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boon (n)

blessing.benefit.advantage,gift 🎁

eg.a split among Arab parteners fighting there would be a significant boon for Iran.



simple,brave, bold,ascetic,strict.

eg. The rooms are spartan.

eg.i lived a spartan childhood.

eg. The car interior a spartan.

بسيط .متقشف.صارم .شجاع

appetizing (d)

delicious, sth might make your mouth water,tasty.

eg. a restaurant dinner don't seem quite appetizing.

لذيذ.شهي.فاتح للشهية.

adulterate (v) adultertion (n) adulterated (d)

Alter or debase, corrupt, cheat,


debased, mixed with impurities.

eg.you will be in jail if you shipping adulterated food.



مغشوش.طعام او شراب مغشوش .

adultery (n) adulterous (d)

sexual intercourse between not married.



husk (n) (v)

plant covering, frame , case

Cut off, remove the outer husk.

قشرة الثمرة او البذرهيقشر

thorn (n) thorny (d)

sharp pointed part of plant.


شوكي. شائك

tint (v) (n)

color, dye,

يلوث او يصبغ شئ.

صبغه .لون .تلويث

ملون .مصبوغ

grate (v) (n) grater (n)

rub, scratch.

يبشر .يحك بشده


haul (v)

pull,move,draw with force,carry or transport.

eg.we hauled the boat to the beach.

يجر .يسحب بقوه

tipsy (d)

drunk person,

مخمور .سكران.ثمل

tirade (n)

speech of violence way ,

Eg.he given us a tirade against 🚬.

خطبة طويلة او مسهبة.

محاظرة تقريع او توبيخ

gratitude (n)

being grateful or thankful for sb or sth. appreciation, thankfulness.

عرفان بالجميل. شكر.امتنان

gratis (n)

By free.without charge or payment.

eg.Mac give big Mac meal with 🍟 gratis i think that a nice offer.

مجانا. مجاني

haunted (d)

full with ghosts.

eg.we were told that the previous families moved because the home was haunted.

مسكون بالاشباح.

haunting (n)

unforgettable,continually come to your mind.

eg. Animal farm is a haunting novel.or the terminal is a haunting movie.

شئ لا ينسى محفور في الذاكرة.

plump (d)



conglomerate (v) (n)(d)


يخلط , يمزج,يكتل.


مخلوط .ممزوج.متكتل.

conglomeration (n)


eg. It's good to see that a conglomeration of ideas.


seize (v)

take by force,overcome.occupy.snatch.


eg.we seized an enemy shipps.custom seized adulterated food in the airport.

We have to seize an opportunity.

يستولى, ياسر.يحتجز.يعتقل .يصادر.يضع يده على .ينتهز.ياخذ على حين غره

seizure (n) [se gar]

taking by force,arrest. kidnapping.capturing.

eg.the court ordered the seizure of more than 10 million of his bank accounts.

Eg.the seizures cost him his driver's license.

نوبه مرضية. او الصرع.


load (v)(n) loaded(d)

fill, put on,take, carry.

anything we can carry,quantity.amounyt. weight.

Eg.they loaded us with gift for their relatives.

eg.the 🚚 carried a load of watermelon.

يحمل .يعبئ.يشحن.يثقل.

حمل .عبء.ثقل .شحنة


residue(n)[rez -i-dyoo]



eg.we can see in some fruit pesticide residue on the outer husk.

eg.only residue about 10.000$ would be left in hand after i bought home.

مخلفات.بقايا.رواسب.فضلات.المتبقى من

herd (v) (n)

keep move drive animals

group of cattle or mammals herd by human.


قطيع من الحيوانات .جماعه.سرب.جمهور

encode (v) #decode (v)يفك رمز او شفره

to put a message or info on code

يكود.يضع رمز للشئ او شفره


inflammation of brest or udder

اللتهاب الديود.

جفاف الحليب في 🐄.

udder (n)

Animals brest or gland.

ضرع البهيمة

salivate (v)

To produce saliva.drool

يسيل لعابه.

untoward (d)


improper.not suitable.

eg.nowadays we see untoward social behaviors.

eg.she denied that anything untoward was occurring.

غير ملائم.غير محمود.غير مناسب .خاطئ.مشين


committee.council.people assembled for a purpose.


to keep up (ph.v)

to continue doing sth.

