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186 Cards in this Set

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The foundational groundwork from which assumptions has begun, developed or explained.
What was the driver to create our current modern factories?
Power-driven machinery.
Who was Socrates addressing over if an army general was competent?
The meaning, importance and significance of an idea is?
Critical Thinking is........
Disciplined thinking guided toward some purpose
What is a Theory?
A set of statements or principles to explain a group of facts or phenomena
To be Right, you have to be.......
What is knowledge?
What is a thesis?
A proposition, argument or premise supported by arguments
What is meant by clarity?
Means to clarity background logic, with coherence and sharpness
A Hypothesis is.........
A proposal intended to explain certain facts and observations
What is a caution to critical thinking?
Be aware of your pre-thinking
When you are able to engage in reasoned discourse you are ...........
Critically thinking
The classical school of organizational theory dominated from 1930 until today, what does encompass?
Organizations exist to accomplish economic goals, and they do this through systems and inquiry.
A hypothesis will be generated from?
A problem statement
Scientific management, pioneered by Fredrick Taylor, claimed that decisions about organizations and job design should be based on:
precise, scientific procedures after careful study of individual situations.
What will have the biggest impact on how we manage our businesses over the next 10 years?
Managing complexity and ambiguity.
The key element of an organization is its.............
people and their relationships
The degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs is referred to as_____________.
The goals of an Orange organizaiton are__________?
Maximizing flexibility while minimizing fixed costs.
Green organizations goals are?
Positive social and environmental impact.
Scientific management was:
successful at increasing output, in part through the use of incentive systems.
________________is the degree to which an organization achieves its goals
The importance of organizations includes all of the following concepts except:
establishing important relationships with the government.
______________refers to the amount of resources used to achieve the organization's goals.
A Mission Statement is important because it _______________________.
Bestow's legimatacy by stating the organizations purpose and values.
The definition of "organization" is:
a social entity that is goal-directed, has a deliberately-structured activity system, and is linked to the external environment.
Green organizations compete with ____________________?
Conscience demands by customers and staff.
What is predicted for 2022, as the new workforce norm.
Robots fully functioning in the hospitality industry.

Differentiation is when an organization is ________________________.

flexible, research focused, builds mechanisms for customer intimacy, reward employee risk taking, innovation and creativity.
The competition between individualism verse collectivism and corporate integration verse business fragmentation has created three scenarios for the future of work. What are these?
Large corporations taking on significant roles in society, specialization creating collaboration, and social responsibiltiy changing business strategy.
Successful agreements are dependent on _____________________.
Good managers, agreements that are clear and fair, and penalities judicioulsy applied.
The orange organization will compete by ______________________.
embrace the portfolio career, hiring a diverse group of people on an affordable ad hco basis.
What are the three great improvements to Division of Labor that Adam Smith believe the future of manufacturing?
quantity of work performed, saving time, and work is easier.
The subsystem responsible for directing and coordinating other parts of the organization.
The benefits for working in the blue are?
Job security, long term employment, and flexibility.
Some specific challenges today's managers and organizations face includes all of the following except.....
a traditional workplace
The three worlds of work represents?
Orange (beautiful), Blue (king), Green (care).
What are the goals of the blue organizations?
Profit, growth and market leadership.
The purposes of an organization is to focus on the ______________.
mission statement, competitive advantage and core competencies.

A learning organization is _____________?

empathizes communication and collaboration.

Horizontal structure is dominated by ____________________.

shared task, empowerment, relaxed rules, face to face communication, teams, and decentralized communication.

Official goals provide________________, while operative goals and strategies provide______________.

legitimacy, employee direction

_____________ pertains to the training, promotion, safety, and growth of employees.

Employee development
Vertical structure is designed mechanistic and structured ______________________.
with specialized tasks, strict hierarchy, roles, rules, vertical communication, and centralized decision making.
The top management role in organization effectiveness involves examination of internal environment which includes:

High performing companies distinguishes themselves by anticipating trends and patterns in customer behavior; then tailoring decisions accordingly. This is called________?

data-empowered decision making.

