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36 Cards in this Set

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the size, structure, and distribution of a population
can explain up to 2/3 of everything says David Foote
Planning requires information about the following
- people with needs
- ability to buy
- willingness to buy
- authority to buy
Economic Demographics
the study of the economic characteristics of a nations population
If the worlds population is reduced to ten people:
-70 would not be able to read
- 50 malnourished
- 50 women, 50 men
- 30 Christian, 70 non-christian
- 30 White, 30 non-white
- 50% of wealth in hands of 6 people all 6 US citizens
What causes babies?
- age distribution
- family structure: proportion of people who are married, proportion of women employed outside the home, and the avg age when people get married
social attitudes: toward family and children
technology - cost of contraception
help employees, employes and society by advancing the age of full retirement
Cognitive age
age one perceives ones self to be
where people live, how they earn and spend their money, and other socioeconomic factors
Psychoanalytic theory
recognizes that the human personality system consists of the id, ego, and superego
the source of psychic energy and seeks immediate gratification for biological and instinctual needs
represents societal or personal norms and serves as an ethical constraint on behavior
mediates the hedonistic demands of the id and the moralistic prohibitions of the superego
CAD scale
complaint people are dependent on others for love and affection, and are said to move toward others

aggressive people are motivated by the need for power and move against others

detached people are self sufficient and independent, and move away from others
Trait-factor theory
a quantitative approach to personality, which proposes that an individual's personality is composed of predisposition attributes called traits
Older customers
Communicate thru:
shop department stores
more alert in morning
Baby Boomers
buy more and save less
areas beyond the suburbs
____% of asians and hispanics live in cities
money from wages and salaries as well as interest and welfare payments
Consumer confidence
what consumers think will happen in the future
contracyclical advertising
the practice of increasing or at least maintaining advertising during economic slowdowns to gain market share when competitors cut promotional activity
high income, older pop, well developed infrastructure, and plenty of room to grow
Latin America
3 adv: rapid population growth, moderately high incomes, and close proximity
Social Values
"normal" behavior for a society or group
Personal values
"normal" behavior for an individual
in-depth probing directed toward uncovering higher-level meanings at both the benefit level and the value level
Physiological Needs
most fundamental
food, water sleep
Conspicuous consumption
purchases motivated to some extent by the desire to show other people just how successful we are
impressions of the type of person they are
motivational conflict
tradeoffs in our ability to satisfy various needs
the person must decide between two or more desirable alternatives
deciding between two or more undesirable alternatives
when a chosen course of action has both positive and negative consequences
motivational intensity
how strongly consumers are motivated to satisfy a particular need
consumption and usage knowledge
information in memory about how a product can be consumed and what is required to actually use the product
persuasion knowledge
what consumers know about the goals and tactics of those tying to persuade them