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79 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Area: Shoulder
Origin: vertebrae, occipital (spinous prcs.)
Insertion: scapula (spine), clavicle
Function: Stabilizes scapular medially and extends head
Area: clavicle and scapular spine
Origin: clavicle and scapular spine
Insertion: humerus (deltoid tuberosity)
Function: Abducts and rotates arm
Pectoralis major
Area: Shoulder
Origin: sternum and clavicle
Insertion: humerus (greater tubercle)
Function: arm flexion and adduction (pulls arm medially to body)
Pectoralis minor
Area: Shoulder
Origin: ribs
Insertion: scapula (coracoid prcs.)
Function: Depresses scapula
Latissimus dorsi
Origin: vertebrae (spinous prcs.)
Insertion: humerus (intertubercular groove)
Function: Extends and adducts arm
A: Shoulder
O: Scapula (supraspns fossa)
I: humerus (greater tubercle)
F: Abducts arm, stabilizes shoulder superiorly
A: Shoulder
O: scapula (subscplr. fossa))
I: humerus (lesser tubercle)
F: Rotates arm medially, stabilizes shoulder anteriorly
A: Shoulder
O: scapula (infraspns. fossa)
I: humerus (greater tubercle)
F: Rotates arm laterally, stabilizes shoulder posteriorly
Teres minor
A: Shoulder
O: scapula (lateral border)
I: humerus (greater tubercle)
F: Rotates arm laterally, stabilizes shoulder posteriorly
Teres major
A: Shoulder
O: scapula (inferior angle)
I: humerus (lesser tubercle)
F: Extends and adducts arm
Serratus anterior
"like a serrated knife"
A: Shoulder
O: ribs
I: scapula (medial border)
F: Protracts and stabilizes scapula
Biceps brachii
"crosses the shoulder"
A: Arm
O: scapula (coracoid process, glenoid)
I: radial tuberosity
F: Flexes forearm
Triceps brachii
A: Arm
O: scapula and humerus
I: ulna (olecranon process)
F: Entends forearm
A: Arm
O: scapula (coracoid process)
I: humerus
F: Flexes and adducts arm
A: Arm
O: humerus
I: ulna (coranoid prcs.)
F: Flexes forearm
A: Arm
O: humerus
I: distal radius
F: Flexes forearm
"hands up for soup"
A: Forearm
I: radius
F: Supinates forearm
Pronator teres
A: Forearm
O: humerus/ulna (med. epi/coro. prcs.)
F: Pronation
Flexor carpi radialis
A: Forearm
O: humerus (med. epicondyle)
I: metacarpals (2nd & 3rd)
F: Hand flexion and abduction
Palmeris longus
A: Forearm
O: humerus (med. epicondyle)
I: palmar aponeurosis
F: hand flexion
Flexor carpi ulnaris
A: Forearm
O: humerus/ulna (med. epi/olec. prcs.)
I: carpal/metacarpal (5th)
F: hand flexion and adduction
Flexor digitorum superficialis
A: Forearm
O: humerus/ulna/radius (med. epi.)
I: middle phalanges (2-5)
F: flexes proximal and middle phalanges, flexes hand
Flexor digitorum profundus
A: Forearm
O: Ulna
I: distal phalanges (2-5)
F: flexes phalanges, flexes hand
Extensor carpi radialis longus
A: Forearm
O: humerus (lat. supracondylar rdg)
I: 2nd metacarpal
F: Extends and abducts hand
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
A: Forearm
O: humerus (lat. epicondyle)
I: (3rd metacarpal)
F: Extends and abducts hand
Extensor digitorum
A: Forearm
O: humerus (lat. epicondyle)
I: phalanges (distal 2-5)
F: Extends phalanges and hand
Extensor carpi ulnaris
A: Forearm
O: humerus (lat. epicondyle)
I: 5th metacarpal
F: Extends and adducts hand
Abductor pollicus longus
"Relating to thumb"
A: Forearm
O: radius/ulna
I: 1st metacarpal
F: abducts thumb (pulls out the thumb)
Extensor pollicus brevis
A: Forearm
O: radius/ulna
I: thumb phalanges
F: extends thumb
iliospoas: iliacus and Psoas major
A: Hip/Thigh
O: iliac & and vertebrae
I: femur/lesser trochanter
F: Thigh flexion
Tensor fasciae lata
"move your way sideways in cafe latte line"
A: Hip/Thigh
O: iliac crest and AIAS
I: iliotibial band
F: Flexes and abducts arm
Gluteus maximus
A: Hip/Thigh
O: ilium/sacrum
I: femur (gluteal tuberosity)
F: Forced extension of thigh
Gluteus medius
A: Hip/Thigh
O: ilium
I:femur (grtr. trocntr.)
F: Abducts and medially rotates thigh
"pear shaped. pyramid shaped"
A: Hip/Thigh
O: sacrum
I: emur (grtr. trocntr.)
F: Abducts and laterally rotates thigh
"longest muscle in body"
A: Hip/Thigh
O: ilium (ASIS)
I: tibia
F: Flexes thigh and flexes the leg
A: Adductors
O: pubis
I: tibia
F: Adducts thigh and flexes leg
"comb-like appearence"
A: Adductor "coming back from peeing like a dog"
O: pubis
I: femur (lsr trocntr.)
