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85 Cards in this Set

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Origin: Alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible opposite the molar teeth

Insertion: Blends into fibers of orbicularis oris

Action: Compresses cheeks
Levator labii superioris

Origin: Inferior margin of orbit, superior to the infra-orbital foramen

Insertion: orbicularis oris

Action:Elevates upper lip

Origin: Incisive fossa of mandible

Insertion: Skin of chin

Action: Elevates and protrudes lower lip
Orbicularis oris

Origin: Maxilla and mandible

Insertion: Lips

Action:Compresses, purses lips
Zygomaticus major

Origin: Zygomatic bone near the zygomaticotemporal suture

Insertion: Angle of mouth

Action: Retracts and elevates corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor

Origin: Zygomatic bone posterior to zygomaticomaxillary suture

Insertion: Upper lip

Action: retracts and elevates upper lip
Frontal Belly of Occipitofrontalis

Origin:Epicranial aponeurosis

Insertion:Skin of eyebrow and bridge of nose

Action: Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis

Origin: Superior nuchal line and adjacent region of mastoid portion of the temporal bone

Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis

Action: Tenses and retracts scalp

Origin: Fascia of the superior thorax between cartilage of second rib and acromion of scapula

Insertion: Mandible and skin of cheek

Action: Tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible
Obicularis oculi

Origin: Medial margin of orbit

Insertion: Skin around eyelids

Action: closes eye
Inferior rectus

Origin: Sphenoid around optic canal

Insertion: Inferior, medial surface of eyeball

Action: Eye looks down
Medial rectus

Origin: Sphenoid around optic canal

Insertion: Medial surface of eyeball

Action: Eye looks medially
Superior rectus

Origin: Sphenoid around optic canal

Insertion: Superior surface of eyeball

Action: Eye looks up
Lateral rectus

Origin: Sphenoid around optic canal

Insertion: Lateral surface of eyeball

Action: Eye looks laterally
Inferior oblique

Origin: Maxilla at anterior portion of orbit

Insertion: Inferior, lateral surface of eyeball

Action: Eye rolls, looks up and laterally
Superior oblique

Origin: Sphenoid around optic canal

Insertion: Superior, lateral surface of eyeball

Action: Eye rolls, looks down and laterally

(Mandible mover)
Origin: Zygomatic arch

Insertion: Lateral surface and angle of mandibular ramus

Action: Elevates mandible and closes jaws

(Mandible mover)
Origin: Along temporal lines of skull

Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible

Action: Elevates mandible and closes jaws
Medial pterygoid

(Mandible mover)
Origin: Later pterygoid plate and adjacent portions of palatine bone and maxilla

Insertion: Medial surface of mandibular ramus

Action: Elevates the mandible and closes the jaws, or moves mandible side to side
Lateral pterygoid

(Mandible mover)
Origin: Lateral pterygoid plate and greater wing of sphenoid

Insertion: Anterior part of the neck of the mandibular condyle

Action: Opens jaws, protrudes mandible, or moves mandible side to side

Insertion: Mastoid region of skull and lateral portion of superior nuchal line

Action: Together, they flex the neck; alone one side bends neck toward shoulder and turns face to opposite side
Quadratus lumborum

(Spinal flexor of vetrebral column)
Origin: Iliac crest and iliolumbar ligament

Insertion: Last rib and transwerse processes of lumbar vertebrae

Action: Together they depress ribs; alone, each produces later flexion of vertebral column; fixes floating ribs (11 and 12) during forces exhalation
Scalenes (anterior, middle, and posterior)

Origin: Transverse and costal processes of cervical vertebrae

Insertion: Superior surface of first two ribs

Action: Elevate ribs and/or flex neck; one side bends neck and rotates head and neck to opposite side
External oblique

Origin: Eternal and inferior borders of ribs 5-12

Insertion: External oblique aponeuroses extending to linea alba and iliac crest

Action: Compresses abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes, laterally flexes, or rotates vertebral column to the opposite side
Internal oblique

Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia and iliac crest

Insertion: Inferior surfaces of ribs 9-12, costal cartilages 8-10, linea alba, and pubis

Action: Compresses abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes, laterally flexes, or rotates vertebral column to the same side
Transversus abdominis

Origin: Cartilages of ribs 6-12, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fascia

