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134 Cards in this Set

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Which herb is added to Si jun zi tang to make Yi gong san?
Chen Pi
Actions and Indications of Ma zi ren wan?
moisten intestines, drains heat, promotes movement of qi, unblocks bowels
What is Sheng hua tang used for?
post partum blood stasis due to def and cold. (invig blood, break stasis, warm menses, relieve pain)
Ingredients of Ban xia hou po tang?
ban xia, hou po, fu ling, sheng jiang, zi su ye
Ban xia hou po tang treats what disorder?
plum pit qi
Ingredients of Gui zhi fu ling wan?
gui zhi, fu ling, shao yao, mu dan pi,
tao ren
Gui zhi fu ling wan treats what medical condition?
Endometriosis (invig blood, transform stasis, reduce fixed masses)
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang contains what formula?
Gui zhi ji shao yao tang (double dose of shao yao and add Yi tang
Actions and indications of Xiao jian zhong tang?
warms and tonifies the middle burner and moderates spasmodic abdominal pain
Actions and indications of Dao Jian zhong tang?
Warm and tonify middle burner def, directs rebellious qi down, alleviates pain/ excruciating epigastric and abd pain, strong cold sensation in epig. and vomiting making unable to eat
Ingredients of Gan Mai da zao tang?
gan cao, fu xiao mai, da zao
Actions and indications of Gan mai da zao tang?
nourishes ht, calms spirit, harmonizes middle/ restless organ disorder
For more severe ht yin def add what to Gan mai da zao tang?
bai he, bai zi ren
For insomnia due to lv blood def add what to Gan mai da zao tang?
suan zao ren
For constipation add what to Gan mai da zao tang?
hei zhi ma, he shou wu
For enurisis add what to Gan mai da zao tang?
sang piao xiao, yi zhi ren, tu si zi
For palp, short breath, loss of apetite, swollen tooth marked tongue, and thin frail pules add what formula to Gan mai da zao tang?
gui pi tang
For sinus arrhythmias and choppy pulse add what to Gan mai da zao tang?
dang shen and zi shi ying
For mild cases of schizophrenia add what to Gan mai da zao tang?
gui zhi, long gu, mu li
What formula treats deficiency of lv and ki yin causing menopause?
Er zhi wan
What formula treats menopause due to both ki yin and yang deficiency?
Er xian tang (in tonify yang category)
What formula treats menopausal hypertension?
Er xian tang
For external disorders with aversion to wind, sweating, and moderate pules add what to Yu ping feng san?
gui zhi
For persistent sweating add what to Yu ping feng san?
mu li, fu xiao mai, wu wei zi
For chronic or allergic rhinitis add what to Yu ping feng san?
xin yi hua, cang er zi, bai zhi
For bronchitis in children add what to Yu ping feng san?
shan yao, chen pi, da zao
For hypotension take what formula with Yu ping feng san?
sheng mai san
For aversion to cold add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
rou gui
For abdominal pain add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
increase zhi gan cao and add bai shao
For headache add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
man jing zi, if severe add chuan xiong
For vertex headache add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
gao ben
For severe painadd what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
xi xin
For generalized pain or heaviness from dampness add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
wu ling san
For diarrhea from excessive deliberation add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
mu xiang
For tinitis and diminished hearing add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
shan zhu yu, yi zhi ren
For diminished visual acuity or double vision add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
gou qi zi, chuan xiong
For recurrent miscarriage add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
du zhong, tu si zi
For leukorrhea add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
cang zhu, huang bai
For abd distention add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
zhi shi, hou po, mu xiang, and sha ren
For hernial disorders add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
ju he, xiao hui xang, li zhi he
for constipation from sp qi def add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
sesame oil
For painful urinary difficulty in elderly due to sunken yang qi add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
ze xie, mu tong
For premenstrual diarrhea add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
pao jiang, huang lian
For enuresis in children add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
sang piao xiao, yi zhi ren
For chronic rhinitis add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
cang er zi, xin yi hua
For corneal ulcers add what to Bu zhong yi qi tang?
gu jing cao, jue ming zi, shan yao
Actions and indications of Bu zhong yi qi tong?
tonifies qi of middle and raises sunken yang
In Gui zhi tang what is the ratio of Gui zhi to Shao yao?
1:1 (9 grams each)
What is the ratio of Gui zhi to shao yao in Xiao jian zhong tang?
Ingredients of Er miao san?
huang bai, cang zhu
What is added to Er miao san to make San miao san?
niu xi
What is added to san miao san to make Si miao san?
yi yi ren
Categories of Er miao san, san miao san, si miao san?
eliminate dampness, clear heat, eliminate dampness
Sheng mai san treats what condition?
chronic cough with yinand qi def (tonify lu qi and yin, generates fluid, stops excessive sweating)
Ingredients of Sheng mai san?
Ren shen, mai men dong, wu wei zi
What is added to Jin gui shen qi wan to make ji sheng shen qi wan?
