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26 Cards in this Set

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Factors influencing reaction time and decision making
1. number of stimulus response alternatives
2. stimulus-response compatibility
3. practice
Hicks Law
describes the stable relationship that exists between the number of stimulus response alternatives and choice reaction time
stimulus-response compatibility
the degree to which the relationship between a stimulus and the required response is "natural"- compatible
-increase amount of practice, faster choice reaction time
-nature of practice- increase practice with the same stimulus response combo, faster choice reaction time
-S=f(P,A)quicker choice reaction time= more skilles
-highly skilled performer
-good enough to predict what will happen in the environment
-perform information processing activities in advance of the presented stimulus
types of anticipation
spatial (or event)anticipation and temporal anticipation
spatial anticipation
what is going to happen
temporal anticipation
when is it going to happen
benefits of anticipation
if correct, a performer can initiate the already prepared movement with no reaction time delay
3 different aspects:
1. selective
2. limited capacity
3. effort
selective aspect of attention
appears as thought we can focus on some aspects of our environment than others
limited capacity aspect of attention
fixed amount of mental energy (construct) example: driving car at 12 vs. 22, brain has a limited amount of mental sources to do work
capability to focus on a subset of our environment
sequential/serial processing
brain must do things one at a time
parallel processing
occurring at the same point in time
use of all limited capacity attention
parallel processing
tasks share capacity
selective attention
Stroop task: color of ink vs. what word says; scientists have considered BLUE (in red ink) a failure of selective attention
conflict situation regarding Stroop task
What is occurring that helps us understand why the BLUE in red ink is difficult? reading of letters is obligatory, you have to do it. You have no choice. You can't see just letters, you read them
selective attention
means learning how to respond selectively
controlled processing
serial and attention demanding; required limited capacity attention
automatic processing
fast, parallel, does not demand much attention if any at all
number of elements vs. reaction time
the number of elements you are searching through has no effect on reaction time. As number of elements increases reaction time stays the same. Graphically, it is a horizontal line
consistent mapping
distractors are always distracting and targets are always targets
varied mapping
when reaction time between elements is varied over trials, you need to use sequential/serial attention which is demanding and slow
double stimulation
rapid, sequential stimulation. In the lab, do a series of trials, when the light comes on, you press a button