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84 Cards in this Set

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Who writes the laws estheticians must follow ?
The laws are written by both federal and state legislatures .
Who establishes the rules that estheticians must follow?
State regulatory agencies write the rules. In Texas it is TDLR.
What is the main difference between rules and laws?
Rules and regulations are more specific than laws
Estheticians must understand and remember the following 4 types of potentially harmful organisms:
Bacteria , viruses, fungi, parasites
True or false all infectious diseases are spread from one person to another person
False infectious disease may or may not be spread from one person to another person
What causes an infectious disease ?
When a pathogenic organism enters the body
Define cleaning
A mechanical process using soap and water or detergent and water to remove all visible dirt, debris, and many disease causing germs from tools, implements, and equipment
Does the process of disinfection kill all harmful organisms ?
The process of disinfection destroys most, but not all harmful organisms. It is not effective against bacterial spores
Disinfectants used in salons, spas, and medical facilities must be
Bacteriocidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
Direct transmission is one cause of disease, describe it
Transmission of blood or body fluids through touching, kissing, coughing, sneezing, and talking
One cause of disease is indirect transmission, describe it
Transmission of blood or body fluids through contact with an intermediate contaminated object such as a razor, extractor, nipper, or an environmental surface
Which harmful organism is capable of replication only through taking over the host cells reproductive function ?
A virus
This form of microorganism generally consists of an outer cell wall that contains liquid called protoplasm. It can manufacture its own food through what it absorbs from the surrounding environment. It gives off waste products, grows, and reproduces. Name it
Bacteria multiply best in what conditions
They multiply best in warm, dark, damp, or dirty places
Describe the active stage of bacterial growth
When conditions are favorable, bacteria grow and reproduce. When they reach their largest size they divide into two new cells. This division is called binary fission. The cells that are formed are called daughter cells.
In favorable conditions about how long for bacteria to reproduce
Depending on the bacteria they reproduce about every 20 to 60 minutes
What do bacteria do when conditions become unfavorable?
They either die or become inactive
Describe inactive or spore forming stage of bacteria
Certain bacteria, such as anthrax in Tetanus bacilli, coat themselves with a wax like outer shell. They are then able to withstand long periods of famine , dryness, and unsuitable temperatures. In this stage, spores can be blown about and are not harmed by disinfectants, heat, or cold. They change back to the active form when conditions become favorable.
The presence of pus is a sign of
A bacterial infection
Staphylococci is a common bacteria that is carried by what part of the population
About 33% or one third of the population
Describe how someone can get staph infection
Staph bacteria can be picked up on doorknobs, countertops, and other surfaces but in salons, spas, medical facility, they are more frequently spread through skin to skin contact such as shaking hands or through the use of unclean tools or implements
Name some conditions staph bacteria is responsible for
Food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, and mrsa
Communicable disease
When a disease spread from one person to another
The most common way to spread infection is through?
Dirty hands, especially under the fingernails in the web between the fingers
What is a virus?
It is a parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and reside in cells of a biological organism. It is capable of replication only through taking over the host cells reproductive function
What are bloodborne pathogens?
Disease causing microorganisms that are carried in the blood by blood or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV
What is the human papilloma virus?
It is often seen in salons, spas and medical facility. This virus can in fact the bottom of the foot and resembles small black dots abbreviated HPV is also known as plantar warts
Describe some differences between thr hiv virus and the hepatitis virus.
though hepatitis is difficult to contract it is easier than HIV. Hepatitis can be present in all body fluid of those for infected. Also hepatitis can live on a surface outside the body for long periods of time. Hepatitis B is the most difficult to kill on a surface
What is another term for human immunodeficiency virus
What is a virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS?
Human immunodeficiency virus HIV.
A person can be infected with hiv for many years without having symptoms, but testing can determine whether a person is infected with in how many months after exposure to the virus?
Within 6 months
What are fungi ?
Microscopic plant parasites that includes mold mildew and yeast. they can produce contagious diseases such as ringworm
Is mildew a threat in a salon? explain.
No, mildew or grows on plants or inanimate objects, but does not cause human infection in the salon.
Fungi is also called a vegetable parasite they are able to obtain nourishment from what
They can obtain nourishment from dead organic matter or from living organisms
Are most fungal infection pathogenic or non pathogenic?
Most fungi are nonpathogenic and make up many of the body's normal flora
Why do fungal infection usually affect the skin?
They live off the keratin, a protein that makes up the skin.
The most basic cause of fungal infections are?
Dermatophytosis the fungi that causes skin nail and hair infections
What is tinea pedis
A ringworm fungus of the foot or athlete's foot .
