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49 Cards in this Set

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how old is the earth

4.6 billion years old

Describe radiometric dating

Determining age of geological samples by measuring their abundance of radioactive isotopes

What is the tropic of cancer

When the sun stands above 23 1/2 degrees north

What is the tropic of capricorn

When the sun stands above 23 1/2 degrees south

What is the latitude of the arctic circle

latitude of 66 1/2 degrees south

What is the latitude of the antarctic circle?

66 1/2 degrees south

Describe Earth's shape

a spherical shape that is flatter at the poles and longer around the equator

What is longitude?

Up and down

What is latitude?

left and right

What are great circles?

All longitude lines and the equator

what percent of earths surface is water?


What is residence time?

How long a molecule can stay in water.

volume/rate replacement

describe p-waves

PRimary waves, travel faster than any other seismic wave, the 1st waves to arrive at location

Describe s-waves

Secondary waves, Slower than primary waves but faster than surface waves

What is the MOHO?

upper surface of the mantle

What is the crust?

Earths surface

What is the mantle?

Beneath the crust

What is the core?

the center of earth

What is the lithosphere

Rigid surface layer consisting of the crust and upper mantle. Plate tectonics chill here

What is the athenosphere?

The soft plastic region under the lithosphere

What is the mesosphere?

Stiff plastic region under the athenosphere

Produce some evidence for cont drift

The conts look like they fit together, fossils, mountain ranges of similar age

What is a mid ocean ridge and how are they produced?

Rosing hot mantle that elevates forming a ridge.

Where do shallow earthquakes occur?


where do deep earthquakes occur?

ocean trenches

What are subduction zones?

older seafloor

What are spreading centers?

New seafloor

Describe a divergent plate and what it creates

Plates move apart, create mid ocean ridges

Describe a convergant plate and what it creates

Plate collision. form mountain ranges and ocean trenches

Describe a transform boundary and what it creates

Plates slide past each other forming fault lines

What is a hotspot?

Surface expression of rising hot mantle

What is spreading rate?

Rate at which two plates move away from each other

How does an island chain form?

when oceanic lithosphere moves over a hotspot

What is biogenous sediment?

sediment arriving from organisms

What is cosmogenous sediment?

arrives from space

What is hydrogenous sediment?

arriving from water

What is lithogenous sediment?

sediment arriving from prexisting rocks

name some irregular behaviors of water

high freezing/boiling point, high heat capacity, can turn to liquid, solid, and gas

What makes water become more dense?

Colder water and saltier water

What is the global surface salinity?

between 32-38 ppt

list 5 natural occurrences that control salinity

evaporation, precipitation, freezing, thawing, runoff

What is the density of pure water?

1000 kg/m3

List the 6 major ions that make up 99% of water

calcium, sodium, magnesium, Potassium

2 anions= chloride and sulfate

What is the mixing time of the ocean?

1000 years

How can you change the salinity of seawater?

Add/remove water or dissolved substances

What is the pynocline?

In between the surface box and deep sea box

photosynthesis produces:


Respiration produces:


What is the pH of seawater?