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60 Cards in this Set

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Which, if any, of the following
levels of management contains chief petty officers?
1. Top
2. Middle
3. Operating
4. None of the above
In which of the following types of planning are chiefs normally
1. Single–use
2. Standing
3. Strategic
4. Both 2 and 3 above
What type of planning involves
activities that will occur in 2 to 5 years?
1. Strategic
2. Standing
3. Procedures
4. Single-use
Which of the following plans gives broad general statements of expected
1. P o l i c i e s
2. Procedures
3. Rules and regulations
4. Organizational objectives
P o l i c i e s
Which of the following plans are detailed standing plans?
1.P o l i c i e s
3.Rules and regulations
4.Organizational objectives
What type of organizational document should you use to help avoid crisis management?
1. The command policies
2. The command procedures
3. The command organizational o b j e c t i v e s
4. The command’s rules and
The command procedures
Which of the following statements concerning rules and regulations is true?
1. They are standing plans
2. They state what you may or may not do in a given situation
3. Commands use them to ensure personnel comply with command p o l i c y
4. Each of the above
Each of the above
Which of the following types of
control is expressed in numerical terms, usually by category and a period of time?
1. Budget
2. Policy
3. Program
4. Project
Single-use plans are developed
which of the following plans?
1. Strategic
2. Programs
3. Projects
4. Budgets
Which of the following statements defines management by objectives (MBO)?
1. MBO states a specific goal and gives the major steps, the
timing of the steps, and the
resources required
2. Supervisors set the goals and subordinates have no input to the planning process
3. Supervisors and subordinates set overall goals for the organization together
4. MBO states the amount of time, money, personnel, and other resources to be used
Supervisors and subordinates set overall goals for the organization together
The purpose of MBO is to set clearly defined goals everyone can understand.
1. True
2. False
What principle is MBO based on?
1. People are more willing to work toward a goal they are committed to
2. People will do everything
possible to meet the goals they s e t
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Supervisors should set all the goals because workers are
basically lazy
Both 1 and 2 above
Which of the following items is NOT a disadvantage of management by objectives ?
1. It may cause leaders to overlook objectives that cannot be measured
2. It forces leaders to focus on
important objectives
3. It requires more time to use
4. It increases paperwork
It forces leaders to focus on
important objectives
You will find the work requirements for your division in which of the following divisional documents?
1. Strategic plans
2 . Single-use plans
3. Rules and regulations
4. All of the above
All of the above
What is the first step in setting
goals for work requirements?
1. Identify the difference between the real and ideal situation
2. Develop a single–use plan to
implement the change
3. Recognize the real situation in your division
4. Make a commitment to change
Recognize the real situation in your division
Which of the following statements defines the goal setting criteria of being behavior specific?
1. Specifies the necessary action to take
2. Provides a time schedule or
deadline for reaching the goal
3. Specifies criteria or check
points for accomplishing the
4. Tests your ability, but has at. least a 50 percent chance of being attained
Specifies the necessary action to take
The goal setting criteria of being measurable is defined by which of the following statements?
1. The goal tests your ability, but has at least a 50 percent chance of being attained
2 . The goal specifies criteria or check points for accomplishing the goal
3. The goal provides a time
schedule or deadline for
reaching the goal
4. The goal specifies the necessary action to take
The goal specifies criteria or check points for accomplishing the goal
Which of the following statements defines realistic but challenging goal setting criteria?
1. Tests your ability, but has at
least a 50 percent chance of
being attained
2 . Specifies criteria or check
points for accomplishing the
3. Provides a time schedule or
deadline for reaching the goal
4. Specifies the necessary action to take
Tests your ability, but has at
least a 50 percent chance of
being attained
Which of the following statements defines time-phased goal setting c r i t e r i a ?
1. Tests your ability, but has at
least a 50 percent chance of
being attained
2. Specifies criteria or check
points for accomplishing the
3. Provides a time schedule or
deadline for reaching the goal
4. Specifies the necessary action to take
Provides a time schedule or
deadline for reaching the goal
If a task does not fit into the
priority of urgent, important, or
important/urgent, when should you do the task?
1. Whenever you find time
2. Before the urgent task
3. Before the important task
4. Before the urgent/important task
Whenever you find time
Why should you use strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis?
1. To determine where the division needs improvement
2. To determine opportunities
available to the division
3. To determine if there are any
obstacles the division must
4. All of the above
All of the above
What would an available school quota be classified as during a SWOT analysis?
1. Strength
2. Weakness
3. Opportunity
4. Threat
You must assign a person to a billet that requires completion of a personnel qualification standard. When, if ever, is the person considered qualified to fill the b i l l e t ?
1. When the assignment is made
2. When the person completes the personnel qualification standard
3. When the service record entry documenting completion of the personnel qualification standard is made
4. Never
When the service record entry documenting completion of the personnel qualification standard is made
Trying to anticipate problems and making corrections before problems occur requires which of the following types of control?
1. Quality
2 . Feedback
3. Concurrent
4. Feedforward
Which of the following types of
control involves making corrections after an event happens?
1. Feedforward
2. Concurrent
3. Feedback
4. Quality
Which of the following types of
control involves making changes as an event occurs?
1. Quality
2. Feedback
3. Concurrent
4. Feed forward
An inspection of the raw input for defects is what type of quality control?
1. Quality circle
2. Zero defects
3. Feedforward
4. Feedback
Quality circle
Which of the following types of
quality control is based on doing the job right the first time?
1. Quality circle
2. Zero defects
3. Feedforward
4. Feedback
Zero defects
Which of the following types of
control is measurable?
1. Plan of action and milestones
2. Critical path method
3. Gantt chart
4. Each of the above
Each of the above
Which of the following types of
control was developed by the Navy while constructing the Polaris missile?
