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164 Cards in this Set

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Energy Systems

ATP-PC or Phosphagen System

Anaerobic Glycolysis or Lactic Acid System-

Aerobic or Oxygen System

ATP-PC or Phosphagen System

uses APT during high intensity short duration exercise

Does not depend on long series of chemical reactions

Does not depend on transporting the O2 we breathe to working muscles

Both ATP and PC are stored directly within the contractile

Anaerobic Glycolysis or Lactic Acid System

major supplier of ATP during high intensity short duration activities. Stored glycogen split into gluclose thru glycolysis, split again into pyruvic acidDoes not require O2

Uses carbs (glycogen and glucose)

Releases enough energy for the resynthesis of only small amounts of ATP.

Aerobic Metabolism

used predominantly during low intensity, long duration exercise.

Provides energy through the oxidation of food. The combo of fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose with oxygen releases energy that forms ATP

This system will provide energy as long as there are nutrients to utilize.

Free Nerve Endings (Location, sensitivity, primary distribution)

Location: Joint Capsule, ligaments, sunovium, fat pads

Sensitivity: one type is sensitive to non-noxious mechanical stress; other type is sensitive to noxious mechanical or biochemical stimuli

Distribution: All joints

Golgi Ligament Endings (Location, sensitivity, primary distribution)

Location: ligaments, adjacent to ligaments' bony attachment

Sensitivity: Tension or stretch on ligaments

Distribution: Majority of joints

Golgi-Mazzoni Corpuscles (Location, sensitivity, primary distribution)

Location: Jt capsule

Sensitivity: Compression of jt capsule

Distribution: Knee jt, jt capsule

Pancinian Corpuscles (Location, sensitivity, primary distribution)

Location: Fibrous layer of jt capsule

Sensitivity: High freq vibration, acceleration and high velocity changes in jt position

Distribution: all joints

Ruffini Endings (Location, sensitivity, primary distribution)

Location: fibrous layer of jt capsule

Sensitivity: stretching of jt capsule; amplitude, and greater velocity of jt position

Distribution: Greater density in proximal jts, particularly in capsular regions

Classification and functional characteristics of Type I muscle fibers

Classification: Aerobic, red, tonic, slow-twitch, slow-oxidative

Function: low fatiguability, high capillary density, high myoglobin content, small fibers, extensive blood supply, Lg amounts of mitochondria

Classification and functional characteristics of Type II muscle fibers

Classification: anaerobic, white, phasic, fast-twitch, fast-glycolytic

Function: high fatiguability, low capillary density, low myoglobin content, large fibers, less blood supply, fewer mitochondria

Glenohumeral Joint (Open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: 55 degrees abd, 30 degrees horse add

Closed: abd, ER

Capsular: ER, ABD, IR

Sternoclavicular Joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: arm resting by side

Closed: max shoulder elevation

Capsular: pain at extremes of ROM

Acromioclavicular Joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: arm resting by side

Closed: arm ABD 90 degrees

Capsular: pain at extremes of ROM

Muscles that cause shoulder flexion

Anterior deltoid


pectoralis major

biceps brachii

Muscles that cause shoulder extension

latissimus dorsi

posterior deltoid

teres major

Muscles that cause shoulder ABD

middle deltoid


Muscles that cause shoulder ADD

Pectoralis major

latissimus dorsi

teres major

Muscles that cause shoulder ER

Teres minor


posterior deltoid

Muscles that cause shoulder IR


teres major

pectoralis major

latissimus dorsi

anterior deltoid

Muscles that cause scapular elevation

Upper traps

Levator scapulae

Muscles that cause scapular depression

latissimus dorsi

pectoralis major

pectoralis minor

lower traps

Muscles that cause scapular protraction

serratus anterior

pectoralis minor

Muscles that cause scapular retraction



Muscles that cause scapular upward rotation


serratus anterior

Muscles that cause scapular downward rotation


levator scapulae

pectoralis minor

Radiohumeral Joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: full extension, supintation

Closed: 90 degrees flexion, 5 degrees supination

Capsule: flexion, extension, supination, pronation

Ulnohumeral Joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: 70 degrees flexion, 10 degrees supination

