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MKT 305 WK 9 Quiz 8 Chapter 13 & All Possible Questions
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<div><div><div>MKT 305 WK 9 Quiz 8 Chapter 13 - All Possible Questions <strong>TRUE/FALSE</strong> 1. Evaluative criteria are the attributes, features, or potential benefits that consumers consider when reviewing possible solutions to a problem. 2. A feature is a performance characteristic of an object. 3. A benefit is a perceived favorable result that is derived from the presence of a particular feature. 4. Not all evaluative criteria are equally important. 5. Relevant criteria are the evaluative criteria that are related to the actual choice that is made. 6. Determinant criteria remain constant across situations. 7. Affective criteria include emotional, symbolic, and subjective attributes or benefits that are associated with an alternative. 8. Rational criteria pertain to functional or economic aspects associated with an alternative. 9. Bounded rationality describes the idea that perfectly rational decisions are not always feasible due to constraints found in information processing. 10. With affect-based evaluation, consumers evaluate products based on the overall feeling that is evoked by the alternative. 11. Emotions and mood states play a big role in affect-based evaluations. 12. With benefit-based evaluation, alternatives are evaluated across a set of attributes that are considered relevant to the purchase situation. 13. Product traces are mental representations of stored knowledge about groups of products. 14. The number of levels and details within each level of a consumer’s product categories is influenced by involvement and perceived risk. 15. Distinctions at basic levels in a consumer’s product categories are very specific, while distinctions at subsequent levels are generally made across product categories.. 16. The different levels of product categories can be referred to as being either superordinate or subordinate. 17. Superordinate categories are abstract in nature and represent the highest level of categorization. 18. Evaluations are generally more relevant and meaningful at the superordinate levels of product categories. 19. Perceptual attributes are not easily recognized. 20. Size, shape, color, and price are absolute attributes. 21. Perceptual attributes are sometimes called search qualities because they can easily be evaluated prior to actual purchase. 22. Subordinate attributes are not readily apparent and can only be learned through experience with the product. 23. Underlying attributes are sometimes referred to as experience qualities because they are often perceived only during consumption. 24. Consumers often infer the existence of underlying attributes, such as quality, through perceptual attributes, such as price. 25. A beacon is a characteristic that allows a consumer to diagnose something distinctive about an alternative. 26. When purchase involvement is high, consumers use signals such as brand name, price, appearance, and retailer reputation to infer information about product quality. 27. The accuracy of a consumer’s evaluation depends heavily on the quality of judgments that they make. 28. Judgments are mental assessments of the presence of attributes and the benefits associated with those attributes. 29. One judgment consumers make during the evaluation process is an assessment of the benefits associated with features. 30. The ability of a consumer to make accurate judgments when evaluating alternatives is influenced by his or her ability to perceive differences in levels of stimuli between two options. 31. Attribute variants are perceived relationships between product features. 32. Absolute quality refers to the actual quality of a product that can be assessed through industry specification or expert rating. 33. Perceived quality is based on consumer perceptions. 34. Consumers can handle only a small number of comparisons before overload sets in. 35. Consumers cannot make good choices when considering only a single attribute. 36. When information about some attributes is missing, consumers tend to weigh the criteria that are common to both alternatives quite heavily in the evaluation. 37. One way to determine the criteria that consumers use when judging products is to directly ask them through surveys. 38. Cluster analysis is used to understand the attributes that guide preferences by having consumers compare products across levels of evaluative criteria and the expected utility associated with the alternatives. 39. “Choice” means that a particular alternative will be chosen. 40. Two major types of rules that consumers use when selecting products are objective rules and subjective rules. 41. Compensatory rules allow consumers to select products that may perform poorly on one attribute by compensating for the poor performance by good performance on another attribute. 42. When absolute rules are used, strict guidelines are set prior to selection, and any option that does not meet the specifications is eliminated from consideration. 43. Consumer researchers have identified four major categories of noncompensatory rules: the conjunctive rule, the disjunctive rule, the conjoint rule, and the cluster rule. 44. Following the lexicographic rule, the consumer sets a minimum mental cutoff point for various features and rejects any product that fails to meet or exceed this cutoff point across all features. 45. Following disjunctive rule, beginning with the most important feature, the consumer eliminates options that don’t meet or surpass the cutoff point on this important feature. Then the consumer moves on to the next most important feature and repeats the process until only one option remains. 46. The conjunctive and EBA rules can result in the same decision if the same cutoff points are used for both rules. 47. Compensatory rules are often used in low-involvement situations. 48. Consumers can combine decision rules to arrive at a final solution. 49. Consumers actually use decision rules quite frequently, but the comparisons are almost always made mentally rather than using mathematical formulas. 50. Sometimes consumers will decide where they will buy before they determine what they will buy.  More Questions are Included…</div></div></div>
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