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196 Cards in this Set

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Complete protein food sources :

Back (Definition)

It is important that personal trainers have a good network of qualified

Healthcare professionals (physicians, dietitians, eating disorder specialist, etc.)

Integration of nutritional strategies with exercise will help clients

Achieve their desired outcomes.

The professional, legally qualified to practice in the field of nutrition, is a

Registered dietitian (RD)

Registered dietitian (RD) are

Specialized food & nutrition experts with extensive training who meet specified criteria.

RDs received their degrees at an accredited college university with coursework approved by who?

Commission on accreditation for Dietetics education (CADE)

How long does it take an RD to complete a CADE accredited program?

6-12 months

After completing the supervised practice program, what must candidates pass to receive their RD credential?

The national examination.

In order to maintain an active RD credential individuals must complete what?

Continuing education requirements.

Educational and professional requirements for the RD :

Back (Definition)

What is the practice of nutrition called?


What is dietetics governed by?

National credentialing programs

State licensing laws

Currently, how many states have specific laws that explicitly defined the scope of practice for nutrition and dietetics professionals? Performing these duties without a license could be what?

46 states


Some healthcare professionals are protected regarding state laws & regulations for making nutrition recommendations, why?

Because they are licensed by the state as a nurse or a physician.

Examples of nutrition topics of discussion for fitness professionals :

Back (Definition)

By 2015, public health experts expect that what percentage of all US adults will be either overweight or obese?


Eat fewer calories there expended & there will be

A reduction in weight.

Consume more calories than expended & there will be

An increase weight.

The environment we live in today profile is a constant supply of ___ food while promoting a ___ lifestyle, which when viewed collectively, have played a significant role in the rising ___ rates in the US.

Palatable (increasing energy intake)

Sedentary (reducing energy expenditure)


calorie (lowercase c)

The amount of heat energy required to raise the temp of 1g of water 1°C.

Calorie (Upper case C) Kilocalorie (kcal)

The unit expression of energy equal to 1000 cal.

The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg/1 liter of water 1°C.

Estimated total energy expenditure (TEE)

Total daily energy expert denture (TDEE)

The amount of energy (calories) spent, on average, in it typical day.

TEE is actually the total sum of what 3 different energy components?

Resting metabolic rate (RMR)

Thermic effect of food (TEF)

Energy expended during activity

TEE sum :

Back (Definition)

Resting metabolic rate (RMR)

The amount of energy expended while at rest

The minimal amount of energy required to sustain vital bodily functions (blood circulation, respiration, temp regulation)

RMR accounts for ~70% of TEE

Thermic effect of food (TEF)

The amount of energy expended above RMR as a result of processing food (digestion) for storage use.

TEF accounts for ~6-10% of TEE

Energy expended during physical activity

The amount of energy expended above RMR & TEF associated with physical activity (PA).

PA accounts for ~ 20% of TEE

RMR can be affected by a wide variety of factors, including what?




Hormonal changes

Body size

Body comp





Food/caffeine intake

Cigarette smoking

There are 12

What are constant factors that cannot be altered?




There are 3

Exercise is said to have a positive effect on RMR indirectly if fat free mass (FFM)

Is increased or decreased.

What are factors that temporarily alter RMR?

Hormonal changes


Environmental temperature


Caffeine intake

Cigarette smoking

There are 6

Hormonal changes can do what to RMR?

Increase or decrease

Thyroid hormones influence many metabolic functions throughout the body, including

Fat and carbohydrate metabolism and growth, having a constant effect on energy expenditure, effecting every cell in the body.

High concentrations of thyroid hormones 10 to cause an ___, whereas lower than normal levels tend to cause ___.

Increase in RMR

Decrease in RMR

According to the American Association of clinical endocrinologist (AACE) how many Americans have thyroid related disorders? How many are undiagnosed?

27 million

More than half

What endocrine disorder is the seventh leading case of death in the US?


Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is measured after

The subject spends the night at home & is driven to the research laboratory for measurement.



When food is consumed it is mechanically digested & moved through ___. Nutrients are transported from the ___, and then distributed ___.

