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22 Cards in this Set

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Describe the contents of a skeletal muscle
- Each muscle contains bundles of muscle fibres (cells)
- Also found in a skeletal muscle is:
• connective tissue
• blood vessels
• lymphatics
• nerves
Describe the arrangement of connective tissue within muscle
- regular arrangement of collagen around the individual fibres /, & bundles of fibres( fascicles) , & whole muscle
- endomysium, perimysium and epimysium blend together to form tendons which are attached to bone and transmits the forces generated by contracting myocytes
Describe the structure of a muscle fibre
- Sarcolemma
- Sarcoplasm
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
- Organelles
- Nucleus on the periphery of cell
- Series of parallel subunits known as Myofibrils which are very fine fibres
Describe the structure of myofibrils
- 80% of a muscle cell is occupied by myofibrils which in turn are made up of finer myofilaments
- Appear by light & electron microscopy as a cross banded light (I bands) & dark (A bands) pattern
- Arranged as repeated units known as sarcomeres = the basic contractile unit (Z-Z line)
- A & I bands are formed by an orderly array of thick & thin myofilaments
- Myofilaments overlap each other = the thin myofilaments interdigitated between adjacent thick myofilaments and are attached to Z lines
What are myofilaments?
- Consist of numerous proteins including:
• Thin filaments –actin, tropomyosin & troponin
• Thick filaments mostly myosin
List some of the proteins found in muscle cells
- Actin = alpha helical polymer
- Tropomyosin = two helices coiled around actin
- Troponin complex = three parts: troponin T which binds to tropomyosin , troponin C binds with calcium & troponin I binds to actin and inhibits contraction
- Myosin
- Myostatin = inhibitory factor
- Alpha actinin = anchor actin filaments to Z line
- Nebulin = regulates thin filament length during sarcomere assembly and runs parallel to actin
- Desmin = attches Z-disk to sarcolemma
- Myomesin = attaches myosin filaments to M-line
- Dystrophin = connects the cytoskeleton of a muscle fiber to the surrounding extracellular matrix through the cell membrane
- Titin = contains binding sites for muscle associated proteins so it serves as an adhesion template for the assembly of contractile machinery in muscle cells
What are transverse tubules?
- Unique to muscle cell inward
- Extension of sarcolemma
- Allows electric impulse to move deeper into cell
Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction
- Excitation by motor nerve at motor end plate
- Impulse is conducted over sacrolemma and inwards by T tubules to the sarcoplasmic sacs
- This triggers the release of calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Calcium binds to troponin C
- This results in a shift in tropomyosin which uncovers active sites on the actin G
- Myosin binds to the active sites on the actin = ADP & Pi are released
- Release of energy results in bending of the myosin heads pulling the actin along towards H zone
- Sliding Filament Theory - with small temporal delay in adjacent sarcomeres
- Myosin remains bound to actin until ATP binds with the myosin & pulls the head back to the resting position
- Cycle repeats as long as ATP & calcium are available
Describe how muscles relax
- After the impulse is over SR actively pumps calcium back into sacs
- Calcium stripped off the troponin
- Tropomyosin blocks the active sites on actin
- Myosin cross bridges are prevented from binding with actin
- Fibre returns to its resting length
What is a motor unit?
- One muscle fibre is innervated by one nerve ending
- However a given motor neuron may innervate numerous muscle fibres e.g. eye muscles one neuron to three muscle fibres, postural muscles hundreds of fibres
- Lower motor neuron & the fibres it innervates referred to as the motor unit
- Depolarisation of the motor unit leads to “all or none “ phenomenon
Describe the characteristics of the sub-types of skeletal muscle
How would you type a skeletal muscle fibre?
- Histochemical analysis:
1. Biopsy 20mg tissue frozen in liquid nitrogen
2. Section stained to reveal oxidative and glycolytic enzymes
3. Examined by microscopy
4. Type I, IIa or IIb
- Muscles types are naturally variable and therefore will have varying amounts of these fibres
Describe muscular hypertrophy
- Increase in muscle size
- Type II fibres only = type I hypertrophies little
- Increase by:
• Weight training can cause if you have more Type II fibres than type I
• Anabolic steroids
• Knock out the gene for myostatin
What are anabolic steroids and what are their effects?
- Synthetic derivatives of testosterone
- Testosterone secreted by Leydig cells of testes
& adrenal cortex
- Anabolic : increases skeletal muscle mass stimulating the process of myofilament formation
- Androgenic : masculinising
- Side effects:
• Minor
= Acne
= Alopecia
= Oedema
• Major
= Gynaecomastia
= Testicular tissue shrinkage
= Tendon rupture → tendons don't keep up with muscle size and force
• Most serious
= Atherosclerosis
= Heart disease
= Stroke
= Liver cancer
• Women
= Mascalinisation
= Causes permanent deep voice
= Facial hair
= Male pattern baldness
= Menstral cessation
= Clitoral enlargement
What is atrophy and what are its causes?
- Decrease in cell size type II
- May be due to disuse
but also seen as part of a complex pathology in
many diseases
- Cachexia
- Weight loss and wasting
- Seen in:
• cancer
• heart failure
• diabetes
- Causes of atrophy
• reduced activity
• loss of innervation
• reduced blood supply
• diminished nutrition
• loss of hormones
• loss of growth factors
• cytokines
What is myostatin?
- Inhibitory growth factor – limits the size of muscle growth
- Knock out mice = used to study myostatin
- Monoclonal antibody to myostatin
- When gene expression or protein inhibited – hypertrophy results
- Atrophy - myostatin protein expressed ++
Describe the features of a neuromuscular junction
- Motor nerve meets myofibre
- Acetylcholine is liberated from the nerve ending
- Synaptic cleft
- Binds with the sarcolemma = membrane depolarization
- Intracellular calcium released - muscle contraction
- Acetylcholine removed by acetycholinesterase
1. Myopathy
2. Myositis
3. Myasthenia
4. Myotonia
5. Muscular dystrophy
1. Myopathy – disease of voluntary muscle
2. Myositis –inflammation
3. Myasthenia –weakness
4. Myotonia –sustained contraction
5. Muscular dystrophy – inherited disorders

