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87 Cards in this Set

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Phospholipid Bilayer
- hydrophobic inside (non-polar, cytoplasmic)
- hydrophilic outside (polar, exoplasmic)
- phosphoglycerides (glycerol based, in cytoplasmic layer, phosphatidyl choline, serine, inositol, 2 fatty acids)
- sphinogolipids (sphingosine based, long, sphinomyelin, found in animals only, 1 fatty acid)
- carbohydrate and a lipid
- serve as cell markers
- more on exoplasmic layer
- fatty acids
- 12-20 Carbons long
- length determines thickness in turn saturation
Saturated Fatty Acid
- no double bonds
- myristic, stearic, palmitic
Unsaturated Fatty Acid
- mono (1 double bond, oleic acid)
- poly ( more than 1 double bond, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic)
- cis (fluidity) and trans (fats) bonds
- 4 Carbon rings and -OH group
- rigidity buffers against over fluidity (hydrocarbon structure) and rigidity (cold temps)
- animals; cholesterol
- plants; phytosterol
- fungi; ergosterols
- bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplasts; hopanoids
Membrane Fluidity
- rotational movements (around own axis)
- lateral diffusion (along membrane)
- transverse diffusion (back and forth exoplasmic to cytoplasmic layers with enzyme help)
Changing Fluidity
- cold temps cause rigidity
- membrane receptors don't function properly
- decreases fatty acid length, increases double cis bonds
- hibernating animals help by increasing ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids
Integral Proteins
- amphiphatic
- monotopic goes through exo or cytoplasmic
- transmembrane goes through both
- anion, aquaporins
Peripheral Membrane Proteins
- exo or cytoplasmic
- do not penetrate bilayer
- form non covalent bonds w/ polar or integral protein on exoplasmic phospholipid
- cytochrome C
Lipid Anchored Protein
- cyto or exoplasmic
- covalently bonded to fatty acid chains and glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol
Membrane Sugars
- on glycolipids and glycoproteins
- forms glycocalyx around cell
- cell markers (prevents autoimmune disease, transplant rejections, signals damage cell to destruct; cancer)
- cushions cell
Isolating Membrane Proteins
- Peripheral by change in pH or concentration of salt
- integral by using sodium dodecyl sulfate (anionic detergent (adds negative charge to proteins) and a surfactant to keep alveoli fluid for gas exchange) to dissolve lipids
- PAGE gel separates by protein size
Simple Diffusion
- direct, unaided across bilayer don concentration gradient, exergonic, Delta G < 0
- rate of diffusion not saturable
- if H2O it's osmosis
Facilitated Diffusion
- aka passive transport
- requires transport proteins (symporters, antiporters (anion exchanger), uniporter (glucose)) that bind, change shape and transport to other side
- movement down electrical concentration gradient
- Delta G < 0, exergonic
- no directionality
Movement of Glucose
- down gradient
- inside cell glucose is converted to blu-6-p
Anion Exchanger
- antiporter facilitated diffusion
- CO2 in blood moves into RBC via plasma
- inside cell, CO2 is converted to H2CO3 by carbonic anhydrase
- decreases CO2, increases drive for CO2 into cell
Ion Channels
- facilitated diffusion
- highly specific to ion
- 4 types: ligand gated, voltage gated, mechanosensitive and non-gated
- facilitated diffusion
- barrels through membrane filled with H2O
- allow passage of small sugars
- facilitated diffusion
- move H2O
- in plants to increase turgor pressure, prevent wilting
- in kidney tubules for thirst, decrease bp, bv triggering vasopressin increasing aquaporin
Active Transport