Closed: extension

Capsular: flexion, extension

proximal radioulnar joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: 70 degrees elbow flexion, 35 degrees supination

Closed: 5 degrees supination

Capsular: supination, pronation

Muscles that cause elbow flexion

Biceps brachii



Muscles that cause Elbow extension

triceps brachii


Muscles that cause supination

biceps brachii


Muscles that cause pronation

pronator teres

pronator quadratus

Radiocarpal joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: neutral with slight ulnar deviation

Closed: extension with radial deviation

Capsular: flexion and extension equally limited

Muscles that cause wrist flexion

flexor carpi radialis

flexor carpi ulnaris

palmaris longus

Muscles that cause wrist extension

Extensor carpi radialis longus

extensor carpi radialis brevis

extensor carpi ulnaris

Muscles that cause radial deviation

extensor carpi radialis

flexor carpi radialis

extensor pollicis longus

extensor pollicis brevis

Muscles that cause ulnar deviation

extensor carpi ulnaris

flexor carpi ulnaris

Hip (iliofemoral) joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: 30 degrees flexion, 30 degrees ABD, slight ER

Closed: full extension, IR

Capsular: flexion, abd, IR (sometimes IR is most limited)

Muscles that cause hip flexion



rectus femoris


Muscles that cause hip extension

gluteus maximus

gluteus medius



biceps femoris

Muscles that cause hip ABD

gluteus medius

gluteus minimus


obturator internus

tensor fasciae latae

Muscles that cause hip ADD

adductor magnus

adductor longus

adductor brevis


Muscles that cause hip IR


gluteus medius

gluteus minimus


adductor longus

Muscles that cause hip ER

Gluteus maximus

obturator externus

obturator internus




Knee (tibiofemoral) joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: 25 degrees flexion

Closed: full extension, tibial ER

Capsular: flexion, extension

Muscles that cause knee flexion

Biceps femoris




Muscles that cause knee extension

rectus femoris

vastus lateralis

vastus intermedius

vastus medialis

Talocrural joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open:10 degrees plantar flexion, midway between max inversion/eversion

Closed: Max dorsiflexion

Capsular: plantar flexion, dorsiflexion

Subtalar Joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: midway between extremes of ROM

Closed: supination

Capsular: Limitation of varus ROM

Midtarsal Joint (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: Midway between extremes of ROM

Closed: supination

Capsular: dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, adduction, IR

Muscles that cause plantar flexion

tibialis posterior



peroneus longus

peroneus brevis


flexor hallucis

Muscles that cause dorsiflexion

Tibialis anterior

extensor hallucis longus

extensor digitorum longus

peroneus tertius

Muscles that cause inversion

tibialis posterior

tibialis anterior

flexor digitorum longus

Muscles that cause eversion

Peroneus longus

peroneus brevis

peroneus tertius

Cervical spine (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: midway between flexion/extension

Closed: extension

Capsular: lateral flexion and rotation equally limited, extension

Muscles that cause cervical flexion


longus colli

scalenus muscles

Muscles that cause cervical extension

Splenius cervicis

semispinalis cervicis

iliocostalis cervicis

longissimus cervicis



Muscles that cause cervical rotation and lateral flexion


Scalenus muscles

Splenius cervicis

Longissimus cervicis

Iliocostalis cervicis

Levator scapulae


Thoracic Spine (open pack, closed pack, capsular pattern)

Open: Midway between flexion/extension

Closed: extension

Capsular: lateral flexion and rotation are equally limited, extension

Muscles that cause thoracolumbar flexion

rectus abdominis

Internal oblique

external oblique

Muscles that cause thoracolumbar extension

erector spinae

quadratus lumborsum


Muscles that cause thoracolumbar rotation and lateral flexion

posts major

quadratus lumborum

external oblique

internal oblique


longissimus thoracis

Iliocostalis thoracis


Muscle Spindle

In muscle belly.

Sends information to CNS about muscle length and/or rate of change of its length

Controls posture and with help of gamma system involuntary movements

Golgi Tendon Organ

Encapsulated sensory receptors through which muscle tendons pass immediately beyond their attachment to the muscle fibers.