يستمر يواصل عن نفس النمط او التحسن او السرعة.

ultimatum (n)

final warning.urgent request.

eg.Qater rejected the ultimatum and denies all the allegations.

انذار .انذار نهائي.

ultimately (adv)

in the end .finally

eg.ultimately, the plan is to encourage children to read more.

اخيرا.في النهاية.


false.incorrect.not true.

eg.the lawer said the allegations were untrue.

غير صحيح.كاذب .

untried (d)

not tried.not tested.not experienced.

غير مجرب. لم يختبر.

untrained (d)

don't being trained.naive.

eg.he has agreed to stop using untrained people in his company.

غير مدرب.غير مؤهل.



eg.these untruths and alternative facts are repeated again and again.


accustom (v) accustomed (d)

get used to.adopted.familiar with sth.to make sth habit.

eg.due to injustice we are unwilling to become accustomed to it.

eg. In Yemen we accustomed to hard work.

يتعود على.

معتاد .مألوف.

franchise (n)


حق الامتياز

alarming(d) alarmed (d)

dangerous.causing fear.upsetting.


eg.he was alarmed when he heared gunshots outside.



affordable (d)

with reasonable price.that can be afforded.

في متناول الجميع.سهل شراءه

conscience (n)[ kon shens]

conscientious (d)[kon- she- en- shas]

part in mind for moral right or wrong.sence of right or wrong.

eg. a free person acts lives and thinks according to his conscience.

scrupulous. very careful about doing what supposed to do.

الضمير.وجدان .

حي الضمير.واعي.

build up (ph.v)

to develop gradually.to increase.to accelerate.to enlarge.to expand.

eg.the training is aimed to build up employees skills.

يزداد.يستفحل.يكثر.يطور. ينمى.يحسن .

orator (n) [or -a-tor]

oration (n)

person who is good speaker.

formal speech given in public.

شخص لبق.خطيب.

خطاب رسمي. خطبة.خطاب.فصاحه او لباقة

brew (v) (n)[broo]

brewer (n)

brewery (n)

to make beer.


person who makes beer.

place where beer is made.


مشروب مخمر.بيره.قهوة

صانع الخمر.

مصنع الخمر

tone (v)

to improve the strength of muscles.

eg.lets tone our muscles.


well-being (n)

state of being healthy happy successful.

eg. I am looking for mental well-being.

eg.i am responsible about your wellbeing at work.

راحة.تمام الصحة

fraternity (n) fraternise(v)

fraternal (d)

brotherhood,group with common interest or pursuit.group of close friends.

to associate in a friendly way.

friendly, brotherly,


يتصادق مع.يتآخى مع.



extremely sever,trouble,adversity,hardship.

eg.police say the ordeal began when the woman agreed to drive the suspect to her home.


tongue in cheek (idiom)

ironically,mockingly,not seriously.humorous.

ساخر .متهكم.مستهتر.غير جاد

indescribable (d)

unusual to describe. beyond words.

eg.the suffering i felt was indescribable.

لايمكن وصفه.فوق الوصف.


can't be destroyed,not easily ruined.

غير قابل للتلف والتحطيم.صلب .

watershed (n)

turning point,historic moment,

eg.last year was a watershed with positive outcomes.

نقطة تحول.او تغير مهم فى التاريخ او حياة شخص


acting of seizing or control of sth.stealing,taking,acquisition.

Eg.yemen goverment trys to prevent a takeover UAE of Aden port.

الاستيلاء.او شراء شركة او دوله.الاحتلال

spur (v)


eg. Mayor said the project will spur economic development in the city.

يحث شخص.يشجعه.يحفز

consolidate (v) consolidation (n)

unified,unite togather,solidify strengthen,to become solid or firm.


يقوى .يعزز.يوحد.يرسخ.يدعم


reconcile (v) reconciliation (n)

make peace b/w others .

bring to agreement.resolve a matter.

eg.there is no reconciliation with someone intent on your destruction.

يصلح بين.يوفق بين.

المصالحة.التصالح.تسويه الخلاف.ترضيه

gravitate (v)

move to word, feel attracted to sth.

Eg.Is there an area in Torento that you gravitate toward?

ينجذب .يتحرك نحو.يعجب فى.

entrepreneur (n) entrepreneurs (n)

entrepreneurship (n)

Person who starts a business and willing to risk in order to make 💰.