- movement against/ up gradient
- delta G > 0, endergonic
- requires energy or coupling
- direct coupling (ATP driven Na/K pumps)
Indirect Coupling
- aka secondary active transport
- transports symporters and antiporters protein
- ex: symport of glucose and amino acids in intestine symport Na & H+ pumps create H+ gradient, movement down its gradient powers movement of sugars
Reaction in Chemical Reaction
- A + B ---> C
- keq = [C]/([A]*[B])
Reaction in Transport
- S out <---> S in
- keq = [S]in/[S]out = 1
- at equilibrium
- [S]in < [S]out, Ln < 0 and G < 0, exergonic, spontaneous
- [S]in > [S]out, Ln > 0 and G > 0, endergonic, requires energy
Anabolic Pathways
- build up
- decrease randomness, entropy
- endergonic
- delta G > 0
- polymerization/elongation of nucleic acid, protein synthesis
Catabolic Pathway
- break down
- increase randomness, entropy
- exergonic
- delta G < 0
- ATP hydrolysis, glycolysis
- primary energy currency
- function to transfer phosphate group
- Glu + ATP ---> Glu-6-P + ADP
- 3 phosphates, ribose, adenine
- 3 high energy bonds
- phosphoanhydride (-7.3), phosphoester (-3.6)
- exergonic
- ATP ---> ADP + Pi or ATP ---> AMP + PPi
- H2O ---> -OH + H+
- increase randomness
- reduction in biological systems
- transfers electron in pairs or with protons
- exergonic
- dehydrogenation reactions
- ethanol ----> acetaldehyde + 2e- + 2H+
- gain of e- in pairs
- endergonic
- hydrogenation reactions
- acetaldehyde + NADH+ -----> ethanol + NAD+
- breakdown, oxidation of glucose to pyruvate
- exergonic
- delta G = -20kcal/mol
- glucose ---> 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + H+
- invested 2 ATP
- derived 4 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H+
Glycolysis Steps
glucose (w/ ATP---> G-6-P ---> fruct-6-p (w/ ATP/PFK---> fruct-1,6-bis P ---> dihydroxyacetone-p + glycerol-3-p (w/NAD + Pi---> q,3-bisphosphoglycerate (w/ADP---> 3-phosphoglycerate ---> 2-phosphoglycerate ---> phosphoenolpyruvate (w/ATP---> pyruvate
- absence of O2 when pyruvate is processed
- regenerates NAD+ not ATP
- lactate, ethanol + CO2, acetone
- lactic acid
- built up during strenuous exercise
- later delivered by blood to love/kidneys to be converted to glycolysis by gluconeogenesis
- delta G < 0, spontaneous (-320k/m)
Cellular Respiration
- aerobic respiration
- maximizes energy yield after glycolysis
- yields more ATP b/c of an external e- acceptor, O2
Aerobic Respiration
- yields 38 ATP
- oxidation/removal of e- from glucose
- transfers e- to coenzymes
- Pyruvate oxidation, TCA cycle, e- transport system, ATP synthesis
- in mitochondria, chemotrophs and phototrophs
- outer: porins
- intermembrane space: H+ gradient
- matrix: pyruvate dehydrogenase, krebs cycle enzymes, mitochondrial DNA
Aerobic respiration steps
- when O2 is present pyruvate into matrix by translocase, symported with H+
- pyruvate undergoes oxidative decarboxylation by pyruvate dehydrogenase, oxidizing pyruvate, pyruvate decarboxylation and addition of Acetyl CoA, CO2, NADH
- Acetyl CoA adds to oxaloacetate for citric acid
- citric acid is decarboxylated twice forming succinate
- succinate converts to regenerated oxaloacetate
5 Oxidation Steps in Aerobic Respiration
- pyruvate --> Acetyl CoA (CO2 + NADH)
- 2 at citrate --> succinyl CoA (CO2 + NADH)
- 2 at succinate --> oxaloacetate (FADH + NADH)
- NAD+ --> 1 NADH = 3 ATPs
- succinate to fumarate
- FAD+ --> 1 FADH = 2 ATPs
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
- regulated allosterically
- cues that indicate abundant energy levels NADH, ATP, Acetyl CoA
- cues that indicate low energy levels NAD, AMP, CoA
- decrease ATP, increase TCA
Fat Catabolism