1. Plan of action and milestones
2. Critical path method
3. Gantt Chart
When constructing a PERT network, what is the fourth step?
1. Control the project
2. Find the critical path
3. Look for ways to improve the
p r o j e c t
4. Define the order needed to
complete the component task
Find the critical path
Which of the following statements identifies the basic difference between PERT and CPM?
1. CPM requires only one time
2. CPM includes a cost estimate as well as time estimates
3. CPM assumes you have some experience in performing each component task
4. Each of the above
Each of the above
As an element of effective control, your subordinates expect you to control their work by comparing it
to a set standard.
1. True
2. False
When you evaluate your control system to eliminate unnecessary costs, you are using which of the following elements of effective control?
1. Effectiveness
2. Acceptance
3. Timeliness
4. Accuracy
A person who gives advice to the commanding officer would belong to which, if any, of the following types of organization?
1. Line
2. S t a f f
3. Functional
4. None of the above
None of the above
A major department responsible for accomplishing the mission of the command belongs to which of the following types of organization?
1. Line
2. S t a f f
3. Functional
4. Each of the above
A functional organization is defined by which of the following statements?
1. Does not have authority over
line departments
2. Is responsible for accomplishing
the command mission
3. Has authority over all parts of the command in ensuring its
special function is met
4. Gives advice to line departments
Has authority over all parts of the command in ensuring its
special function is met
The division of work is explained by which of the following organizational concepts?
1. Chain of command
2. Unity of command
3. Span of control
4. Specialization
The order of control within an
organization is defined by which of the following terms?
1. Chain of command
2. Unity of command
3. Span of control
4. Specialization
Unity of command
How many people can one person effectively supervise?
1. 5
2. 10
3. 12
4. 13
The order of authority within an
organization is explained by which of the following organizational
1. Chain of command
2. Unity of command
3. Span of control
4. Specialization
Chain of command
Delegating your authority is an
outstanding way to train
subordinates for positions of
greater authority.
1. True
2. False
Which of the following statements concerning authority is correct?
1. Most authority in the Navy is
2. Subordinates usually accept
authority readily
3. Subordinates must recognize you have authority over them before your authority exist
4. Each of the above
Each of the above
When you tell a junior enlisted
person in another division or work center to get a haircut, you are exercising which, if any, of the following types of authority?
1. Line
2 . S t a f f
3. Functional
4. None of the above
The use of threats or negative
rewards is the use of which of the following types of power?
1. Expert
2. Referent
3. Coercive
4. Informational
When you influence others through the use of your specialized knowledge, you are exercising which of the following types of power?
1. Expert
2. Referent
3. Coercive
4. Informational
Which of the following types of
power do you have simply because people identify with you being a c h i e f ?
1. Expert
2 . Referent
3. Coercive
4. Informational
Which of the following statements concerning leadership is true?
1. It is the motivating force that
leads to coordinated action and unity of effort
2. Leaders must encourage, inspire, teach, stimulate, and motivate all individuals of the
3. You should never let a
subordinate be criticized or
penalized by anyone but yourself
4. Each of the above
Each of the above
A leader who believes people must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened is using which of the following leadership theories?
1. W
2. X
3. Y
4. Z
Immediate compliance to orders, tight job control, and numerous detailed reports on jobs are characteristics of which of the following leadership styles?
1. Coach
2. Coercer
3. Affiliatior
4. Pacesetter
Which of the following definitions identifies the authoritarian style
of leadership?
1. Negative feedback is given and name calling is frequent
2 . Motivation is generated through threats of discipline or
3. Rewards are given for personal characteristics and punishment is rare
4. Clear direction is given with no doubt about who makes the final decisions
Clear direction is given with no doubt about who makes the final decisions
Leaders who would rather do the job themselves, set high standards, expect self–direction, and have
trouble delegating authority,
exercise which of the following
leadership styles?
1. A f f i l i a t o r
2. Pacesetter
3. Democratic
4. Coach
A democratic leadership style would be particularly harmful in a drill or battle condition for which of the following reasons?
1. It requires time for meetings
2. The leader lacks control of the group
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. It takes authority away from
Both 1 and 2 above
What leadership style is well suited to a counselor but would have a negative effect on a work center operating on a tight schedule?
1. Authoritarian
2. A f f i l i a t o r
3. Democratic
4. Coach
When you prepare your work center for inspection by incorporating preparation for inspection into the daily routine, you are demonstrating which of the following management s k i l l s ?
1. Concern for standards
2 . Concern for efficiency
3. Planning and organizing
4. Supervising for effective
Planning and organizing
You would exhibit the leadership skill commitment to the command's mission by taking which of the
following actions?
1. Seeing yourself as a leader
2. Making yourself available to
answer questions
3. Using threats or your authority to influence others
4. Acting with the best interest of the command in mind
Acting with the best interest of the command in mind
Which of the following statements describes the action you should take in developing others?
1. Use the proper setting and
timing for optimum impact
2. See yourself as someone who makes things happen
3. Provide constructive feedback to subordinates
4. See yourself as a leader
See yourself as a leader
Which of the following personal
characteristics is defined as
confronting issues directly and
insisting others recognize your
place in the chain of command?
1. Concern for achievement
2 . Analytical problem solving
3. Persistence
4. Assertiveness
Which of the following personal
characteristics is defined as being a self–starter, seeing problems, and taking action to correct the problems without being told?
1. Interpersonal awareness
2. Assertiveness
3. Persistence
4. I n i t i a t i v e
I n i t i a t i v e
Which of the following is a benefit of Total Quality Management?
1. Increased pride of workmanship among individual workers
2 . Improved sustainability caused by extended time between equipment failures
3. Streamlined maintenance and production processes
4. Each of the above
Each of the above