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28 Cards in this Set

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examples of inherited disorders that are not mendelian

triplet repeats= fragile X syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxia, friedreich ataxia, synpolydactyly; genomic imprinting= prader willi and angelman syndrome; mitochondrial= LHON (Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy), MERRF (mito encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke like episodes), and MELAS (myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fibers)

triplet expansion disorders: concepts

anticipation= earlier onset of disease and increased severity of symptoms; gender of parent specific expansion= fragile X with expansion in meiosis I of female gametes, transmission is also affected by X chromosome inactivation; pre mutation versus full mutation= pre mutation in FMR1 gene can result in FXTAS or POI

analysis of triplet expansions through what

OCR analysis can be used for shorter repeats (for ex up to 115 CAG repeats in Huntington's disease); southern blotting for longer repeats (for ex in full mutation in fragile X syndrome)

CAG triplet expansion disorders: what is it, examples

polyglutamine disorders (expansion of CAG codon (glutamine))= toxic gain of function disorder; Huntington's disease (above 36 repeats show disease); spinocerebellar ataxia; this mutates a protein

non CAG triplet expansion disorders: what is it, examples

triplet expansions can occur in regions within and outside coding regions and affect gene function in different ways; fragile X syndrome is a CGG repeat; myotonic dystrophy is a CTG repeat; friedrich ataxia is a GAA repeat

fragile X syndrome: what causes it, symptoms

mutation of the FMR1 gene (Xp27.3) with >230 CGG repeats; this is an expansion of the 5' uTR which then causes the gene downstream of it to be hypermethelated and, as you know, this leads to inactivation of the gene; long ears, prominent ears, long face, hyperextendable MP joints, macroorchidism, neurological symptoms

huntington's disease: what causes it, symptoms

progressive disorder of cognitive, motor, and psychiatric disturbances; inheritance is autosomal dominant; expansion of CAG repeat in Huntingtin (HTT) gene with full penetrance at 40 or more repeats; ethical concerns about testing for unaffected individuals (no treatment available); affecting FUNCTION of protein NOT expression of it

myotonic dystrophy: what is it, symptoms

muscle weakness, especially of distal hand, leg, neck and face, myotonia (sustained muscle contraction), posterior subcapsular cataracts; inheritance is autosomal dominant; genetics= expansion of CTG repeat in non coding region of DMTK gene (dystrophia myotonica protein kinase) with full penetrance at 50 or more repeats; detectable by PCR or southern blotting; effect of mutation is unclear but may be related to improper processing of CMTK mRNA

causes of triplet repeat expansion

1. slippage of replication machinery; 2. unequal crossing over (recombination); triplet expansions occur during meiosis and can exhibit gender specificity; fragile X syndrome= expansion occurs predominantly during female meiosis; huntington disease= expansion occurs primarily in male meiosis

what is epigenetics

epigenetic modification of the genome and products (RNAs) through DNA methylation, histone acetylation, or translational regulation of mRNA by microRNAs; genome modification is a dynamic process through development, cellular differentiation, and X chromosome inactivation

aberrant epigenetic modification examples

cancer= inactivation of tumor suppressor genes by methylation (loss of heterozygosity); fragile X syndrome; genomic imprinting

methylation of nucleotides in eukaryotes

in eukaryotes only cytosine can be modified by methylation; this methylation always occurs in the context of CpG dinucleotide; consequences of this DNA methylation= alteration of chromatin structure, alteration of binding of proteins to DNA, alteration of gene expression patterns

genomic imprinting definition

involves an epigenetic modification of specific genomic regions that modulate expression based on parental origin of chromosomes; methylation of imprinted alleles inhibits their activity thus mutational events that inhibit the normally active alleles have significant clinical consequences; genomic imprinting= somatic cells have methylated alleles from a specific parent, at gamete formation the imprint is removed and all alleles are imprinted for the sex of the parent, when gametes form a zygote parent specific alleles are present; so PARENT OF ORIGIN SPECIFIC EXPRESSION OF GENES

prader willi and angelman: the genetics

ok so you have 2 chromosomes with 2 genes on each (so 4 genes total aka 2 pairs of the same gene); the chromosome from the mother has gene 2 methylated (inactivated) and the chromosome from the father has gene 1 methylated (inactivated) which leaves you with one functional gene1 and one functional gene2 so normal; problem arises when there is a deletion of one these 2 genes on one of the chromsomes; the thing is is that it is THE SAME deletion of the SAME 2 genes that results in two very different conditions depending on if it was the maternal or paternal chromosome having the deletion; these same conditions arise if there is uni parental disomy (aka UPD aka there was a trisomy of a chromosome and the cell was smart enough to boot one chromosome out but it doesn't know the difference between maternal and paternal so you might end with 2 paternal or 2 maternal) or if there was an imprinting error; ch 15

clinical characteristics in prader willi

not interested in eating early on but later has a real issue with overeating; mild intellectual disabilities; treatment= be careful with food intake

clinical characteristics in angelman syndrome

severe intellectual disability, happy demeanor (angel)

mitochondrial disorders have the greatest effects in what tissues

those that are energy greedy like muscle and brain tissue; these conditions are very rare

mitochondrial disorder inheritance pattern

from the mother only not because the sperm has no mito but because the egg has way way way more mito than the sperm

what is heteroplasmy

mito possess a circular genome physically separate from the nuclear genome; cells generally contain multiple mito; mito contain 2-10 copies of the mito genome; each cell may contain mito genomes that carry mutations in specific genes in a background of wild type genomes (heteroplasmy); the expression of a mutant phenotype will thus depend on the relative proportion of mutated versus wild type genomes; more mutant mito in a cell = greater severity of symptom in that cell

leber's hereditary optic neuropathy presentation, genetics

progressive blindness; there is no cure but antioxidant therapy may slow progression if caught early enough; 90% of individuals have mutations in one of the three genes on mtDNA genome and all are missense mutations in components of NADPH dehydrogenase complex; gender bias with 4:1 male:female; prenatal screening is complicated by hertoplasmy

myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers (MERRF): presentation, genetics

myoclonus= involuntary muscle twitching followed by ataxia, epilepsy, weakness, and dementia; muscle biopsies reveal 'RAGGED RED FIBERS' when stained with trichrome stain; mitochondrial MT-TK gene encoding tRNA is mutated in 80% of cases (allelic heterogeneity); as in other mito disorders the phenotype depends on the degree of heteroplasmy, tissue distribution, and the threshold of mutation carrying mito

mito encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke like episodes: presentation, genetics

generalized tonic clinic seizures, recurrent headaches, anorexia, and recurrent vomiting; 80% of those affected have mutation in MT-TL1 gene encoding tRNA

conclusions: triplet expansion disorders occur due to

expansion of unstable satellite repeats of 3 nucleotides

conclusions: expansions may occur where, leading to what, an example

in coding region, introns, or control regions of affected genes leading to differences in the mechanism by which each expansion leads to pathology; for example in fragile X syndrome the expansion leads to expansion of a PolyQ region in protein and aberrant protein activity

conclusions: triplet expansion disorders display what

genetic anticipation (earlier onset with more severe symptoms in subsequent generations)

conclusions: genomic imprinting disorders are commonly associated with deletions of genes that display

parent of origin patterns of expression

conclusions: imprinting is associated with specific epigenetic modifications of

parent specific chromosomal regions

conclusions: mito disorders display what inheritance pattern and the severity of the phenotype is affected by what

maternal inheritance patterns and the severity of the phenotype is affected by heteroplasmy