1) hydrolysis of triglycerides (TG + H2O --> glycerol --> glycerol-3-p --> dihyrdoxyacetone-p)
2) glycerol is converted to a compound that can enter the citric cycle
3) beta oxidation produces Acetyl CoA, enters the citric cycle
CoA Depletion
- can be limiting step
- incomplete fat catabolism
- increases ketone bodies, decreases blood pH
- fruity breath, hyperventilation
Protein Catabolism
- stored as muscles, not as energy source
- during starvation it can be broken down for energy
- proteolysis by proteases, oxidative deanimation of amino acid to keto acids
Oxid Deanimation
- amino acid to keto acids
- keto acids to amino acids
Glyoxylate Cycle
- plants only
- acetyl CoA --> sugars by gluconeogenesis
- seed generation
Electron Transport System
- transfer of e-'s from carriers
- exergonic
- 10 H+ are moved for ever pair of e- transferred to complex 1-3
Complex 1
- NADH dehyrogenase complex
- e-'s from NADH to CoEnzyme Q
- 4 H+
- used by NADH
Complex 2
- Succinate CoEnzyme Q Cytochrome oxidoreductase
- e's from succinate to FAD+ to CoEnzyme Q
- used by FADH
Complex 3
- Coenzyme A cytochrome C oxidoreductase
- e-'s from CoEnzyme Q to Cytochrome C
- 4 H+
- used by NADH, FADH
Complex 4
- Cytochrome C oxidase
- e-'s from Cytochrome C to O2
- 2 H+
- used by NADH, FADH
ATP Synthase
- ADP + Pi --> ATP
- 1 ATP produced per 3 H+ moved down gradient
- 10 H+ rotate f0/f1 (H+ channel/ATP synthase) complex changing formation of 3 enzyme active site to catalyze 3 ATPs
2 NADH Need To Be Transferred into mitochondria to ETS by
- liver/hear/kidney: e- from NADH to Malate into matrix into TCA cycle (3 ATPs)
- muscle/brain: e- to glycerol-3-p into intermembrane space to FADH to FADH2 (2 ATPs)
- conversion of light energy to chemical energy
- conversion of inorganic C to organic C
- use light energy to drive anabolic reactions
- two parts: energy transduction reaction and carbon assimilation/fixation
Energy Transduction Reaction
- pigments absorb light
- transfer e- to chlorophyll a (aka P680)
- e- lost in transfer is replenished by photolysis
- excited e-'s in P680 --> pheophytin --> plastoquinone --> cyctochrom B6/f --> plastocyanin --> PS I (P700 reaction center) --> ferredoxin --> NADP --> NADPH (for calvin cycle)
Carbon assimilation/fixation
- CO2 to triose (3 carbon sugar)
- occurs in stroma
- CO2 by simple diffusion adds to ribulose 1.5 bis P making 2 of 3-phosphoglycerate with ATP and NADPH to glyceraldehyde-3-p
- trioses moves to cytosol for sucrose formation or stays in stroma making starch to be used for glycolysis
- conduct photosynthesis
- outer memb: highly permeable
- inner memb: selectively permeable barrier
- contains thylakoid (sacs, grana) and connected
- H+ pumped into lumen of thylakoid, enters stroma for ATP synthase
Photosynthesis Pigments Have
- porphyin group (large multi C-N ring)
- phytol (hydrocarbons anchoring pigments
- Mg2+ (makes charge across ring)
- photon E excites e- in pigments
Pigment Absorption
- chlorophyll a and b at blue and red but reflect green
- accessory pigments (phycobillins) absorb at blue but reflects red
1 triose =
9 ATPs, 6 NADPHs and 3 turns of the calvin cycle
Rubisco Activation
- activase clears active site
- cleaves phosphates from rubisco active site to activate rubisco
- inhibited when increase ADP, phosphate stays, rubisco inhibited, decrease calvin cycle
- increase ATP, actives active to cleave phosphate to increase calvin cycle
Rubisco Carboxylase
- rib 1.5 bis p + CO2 ----> 2 of 3 phosphoglycerate used in calvin cycle
Rubisco Oxygenase
- rib 1.5 bis p + O2 ---> phosphoglycolate used in glycerinate + 2 phosphoglycerate used in calvin cycle
Endomembrane consists of..