The digestive tract

Gut to the blood

Throughout the body.

The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the

Increase in energy expenditure after the meal.

The thermic effect of food (TEF) compromises approximately what percent of total energy expenditure depending on the frequency & energy content of the meal?

6% to 10%

Any physical activity requires ___ above ___.

Energy expenditure

Resting metabolism

Physical activity can account for what percent of an individual‘s TEE?

20% or more

The following is an example of a simplified TEE calculation :

Back (Definition)

Physical activity factors for various levels of activity for adults average size 19 years or older :

Back (Definition)

The most commonly used formulas can have how much of a variance in overestimating/underestimating resting metabolism & TEE?

20% variance

Certain cardiovascular medications can reduce armor from 4% to


Proper weight management for most individuals should include what?

Weekly/monthly Weigh-ins or body comp assessment.

Chemotherapy medication can reduce RMR from 6% to


Long term use of human growth hormone has been shown to increase RMR to


Thyroid medication is used in hypothyroidism and increase RMR as much as


Be aware of any long-term medications your client may be taking potentially affect their

Metabolic rate

Regarding the effect of exercise on RMR, several studies have demonstrated the following :

Back (Definition)

There are 3

To avoid declines and resting metabolism individuals should be encouraged to avoid ___ and instead be encouraged to ___.

Starvation diets leading to waste of skeletal muscle

Build and maintain massage for active living.

Maintaining muscle mass is particularly important during aging, why?

Because some of the decline in RMR is associated with age is caused by a decline of muscle.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

Measurements are taken after the subject has spent the night in the metabolic ward/chamber & has fasted for 12 hours.

Measurements are taken after the subject has spent the night in a metabolic ward/chamber & has fast for 12 hours.

What endocrine disorder is the seventh leading case of death in the US?


Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is measured after

The subject spends the night at home & is driven to the research laboratory for measurement.



When food is consumed it is mechanically digested & moved through ___. Nutrients are transported from the ___, and then distributed ___.

The digestive tract

Gut to the blood

Throughout the body.

The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the

Increase in energy expenditure after the meal.

The thermic effect of food (TEF) compromises approximately what percent of total energy expenditure depending on the frequency & energy content of the meal?

6% to 10%

Regarding the effect of exercise on RMR, several studies have demonstrated the following :

Back (Definition)

There are 3

Physical activity can account for what percent of an individual‘s TEE?

20% or more

The following is an example of a simplified TEE calculation :

Back (Definition)

Physical activity factors for various levels of activity for adults average size 19 years or older :

Back (Definition)

The most commonly used formulas can have how much of a variance in overestimating/underestimating resting metabolism & TEE?

20% variance

Certain cardiovascular medications can reduce armor from 4% to


Proper weight management for most individuals should include what?

Weekly/monthly Weigh-ins or body comp assessment.


Amino acids linked by peptide bonds.

What is the primary function of proteins?

To repair & build body tissues & structures.

Proteins are involved in what type of regulatory peptides?

The synthesis of hormones & enzymes.

Proteins can be used for energy if what isn’t sufficient in the diet?



The following is an example of a simplified TEE calculation :

Back (Definition)

Physical activity factors for various levels of activity for adults average size 19 years or older :

Back (Definition)

What are the 2 general classes of amino acids?



Essential amino acids

Cannot be manufactured in the body or in insufficient amounts.

Essential amino acids must be obtained from what?

Food supply or some other Exogenous source.

Chemotherapy medication can reduce RMR from 6% to


How many essential amino acids are there?


Nonessential amino acids

Can be manufactured in the body from dietary nitrogen & fragments of carbohydrates & fats.

What are considered semi essential amino acids? Why?



Because of the rate of synthesis within the body.

Arginine & histidine cannot be manufactured by the body at a rate that

Will support growth (especially in children)

Before proteins can be used by the body they must first be

Broken down into the constituent amino acids.

The fate of the amino acids after digestion & absorption by the intestines depends on what?

The bodies homeostatic needs, (tissue replacement/tissue addition, need for energy)


Protein digestion, absorption, & endogenous synthesis :

Back (Definition)

As ingested proteins enter the stomach, they encounter what? What does it do?