Insertion: Linea alba and pubis

Action: Compresses abdomen
Rectus abdominis

Origin: Superior surface of pubis around symphysis

Insertion: Inferior surfaces of cartilages (ribs 5-7) and xiphoid process of sternum

Action: Depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column and compresses abdomen
Levator scapulae

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: Transverse processes of first four cervical vertebrae

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula near superior angle

Action: Elevates scapula
Pectoralis minor

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: Anterior surfaces and superior margins of ribs 3-5 and fascia covering the associated external intercostal muscles

Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula

Action: Depresses and protracts shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves inferiorly (downward rotation); elevates ribs if scapula is stationary
Rhomboid major

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: Spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapular from spine to inferior angle

Action: Adducts and performs downward rotation of the scapula
Rhomboid minor

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: Spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T1

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula

Action: Adducts and performs downward rotation of the scapula
Serratus anterior

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: Anterior and superior margins of ribs 1-8 or 1-9

Insertion: Anterior surface of vertebral border of scapula

Action: Protracts shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves superiorly (upward rotation)

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: First rib

Insertion: Clavical (inferior border)

Action: Depresses and protracts shoulder

(Positions Pectoral Girdle)
Origin: Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Clavicle and scapula (acromion and scapular spine)

Action: Depends on active region and state of other muscles; may elevate, retract, depress, or rotate scapula upward and/or clavicle; can also extend neck

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Coracoid process

Insertion: Medial margin of shaft of humerus

Action: Adduction and flexion at shoulder

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Clavicle and scapula (acromion and adjacent scapular spine)

Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Action: Whole muscle: abduction of shoulder; anterior part: flexion and medial rotation of humerus; posterior part: extension and lateral rotation of humerus

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Supraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus

Action: Abduction at shoulder

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Infraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus

Action: Lateral rotation at shoulder

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Subscapular fossa of scapula

Insertion: Letter tubercle of humerus

Action: Medial rotation at shoulder
Teres major

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus

Action: Extension and medial rotation at shoulder
Teres minor

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Lateral border of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus

Action: Lateral rotation and adduction at shoulder
Triceps brachii (long head)

(Moves the arm)
Action: Extension at elbow
Biceps brachii

(Moves the arm)
Action: Flexion at elbow
Latissimus dorsi

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Spinous processes of inferior thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, ribs 8-12, and thoracolumbar fascia

Insertion: Floor of intertubercular sulcus of the humerus

Action: Extension, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Pectoralis major

(Moves the arm)
Origin: Cartilages of ribs 2-6, body of sternum, and inferior, medial portion of clavicle

Insertion: Crest of greater tubercle and lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus

Action: Flexion, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Biceps brachii

Origin: Short head from the coracoid process; long head from the supraglenoid tubercle (both on the scapula)

Insertion: Radial tuberosity

Action: Flexion at elbow and shoulder; supination

Origin: Anterior, distal surface of humerus

Insertion: Ulnar tuberosity

Action: Flexion at elbow

Origin: Ridge superior to the lateral epicondyle of humerus

Insertion: Lateral aspect of styloid process of radius

Action: Flexion at elbow
Lateral head of triceps brachii

Origin: Superior, lateral margin of humerus

Insertion: Olecranon of ulna

Action: Extension at elbow
Long head of triceps brachii
Origin: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

Insertion: Olecranon of ulna

Action: Extension at elbow, also extension and adduction at shoulder
Medial head of triceps brachii

Origin: Posterior surface of humerus, inferior to radial groove

Insertion: Olecranon of ulna

Action: Extension at elbow
Flexor carpi radialis

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus

Insertion: Bases of second and third metacarpal bones

Action: Flexion and abduction at wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; adjacent medial surface of olecranon and anteromedial portion of ulna

Insertion: Pisiform, hamate, and base of fifth metacarpal bone

Action: Flexion and adduction at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis longus

Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus

Insertion: Base of second and third metacarpal bones

Action: Flexion and abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus

Insertion: Base of third metacarpal bone

Action: Extenion and abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris

Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus; adjacent dorsal surface of ulna

Insertion: Base of fifth metacarpal bone

Action: Extension and adduction at wrist
Abductor pollicis longus

(Moves hand and fingers)
Origin: Proximal dorsal surfaces of ulna and radius

Insertion: Lateral margin of first metacarpal bone

Action: Abduction at joints of thumb and wrist
Extensor digitorum

(Moves hand and fingers)
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus

Insertion: Posterior surfaces of the phalanges, digits 2-5

Action: Extension at finger joints and wrist
Flexor digitorum superficialis

(Moves hand and fingers)
Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; adjacent anterior surfaces of ulna and radius

