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19 Cards in this Set

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the 3 clusters of personality disorders

A= paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, odd and eccentric; B= antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, dramatic, emotional, erratic; C= avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive, anxious, fearful

general PD cristeria

enduring deviation from cultural expectations, manifested in 2+ ways= cognitive, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, impulse control; broadly inflexible and pervasive; clinically significant distress or impairment; stable, enduring, traced back to youth; not just due to another disorder

paranoid PD

MISTRUST or malevolent motives; 4 or more= suspects without basis, preoccupation with doubts about loyalty, reluctant to confide, benign remarks are seen as proof, bears grudges, reacts angrily to perceived attacks, suspects infidelity; not due to other disorders; men > women; can present as normal; unemotional; guarded historian; does not have fixed delusions/hallucinations; does not have over involved relationships

schizoid PD

detached emotions; resticted range of emotion; 4 or more of the following= no desire for any close relationships, solitary activities only, no interest in sex with others, anhedonic, no close friends, indifferent to praise or criticism, detached, cold, flat; not due to other disorders; men > women; predisposed solitary history; may be attached to anything not human; have no interest in people; can be creative in many ways; no delusions or hallucinations

schizotypal PD

problems with relationships, cognitive, and perceptual distortions, eccentric; 5 or more of the following= ideas of reference (not delusional), strange odd magical beliefs, unusual perceptions and illusions, odd thinking and speech, suspicious, inappropriate or constricted affect, odd appearance and behavior, no friends, social anxiety= persistent paranoia; not due to other disorders; hyper aware of others feeling state; superstitious; decompensate to psychosis; often misdiagnosed; neuroleptics can help

anticosial PD

violates rights of others since 15; 3 or more= behavior is grounds for arrest, lying and conning, impulsivity poor planning, aggressive fights, reckless disregard for others safety, irresponsible with work and money, lack of remorse; at least 18; conduct disorder before 15; not due to other disorders; likely to have severe ETOH use; boys > girls; 75% of prison pop; can be charming and normal; justification and consequences; need for stimulation; substance abuse or med abuse; impulse control meds help; careful with benzos and stimulants; not all criminals are antisocial

psychopath PD

15% antisocial pop; humans as objects; treatments have little change; excessively cruel; remorseless; can be very intelligent

borderline PD

unstable relationships, image, and marked impulsivity; 5 or more= frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, intense love-hate relationships; identity disturbance, 2+ areas of dangerous impulsivity, recurrent self harm threats or gestures; affective instability relationship driven, chronic emptiness, intense anger displays, transient paranoia or dissociation due to stress; women > men; often confused with bipolar; presents as normal; mood stabilization is critical; suicide risk

histrionic PD

excessively emotional and attention seeking; 5 of the following= must be center of attention, sexually seductive, rapid and shallow shifting emotions, attention via appearance, speech lacks detail, exaggerated expression of emotions, easily influenced by others, thinks relationships are more intimate than they are; women > men; flirts but may not act out sexually; lessens with age; sensation seeking

narcissistic PD

grandiose, attention seeking, and lacks empathy; 5 of the following= grandiose, preoccupation with fantasies of success, believes is special/can only associate with special people, requires admiration, entitled, exploitive of others, lacks empathy, mind ruled by thoughts of envy, arrogant; less anxious than borderlines; hard to treat; axis I is generated by narcissistic injury; must be in control

avoidant PD

social inhibition, inadequacy, hypersensitivity to criticism; 4 or more= avoids job activities due to fear of criticism, only relates with those who like them, can't develop intimacy due to fear, preoccupied with being ridiculed, inhibited in new relationships due to inadequacy, views self as inferior to others, avoids activities that could be embarrassing; like the dependent but anxious when relationships get more intimate= fear of rejection; often associated or confused with social anxiety; therapy works with pt therapist; anxiolytics can be helpful

dependent PD

must be taken care of= submissive; fearfulness; 5 or more= must get lots of advice for decisions, can't be responsible for big things, can't disagree due to fear of losing support, can't initiate projects due to self confidence problems, goes to extremes to be accepted, can't be alone, must immediately replace broken relationship, preoccupation with being left alone; women > men; predisposed= chronic childhood illness; much co morbid depression and anxiety; suffers thru degradation; therapy must focus on indepence

obsessive compulsive PD

preoccupation with order, perfection, and control at the expense of flexibility and efficiency; 4 or more= so focused on rules loses the point, so perfectionistic can't complete task, all work no play, inflexible with morals ethics values, hoards everything including money, can't delegate, rigid and stubborn; men > women; not the same as axis I OCD; few friends; therapy, anxiolytics, and SE drugs can help

other specified (MIXED) PD

can use only if= no full criteria for an axis II disorder, pervasive and causes impairment

personality change due to another med condition

must be a change; evidence of direct pathophysiological cause; not better explained by something else (e.g. delirium); significant distress or impairment; may involve= emotional lability or disinhibition, indifference, impulsivity, aggression or paranoia

PDIS differential diagnosis

lots of overlap for similarities; paranoid= prominent mistrust and others are malicious; schizoid= isolation due to no desire of intimacy; schizotypal= prominent cognitive/perceptual disturbances, not impulsive/manipulative; antisocial= conduct D/O hx, behavior for gain/power; borderline= self destructive emotional reactivity to keep nurturance, emptiness, and anger; histrionic= flamboyant attention seeking, not self destructive; narcissistic= behavior to be seen as superior, not self critical; avoidant= wants relationship, isolates due to fear of rejection; dependent= appeases to be taken care of/obtain caregiver; OCPD= self critical detachment due to devotion to perfection, can have intimacy

Which personality disorder is often confusedwith bipolar disorder? a. paranoid b. borderline c. histrionic d. schizoid


What is the unique hallmark of paranoidpersonality disorder? a. behavior to gain power/exploit b. mistrust of others malicious motives c. emotional reactivity to rejection d. fear of humiliation


A 29 y/o male college student is self referredto the clinic complaining of recent onset of depression sx secondary to a$20,000 credit card debt he can not pay. Further questioning reveals his girlfriend recently left him after theywent on an extravagant vacation. Inaddition, he has dated 3 other women that are all friends and they all followedthe same pattern of breaking up with him after receiving expensive gifts. He reports that he needs help deciding whatto do, he can’t make decisions on his own, and he was afraid of confrontingthese women for fear of losing the companionship. He reports feeling depressed and anxiousabout the prospect of being alone and that is how he has been as long as he canremember. His overall behavior is mostconsistent with: a. borderline b. histrionic c. schizoid d. dependent