Function to transmit info about tension or rate of change within tension of muscle.

Types of Muscular Contractions






Concentric contractions

muscle shortens while developing tension

Eccentric Contraction

Muscle lengthens while developing tension

Isometric Contraction

Tension developed but there is no change in the length of the muscle

Isotonic Contraction

The muscle shortens or lengthens while resisting a constant load

Isokinetic Contraction

Tension developed by the muscle, while shortening or lengthening at a constant speed, is maximal over the full ROM


The distal segment (usually the hand or foot) moving freely in space.


The body moves over a fixed distal segment.

Upper Quarter Myotomes

Cervical Rotation: C1

Shoulder Elevation: C2-C4

Shoulder Abduction: C5

Elbow Flexion: C5-C6

Wrist Extension: C6

Elbow Extension: C7

Wrist Flexion: C7

Thumb Extension: C8

Finger Abduction: T1

Upper Quarter Reflexes

Biceps: C5

Brachioradialis: C6

Triceps: C7

Upper Quarter Dermatomes

C2: posterior head

C3: Posterior-lateral neck

C4: Acromioclavicular jt

C5: Lateral Arm

C6: Lateral forearm and thumb

C7: Palmar distal phalanx-middle finger

C8: Littler finger and ulnar border of the hand

T1: Medial forearm

Heel Walking Functionally tests what innervation level?


Toe Walking Functionally tests what innervation level?


SLR Functionally tests what innervation level?


Lower Quarter Myotomes

Hip flexion: L1-L2

Knee extension: L3-L4

Ankle Dorsiflexion: L4-L5

Great Toe Extension: L5

Ankle Plantar Flexion: S1

Lower Quarter Reflexes

Patella tendon: L4

Achilles Tendon: S1

Lower Quarter Dermatomes

L2: Anterior Thigh

L3: Middle 1/3 of anterior thigh

L4: Patella and medial malleolus

L5: Fibular Head and dorsum of foot

S1: Lateral and plantar aspect of foot

S2: Medial aspect of posterior thigh

S3-S5: Perianal area

Where does the plumb line align?

Slightly post. to coronal suture

Thru external auditory meatus

Thru axis of the odontoid process

Midway thru the tip of the shoulder

Thru the bodies of the lumbar vert

Slightly posterior to hip jt

Slightly anterior to axis of knee jt

Slightly anterior to lateral malleolus

Thru calcaneocuboid

Stance phases of the gait cycle

Initial contact

Loading response


Terminal Stance


(60% of the gait cycle)

Swing phases of the gait cycle



Terminal swing

(40% of the gait cycle)

Peak muscle activity during the gait cycle

Tibialis anterior: just after heel strike, responsible for eccentric lowering of the foot into PF

Gastroc-soleus: During late stance, responsible for concentric raising of the heel during toe off

Quads: In periods of single support, during early stance and before toe off to initiate swing phase

Hamstrings: During late swing phase, responsible for decelerating the unsupported limb

How much hip flexion is required for gait?

0-30 degrees

How much hip extension is required for gait?

0-10 degrees

How much knee flexion is required for gait?

0-60 degrees

How much knee extension is required for gait?

0 degrees

How much ankle dorsiflexion is required for gait?

0-10 degrees

How much ankle plantar flexion is required for gait?

0-20 degrees


the number of steps an individual will walk over a period of time.

The average adult cadence= 110-120 steps/min

Step length

The distance measured between right heel strike and left heel strike.

Average= 28 inches

Stride length

The distance between right heel strike and right heel strike.

Average= 56 inches

Antalgic Gait

A protective gait pattern where the involved step length is decreased in order to avoid weight bearing on the involved side usually secondary to pain.

Ataxic Gait

A gait pattern characterized by staggering and unsteadiness. There is usually a wide BOS and movements are exaggerated.

Steppage Gait

A gait pattern in which the feet and toes are lifted through hip and knee flexion to excessive heights; usually secondary to dorsiflexion weakness. The foot will slap at initial contact with the ground secondary to decreased control.

Trendelenburg Gait

A gait pattern that denotes glut med weakness; excessive lateral trunk flexion and weight shifting over the stance leg.