مبادر..رائد.مجازف.قوي قلب فى التجاره

رجال الاعمال.

روح المبادرة.

gravy (n)[gra ve]

sauce of meat.

sth valuable or pleasing or than you earned or than you expected.

مرق اللحم .

مكسب وفائده غير متوقعة

resurgence(n) resurgent (d)

coming back.growth after period without growth or increase.rebirth.

raise again.

eg.this drug will dely the resurgence of the virus about 1year.

eg.last year the price was supported by resurgent demand from China.

انبعاث .ظهور من جديد.

شهد طفرة جديدة.نامي.متنامي.

eclipse (v) (n)

loss its power or success.

when the 🌞 or 🌙 covered part completely.loss the power.

eg.warning about selling eclipse glasses that dont protects the 👀.

يفقد قوته.ونجاحه.

كسوف الشمس او خسوف القمر.فقدان القوة.

endowment (n) endow (v)[end ao]

talent or natural ability.

gift. the act of giving or support to college or institutes or for community.

موهبة طبيعيه.


يهب .يعطى.يساعد.يدعم.

inalienable (d)[ inali-yan-bal]

sth that is yours forever and can't even taken to your brother. not transferable to another.

eg.it's an inalienable right what make America land of liberty.

eg.# rights,freedoms,territory,principals and values.

شى غير قابل لتحويل ملكيته لاحد.

غير قابل للمصادره.

liberate(v) liberity (n) liberation (n)

liberated (d)

grant freedom to, release sth, give equal rights to minorities or women.

the act of liberating someone or something.

Free from traditional and social restraints.

يحرر.يفك اسر.يطلق سراح


prevail (v) prevailing (d)

to success in sth.win .triumph.

dominate, be in a large in quantity or number,

have superior powoer or infulence,predominant.

يفوز .ينتصر.يسود

منتشر .سائد.مسيطر.منتصر

at the heart of (idiom)

the most important part of problem,issue,or question.

watertight (d) (n)

sth planned and impossible to be defeated.

eg.watertight contract.

محكم بلاعيوب او ثغرات.شئ لا يمكن دحضه او مغالطته.

سدود الماء.


Sth that makes sb feel better after they are disappointed or 😢.condolence.

eg.my faith was consolation to me with my troubles.


grease (n)

thick fatty oil like which use as lubricant in machines.unclean things or dirts.

شحم.بقع زيت

surly (d)


eg. what a surly waiter.

eg.Americans are just a surly.


eco-warrior (n) eco-friendly (d)

sb who fight to protect environment.

not harm to the environment.

مناضل لاجل البيئة.

غير ضار للبيئة.

ecological(d) ecology (n)

has related to the environment.

science describe the invironment and it's connect to the living things.

بيئي.متعلق بالبيئه.

علم البيئة.

libido (n)

a person desire to have sex,sexual excitement,sexual drive.

eg. Lack of libido my be a sign of depression.

الشهوة الجنسية.

abuse (v) (n) abusive (d)

attack with words,use sth wrongly.

treat people badly.

using a harsh and insulting language,

using or involving physical violence or emotional cruelty.

eg the fans yelled abusive comments to the referee.

1.يسب.يشتم .يظلم.

2.سوء المعاملة.

3.بذئ. متعسف.فاسد.وقح.

deliberate (v) deliberation (n)

deliberately (adv)

to think about or discuss sth very carefully in order to make decision.

eg.the jury deliberated for 2 day before reaching a verdict.

careful thought in order to make decision,

eg.after hours of deliberation the council came to a decision.

in careful or unhurried way.

with intention, on purpose.

eg.it's not cleare if he jumped deliberately from the tower.



بتأنى او تمهل.2.متعمدا .عن قصد.

inherent (d)

part of sth and can't be separated.

eg.tensions are inherent in our country.


welfare (n) on welfare (ph.v)

government program for poor and unemployed people.

state of being happy healthy and successful.

Sb who receive support from government.

شؤن اجتماعية.خير.صالح .سعاده .رفاهيه

شخص يستلم معونة

status quo (n) [qwo]

The current situation

eg.no one of Yemeni people satisfied with status quo.

الوضع الراهن

sentient (d) [sen-she -ent]

able to feel or sense the things.with conscious mind.

eg.sentient people can see what is happening without this silliness.

