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69 Cards in this Set

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Gilded Age
American society in late 1800's-looked prosperous on the outside but the core was rotten
Free Silver Movement
Populist party attempt to create inflation by using both silver and gold to back up the US currency
Which groups made up the Progressive movement?
Both political parties, came from all social and economic classes
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Supreme court case that stated separate but equal was legal.
What was the most significant gain women made during the Progressive Era?
The right to vote
Civil Disobedience
Peaceful Protest against unjust laws
Temperance Movement
Attempt to outlaw alcohol
The desire for a powerful country to expert their political, military and economic control over less powerful nations
What were the goals of the Progressive movement?
Wanted to reform government to make it more honest and efficient and bring about social change
What are the reason American wanted to become an imperialist power?
We had a surplus of consumer goods that needed to be sold.
Crop prices had fallen.
The belief that american culture was superior to all others
Yellow Press
The media exerted it's influence over the American public to gain support for the Spanish-American war.
Open Door Policy
America's attempt to gain access tot he market of China
Big Stick Diplomacy
Teddy Roosevelt's foreign policy that relied on the threat of force.
What was Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
Put forth by President Monroe that discouraged European intervention in the western hemisphere if any European power pushes us or anyone surrounding, we will take military action.
Chinese Exclusion Act
Cut off immigration from china
Why did the US become involved in WWI?
Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, German U-Boat activity, and the Zimmerman act.
Why did the Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles?
Because the US did not want to be involved in the League of Nations.
Schenk vs. US
Said that individual freedoms can be limited in a time of war i there is a clear and present danger.
What was the impact of WWI on post war America?
Flu Pandemic
US became world power
The red scare
Who was the Triple Entente? (Allies)
Great Britain
Russia (leaves because of revolution)
And later the US
Who was the Triple Alliance?
Austria Hungry
Ottoman Empire
Harlem Renaissance
American American Literacy artistic movement
Who was Langston Hughes?
African American poet during the Harlem Renasissance
What is a Flapper and what impact did they have on American Society?
Young Women in urban areas who challenged the social norms
!8th Amendment
Probation of alcohol
19th Amendment
Women's right to vote
How did Henry Ford change America?
Moving assembly line
Fair treatment of workers
Affordable cars
Compromise of 1850
California entered as a free state.
Popular Sovereignty, the state/people vote.
Fugitive slave act: if a slave escaped from the south, their owner could go up to the North and get them back
Dred Scott decision
African Americans were not citizens
Congress did not have the power to ban slaver
The Missouri compromise was unconstitutional
Sectional Conflict
The conflict between the North and the South
What are the causes of sectional conflict prior to the Civil War?
Nullification: States rights
Kansas-Nebraska Act: Popular sovereignty
Dred Scott Decision
Formation of the Republican Party: Anti Slavery
Uncle Toms Cain: Harriet Bitrostow
What was Lincolns view of Slaver and what the federal government could do about it?
Lincoln was opposed to extending slavery out west, but the government couldn't end slavery in states where it already existed.
What caused Southern states to being seceding form the Union?
Lincoln was voted as President and they felt that their state rights were being taken away.
What justification did the southern states give for leaving the Union?
Lincoln was taking their state rights away
Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?
Jefferson Davis
What was the first battle of the Civil war?
The south attacks fort sumter in South Carolina, which stated the war.
At the start of the war what was the justification for the North to fight?
To preserve the Union
What was Lincoln trying to accomplish with the Emancipation Proclamation?
He was trying to hurt the south's economy and encourage slaves to run away
What was the role of the Federal government during the Civil War?
The Federal Government's power expands. Lincoln enforces hapeous corpous, takes.
Who became President after Lincoln's Assassination?
Andrew Johnson
Who was the first President to be impeached?
Andrew Johnson
An attempt to get the South back on its feet economically.
13th Amendement
Ended slavery
14th Amendement
Gave citizenship to anyone born in the US
15th Amendment
Gave the right to vote to all male US citizens
Jim Crow laws
Laws that separated races, and limited voting .
Why did Reconstruction ultimately end and fail?
Northern White began to focus on other issues.
John Rockefeller
Standard oil Monopoly
Andrew Carnegie
Steel Monoply and noted Philanthropist
Robber Barons
Made a lot of money, paid their workers very little.
Interstate Commerce Act
Regulate the Railroad industry
Sherman Anti Trust act
Tried to put an end to monopolies
WEB Dubois
Demand Freedom
Booker T Washington
Earn Freedom
Susan B Anthony
Leader of Womens movement
Only people who were born in the US were true Americans
What was one result of Nativism?
Restriction immigration, Chinese Exclusion act
New Immigrants
Southern and Eastern Europe. Poor and not Educated
Push Factors
Religious Persecution
Lack of opportunity
Pull Factors
Religious freedom
Economic Opportunity
Newly freed African Americans who fled the South to the North and settled in kansas.
Indian Territory
A Reservation that indians would be relocated.
Why did this view of "Indian Territory" Change?
The desire of White Americans to move West
What was the most important resource in the west?
The practice of land owners renting farm land to tenant farmers and they shared the profit
Open Range
When a rancher would let their cattle run free for most of the year
Mexican Cowboys
Wounded Knee
Massacre that took place in SD and Marked the end of the plains Indian war
Battle of Little Bighorn
Battle in which General Custer lost his life and marked a turning point in the plains Indian wars