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82 Cards in this Set

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O. Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spines of thoracic vert.
I. Clavicle, Acrimion, Spine of Scapula
A. Elevate Scapula, upward rotation of shoulder, adduct scapula
Rhomboid (major and minor)
O. Spinous processes of last vert. and first 5 thoracic vert.
I. Medial border of scapula
A. Adduct scapula, rotate point of shoulder downward from the upward postition.
Serratus Anterior
O. Surface of Upper 8 Ribs
I. Medial Border of Scapula.. anterior surface
A. Ab ducts the scapula and causes the upward rotation of the point of the shoulder. Used in the propulsive phase of throwing a base ball.. called a boxers muscle used in throwing a punch.
Levator Scapulae
O. Transverse processes of upper 4 cervical vert.
I. Superior angle of scapula
A. Elevates medial border of scapula.. used to shrug shoulders.
Pectoralis Minor
O. Outer Surface of ribs 3-5
I. Coracoid Processof scapula
A. Along with Serratus Anterior..abducts scapula...causes downward rotation of point of shoulder
(Deltoid) Spinal
O. Spine of Scapula
I. Deltoid Tuberosity
A. Lateral Rotation of Humerus
(Deltoid) Acromial
O. Acromion
I. Deltoid Tuberosity
A. Shoulder Abbduction
(Deltoid) Clavicular
O. Clavicle
I. Deltoid Tuberosity
A. Medial Rotation of Shoulder
(Deltoid) Pectoralis Major
O. Medial part of Clavicle and costal cartilidge of 1-6 ribs
I. Bicipital Groove.. humerus
A. Flexion of shoulder, extension of a flexed shoulder, medial rotation of shoulder, adduction of humerus, horizontal flexion...drawing the humerus across the body
(Deltoid) Latissimus Dorsi
O. Back of sacrum, lumbar vert. and lower thoracic vert.
I. Bicipital Groove of Humerus
A. Shoulder Extension, humerus medial rotation, humerus adduction
O. Supraspinous Fossa
I. Greater Tubercle... humerus
A. Provides strength to the shoulder capsule... initiates shoulder abduction.
O. Infraspinous Fossa
I. Greater Tubercle Humerus
A. Provides strength to posterior of shoulder capsule, lateral rotation of humerus
Teres Minor
O. Lateral Border of Scapula
I. Greater Tubercle below insertion of Infraspinatus
A. Provides posterior support to shoulder capsule..lateral rotation of humerus..adducts humerus
O. Subscapular Fossa
I. Lesser Tubercle humerus
A/ Provides anterior strength to shoulder capsule..medial rotation of humerus..adducts humerus
Teres Major
O. Lateral Border Scapula
I. Bicipital Groove
A. Shoulder Extension...shoulder medial rotation
Biceps Brachii - Short Head
O. Coracoid process scapula
I. Radial Tuberosity..radius
A. Shoulder flexion...Elbow Flexion..Forearm supination
Biceps Brachii - Long Head
O. Supraglenoid tuberce
I. Radial tuberosity ...radius
A. Shoulder Flexion...elbow flexion...forearm supination
Triceps Brachii - Long Head
O. Infraglenoid tubercle
I. Olecranon ...ulna
A. Shoulder Extension, Elbow Extension
Triceps Brachii - Medial Head
O. Posterior/medial aspect of humerus...medial and inferior to spinal line
I. Olecranon.. ulna
A. Elbow Extension..has nothing to do with shoulder movement!
Triceps Brachii - Lateral Head
O. Posterior lateral aspect of humerus..lateral and superior to spinal line
I. Olecranon
A. Elbow extension ... has nothing to do with shoulder movement!
O. Coracoid Process of scapula
I. Medial side of shaft of humerus
A. Shoulder Flexion
O. Anterior shaft of humerus
I. Coronoid Process/ Ulnar Tuberosity
A. Elbow Flexion
O. Shaft of humerus
I. Styloid process radius
A. Elbow flexion when the forearm is in the semi-pronated position
O. Lateral Epicondyle of humerus
I. Radius
A. Supination of the forearm
Pronator Teres
O. Medial Epicondyle humerus
I. Shaft of radius
A. Assists in flexion of the elbow.. used in pronation of the forearm
Flexor Carpi Radialis
O. Medial humeral epicondyle
I. Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal..passes under flexor retinaculum