Hydrochloric acid (HC1)

It uncoils (denatures) The proteins so digestive enzymes can begin dismantling the peptide bonds.

What is the enzyme pepsin’s job?

To cleave the protein strands into smaller polypeptides (strands of several amino acids) & single amino acids.

As these protein fragments leave the stomach & enter the small intestine, what happens?

Pancreatic & intestinal proteases (protein enzymes) continue to dismantle the protein fragments.

Long term use of human growth hormone has been shown to increase RMR to


The resulting dipeptides, tripeptides, and single amino acids are then absorbed through the

Intestinal wall into the enterocytes, released into the body supply to the liver.

Once into the bloodstream, the freeform amino acids have several fates, what are they?

Used for protein synthesis (building/repairing tissues/structures)

Immediate energy

Potential energy (fat storage)

There are 3

Protein digestion, absorption, & endogenous synthesis :

Back (Definition)

The brain and nervous system have a constant need for what?


If carbohydrate or total energy intake is too low, the body has the ability to use what?

Amino acids (from dietary or body proteins) to provide energy.

The amino acids are first ___, allowing the remaining carbon skeleton to be used for the production of ___.

Deaminated (stripped of the Amine group)

Glucose or ketones to be used for energy.

The removed amine group produces ___, which is then converted to the ___.

Ammonia, A toxic compound

Urea in the liver, excreted as urine by the kidneys.

If protein intake exceeds the need for synthesis in energy needs are met, what happens?

The amino acids from the dietary protein are deaminated, & their carbon fragments may be stored as fat.

Amino acid absorption : gut to blood :

Back (Definition)

What supplies us with the valuable building blocks of proteins we need?





Dairy products


There are 6

Thyroid medication is used in hypothyroidism and increase RMR as much as


Complete protein

When a food provides all the essential amino acids in appropriate ratios.

Incomplete proteins

When a food is lacking in 1 or more essential amino acids.

Limiting factor

The essential amino acid that is missing/present in the smallest amount of that protein.

All amino acids must be present at the site of protein manufacture. If not synthesis will be

Reduced to the point at which the cell runs out of the limiting amino acid.

The process of protein synthesis works on what principle?

All or none.

The ability of a proteins to satisfy these essential amino acid requirements can be quantified in several ways, terms used to write dietary protein include :

Protein efficiency ratio (PER)

Net protein utilization (NPU)

Biologic value (BV)

There are 3

Biologic value (BV)

A measure of protein quality/how well it satisfies the body’s essential amino acid.

Frequently used when discussing protein sources in popular media & supplement manufacturers.

Protein sources with a higher score provides an amino acid profile that is more closely related to what?

The needs of the human body.

Those who consume protein above requirements ___, instead their amino acid requirement would be met ___.

Will not unleash an untapped muscle building capacity

With less protein.

Individuals choosing a diet composed of mostly lower BV protein sources will require

An increase in total protein requirements.

Be aware of any long-term medications your client may be taking potentially affect their

Metabolic rate

Adaptation phase protein requirements : endurance athlete, bodybuilder, recreational athlete :

Back (Definition)

Regarding the effect of exercise on RMR, several studies have demonstrated the following :

Back (Definition)

There are 3

To avoid declines and resting metabolism individuals should be encouraged to avoid ___ and instead be encouraged to ___.

Starvation diets leading to waste of skeletal muscle

Build and maintain massage for active living.

Maintaining muscle mass is particularly important during aging, why?

Because some of the decline in RMR is associated with age is caused by a decline of muscle.

Adaptation phase protein requirements : endurance athlete, bodybuilder, recreational athlete :

Back (Definition)

What are the major sources of complete proteins?

Animal sources : dairy & meats

Energy needs may no longer be satisfied by ___ & ___ as ___ is reduced. This is when ___ used to provide energy.

Carbohydrate & fat

Total caloric intake


Complete protein food sources :

Back (Definition)

For clients pursuing body fat reduction, body fat loss goals require that a caloric deficit

Be maintained until the goal is reached.