- smooth and rough ER
- golgi apparatus
- endosomes
- vesicles
Rough ER
- studded with ribosomes
- protein synthesis starts in cytosol continuing in lumen
- sort/tag polypeptides
- modifies translation post electron transport chain
- degradation of misfolded polypeptides
Smooth ER
- drug detoxification (modifies substance by adding -OH, methyl, acetyl, phosphates)
- alters structure to change substance activity
- solublize to H2) for elimination
- P450, adds -OH, anesthetics, barbiturates
Exposure to Barbiturates
- increase release of P450
- proliferates SER to improve drug elimination
Example of P450
- aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase
- adds -OH to polycyclic hydrocarbons
- increases toxicity
- tobaccos use, increases P450 enzyme
Carbohydrate Metabolism
- smooth ER
- glycogen to glucose-1-p to glu-6-p to brain/muscles for glycolysis or to glucose to transport out of cell
Calcium Stores
- modified smooth ER, sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscles
- stores calcium by Ca-ATPases
- action potential triggers volt gated Ca channels to release Calcium into sarcoplasm for muscle contractions
Biosynthesis of Steroids, Lipids, Cholesterols
- P450 adds -OH to cholesterol making testosterone/estrogens
- phospholipid exchange proteins transports phospholipids synthesis in RER/SER/golgi through cytosol
Golgi Complex
- continues protein synthesis by sorting/packaging
- cis (facing nucleus, anterograde flow) and trans (away from nucleus, retrograde)
- materials are transported by vesicles from ER to cis face and from trans face to targets
- usually in cytosol during translation to ER to golgi
- addition of common core oligosaccharide
- adds OH and NH2
- proper folding, tagging, marking (ER tagged for return along with sugars)
Common Core Oligosaccharides
- N-acetylglucosamine and mannose, glucose
- flipped inward
- cleavage of mannose, glucose and other moieties
- mannose-6-p binds to receptor by trans face
- fuse with endosomes to from lysosomes when leaving golgi apparatus
- lysosomes have low pH, receptors release mannose-6-p floating free
- works as defense, nutrition and recycling of cell components
Transport Vesicles
- transport to target along microtubules
- release constitutive or regulated (upon signal)
- polarized
- specific destination associated with SNAREs
- mediate fusion of vesicles to target membrane
- V: vesicle snap receptors on vesicles
- T: target snap receptors on target membrane
- both are complementary and attach to release contents
- dissociated by NSF and electron transport chain proteins
- cleaves SNAREs
- stops neurotransmitter release
- causing muscle paralysis
- clathrin independent endocytosis
- retrieval of plasma membrane to ER
- recycles membrane
Clathrin Dependent Endocytosis
- uses adaptor proteins
- phagocytosis
Endocytosis Steps
- ligand/substance binds to receptors on exoplasmic membrane
- coated pits signal aggregation of clathrin on cytoplasmic membrane to curve around ligand-receptors
- dynamin closes vesicle into cytoplasm
- coating is released
- vesicle fuses with endosome and either digested/recycled/exocytosed
Lysozomal Enzymes
- usually work inside but..
- sperm break down protective coat of egg
- leaking cause damage to joint tissue (rheumatoid arthritis)
- not part of endomembrane system
- H2O2 metabolism (2 H2O2 ---> 2 H2O + O2)
- detox harmful chemicals (dehydrogenation and transfer H to O2 --> H2O)
- oxidation of fatty acids
- metabolism of nitrogenous compounds (transamination to mitochondria)
- catabolism of abiotic, xenobiotic substances (fuel in body)