A. Elbow flexion, wrist flexion and abduction
Palmaris Longus
O. Medial humeral epicondyle
I. Palmar aponeurosis
A. Elbox Flexion, wrist flexion ... passes over flexor retinaculum
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
O. Medial humeral epicondyle, coronoid process, shaft of radius
I. Four tendons each attaching to the middle phalanx of the four medial digits
A. Elbow Flexion, wrist flexion, flexion of the metacarpal-phalangeal and 1st interphalageal joints.
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
O. Medial humeral epicondyle, coronoid process, shaft of radius
I. Four tendons each attaching to the middle phalanx of the four medial digits
A. elbow flexion, wrist flexion, flexion of the metacarpal - phalageal and 1st interphalangeal joints
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
O. Upper anterior surface ulna and interosseous membrane
I. Distal phalanx of the 4 media digits
A. Wrist flexion, flexion of the metacarpal - phalangeal, 1st and 2nd interphalangeal joints
Flexor Pollicis Longus
O. Radius and interosseous membrane
I. Distal phalanx of the thumb
A. Wrist Flexion, flexion of carpal-metacarpal, metacarpal - phalangeal and interphalangea joints.
Pronator Quadratus
O. Radius
I. Ulna
A. Forearm Pronation
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
O. Above the lateral humeral epicondyle
I. Base of the second Metacarpal
A. Wrist extension, wrist abduction
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
O. Lateral Humeral Epicondyle
I. Base of 3rd Metacarpal
A. Wrist extension, Wrist abduction
Extensor Digitorum Communis
O. Lateral humeral epicondyle
I. Dorsal expansion on medial four digits
A. Wrist extension, metacarpal-phalangeal, interphalangeal extension
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
O. Lateral Humeral Epicondyle
I. Base of 5th metacarpal
A. Wrist extension, wrist adduction
Abductor Pollicis Longus
O. Radius, Ulna and interosseous membrane
I. Metacarpal of thumb
A. Extends wrist and abducts thumb
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
O. Radius and Membrane
I. Proximal phalanx of thumb
A. Extends the metacarpal/ phalangeal joint of thumb
Extensor Pollicis Longus
O. Ulna and Membrane
I. Distal phalanx of thumb
A. Extends metacarpal/ phalangeal joint of thumb
Extensor Indicis
O. Ulna and Membrane
I. Dorsal expansion on index finger
A. Extension of index finger
Adductor Pollicis
O. Metacarpals 2,3
I. Proximal phalanx of thumb
A. Adducts thumb
Interossei Muscles (7)
O. Series of 7 muscles that originate from shafts of metacarpals
I. Dorsal expansion of the four medial digits
A. As a group they are responsible for the adduction and abduction of the digits
O. Series of 4 muscles that originate from the tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus
I. Dorsal expansion of the medial 4 digits
A. Flexion of the metacarpal/ phalangeal joint at the same time extension of the interphalangeal joint
O. Mastoid Process
I. Sternum and clavicle
A. Rotation of head, lateral flexion
O. Lumbar vertebrae, inferior ribs, xiphoid process
I. Central tendon
A. Contraction of the diaphragm increases the vertical dimensions of the thorax. Used for inspiration.
External/ Internal Intercostals
O. Rib
I. Rib
A. The external muscles assist in inspiration, the internal muscles assist in expiration. Muscle fiber direction: External is downward and inward and internal is upward and inward.