What are some other names for folliculitis? Describe it
It is also known as folliculitis barbae, sycosis barbae or barber's itch. It is an inflammation of the hair follicle caused by bacterial infection from. ingrown hair due to shaving or other epilation method. It is usually Limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck or around the scalp.
Give some information about tinea versicolor.
Also known as sun spots - it is a fungal infection brought about by yeast - is characterized by white or varicolored patches on the skin - they're often found on the arms and legs
Pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi can enter the body through?
broken or inflamed skin, mouth, nose, the eyes or ears, unprotected sex
Name some ways the body prevents and controls infection
Healthy unbroken skin, the body first line of defense. body secretions, such as perspiration and digestive juices. white blood cells that destroy bacteria. Antitoxins that counteract the toxins.
What are parasites?
Organisms that grow, feed, and shelter on or in another organism refer to the host, without contributing anything to the survival of that organism.
Give some information about head lice.
A type of parasite responsible for contagious diseases and conditions. one condition caused by an infestation of head lice is called pediculosis capitis.
What is scabies?
It is a contagious skin disease and is caused by the itch mite which burrows under the skin
Name the two types of immunity and describe each.
Natural immunity is a partly inherited and partly developed through healthy living. Acquired immunity is immunity that the body develops after overcoming a disease, through inoculation, or through exposure to natural allergens such as pollen, cat dander, and ragweed
What is decontamination?
It is the removal of blood or other potentially infectious material on an item's surface and the removal of visible debris or residue such as dust, hair, and skin
What are the two methods of decontamination?
Decontamination method 1:cleaning and then disinfecting with an appropriate EPA registered disinfectant.
Decontamination method 2: cleaning and then sterilizing
An autoclave uses what method to sterilize
It destroyed all microbes through heat and pressure
Why is cleaning an important part of disinfecting tools and equipment?
The vast majority of contaminant pathogens can be removed from the surfaces of tools and implements through proper cleaning. A surface must be properly cleaned before it can be properly disinfectant
Does putting antiseptic on your skin or washing your hands with soap and water properly clean them? explain.
No, though it will drastically lower the number of pathogens on your hand. To properly clean the hands requires rubbing hands together and using liquid soap, warm running water, a nail brush, and a clean towel.
Name 1 way to clean your tools or implements.
Washing with soap and warm water,then scrubbing them with a clean and properly disinfected nail brush.
Why are dry heat sterilization methods not recommended for use in salons or false
They are less efficient and take longer times at higher temperatures.
Why is an autoclave not reaching the intended temperature a concern
If it does not reach the intended temperature for killing microorganisms you may create a warm, moist place where pathogenic organisms can grow and thrive
Disinfectant must have efficacy claims on the label. What does this tell us?
The effectiveness with which a disinfectant solution kills organisms when used according to the label instructions
List 10 characteristics of an ideal disinfectant.
1 maintain efficacy in the present of bioburden . 2 require that it be changed after a longer length of time- at least a week or more not daily. 3 be inexpensive. 4 be non toxic and non irritating. 5 include strip for checking effectiveness . 6 be readily available from multiple manufacturers. 7 be EPA approved. 8 be environmentally friendly - can be disposed down the salon drain. 9 have no odor. 10 be non corrosive.
How should a salon tool that has contacted blood be treated?
They should be properly cleaned and then completely immersed in an EPA registered hospital disinfectant solution that shows effectiveness against HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, for 10 minutes or for the time recommended by the manufacturer . Or they can be immersed in a 10% bleach solution.
For a household bleach to be effective as a disinfectant requires what?
To be effective, the bleach must have an EPA registration number and contain least 5% sodium hypochlorite and be diluted properly to a ten percent solution ie 9 parts water to 1 part bleac.
Give 8 disinfectant tips.
1 use only on precleaned, hard, non-porous surfaces. 2 always wear gloves and safety glasses when handling disinfectant solutions. 3 always dilute products according to the instructions on the product label. 4 item must remain submerged in the disinfectant for 10 minutes unless the product label specifies differently. 5 to disinfect large surfaces such as table tops, carefully apply the disinfectant onto the precleaned surface and allow it to remain wet for 10 minutes unless the product label specifies differently. 6 if the product label states complete immersion the entire implement must be completely immersed in the solution. 7 change the disinfectant according to instructions on the label. If the liquid is not changed as instructed it will no longer be effective and may begin to promote the growth of micro. 8 for spas proper disinfectant of a whirlpool pedicure spa requires that the disinfecting solution circulate for 10 minutes or less product label specifies otherwise.
What are quats?
Quaternary ammonium compound they are disinfectants.
What are multiple quats?
Multiple quats contain sophisticated blends of quats that work together to dramatically increase the effectiveness of these disinfectants.
What are the phenolic disinfectants?