___________ means that all the organization's energies and resources are directed toward a focused, unifying, and compelling overall goal.

Strategic intent

A_________is a desired state of affairs that the organization attempts to reach.

organizational goal

Which of the following organizations is best served in a bureaucracy?

the military.

Traditional is designed for?

designed for efficiency.

A plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals is referred to as:


The leader of one religious denomination emphasizes converts to the denomination, whereas the prevous leader felt converts should play a backseat role while they "paid their dues". This illustrates _______________influence on the selection of effectiveness criteria.

top management

The top management role in organization effectiveness involves examination of the external environment which includes:


A hybrid structure is ____________________.

combination of various structures, tailored for specific needs, flexibility, and used is changing environments.
Product structured business units are able to__________________.
achieving cross functionality, fast change, and lacks technical specification.
The choices top managers make about goals, strategies, and organizational design have a tremendous impact on organizational:

Which of the following pertains to the acquisition of needed material and financial resources from the environment?

Resource goals

multifocused and has strong horizontal linkages.

The primary responsibility of top management is to:

Successful organizations use a carefully balanced set of __________goals.


A company's ________________is something the organization does especially well in comparison to its competitors.

core competence

_____________pertains to internal flexibility and readiness to adapt to unexpected changes in the environment.

Innovation goals

What is needed for digital success?

Knowing your capabilities and key processes and activities.

A learning organization is _____________?

empathizes communication and collaboration.

Horizontal structure is dominated by ____________________.

shared task, empowerment, relaxed rules, face to face communication, teams, and decentralized communication.
Official goals provide________________, while operative goals and strategies provide______________.
legitimacy, employee direction

_____________ pertains to the training, promotion, safety, and growth of employees.

Employee development

Vertical structure is designed mechanistic and structured ______________________.

with specialized tasks, strict hierarchy, roles, rules, vertical communication, and centralized decision making.

The top management role in organization effectiveness involves examination of internal environment which includes:


High performing companies distinguishes themselves by anticipating trends and patterns in customer behavior; then tailoring decisions accordingly. This is called________?

data-empowered decision making.

___________ means that all the organization's energies and resources are directed toward a focused, unifying, and compelling overall goal.

the military.

What is reflected in an organizational chart?

horizontal information and coordination.
Traditional is designed for?
designed for efficiency.

A plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals is referred to as:


The leader of one religious denomination emphasizes converts to the denomination, whereas the prevous leader felt converts should play a backseat role while they "paid their dues". This illustrates _______________influence on the selection of effectiveness criteria.

top management

The top management role in organization effectiveness involves examination of the external environment which includes:


A hybrid structure is ____________________.

combination of various structures, tailored for specific needs, flexibility, and used is changing environments.

Product structured business units are able to__________________.

achieving cross functionality, fast change, and lacks technical specification.
The choices top managers make about goals, strategies, and organizational design have a tremendous impact on organizational:

Which of the following pertains to the acquisition of needed material and financial resources from the environment?

Resource goals

The matrix structure is ____________________.

multifocused and has strong horizontal linkages.

The primary responsibility of top management is to:

determine goals, strategy, and design, in adaptation to environment

Successful organizations use a carefully balanced set of __________goals.


A company's ________________is something the organization does especially well in comparison to its competitors.
core competence

_____________pertains to internal flexibility and readiness to adapt to unexpected changes in the environment.

Innovation goals
What is needed for digital success?
Knowing your capabilities and key processes and activities.

What is the percent of CEO's removed from their job for unethical practice?

Riya is the vice president of marketing for her company. Other officers in the company include the vice presidents of engineering, production, finance, and human resource management. The structure of the small company is likely:

functional and bureaucratic.

A sub environment is _______________.

research and development.

Which of the following is true concerning information in an organization?

Structure should fit the information requirements of the organization.

Which of the following is true of a functional/bureaucratic structure?

It often results in hierarchy overload.