F: Adducts, flexes and lat. rotates thigh
Adductor longus
A: Adductor
O: pubis
I: femur (linea aspera)
F: Adducts, flexes and lat. rotates thigh
Adductor magnus
A: Adductor
O: ishium and pubis
I: femur (linea aspera and ab. tbrcl)
F: Adducts, flexes and laterally rotates thigh
Rectus femoris
A: Quadriceps
O: ilium (AIIS)
I: tibia via patella
F: Flexes thigh and extends leg
Vastus lateralis
"name based on location"
A: Quadriceps
O: femur
I: tibia via patella
F: Extends leg
Vastus intermedius
A: Quadriceps
O: femur
I: tibia via patella
F: Extends leg
Vastus medialis
A: Quadriceps
O: femur
I: tibia via patella
F: Extends leg
Biceps femoris
"walking and running"
A: Hamstrings
O: isch. tub. and femur
I: tibia and fibula
F: Extends thigh and flexes leg
A: Hamstrings
O: ischial tuberosity
I: tibia
F: Extends thigh and flexes leg
A: Hamstrings
O: ischial tuberosity
I: tibia
F: Extends thigh and flexes leg
" two bellied muscle"
A: Leg
O: femur (condyles)
I: calcaneus
F: Flexes knee and plantarflexes foot
"flat like a sole flat fish"
A: Leg
O: tibia and fibula
I: Calcaneus
F: Plantar flexes foot
"starts knee flexion"
A: Leg
O: femus (lat. condyle)
I: tibia
F: Flexes/unlocks extended knee
Flexor digitorum longus (foot)
A: Leg
O: tibia
I: distal phalanges 2-5
F: flexes toes; plantar flexes foot
Flexor hallicus longus
A: Leg
O: fibula
I: distal phalax of big toe (hallux)
F: Flex big toe, plantar flexes foot
Tibialis posterior
A: Leg
O: tibia and fibula
I: tarsals and metatarsals 2-4
F: Plantar flexes and inverts foot
Fibularis longus (Peroneus longus)
"longest muscle in leg"
A: Leg
O: fibula
I: 1st metatarsal
F: Plantar flexes and everts foot
Fibularis brevis (Peroneus brevis)
A: Leg
O: fibula
I: 5th metatarsal
F: Plantar flexes and everts foot
Tibialis anterior
A: Leg
O: tibia
I: tarsals & 1st metatarsal
F: Dorsiflexes foot
Extensor digitorum longus
A: Leg
O: tibia and fibula
I: phalanges (mid./dist. 2-5)
F: Extends toes and dorsiflexes foot
Extensor hallicus longus
A: Leg
O: fibula
I: Distal phalanx of great toe
F: Extends big toe and dorsiflexis foot
Levator Scapulae
A: Neck
O: cervicle vertebrae
I: scapula
F: Elevate scapula, rotate neck
A: Neck
O: cervicle vertebrae
I: ribs
F: Head flexion and rotation
A: neck
O: sternum and clavicle
I: mastoid process
F: Head flexion and rotation
"shaving muscle, pulls lips caudally"
A": Neck
O: fascia covering pec major and deltoid
I: mandible and skin
F: Depresses lip and opens jaw
A: Head
O: galea aponeurotica
I: eyebrows
F: Raise eyebrows, pulls scalp anterior
"pulls scalp back"
A: Head
O: Occipital and temporal
I: galea aponeurotica
F: pulls scalp posteriorly
"elevates mandible"
A: Head
O: squamous reg. on temporal
I: coronoid process on mandible
F: Closes jaw
"lateral, causes bulge in the side of jaw"
A: Head
O: zygomatic arch
I: mandicular ramus and angle
F: Closes jaw
(Lateral and medial)
A: Head
O: Sphenoid
I: mandible
F: medial/lateral jaw movement
Orbicularis oculi
A: Head
O: frontal and maxillary
I: eyelids
F: Closes eyes
Orbicularis oris
A: Head
O: Circular around mouth
I: Circular around mouth
F: close mouth, purse lips
"known as the smiling muscle, but pulls mouth back"
A: Head
O: masseter fascia
I: skin at angle of mouth
F: Abducts corner of mouth
"helps to stick out lower lip"
A: Head
O: mandible
I: skin of lower lip
F: Protrudes lower lip
"squeezing cheeks (connected to orbicularis oris"
A: Head
O: maxilla and mandible
I: orbicularis oris
F: Compresses cheek
Zygomaticus (major and minor)
"superior to buccinator"
A: Head
O: zygomatic
I: mouth
F: Smile
External Oblique
"hands in your pockets"
A: abdomen
O: ribs
I: linea alba
F: flexes and rotates trunk and compresses abdomen
Internal Oblique
A: Abdomen
O: Lumbar fascia and ribs
I: linea alba
F: flexes and rotates trunk and compresses abdomen
Transverse abdominus
A: Abdmomen
O: lumbar fascia and ribs
I: linea alba
F: Compresses abdomen and rotates trunk
Rectus abdominus
A: Abdomen
O: pubis
I: xiphoid and costal cartilage
F: Flexes trunk and compresses abdomen
External Intercostals
A: Chest
O: ribs
I: ribs
F: Elevates ribs, expands thorax (inspiration)
Internal Intercostals
A: Chest
O: ribs
I: ribs
F: Depresses ribs, contracts thorax (expiration)
A: Chest
O: ribs, sternum, vertebrae
I: central tendon