Chuan niu xi and che qian zi
Ji sheng shen qi wan is a variation of what formula?
Jin gui shen qi wan
What herbs are added to liu wei di huang wan to make jin gui shen qi wan?
fu zi, gui zhi
What is Er long zuo ci wan typically used for?
hearing loss due to old age
What herbs are added to liu wei di huang wan to make er long zuo ci wan?
ci shi, shi chang pu, wu wei zi
What herb in Er long zuo ci wan opens the orifices?
She chang pu
Which formula treats skin edema?
a. wu pi san
b. shi pi yin
a. wu pi san
Which formula treats yin edema?
a. wu pi san
b. shi pi yin
b. shi pi yin?
Ingredients of li zhong wan?
gan jiang, ren shen, bai zhu, zhi gan cao
Patient has diarrhea with watery stool, nausea, vomiting, no thirst, no appetite, abd pain, pale tongue with white coat, submerged thin pulse. What formula is best?
li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill)
What condition does fang feng tong shen san treat?
interior and exterior heat with constipation, fever, dark urine, and diff. swallowing
What formula treats palpitations with an irregular pulse?
zhi gan cao tang
What does bei mu gua lou san treat?
cough with deep seeded sputum thats difficult to expectorate/ lu dryness injuring fluids causing dry phlegm
For severe coughing and wheezing add what to Bei mu gua lou san?
xing ren, pi pai ye, kuan dong hua
For concurrent exterior condition add what to Bei mu gua lou san?
sang ye, xing ren, qian hu, niu bang zi
For more severe dryness and sore throat add what to Bei mu gua lou san?
xuan shen, mai men dong, zhi mu
For hoarseness and blood streaked sputum add what to Bei mu gua lou san?
remove ju hong, add sha shen, mai men dong, lu gen, xian he cao
Actions of Zeng ye yang?
generates fluids, moistens dryness, unblocks bowels
Ingredients of ling gui zhu gan wan?
fu ling, gui zhi, zhi gan cao, bai zhu
What does ling gui zhu gan wan treat?
sp yang def causing cold phlegm/ fullness in chest and hyp, coughing clear watery sputum, swollen white slippery/greasy tongue
Yin qiao san vs. bai hu tang?
early stage exterior disorder vs. blazing heat in yang ming channel
Huo xiang zheng qi san vs. shen ling bai zhu san?
both tread middle burner issues. Former is with wind cold and middle stagnation, latter is simple sp qi def causing dampness.
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin vs. Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang ?
both are for internal wind. The first is due to lv yang rising for any reason and commonly treats hypertension. The second is specifically for lv yang rising and wind caused by lv and ki yin def (often as a precursor to stroke)
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang vs. Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang ?
The first is simple wind cold damp bi syndrome. The second treats the same but accompanied by ki and lv def signs(pain in low back and low extremities)
Si Shen Wan vs. Si Ni San?
Both are indicated for diarrhea. Si shen wan treats cock crow diarrhea while si ni san treats yang collapse and lv invading sp causing diarrhea
Si ni san vs. si ni tang?
San is for yang collapse due to constrained qi so it focuses on releiveing the constraint. Tang focuses on the collapsed yang and warms and tonifies the yang and the middle
Ingredients of Er chen wan?
ban xia, chen pi, fu ling, zhi gan cao (treats damp phlegm from the spleen)
Which formula treats cough due to external cold dryness?
a. xing su san
b. sang ju yin
c. sang xing tang
d. ma xing shi gan tang
a. xing su san
Which formula treats cough from wind heat?
a. xing su san
b. sang ju yin
c. sang xing tang
d. ma xing shi gan tang
b. sang ju yin
Which formula treats cough from warm lung dryness?
a. xing su san
b. sang ju yin
c. sang xing tang
d. ma xing shi gan tang
c. sang xing tang
Which formula treats cough from heat lodged in the lungs?
a. xing su san
b. sang ju yin
c. sang xing tang
d. ma xing shi gan tang
d. ma xing shi gan tang (with wheezing and labored breathing)
What herbs are added to Liu wei di huang wan to make Zhi bai di huang wan?
zhi mu, huang bai
Zhi bai di huang wan treats what disorder?
severe ki yin def fire causing steaming bone disorder *large pulse in rear position
Ingredients of si jun zi tang?
ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling, gan cao
What herbs are added to si jun zi tang to make liu jun zi tang?
chen pi and ban xia
What does long dan xie gan tang treat?
lv/gb damp heat: hyp pain, ha, dizzy,red/sore eyes, bitter taste wiry rapid pulse (also damp heat in low burner- painful burning urine, foul leukorrhea, swollen genitals)
Ingredients of wu ling san?
ze xie, fu ling, zhu ling, bai zhu, gui zhi
Ingredients of zhu ling tang?
zhu ling, fu ling, ze xie, hua shi e jiao
Wu ling san vs. zhu ling tang?