Which of the following is NOT a strength of a bureaucratic organization structure?

Leads to customer satisfaction because product responsibility and contact points are clear.

Politicians believe that companies exist to_______________________?

to provide for the public good, by creating jobs.

When organizations depend on their environment they __________________.

team up with others to control and share resources.
How do you balance and linkages and control elements in the environment?
Establish favorable relationships and influence key sectors.

An organizations environment is _________________________.

all elements outside the boundary of the organization.

Self Leadership starts with ___________________?

self awareness, self improvement, and the ability to cope with adversity and disappoints.

Management is about ____________, Leadership is about ___________________.

status quo, doing things differently.

An International environment focuses on _____________________.

on foreign operations, grown in importance, and has uncertainty.

Todays organizations need leaders who can________________?


The general environment is ___________________.

everything that does not have a direct impact on the company.
Heterogeneity is __________________?
the number of dissimilarity of external event.
Which of the following terms would best describe how to build formal relationships?

A changing environment is____________________-.

unstable, homogeneous, heterogeneous, simple, and complex.

A____________is a temporary committee composed of representatives from each organizational unit affected by a problem.

task force

What is meant by the "right fit" between internal and external environments?
planning, forecasting and responsiveness.

A company that wishes to maintain the basic functional structure, but is having difficulty coordinating across departments because of growth:

should install horizontal linkages

What should you do if your environment changes?

development a contingency plan and framework.
What is a CPR?
common pooled resources.
In increasing volatile business climates, what is needed for companies to survive?
Good habits.

If you buy stock in a company, what is you primary purpose for doing so?
get a return financially.

______________is an organization's specific technology, structure, products, goals, and personnel, which can be selected or rejected by the environment.

Organizational form

A basic assumption of the population ecology model is that:

the environment determines which organizations survive or fail.

Which theory argues that organizations try to minimize their reliance on other organizations for the supply of important resources and try to influence the environment to make resources available?

Resource dependence theory

The institutional view argues that:

when an organizational field is just getting started, diversity is the norm, but later there is a push for similarity.

Which of the following from the institutional view is true about the two essential dimensions of organization?

The institutional structure is that part of the organization most visible to the outside public.

Which of the following refers to managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers?

Supply chain management

All of the following except_____________are elements of the population ecology model of organizations.


Which of the following is true about the struggle for existence, a principle underlying the population ecology model?
The struggle is most intense among new organizations, and survival frequencies are related to environmental factors.
Established organizations have a difficult time adapting to a rapidly changing environment because:
of heavy investment in plant and equipment and an established viewpoint of leadership.

The____________perspective is when companies join together to become more competitive and to share scarce resources.


Which of the following is not part of the framework of interorganizational relationships?
Shared competition

The third perspective, which examines how new organizations fill niches left open by established organizations and how a rich variety of new organizational forms benefits society, refers to ___________.

population ecology.

Major reasons for interorganizaitonal collaboration include all of the following except:

interpersonal factors.

The new orientation to interorganizational relationships involves which of the following characteristics?

Equity and fair dealing

_____________focuses on organizational diversity and adaptation within a population of organizations.

Population ecology

An organizational niche:

is a domain of unique environmental resources and needs.

Organizations with a wide niche or domain, that is, those that offer a broad range of products and services or that serve a broad market are:


The traditional orientation to interorganizational relationships involved which of the following characteristics?

Legal resolution of conflict

In resource dependence theory:

organizations will do whatever is needed to avoid dependence on the environment for reducing uncertainity.

The____________is composed of norms and values from stakeholders.

institutional environment

Relatively enduring resource transactions, flows, and linkages that occur among two or more organizational are called:

interorganizational relationships
A system formed by the interactions of a community of organizations and their environment is referred to as (n):
organizational ecosystem.
The adversarial orientation to interorganizational relationships involved which of the following characteristics?
Short-term contracts

In this new world, managers think about ______________rather than vertical structures.

horizontal processes

_____________is defined as the general perspective that an organization's actions are desirable, proper, and appropriate within the environment's system of norms, values, and beliefs.