ذو حس.حساس.واعي.

petition (v) (n)

to ask a person or group or organization for something in formal way.to make formal written request.

eg .would you like to sign our petition?

eg.we presented a petition to change the law.

eg. The organization petitioned the government to investigate the issue.

يكتب التماس .يعترض.


treaty (n)

an official agreement that is made between two or more countries or groups.

eg.the two countries they signed a peace treaty in 1990.


compassion (n) compassionate (d)

a feeling of want to help someone who is sick , hungry, or in trouble.

eg. I felt a compassion to his lost a child or his sick.

eg. a compassionate smile made the refugees a little better.



captivate (v) captivity (n)

to attract others some with beauty or physical body or intelligence.

eg. I was and i still captivated with football.

eg.he captivated people with his humor and brilliance.

the state of being imprisoned or slave.

eg.during his 1st year of captivity he read more than 100 📚.



captive(n) captivating (d)

someone in the prison.

eg.he was captive for more than 2 years.

eg.the episode of TV show was so captivating that i forgot to eat my dinner.



clause (n)[ kloz]

part of sentence, a separate part of legal document.

eg. this sentence consist of 2 clause.

eg.this clause not acceptable in the agreement.

عبارة.جزء من جملة.

مادة .فقرة

oblige (v) [o blig] obligation (n)

to force to do something.

something you must to do because of law or rule or promise etc.

eg. his job obliges him to work overtime and on weekends.

eg.you failed to fulfil your obligations as mother.

مجبر على.ملزم.


obliging (d)

showing a willingness to do favors for others.

eg. obliging police officer let me went in checkpoint even when i told him i forgot my driving licence.

خدوم.مساعد.كريم.محب للمعروف

fund (v) (n) funding (n)

to provide 💰 for something.finance.

available money.also a capital.

financial resources which provided to make some projects possible.

eg.Traump dose not get funding to build a wall on US -Mexico border.

يمول. يدعم بالمال

المال.السيولة.راس المال.الدعم

راس المال .دعم مالي.

abuse oneself (idiom)

to masturbate.

يضرب 10


wealthy, having a lot of something.


well-known (d)[non]

Known by many people.

مشهور.معروف.ذائع السيط

well-advised (d)

wise or sensible.

eg. i think that everyone would be well-advised before take any decision.



an optimal state of balance and equilibrium.

eg. My father was well-balanced person.

eg. well-balanced diet is recommended for everyone not only for people with diabetes.

شخص رزين.متوزان.

well-behaved (d)

eg. My kids were well-behaved when went to visit my brother's home.


well-being (n)

state of being ☺ wealthy and successful.

تمام الصحة.الرفاهية

obligatory (d)

required by law or rule.

eg.the training is obligatory for all employees.

اجباري .الزامي

inherit (v) [in-her-it] inheritance (n)

to receive money , property, characters,disease or personal quality.

eg.baldness is inherited from the mother's side in the family.

eg. the bulding is part of the city architectural inheritance.



clone (v) (n)

to make an exact copy of person or plant and animal.

eg.do you think scientists should clone humans?

يستنسخ خلية او انسان او حيوان او برنامج.


desirable (d)

having a good qualities.

sexually attractive.

eg.the house has an desirable location.

مرغوب فيه.جذاب.مثير.مميز

put off (v)

eg.the court put off the decision for next trial.

eg.this salesman usually put off the customers.

eg.the 💰 problems led him to put off that idea.

يؤجل .يرجئ.ينفر من .

chimera (n) [ki-mera]

something that is only exists in the imagination not reality.illusion.

eg. econmic stability in our country is a chimera.


poultry (n)

domesticated 🐦 kept for thier eggs and meat.


Patent (v) (n)

to get an official document that you are the only one who can make or sell the product for period of time.


eg.the product is protected by patent.

يسجل براءةاختراع.

براءة الاختراع .حقوق الملكية

scale up(v) [skal up]

to increase

team up (v)

to work together to united.


fervent (d) fervor (n)

Having or showing very strong or warm feeling.very 🔥.

eg. The king presented a fervent speech.

strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm.

eg.you can see my eyes glowing with fervor.

eg. We are full of fervor to win the match.


حماس شديد.توهج.

self-centred (d)

selfish.only think about himself.

eg.his self-centred hurts close people around him.

اناني.محب لنفسة