Wu ling san focuses mostly on the dampness and the sp. Zhu ling tang focuses on dampness, but also on heat and yin def.
What two formulas treat diarrhea with blood in the stool from sp def?
huang tu tang, zhen ren yang zang tang (sp yang def failing to control blood/ sp and ki yang def from chronic diarrhea)
Actions of xie bai san?
drains heat from the lungs and calms wheezing
What does xie bai san treat?
constrained heat and smoldering fire in the lungs/ also for chronic cough in children and elderly
Ingredients of si ni tang?
sheng fu zi, gan jiang, zhi gan cao
Patient presents with dizziness, vertigo, ha, stifling sensation in the chest, nausea/vomiting, copious sputum, white greasy tongue coat, wiry slippery pulse. What formula is proper?
ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang
(er chen tang variation) "wind phlegm"
What is Zhu ye shi gao tang used for?
Qi level heat lingering in the lungs and the stomache; vomiting, heat signs, thirst, dry lips, mouth throat, choking cough
What does jin gui shen qi wan treat?
Ki yang def; ki def signs plus either urinary diff with edema or excessive urination
What 2 formulas form gui pi tang?
si jun zi tang and dang gui bu xue tang?
Ingredients of Yin chen hao tang?
yin chen hao, zhi zi, da huang
What does yin chen hao tang treat?
yang type/ damp heat jaundice
What does Pu ji xiao du yin treat?
acute massive febrile disorder of the head: stong fever and chills redness swelling and burning pain of the head and face
What does Wu wei xiao du yin treat?
all boils and carbuncles of heat type. especially for deep rooted and hard lesions resembling nails or chestnuts
Ghi zhi ren shen tang is a variation of what formula?
Li zhong wan
What does gui zhi ren shen tang treat?
warms interior and releases exterior/ for tai yang disorders in which pergatives have been used even tho exterior hasn't been resolved. constant diarrhea, firm focal distention in epig., pluss fever and chills
Ingredients of Gui zhi ren shen tang?
gui zhi, ren shen, gan cao, gan jiang, bai zhu
Qi bao mei ran dan treats what condition? "Seven treasures special pill for whisker formula"
premature greying of hair and loose teeth; ki yin and lv blood def
Suo quan wan treats what condition
childhood bedwetting
What is the ratio between huang lian and wu zhu yu in Zuo jin wan?
6 to 1
What does zuo jin wan treat?
heat in lv/gb causing lv/st disharmony (gnawing hunger, acid regurgitation)
Which is the strongest of the Cheng qi tangs?
a. da cheng qi tang
b. xiao cheng qi tang
c. hou po san wu tang
d. tiao wei cheng qi tang
e. zeng ye cheng qi tang
a. Da cheng qi tang
What is the mildest cheng qi tang?
a. da cheng qi tang
b. xiao cheng qi tang
c. hou po san wu tang
d. tiao wei cheng qi tang
e. zeng ye cheng qi tang
d. tiao wei cheng qi tang
Ingredients of Da cheng qi tang?
da huang, mang xiao, hou po, zhi shi
What does Da cheng qi tang treat?
yang ming organ disorder
How is Da cheng qi tang modified to create Xiao cheng qi tang?
subract mang xiao, and make ratio of hou po to da huang 1:2
How is Xiao cheng qi tang modified to make Hou po san wu tang?
change ratio of hou po to da huang to 2:1
How is Da cheng qi tang modified to create Tiao wei cheng qi tang?
subtract zhi shi and hou po, and add gan cao
Ingredients of Zheng yi cheng qi tang?
xuan shen, mai men dong, sheng di huang, da huang, mang xiao
Zeng ye cheng qi tang contains what formula?
Zeng ye tang
What does zeng ye cheng qi tang treat?
yang ming organ disorder + yin fluid def and constipation d/t dryness
What does Zhen zhu mu treat?
insomnia due to ascendent lv yang
What is added to Zhen zhu mu with concurrent night sweats?
mu li, wu wei zi
What does Xiao yao tang treat?
damp heat dysenterry with equal ammnts of pus and blood
Which treats fever and chills with a desire to curl up due to an exterior condition?
a. bu zhong yi qi tang
b. shen su yin
b. shen su yin
Which treats fever and chills with a desire to curl up due to qi def w/out exterior condition?
a. bu zhong yi qi tang
b. shen su yin
a. bu zhong yi qi tang
Ingredients of Sheng hua tang?
dang gui, chuan xiong, tao ren, pao jiang, zhi gan cao
What would you add to sheng hua tang for severe retention of blood and pain?
pu huang, wu ling zhi, yan hu suo
What would you add to sheng hua tang for severe cold and pain in low abdomen?
rou gui
What would you add to sheng hua tang for feverishness associated with blood stasis?
mu dan pi, chi shao
What would you add to sheng hua tang for post partum qi def with profuse sweating due to loss of blood?
huang qi and ren shen
What would you add to sheng hua tang for failure of uterus to resume normal size?
yi mu cao