External Abdominal Oblique
O. Outer surface of ribs
I. Linea alba, and the bottom free edge of aponeorosis termed Inguinal Ligament
A. Trunk flexion, trunk lateral rotation, increase intra-abdominal pressure. Muscles go downward and inward.
Internal Abdominal Oblique
O. Lumbar fascia, parts of the inguinal igament, iliac crest
I. Linea alba, inferior ribs
A. trunk flexion, trunk lateral rotation, increase intra-abdominal pressure. Muscles - upward and inward
Transverse Abdominalis
O. Lumbar fascia, parts of the inguinial ligament, iliac crest
I. Linea alba
A. Increase intra-abdominal pressure. Fiber direction...horizontal or transverse
Rectus Abdominalis
O. Pubis
I. Xiphoid Process, Lower ribs
A. Trunk Flexion, increase intra abdominal pressure
Psoas Major
O. Transverse process and bodies of lumbar vertebrae
I. Lesser Trochanter femur
A. Hip flexor
O. Iliac fossa
I. Lesser trochanter femur
A. Hip flexion
Rectus Femoris
O. Anterior superior iliac spine
I. Medial side of tibia
A. Hip flexion, hip lateral rotation, knee flexion
O. Anterior superior iliac spine
I. Medial side of tibia
A. Hip flexion, hip lateral movement, knee flexion
O. Pubis..pectineal line
I. Femur..pectineal line
A. Main responsibility to adduct the hip but does cross in front of hip and is therefor a hip flexor
Adductor Longus
O. Pubis
I. Posterior of femur
A. Hip adductor and flexor
Adductor Brevis
O. Pubis
I. Posterior of femur
A. Hip adductor and flexor
Adductor Magnus
O. Pubis, ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity
I. Posterior shaft of femur
A. Hip adductor, anterior part of muscle flexes hip, posterior part of muscle extends hip
O. Pubis
I. Medial side tibia
A. Hip Adductor, Hip flexor, knee flexor
Tensor Fascia Lata
O. Tuberosity on crest of ilium
I. Iliotibial band
A. Hip abductor, medial rotator, when tightened will put tension of the iliotibial band and give lateral support to the knee
Gluteus Maximus
O. Sacrum and gluteal surface of ilium
I. Guteal tuberosity
A. Powerful hip extensor, hip lateral rotation
Gluteus Medius
O. Gluteal surface of ilium
I. Greater trochanter of femur
A. hip abductor and medial rotator
Gluteus Minimus
O. Gluteal surface of ilium
I. greater trochanter of femur
A. Hip abductor and medial rotator
O. Ischial tuberosity
I. Medial Side of Tibia
A. Extend the hip and flex the knee
O. Ischial tuberosity
I. Medial side of tibia
A. Extend the hip and flex the knee
Biceps Femoris
O. Long head - Ischial Tuberostiy
O. Short head - back lateral side of femur
I. Head of fibula
A. Long head extension of hip... long and short head flexion of knee
Vastus Medialis
O. Medial aspect of femur
I. Patella
A. Knee extension
Vastus Lateralis
O.lateral aspect of femur
I. Patella
A. Knee extension
Vastus Intermedialus
O. Anterior surface of femur
I. Patella
A. Knee extension
O. Just above the medial and lateral femoral condyles
I. Calcaneus
A. Knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion
O. Just above lateral femoral condyle
I. Upper posterior surface of tibia
A. Laterally rotates femur to unlock knee so that knee can flex
O. Just above the lateral femoral condyle..runs under gastrocnemius
I. Calcaneus
A. Knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion
O. Posterior of fibula and tibia..deep to plantaris and gastrocnemius
I. calcaneus
A. Ankle plantar flexion
Tibialis Posterior
O. Tibia, fibula and interosseous membrane
I. Broad attachment... particularly to navicular bone
A. ankle plantar flexion and inversion
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O. Posterior of tibia
I. Distal phalanges of lateral four digits
A. Ankle Plantar Flexion, toe flexion
Flexor Hallucis Longus
O. Inferior surface of fibula
I. Distal phalanx of big toe
A. Flexor of big toe
Tibialis Anterior
O. Upper shaft of tibia
I. Base of 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
A. Ankle dorsi flexion, ankle inversion
Extensor digitorum longus
O. Anterior surface of tibia
I. dorsal expansion on lateral four digits
A. Ankle dorsi flexion, extension of toes
Peroneus Teritus
O. Distal surface of fibula
I. Dorsal expansion of 5th digit
A. Ankle dorsi flexion, ankle eversion
Extensor Hallucis Longus
O. Anterior surface of fibula
I. Distal phalanx of big toe
A. Ankle dorsi flexion and extension of big toe
Peroneus Longus
O. Lateral side of fibula
I. About the same as Tibialis Anterior ... 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
A. Ankle plantar flexion, ankle evasion
Peroneus Brevis
O. Lateral shaft of fibula.. deep to peroneus longus
I. base of 5th metatarsal
A. ankle plantar flexion, ankle evasion