Amino acids used to assist in energy production during a negative energy balance.

Gluconeogenesis increases during

Anaerobic or aerobic exercise (they deplete glycogen).

The increase in glue piano genesis is supported by the release of

Branched chain & other amino acids from structural proteins to maintain glucose homeostasis during exercise.

A hypo caloric diet establishes ___ stores, & when this is combined with increase glycogen demand during exercise, protein’s ___.

Less than optimal glycogen stores

Energy utilization is increased.

The amount of lean body mass lost in person with a negative energy balance can be reduced by

Increasing the amount of protein in the diet, leading to a more rapid return to nitrogen balance.

An increase in protein utilization during a hypo calorie diet will produce effects that can be

Exacerbated by exercise.

Bodybuilder storing positive energy balance (off season) should follow the same protein recommendations as

Strength athletes.

What are the sources of incomplete proteins?





Other vegetables

there are 4 + other

Protein requirements may dramatically increase for bodybuilders during

Negative energy balance (used to create competition level body fat percentages).

In order to reach competitive body fat levels, bodybuilders lower ___ while ___ is increased.

Calorie intake (continually)

Exercise (cardiorespiratory, weight training, & posing)

Competitive levels of body fat are generally

Unhealthy & impossible to maintain for prolonged periods.

In the final weeks before competition (bodybuilding), what intake may have to be increased? The body must have the option to use available food for what?

Protein intake.

Energy or muscle support

What are the only dispensable calories during an on season of bodybuilding?

Dietary carbohydrate or fat.

It is normal to see bodybuilding clients consuming the majority of the calories from what in the final weeks before competition?


Bodybuilder’s returns to normal eating habits enables what?

Greater muscle gains than would be achieved by maintaining a high protein intake year round.

A carbohydrate of 1g/kg or .5 g/lb , Not proteins, consumed within an hour after heavy resistance training inhibits

Muscle protein breakdown, positive protein balance.

What are the main sources of incomplete proteins?






Pumpkin seeds

Soy products

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds








Dried peas


Other nuts

there are 18 + other

Incomplete proteins can be combined to make

Available all of the essential amino acids, forming a complete protein.

Protein quality improves when

A small amount of complete proteins like a dairy food is combined with plant-based foods.

Incomplete proteins from plant-based foods such as rice & beans are mixed together.

There are several factors that affect protein requirements, what are they?

An individuals daily exercise/physical activity levels

Daily caloric consumption

Body composition goals

Sports-performance goals

There are 3

What types of exercise can affect protein requirements?

Anaerobic & aerobic exercise.

Exercise increases ___ as well as the rate of ___ in ___ during recovery.

The oxidation of amino acids

Protein turnover

Lean body mass.

Because different types of exercise has specific effects, an individual participating in both types of exercise may have what?

A need for proteins greater than someone involved in only 1.

Protein requirements will increase as

Total energy Intake decreases.

What are the major sources of complete proteins?

Animal sources : dairy & meats

Energy needs may no longer be satisfied by ___ & ___ as ___ is reduced. This is when ___ used to provide energy.

Carbohydrate & fat

Total caloric intake


Complete protein food sources :

Back (Definition)

For clients pursuing body fat reduction, body fat loss goals require that a caloric deficit

Be maintained until the goal is reached.


Amino acids used to assist in energy production during a negative energy balance.

Gluconeogenesis increases during

Anaerobic or aerobic exercise (they deplete glycogen).

The increase in glue piano genesis is supported by the release of

Branched chain & other amino acids from structural proteins to maintain glucose homeostasis during exercise.

A hypo caloric diet establishes ___ stores, & when this is combined with increase glycogen demand during exercise, protein’s ___.

Less than optimal glycogen stores

Energy utilization is increased.

The amount of lean body mass lost in person with a negative energy balance can be reduced by

Increasing the amount of protein in the diet, leading to a more rapid return to nitrogen balance.

An increase in protein utilization during a hypo calorie diet will produce effects that can be

Exacerbated by exercise.

Bodybuilder storing positive energy balance (off season) should follow the same protein recommendations as

Strength athletes.