Which of the following strategies should an organization pursue if the forces for national responsiveness and the forces for global integration are high?

Globalization and multidomestic

_____________is a popular approac to sharing development and production costs and penetrating new markets.

Joint ventures

Which is not a part of a Transnational Organization?

Assets are dispersed locally.

In the ____________stage of international evolution, explosion occurs as international operations take off.


What is Asymmetrical Warfare?

Non-conventional warfare, such as terrorism.

Which of the following means that product design, manufacturing, and marketing strategy are standardized throughout the world?
Globalization strategy
What are the BRIC countries?
Brazil, Russia, India and China.
What is meant by Global competence
Being able to have knowledge to in interact and communicate effectively out of one's own environment.

Which of the following is not a part of global organization structure?

domestic division.

One of the earliest, and still one of the most powerful, motivations for U.S. companies to invest abroad relates to_________: obtaining raw materials, labor, and other resources at the lowest possbile cost.

factors of production

What is not a challenge for the global organization?

training and collaboration.

Which of these operates in truly global fashion, and the entire world is their marketplace?

Global companies

_______________are groups of independent companies that join together to share skills, resources, costs, and access to one another's markets.


Building a global presence expands an organization's scale of operations, enabling it to realize:

economic scale.

Power distance is when_________________?

people accept inequality.

______________refers to the number and variety of products and services a company offers, as well as the number and variety of regions, countries, and markets it serves.


As organizations become more differentiated, with multiple products, divisions, departments, and positions scattered across numerous countries, managers face a tremendous_______________challenge.


A____________strategy would encourage production design, assembly, and marketing tailored to the specific needs of each country.


When a company such as Coco-Cola decides to use the same product design and advertising strategy throughout the world, it is following the _________strategy.


What is an argument against Corporate Social Responsibility?

Global business is not equipped to handle social activities.

Which of the following is not a primary factor that motivates companies to expand internationally?

Smaller number of distribution channels

What are the Seven Revolutions?

populations, natural resources, information, technology, economic integration, conflict & security, goverance.

The global product structure works best when a division handles products that:

can be standardized for marketing worldwide.

Uncertainty avoidance is when________________?

members feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and avoidance.

Why does Carroll feel that Corporate Social Responsibility is import on a global scale?

It is important for global citizenship, and ethical conduct.

What is not a characteristic of an open system?

positive entropy

____________________is an example of a service tecnology.


What is not a part of the product and service industry?


An organization's ____________ is the work process that is directly related to the organization's mission.

core technology

The two basic criteria for identifying social systems and determining their function are:

tracing the exchange of people and the output of energy into a pattern.

Who wrote the "Structure in 5's"?

What is not a part of the Technical System?
What is not a part of the Technical System?

_______________is a structual configuration, consisting of organic structure with little formalization of behavior; extensive job specialization, and a tendency to group professional specialist in an functional unit.


What is not a part of a Social System?

physical work setting

In Team Play characteristics; baseball is a ________________interdependence.


Organizational leadership scholars work to understand ____________________.

human organizations.

The impact of technology on job design, results in___________________.

jobs requiring higher level skills.

_________________ defines the extent of mechanization of the manufacturing process.

Technical Complexity

_____________is the ability to apply standard procedures.


Football would be a close analogy for_______________________.

sequenial interdependence

The Human Resource frame focuses on________________?

training and employee development.

Teaching in a high school and medical services in a health clinic are referred to as an organization's _______________technology.


______________ is the frequency of unexpected and novel events.


Traditional organizational theories have tended to view the human organization as a _______________system.

Who came up with the five frames for an organization?

Bolman and Deal

In every formal organization, there arise __________________organizations.


Computer-integrated manufacturing is the result of several subcomponents. Three of these are:


The Symbolic frames focuses on ____________________________.

logo, history and stories of the organization.

What is not a part of the trend for lean services?

Quality products