Vaulting Gait

A gait pattern where the swing leg advances by compensating through the combination of elevation of the pelvis and plantar flexion of the stance leg.

Normal shoulder flexion ROM


Normal shoulder extension ROM


Normal shoulder ABDuction ROM


Normal shoulder IR ROM


Normal shoulder ER ROM


Normal elbow extension ROM


Normal Elbow Flexion ROM


Normal Pronation ROM


Normal Supination ROM


Normal Wrist Flexion ROM


Normal Wrist Extension ROM


Normal Radial Deviation ROM


Normal Ulnar Deviation ROM


Normal Metacarpophalangeal Flexion ROM


Normal Metacarpophalangeal Extension ROM


Normal PIP Flexion ROM


Normal DIP Flexion ROM


Normal DIP Extension ROM


1st MCP Flexion ROM


1st IP Flexion ROM


Normal Hip flexion ROM


Normal Hip Extension ROM

0-30 (20)

Normal Hip Abduction ROM


Normal Hip Adduction ROM


Normal Hip IR ROM


Normal Hip ER ROM


Normal Knee Flexion ROM


Normal Ankle DF ROM


Normal Ankle PF ROM


Normal Ankle inversion ROM


Normal Ankle eversion ROM

0-15 (20)

Normal subtalar inversion ROM

0-5 (10-12)

Normal Subtalar eversion ROM


Normal Cervical Spine Flexion ROM


Normal Cervical Spine Extension ROM


Normal Cervical Spine Lateral Flexion ROM


Normal Cervical Spine Rotation ROM


Normal Thoracolumbar Spine Flexion ROM


Normal Thoracolumbar Spine Extension ROM


Normal Thoracolumbar Spine Lateral Flexion ROM


Normal Thoracolumbar Spine Rotation ROM


Special tests used for: shoulder dislocation

apprehension test for anterior dislocation

Special tests used for: Biceps tendon patho

speed's test

yergason's test

Special tests used for: rotator cuff patho/impingement

Drop arm

supraspinatus test

Special tests used for: Thoracic outlet syndrome





Special tests used for: Knee ligamentous instability

anterior drawer


pivot shift

posterior drawer

valgus stress test

varus stress test

AMRI test

ALRI test

Special tests used for: Meniscal Patho

Apley's compression


joint line palpation


Special tests used for: Ankle ligamentous instability

Anterior drawer for ATFL

Talar tilt for calcaneofibularligament

Grades for Joint Mobilization

I: Sm amp at beginning of range

II: Lg amp within range, but not reaching

III: Lg amp up to limit of range

IV: Sm amp at limit of range

V: Sm amp high velocity thrust at limit of range

Rule for Convex surface moving on concave surface

Roll and slide occur in opposite direction

mob force should be applied in the opposite direction of the bone movement

Rule for concave surface moving on convex surface

Roll and slide occur in same direction

mob force should be applied in the same direction as the bone movement

Contra's to Joint Mobs (8)

1. active disease

2. Infection

3. advanced osteoporosis

4. articular hypermobility

5. fracture

6. acute inflammation

7. muscle gaurding

8. joint replacement


increased fluid volume within the jt capsule

Q angle

The degree of angulation present when meaning the patella to the ASIS to the tib. tub.

Normal: 13 males; 18 females


injury involving the musculotendinous unit that involves muscle, tendon or their attachment to bone


An acute injury involving a ligament

Muscles that cause TMJ Depression (3)

Lateral pterygoid



Muscles that cause TMJ Elevation (3)



Medial pterygoig

Muscles that cause TMJ Protrusion (3)


Lateral and Medial Pterygoid

Muscles that cause TMJ Retrussion (3)




Muscles that cause TMJ lateral movements (4)

medial and lateral pterygoid



Class 1 lever

fulcrum between the effort and resistance load“seesaw”

Class 2 lever

Class 2- the resistance between the fulcrum andeffort force “wheelbarrow”

The effort arm is ALWAYS longer than theresistance arm

Class 3 Lever

the effort force is between the fulcrum and theresistance load

The effort arm is ALWAYS shorter than theresistance arm.