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78 Cards in this Set

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The nurse must check the patient's ____ before and after peritoneal dialysis (PD) to determine how much fluid has been removed.
Large intake of particular foods, such as dairy products or foods high in proteins, also may lead to ___ formation.
To teach pelvic floor, or____ exercises, the nurse should instruct the patient (without contracting the legs, buttocks, or abdomen) to contract the muscles around the rectum (pelvic floor muscles) as if stopping a stool, which should result in a pelvic lifting sensation
In renal disease, ___ is not filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and therefore accumulates in the blood. This results in toxicity to brain tissue, causing confusion.
Painful and difficult urination is characterized as ____. ____ is an absence of urine production, whereas ____ is diminished urine production.



Although a specimen may be collected at any time of the day for a routine urinalysis, it is best to obtain _____.

the first specimen urinated in the morning.
The specimen should be examined within one hour of urinating. If it is not possible to send the specimen to the laboratory immediately, ____
refrigerate it.
Upper UTI symptoms present with 3
fever, chills, and flank pain.
A decrease or cessation of output in a patient with CBI requires ___
immediate intervention.
When assessing a patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the nurse evaluates possible complications of urinary obstruction. Which are the most appropriate conditions that the nurse should consider?


Bladder calculi

Acute urinary retention

Urinary tract infection


___ is the most reported organism

E. coli
Auscultate the abdominal aorta and renal arteries for a bruit (an abnormal murmur), which indicates ____
impaired blood flow to the kidneys
____is the most accurate indicator of renal function.
creatinine clearance
____ (also known as extracorporeal shock wave) is a noninvasive therapeutic treatment in which high-energy shock waves are used to crush or pulverize renal calculi in the renal pelvis, ureter, and bladder.
The primary functions of the kidneys are to 2
filter the blood and maintain the body's internal homeostasis
A patient is being administered 15 g sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) orally for hyperkalemia. Which intervention should the nurse perform?
report changes to the health care provider in the ECG
___ is required for water reabsorption in the kidney and is important in water balance.
Phosphorus and calcium have inverse or reciprocal relationships, meaning that when phosphorus levels are high, calcium levels tend to be low. Therefore, administration of calcium should help to reduce a patient's abnormally high phosphorus level, as seen with CKD.
Nurses have a major role in prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Which guidelines can help prevent hospital-acquired UTIs? Select all that apply.3
Avoid unnecessary catheritization

Routine and thorough perineal hygiene for all hospitalized patients

Wash hands before and after contact with each patient

A patient presents with sudden and painful inability to urinate. Which is a priority nursing action to manage acute urinary retention?
Insert a catheter to drain the bladder.
____ are associated with severe abdominal or flank pain.
Urinary stones
A postoperative patient had a urinary catheter removed. Eight hours later and after drinking fluids, the patient is unable to void. What should the nurse do first to assess for urinary retention?
Bladder scan
The patient developed progressive renal failure 10 years ago and has been a dialysis patient for the last five years. The patient also has developed chronic anemia. There are many causes of anemia, but the most likely cause of anemia in this patient would be
Decreased erythropoietin production
A patient with chronic kidney disease has an arteriovenous (AV) graft in the right forearm. What is the nurse's priority in determining the patency of the graft?
Check for a bruit by listening over the right arm AV graft site with a stethoscope
The result of a creatinine clearance test closely approximates that of the ____.
____ incontinence occurs when the patient coughs or sneezes.
The nurse provides a patient who is prone to urinary tract infections with a list of recommended food and beverage choices to increase the patient's urine acidity. What type of juice should the nurse include on the list?
The most significant signs and symptoms of BPH are relate to ___
the disruption of normal urinary drainage
A patient has been catheterized with an indwelling urinary catheter. What nursing action should the nurse perform for catheter care?
Anchor the catheter using a securement device.
A nurse planning care for a patient with acute renal failure recognizes that the interventions of highest priority are directly related to:
Excess fluid volume
When managing a female patient with active symptoms of urethritis, what actions should the nurse perform? Select all that apply.3
Teach the patient to cleanse the perineal area.

Obtaina urine sample for culture.

Provide a warm sitz bath

With progressive renal failure, there is an increase in fluid ____.
What renal test?

No dietary restrictions are required. No pain or discomfort will be felt during the test. No activity restrictions are required

renal computed tomography (CT) scan
serum creatinine will have a normal range of ___
0.2 to 1. 0 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) will have a normal range of ____
10 to 30 mg/dL
___ would be used for a complicated UTI.
____ is a potentially fatal complication of peritoneal dialysis, and thus it is imperative to teach the patient methods of preventing this from occurring by use of_____

aseptic technique.

__2__ along with headaches and oliguria, are common complications of glomerulonephritis and tend to recur.
Hypertension and edema,
A 78-year-old patient has Stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is being taught about a low potassium diet. The nurse knows the patient understands the diet when the patient selects which foods to eat?
Apple, green beans, and roast beef
_____contributes to an abrupt rise in blood pressure, especially in people under 30 or over 50 years of age.
Renal artery stenosis
Immediately before initiating the radiotherapy, the patient has to ____ so that radiation exposure of the bladder is reduced.
The nurse is teaching a patient who recently had an episode of urolithiasis with calcium oxalate stones about nutritional therapy. What instructions should the nurse include? Select all that apply.

Limit consumption of colas.

Limit intake of dried fruits and nuts.

Take in at least 3 L of fluid daily.