A powerful tuberculocidal disinfectant. They are form of formaldehyde, have a very high pH and can damage the skin and eyes. Phenolic disinfectants can be harmful to the environment if put down the drain. They have been used reliably over the years to disinfect salon tools; however they do have drawbacks.
What are some drawbacks of phenol disinfectants?
They can damage plastic and rubber and can even cause certain metals to rust. They should never be used to disinfect pedicure tubs or equipment. They are known carcinogens
Describe bleaches used in the salon
Household bleach 5.25% sodium hypochlorite is an effective disinfectant and has been used in the salon. It can be corrosive to metals and plastics and can cause skin irritation in eye damage. Bleach can be irritating to the lungs, so be careful about inhaling the fumes.
Give 9 safety tips for handling disinfectants
1 keep an MSDS on hand for the disinfectant you use. 2 wear gloves and safety glasses when mixing. 3 avoid skin and eye contact. 4 add disinfectant to water when diluting to prevent incorrect mixing ratio. 5 use tongs, gloves, or draining basket to remove implements. 6 keep out of reach of children. 7 carefully measure and use products according to label. 8 follow manufacturer's instructions for mixing, using, and disposing. 9 carefully follow manufacturer's directions for when to replace the solution to ensure healthiest conditions for you and your client. Replace the disinfectant solution every day or more often if solution becomes soiled or contaminated.
What are two things you should never do with disinfectants?
1 you should never allow quats, phenol, bleach, or other disinfectants to come in contact with your skin. If you do, wash the area with liquid soap and warm water and pat the area dry.
Describe a multi use item
Also known as a reusable item. They can be used on more than one person even if the item is accidentally exposed to blood or body fluids
What do you do if a porous item contact broken skin, blood, body fluid or any unhealthy skin or nails?
It must be discarded immediately. Do not try to disinfect the item. If you're not sure throw it out
Cross contamination
Cross contamination occurs when you touch an object such as a skin without cleaning your hands and then touch an object or product with the same hand or utensil. You must use properly disinfected tools, you must never touch clean items with hands that's been exposed to the client skin
Why do you need to keep items covered ?
Any disinfected item it has been touched or exposed air is contaminated.
Give the 10 step for asceptic procedure.
1 wash your hands using proper methods. 2 lay out on a clean towel all implement you will use during the treatment. 3 cover with another clean towel until you're ready to start the treatment. This is both more efficient and prevent cross contamination. 4 want you have begun a treatment, never open any package or container or touch a product without a spatula or tongue. Touching any object with gloved hands the client will contaminate at object. Any object touched during treatment must be discarded disinfected were sterilized . 5 use clean towels, sheets, headband or plastic cap, and gown for each client. Sex wash your hands after touching a clients hair. 7 put on gloves at the beginning of the treatment or wear them throughout. 8 remove cream and products using pumps squeeze bottles with dispenser cap, or disinfected spatulas it is best to remove products before the treatment. 9 after the treatment fold linens in towards their center and place them in laundry receptacle. Throw away disposable item. Place sharps in a sharps box. Disinfect or sterilize all items to be reused discard any unused product. 10 wipe down all surfaces during treatment with a disinfectant
Chelating soaps
Also known as chelating detergent. They work to break down stubborn film and remove the residue of products such as scrubs, salt, and mask .
What does it mean when a product says sanitizer?
They are a cleaner
Can you use an additive, powder, or tablet to eliminate the need to clean and disinfect?
No, products of this type cannot be used instead of epa registered liquid disinfecting solution.
should you try to use anti microbial or antibacterial soap when you can?
No, they are not any more effective than regular soap. It is trying to the skin.
What are antiseptics?
They are germicides formulated for the use on skin and are registered and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. They contain either alcohol or benzalkonium choline. Alcohol solutions containing 60% to 95% alcohol are most effective. They are ineffective for disinfecting instruments or other surfaces.
Body substance isolation or BSI.
Personal protective equipment ie PPE is to be worn for all contact with Body fluid even if blood is not visible
Guideline for hand hygiene
Unless hands are visibly soiled, alcohol product are more effective in removing germs than soap and water.
Briefly describe standard precautions
You must assume that all blood and body fluids are potential sources of infection. Workers are expected to use standard precautions to protect themselves and others
What bodily fluids do standard precautions apply to
Blood, all body fluid, all secretions except sweat, excretions, mucous membranes, nonintact or broken skin, breast milk
The number of viable organisms in or on an object or surface or the organic material on a surface of an object before decontamination or sterilization.
What is a 3rd degree burn
This burn affects all layers of the skin and will blister, swell, and scar
List some of your professional responsibilities
1 to follow state federal laws and rules. 2 Keep your license current and notify the licensing agency if you move or change your name. 3 check your state's website weekly for any changes or updates to rules and regulations
How often should AHP disinfectant be changed?
Every 14 day