Insertion: To bases of middle phalanges of digits 2-5

Action: Flexion at proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, and wrist joints
Adductor pollicis

Origin: Metacarpal and carpal bones

Insertion: Proximal phalanx of thumb

Action: Adduction of thumb
Abductor pollicis brevis

Origin: Transverse carpal ligament, scaphoid and trapezium

Insertion: Radial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb

Action: Abduction of thumb
Gluteus maximus

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Iliac crest, posterior gluteal line, and lateral surface of ilium; sacrum, coccyx, and thoracolumbar fascia

Insertion: Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur

Action: Extension and lateral rotation at hip; helps stabilize the extended knee; abduction at the hip (superior fibers only)
Gluteus medius

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Anterior iliac crest, lateral surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines

Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur

Action: Abduction and medial rotation at hip
Gluteus minimus

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Lateral surface of ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines

Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur

Action: Abduction and medial rotation at hip
Tensor fascia latae

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Iliac crest and lateral surface of anterior superior iliac spine

Insertion: Iliotibial tract

Action: Abducation and medial rotation at hip; extension and lateral rotation at knee; tenses fasciae latae, which laterally supports the knee
Adductor brevis

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis

Insertion: Linea aspera of femur

Action: Adduction and flexion at hip
Adductor longus

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis, anterior to adductor brevis

Insertion: Linea aspera of femur

Action: Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation at hip
Adductor magnus

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis posterior to adductor brevis and ischial tuberosity

Insertion: Linea aspera and adductor tubercle of femur

Action: Whole muscle produces adduction at the hip; anterior part produces flexion and medial rotation; posterior part produces extension

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Superior ramus of pubis

Insertion: Pectineal line inferior to lesser trochanter of femur

Action: Flexion and adduction at hip

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis

Insertion: Medial surface of tibia inferior to medial condyle

Action: Flexion and medial rotation at knee; adduction and medial rotation at hip

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Iliac fossa

Insertion: Femur distal to lesser trochanter; tendon fused with that of psoas major

Action: Flexion at hip and/or lumbar intervertebral joints
Psoas major

(Move Thigh)
Origin: Anterior surfaces and transverse processes of vertebrae (T12-L5)

Insertion: Lesser trochanter in company with iliacus

Action: Flexion at hip and/or lumbar intervertebral joints
Biceps femoris

Origin: Ischial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur

Insertion: Head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia

Action: Flexion at knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip

Origin: Ischial tuberosity

Insertion: Posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia

Action: Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip

Origin: Ischial tuberosity

Insertion: Proximal, medial surface of tibia near insertion of gracilis

Action: Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip

Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine

Insertion: Medial surface of tibia near tibial turberosity

Action: Flexion at kneel abduction, flexion, and lateral rotation at hip

Origin: Lateral condyle of femur

Insertion: Posterior surface of proximal tibial shaft

Action: Medial rotation of tibia (or lateral rotation of femur) at knee; flexion at knee
Rectus femoris

Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine and superior acetabular rim of ilium

Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament

Action: Extension at knee; flexion at hip
Vastus intermedius

Origin: Anterolateral surface of femur and linea aspera (distal half)

Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament

Action: Extension at knee
Vastus lateralis

Origin: Anterior and inferior to greater trochanter of femur and along linea spera (proximal half)

Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament

Action: Extension at knee
Vastus medialis

Origin: Entire length of linea aspera of femur

Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament

Action: Extension at knee
Tibialis anterior

(Move Foot)
Origin: Lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia

Insertion: Base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform

Action: Dorsiflexion at ankle; inversion of foot

(Move Foot)
Origin: Femoral condyles

Insertion: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon

Action: Plantar flexion at ankle; flexion at knee

(Move Foot)
Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge

Insertion: Posterior portion of calcaneus

Action: Plantar flexion at ankle; flexion at knee

(Move Foot)
Origin: Head and proximal shaft of fibula, and adjacent posteromedial shaft of tibia

Insertion: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (with gastrocnemius)

Action: Plantar flexion at ankle; postural muscle when standing