When caring for a patient during the oliguric phase of acute kidney injury (AKI), what is an appropriate nursing intervention?
Restrict fluids according to previous daily loss
A normal RBC count in the urine is less than ___ and a normal WBC count in the urine is less than ____


In a normal patient, phosphorus levels are between ____
2.4 and 4.0 mg/dL
High frequency of urination in the night is known as nocturia and the passage of a large volume of urine in a given time is called polyuria. Together, these reflect the symptoms of ____
diabetes mellitus,
The _____ is the narrowest part of the urethra and easily obstructed by urinary calculi.
ureterovesical junction (UVJ)
Parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormones, which help in the reabsorption of ____ into the body and the excretion of ____ in the urine.


____ is part of a regular physical examination and is a primary means of assessing symptoms of decreased urinary stream, which often is caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia in men over 50 years of age.
Digital rectal examination
____ is characteristic of nephrotic syndrome , and a key nursing responsibility in the care of patients with the disease is close monitoring of abdominal girth, weights, and extremity size.
Peripheral edema
A patient who underwent bladder surgery 3 hours ago is receiving a continuous bladder irrigation. The nurse should increase the rate of the CBI for what type of return?
Dark red - to prevent clotting
A cystoscopy involves visualizing the interior of the bladder with a tubular lighted scope. The procedure may cause the urine to become pink in color due to procedure-related trauma, which is self-limiting and normal. However, ____color to the urine indicates major trauma and needs to be reported immediately.
a bright red
Facial edema, ascites, and groin pain are the specific manifestations observed in a patient with ____ system disorder.
For a quantitative (total) urine protein test, a ____ urine collection should be done.
There should be no odor present in urine. If one is detected, the patient may have ____
a urinary tract infection
The nurse obtains a urine specimen from the patient early in the morning and sends it to the laboratory. The nurse is aware that the urine should be examined within one hour for accurate results. This is because of which of the following? Select all that apply. 3
Red blood cells (RBCs) hemolyze

Bacteria multiply rapidly

Urine becomes more alkaline

A renal biopsy is contraindicated in a patient with_____
uncontrolled hypertension
____ is one of the most common genetic diseases and genetic counseling should be suggested.
Because the kidneys are not effectively removing waste products, including electrolytes, an increased potassium level (hyperkalemia) of more than 5.0 mEq/L is common in acute renal failure and places the patient at risk for ____
cardiac arrhythmias
Ultrafiltration in peritoneal dialysis is achieved by _____of the dialysate with additional glucose.
increasing the osmolality
The best study to determine kidney function or CKD that would be expected in the patient with diabetes is the calculated ____ that is obtained from the patient's age, gender, race, and serum creatinine.
Acute urinary retention is a complication of urinary obstruction that is manifested by sudden and painful inability to urinate. The most appropriate action is to _____
insert a catheter to drain the bladder.
Normal WBC levels in urine are below ____, with levels exceeding this indicative of inflammation or urinary tract infection.
An elevated WBC count _____ indicates a bacterial infection.
(>11,000 cells/µL)
The nurse is attending to a patient with obstructing urinary calculi. The patient is treated with Tamsulosin (Flomax) to help ease passage of the stones. In addition, opioids are administered to relieve colic pain. What actions should the nurse perform to ensure treatment effectiveness and patient safety? Select all that apply.


Strain all urine voided by the patient.

Encourage the patient to move.

Avoid letting the patient ambulate unattended.

__2__ are high in calcium
spinach and yogurt

milk especially

The nurse prepares to discharge a patient who has a renal calculus. What is the most important instruction for the nurse to include in the patient's teaching?
Strain all urine
_____ is a potentially fatal complication of peritoneal dialysis, and thus it is imperative to teach the patient methods of preventing this from occurring by use of aseptic technique.
When assessing a patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which diagnostic tests should the nurse anticipate performing to rule out related conditions? Select all that apply.3
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

Serum creatinine levels

Urine analysis with culture

The nurse is teaching the patient about transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) prior to the procedure. Which instruction is most appropriate for the nurse to include?
This procedure is not appropriate for men with rectal problems.

A patient with end-stage kidney disease is receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. The patient has a fever and the nurse suspects that it is due to peritonitis. What are the other manifestations that the nurse should monitor the patient for? Select all that apply. 3

Cloudy peritoneal effluent

Abdominal pain


The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic kidney disease who is undergoing hemodialysis. What is an appropriate diet for this patient?
Low protein and low potassium
A male patient is scheduled for transurethral resection of the prostate. Which question should the nurse ask to address the patient's concerns about sexual function after the surgery?
"What are your concerns about how this surgery will affect your sex life?"
When taking the medical history of a patient, which conditions should the nurse consider as risk factors for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? Select all that apply.
Physical inactivity

Alcohol consumption


Urine output of 100 to 400 mL within 24 hours indicates _____
severe dehydration.
The nurse is performing the physical examination of a patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Which finding is likely to be noted on palpation by digital rectal examination (DRE)?
The prostate is symmetrically enlarged, firm, and smooth.
The nurse is attending to a patient who is receiving hemodialysis for chronic kidney disease. The nurse understands that hemodialysis is associated with complications. Which complications should the nurse be observant for in the patient? Select all that apply.

Hepatitis type B

Muscle cramps

A patient with chronic kidney disease is advised to undergo peritoneal dialysis (PD). What advantages of PD over hemodialysis should the nurse explain to the patient? Select all that apply.3
It is a simple procedure.

It is home-based.

Equipment setup is simple.