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24 Cards in this Set

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What is a project.

a [temporary] sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by specific time, within budget, and according to specification.

What is a Project manager?

The person responsible for supervising a systems project from initiation to conclusion

What is project management?

The process of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling the development of an acceptable system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.

What is process management?

The activity of documenting, managing, and continually improving the process of systems development.

What are measures of project "success"?

◦ The resulting information system is acceptable to the customers (e.g. users, managers).

◦ The system was delivered “on time.”

◦ The system was delivered “within budget.”

◦ The system development process had a minimal impact on ongoing business operations.

What are causes of project failure?

Failure to establish upper-management commitment to the project

Lack of organization’s commitment to the methodology

Taking shortcuts through or around the methodology

Poor Project management

◦ Feature creep–uncontrolled addition of technical features of a system.

◦ Scope creep–unexpected and gradual growth of requirements during a system development project.

Premature commitment to a fixed budget and schedule

Poor estimating techniques


The mythical man-month (Brooks, 1975)

Inadequate people management skills

Failure to adapt to business change

Insufficient resources

Failure to “manage to the plan”

Whatis a task?

A task is anywork that has a beginning and an end and requires the use of company resourcessuch as people, time, or money.

What is an event?

An event, ormilestone, is a recognizable reference point that you can use to monitorprogress.

What is a milestone?

An event signifying the completion of a major project taskor deliverable.

Whatspecific information do you need to create a work breakdown structure?

· List all tasks

· Include task descriptions

· Know the task durations

· Know the predecessor tasks

What is a PERT/CPM chart?

A PERT/CPM chart shows the project as a network diagram with tasks connected by arrows. Using a prescribed calculation method, the project manager uses a PERT chart to determine the overall duration of the project and provide specific information for each task, including the task IDs, their durations, start and finish times, and the order in which they must be performed. With this information, the manager can determine the critical path, which is the sequence of tasks that have no slack time and must be performed on schedule in order to meet the overall project deadline.

What is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that represents the project schedule with time on the horizontal axis and tasks arranged vertically. It shows individual tasks and task groups, which include several tasks. In a Gantt chart, the length of the bar indicates the duration of the tasks.

Explainthe differences between a Gantt chart and a PERT/CPM chart?

A Gantt chart can displayprogress, but does not show task dependency details or resource assignmentunless the chart was created with a project management program that supportsdependency linking and the entry of other information.

Whyis the critical path important?

Critical path is important as it outlines all of the tasksthat need to be completed in order for a project to be completed on time. Ifany task on the critical path falls behind schedule, the entire project will bedelayed.

Whywould a task be on the critical path?

A task would be on the critical path if other tasks aredependent on the completion of the task and are impacted by the duration ofthat task.

What are the 8 Project Management functions?

1. Scoping

2. Planning

3. Estimating

4. Scheduling

5. Organizing

6. Directing

7. Controlling

8. Closing

Give a brief description of Scoping.

– Setting theboundaries of the project

- Includes answers to five basic questions

o Product

o Quality

o Time

o Cost

o Resources

- Statement of work

Give a brief description of Planning.

– Identifying the tasks required to complete the project

- Designing a Work Breakdown structure

- Creating Milestones

Give a brief description of Estimating.

– Identifying resources required to complete the project
- Estimate task durations

o Considerations include

§ efficiency

§ interruptions

§ Project size

§ Human resources

Give a brief description ofScheduling.

– Developing a plan to complete the project

- Specify inter-task dependencies

- Use forward scheduling or reverse scheduling methods

Give a brief description of Organizing.

– Making suremembers understand their roles and responsibilities

- Assign resources

o People

o Services

o Facilities and equipment

o Supplies and Materials

o Money

- Utilize resource leveling

o Task delaying

o Task splitting

Give a brief description of Directing.

– Coordinating the project

- Facilitating team engagement with each other whiledirecting the discussions and focus towards accomplishing the project goals

o Forming, storming, norming, performing

Give a brief description of Controlling.

– Monitoringprogress

- Progress reporting

o Project status meetings

o Progress status reports

- Use of PERT chart and/or Gantt charts

- Calculate the Critical Path

- Change management

- Expectations management

- Schedule adjustments—critical path analysis (CPA)

Give a brief description of Closing.

- Assessingsuccess and failure

- Did the final product meet or exceed user expectations?

o Why or why not?

- Did the project come in on schedule?

o Why or why not?

- Did the project come in under budget?

o Why or why not?