Weakness is the predominant features
What is polymyositis and dermatomyositis?
- Most common age 40-60 years
- 3:1 female to male
- Insidious onset with exacerbations & remissions
- Muscle weakness “difficulty rising from chair “
- Muscles usually painful but may not be
- Symmetrical large proximal muscles
- Systemic features: malaise weight loss, fever
- Pulmonary → altered lung function test and interstitial disease, gastrointestinal involvement → dysphagia

- Involves the skin as well as muscle –eyelids, knuckles
- Note the distinctive heliotrope (purplish) rash and oedema periorbital

- Bloods – normocytic anaemia & creatine kinase
- Electromyography –abnormal fibrillation at rest
- Muscle biopsy- inflammation
Screen for malignancy –occult may not become apparent for 2-3 years CXR, mammography, tumour markers

- Corticosteroids & azathioprine or cyclophosphamide
What is Myasthenia Gravis and how is it investigated and treated?
- Unknown
- Autoimmune Anti-AChR antibodies
- Twice as common in women
- Peak age 30

- IgGs block binding of AChR &
Complement mediated damage to membrane
- Larger than normal synaptic gap
- Simplified folding pattern on muscle membrane
- Inefficient neuromuscular transmission
- Thymic hyperplasia 70% , thymic tumour 10%

- Patient complains of SPECIFIC muscle weakness which fluctuates, pronounced with activity improves with rest
- Exacerbations & remissions. Triggers include bright sunlight, viral illness, surgery & stress
- Most initially complain of ptosis & diplopia
- 50% progress to generalised disease involving oropharyngeal muscles, limb & trunk muscles, respiratory muscles- crisis can present

- Bloods for antibodies
- Single fibre electromyography
- Tesilon (edrophonium ) test = immediate improvement (but can cause anaphylaxis
- Ice-cube test = put ice cube on eyelid and it will improve
- Chest X ray for thymoma

- Life style advice
- Anticholinesterase medication = prolongs action of Ach
- Corticosteroids & azathioprine
- Thymectomy
Describe muscular dystrophy and how it can be investigated and treated
- Genetically determined disorders
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- X linked recessive
- 1:3000 male infants
- Absence of the protein dystrophin essential for membrane stability
- Obvious by the age of 4 and death by 20
- Child will have difficulty rising from floor = Gower’s sign, proximal limb weakness, pseudo-hypertrophy of calves, severely disabled

- Bloods – creatine kinase grossly raised
- Muscle biopsy – replacement of muscle with fat
- EMG- abnormal

- No cure
- Physiotherapy
- Respiratory support
What is botulism and how can it be investigated?
- Clostridia botulinum produce neurotoxins
- Contaminated food, wounds & infantile botulism (hence never give babies <1 year honey)
- Food preformed → soluble neural toxins ingested
- Blocks the release of Ach permanently
- Paralysis of cranial & peripheral nerves
- Untreated respiratory failure
- Diagnosis usually clinical :
• CT brain scan
• LP
• Tensilon test
• Take stool or blood inject into peritoneal cavity of mice and death rapidly occurs