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21 Cards in this Set

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true breeding

if an organism has a certain characteristics that is always passed on to offsprings , we say that this organism bred true with respect to that characteristics .

Mendel developed four principles

1. the traits of an organism are determined by packets of information called "factors."

2. each organism has not one but two factors that determines it traits .

3. in sexual reproduction ,each parent contributes ONLY ONE of its factors to the offspring

4. In each definable trait , there is a dominant factor . If it exist in an organism ,the trait determined by that dominant factor will be expressed.


One of a pair of genes that occupies the same position on Homologous


two letter set that represents the alleles in an organism possesses for a certain trait.


the observable expression of an organism's genes

Homozygous genotype

a genotype in which both alleles are identical

Heterozygous genotype

a genotype with two different alleles

Dominate alleles

An allele that will determine phenotype if just one is present in the genotype

Recessive allele

An allele that will not determine that the phenotype unless the genotype is homozygous in that allele

Mendel's principles

1. the trait of an organism are determined by its genes

2. Each organism has two alleles that make up the genotypes for a given trait .

3. in sexual reproduction , each parent contributes only one of its alleles to is offspring

4. In each genotype there is a dominate allele. If it exists in an organism , the phenotype is determined by that allele.


a diagram that follows a articular phenotype through several generations

monohybrid cross

a cross between two individuals , concentrating on only one definable trait

Dihybrid Cross

a cross between two individuals , concentrating on two definable traits


chromosomes that do not determine the sex of an individual

sex chromosomes

chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual

Autosomal inheritence

Inheritance of a genetic trait not on a sex chromosome

Genetic disease carrier

a person who is a heterozygous in a genetic disorder

Sex-linked inheritance

Inheritance of a genetic trait located on the sex chromosomes


a radical chemical change change in one or more alleles

Change in chromosomes structures

a situation in which a chromosome loses or gain genes during meiosis

Change in chromosomes number

a situation in which abnormal cellular events in meiosis lead to either none of a particular chromosomes in the gametes or more than one chromosomes in the gamete