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41 Cards in this Set

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our awareness ofourselves and our environment.
cognitive neuroscience
the interdisciplinarystudy of the brain activity linkedwith cognition (including perception,thinking, memory, and language).
dual processing
the principle thatinformation is often simultaneouslyprocessed on separate conscious andunconscious tracks.
A condition in which aperson can respond to a visual stimuluswithout consciously experiencing it.
parallel processing
the processingof many aspects of a problem simultaneously;the brain’s natural modeof information processing for manyfunctions.
selective attention
the focusing ofconscious awareness on a particularstimulus.
inattentional blindness
failing tosee visible objects when our attention isdirected elsewhere.
periodic, natural loss ofconsciousness—as distinct from unconsciousnessresulting from a coma,general anesthesia, or hibernation.(Adapted from Dement, 1999.)
circadian rhythm
the biological clock; regularbodily rhythms (for example, of temperatureand wakefulness) that occur on a24-hour cycle.
REM sleep
rapid eye movement sleep; arecurring sleep stage during which vividdreams commonly occur. Also known asparadoxical sleep, because the musclesare relaxed (except for minor twitches)but other body systems are active.
alpha waves
the relatively slow brainwaves of a relaxed, awake state.


false sensory experiences,such as seeing something in theabsence of an external visual stimulus.

delta waves

the large, slow brainwaves associated with deep sleep.
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
apair of cell clusters in the hypothalamusthat controls circadian rhythm. In responseto light, the SCN causes the pinealgland to adjust melatonin production, thusmodifying our feelings of sleepiness.
recurring problems in fallingor staying asleep.
a sleep disorder characterizedby uncontrollable sleep attacks. Thesufferer may lapse directly into REMsleep, often at inopportune times.
sleep apnea
a sleep disorder characterizedby temporary cessations ofbreathing during sleep and repeatedmomentary awakenings.

night terrors

a sleep disorder characterizedby high arousal and an appearanceof being terrified; unlike nightmares, nightterrors occur during NREM-3 sleep, withintwo or three hours of falling asleep, andare seldom remembered.


a sequence of images, emotions,and thoughts passing through a sleepingperson’s mind. Dreams are notablefor their hallucinatory imagery, discontinuitiesand incongruities, and for thedreamer’s delusional acceptance ofthe content and later difficulties rememberingit.

manifest content

according to Freud,the remembered story line of a dream(as distinct from its latent, or hidden,content).

latent content

according to Freud,the underlying meaning of a dream (asdistinct from its manifest content).
REM rebound
the tendency for REMsleep to increase following REM sleepdeprivation (created by repeated awakeningsduring REM sleep).
substance use disorder
continuedsubstance craving and use despitesignificant life disruption and/or physicalrisk.
psychoactive drug
a chemical substancethat alters perceptions and moods.
the diminishing effect withregular use of the same dose of a drug,requiring the user to take larger andlarger doses before experiencing thedrug’s effect.


compulsive craving of drugsor certain behaviors (such as gambling)despite known adverse consequences.
the discomfort and distressthat follow discontinuing an addictivedrug or behavior.
drugs (such as alcohol,barbiturates, and opiates) that reduceneural activity and slow body functions.
alcohol use disorder
(popularlyknown as alcoholism) alcohol use markedby tolerance, withdrawal, and a drive tocontinue problematic use.
drugs that depress centralnervous system activity, reducing anxietybut impairing memory and judgment.
opium and its derivatives, suchas morphine and heroin; depress neuralactivity, temporarily lessening pain andanxiety.
drugs (such as caffeine,nicotine, and the more powerfulamphetamines, cocaine, Ecstasy, andmethamphetamine) that excite neuralactivity and speed up body functions.
drugs that stimulateneural activity, causing speeded-upbodyfunctions and associated energy andmood changes.
a stimulating and highly addictivepsychoactive drug in tobacco.


a powerful and addictivestimulant derived from the coca plant;produces temporarily increased alertnessand euphoria.
a powerfullyaddictive drug that stimulates the centralnervous system, with speeded-up bodyfunctions and associated energy andmood changes; over time, appears toreduce baseline dopamine levels.
Ecstasy (MDMA)
a synthetic stimulantand mild hallucinogen. Produces euphoriaand social intimacy, but with short-termhealth risks and longer-termharm toserotonin-producingneurons and tomood and cognition.
psychedelic (“mindmanifesting”)drugs, such as LSD, thatdistort perceptions and evoke sensoryimages in the absence of sensory input.
near-death experience
an alteredstate of consciousness reported after aclose brush with death (such as throughcardiac arrest); often similar to drug inducedhallucinations.
a powerful hallucinogenic drug;also known as acid (lysergic aciddiethylamide).
the major active ingredient inmarijuana; triggers a variety of effects,including mild hallucinations.