Cards in this Set

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Low Context Communication
relies primarily on the explicit, verbal part of a message.

characteristic of Euro-American cultures.
high-context communication
grounded in the situation, depends on group understanding, relies heavily
on nonverbal cues, helps unify a culture, and is slow to change.

High-context communication is characteristic of many culturally-diverse groups in the United States
What are some possible Consequences of Oppression?
1. Internalized Oppression, which can
involve system beating (acting out against the system), system blaming, total avoidance of whites, and/or denial of the political significance of race.

2. Conceptual Incarceration-adopting a
white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant worldview, including its standards, language, and lifestyle.

3. Split-self syndrome- polarizing oneself into "good" and "bad" components, with the bad components representing one's African American identity.
What is an Intercultural Nonparanoiac Discloser?
(Low Functional Paranoia, Low Cultural
Paranoia): A client in this category is willing to self-disclose to an African American or Anglo therapist.
What is Functional Paranoia when a counselor is working with an African American client?
(High Functional Paranoia, Low Cultural Paranoia): Clients in this category are nondisclosive to both African American and Anglo therapists, and their nondisclosure is due primarily to pathology.
Describe the behavior of a client who is a Healthy Cultural Paranoiac?
(Low Functional Paranoia, High Cultural Paranoia):
Clients in this category self-disclose to an African American therapist but are reluctant to disclose to an Anglo therapist due to past experiences with racism and/or the white therapist's attitudes and beliefs.
Describe the behavior of a client who is a Confluent Paranoiac?
(High Functional Paranoia, High Cultural Paranoia): A client in
this category is nondisclosing to African American and Anglo therapists, with nondisclosure being due to a combination of pathology and the effects of racism.
What is Acculturation?
is the degree to which a
member of a culturally-diverse group accepts and adheres to the values, attitudes, behaviors, etc., of his/her own group and the dominant (majority) group.
What is Integration?
The person maintains his/her own (minority) culture but also incorporates
many aspects of the dominant culture.
Describe Assimilation
The person accepts the majority culture while relinquishing his/her own
What is Separation:
The person withdraws from the dominant culture and accepts his/her own
What is Marginalization?
The person does not identify with either his/her own culture or the
dominant culture.
Describe Racial/ethnic identity
refers to a person's perception that he or she shares a common racial or ethnic heritage with a specific group
What are the guidelines for cross-cultural counseling?
1. Make sure that language is not a barrier.
2. Identify the client's stage of racial/ethnic identity development, degree of acculturation, and worldview (beliefs, values, attitudes, etc.).
3. Be careful not to evaluate culturally-relevant behaviors as pathology.
4. Recognize that social, economic, and political discrimination and prejudice are real problems for members of many diverse groups in the United States.
5. When appropriate, acknowledge cultural differences and encourage the client to talk about his or her feelings on this issue.
6. Do not overgeneralize cultural patterns to all members of a particular group.
7. Be familiar with the NBCC's ethical standards regarding work with specific groups.
According to Boyd-Franklin ( 1989), African American families respond best to which approach to therapeutic interventions?
a multisystems approach
Describe a Multisystems approach to counseling a client, and which cultural group(s) respond best to this approach?
This approach to counseling addresses multiple systems, intervenes at multiple levels, and empowers the family by directly incorporating its strengths into the intervention.

Systems that may be included in treatment include the extended family and nonblood kin, the church, and community resources. Family therapy, especially extended family systems therapy, is often the treatment-of-choice.
This approach most effective with African American clients