Complete protein food sources :

Back (Definition)

Protein requirements may dramatically increase for bodybuilders during

Negative energy balance (used to create competition level body fat percentages).

In order to reach competitive body fat levels, bodybuilders lower ___ while ___ is increased.

Calorie intake (continually)

Exercise (cardiorespiratory, weight training, & posing)

Competitive levels of body fat are generally

Unhealthy & impossible to maintain for prolonged periods.

In the final weeks before competition (bodybuilding), what intake may have to be increased? The body must have the option to use available food for what?

Protein intake.

Energy or muscle support

What are the only dispensable calories during an on season of bodybuilding?

Dietary carbohydrate or fat.

It is normal to see bodybuilding clients consuming the majority of the calories from what in the final weeks before competition?


Bodybuilder’s returns to normal eating habits enables what?

Greater muscle gains than would be achieved by maintaining a high protein intake year round.

A carbohydrate of 1g/kg or .5 g/lb , Not proteins, consumed within an hour after heavy resistance training inhibits

Muscle protein breakdown, positive protein balance.

How much protein is required to build muscle?

Back (Definition)

Protein intake may be adjusted to aid in

Satiety (the feeling of fullness).

What are the main sources of incomplete proteins?






Pumpkin seeds

Soy products

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds








Dried peas


Other nuts

there are 18 + other

What may be more Satiating than fat & carbohydrate?


Protein activates what specific mechanisms? Why?


Because protein induced suppression of food intake in humans/animals is greater than its energy content alone.

Why might individuals seeking fat loss benefit from satiating properties of protein?

Because they’ll feel full and energized throughout the day.

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is

.8 g/kg per day

What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range for protein intake for adults?

10%-35% of caloric intake

How much protein is required to build muscle?

Back (Definition)

Recommended protein intake :

Back (Definition)

A high-protein diet is typically defined as one that consist of more than

30% of total caloric intake from proteins, or 3X the protein RDA for athletes.

Chronic consumption of a high-protein diet is generally associated with a higher intake a ___ & ___ intake, both which are a risk factors for ___.

Saturated fat

Low fiber

Heart disease & some cancers.

Be cautious when recommending high protein intake to people with the history of what problems? Why?

Kidney problems (renal insufficiency, kidney stones)

Because the kidneys are required to work harder to eliminate the increased urea produced.

Incomplete proteins can be combined to make

Available all of the essential amino acids, forming a complete protein.

The increase in intestinal calcium absorption in those on a high protein diet likely accounts for

A majority of observed increases in calcium.

There is a need for a greater consumption of what when consuming large quantities of protein? How much more?

Fluids (water)

~7X The water for metabolism than carbohydrate or fat.

Recommended protein intake :

Back (Definition)

What is the main concern of high protein diet?


Because dehydration of as little as 3% can impair performance, athletes & active individuals ingesting extra proteins to do what?

Weigh themselves regularly to ensure they are properly hydrated.

1 g of protein yields how many calories?

4 cal

Amino acids from protein are used by the body for the following :

Back (Definition)

Protein quality improves when

A small amount of complete proteins like a dairy food is combined with plant-based foods.

Incomplete proteins from plant-based foods such as rice & beans are mixed together.

There are several factors that affect protein requirements, what are they?

An individuals daily exercise/physical activity levels

Daily caloric consumption

Body composition goals

Sports-performance goals

There are 3

What types of exercise can affect protein requirements?

Anaerobic & aerobic exercise.

Exercise increases ___ as well as the rate of ___ in ___ during recovery.

The oxidation of amino acids

Protein turnover

Lean body mass.

Because different types of exercise has specific effects, an individual participating in both types of exercise may have what?

A need for proteins greater than someone involved in only 1.

Amino acids from protein are used by the body for the following :

Back (Definition)

Amino acids are not used to build proteins under the following conditions :

Back (Definition)

The following conditions are necessary for the body to synthesize Endogenous protein :

Back (Definition)

Recommended protein intake for athletes & exercisers :

Back (Definition)

Chronic high protein intake (greater than 3X m the RDA) diets can lead to :

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