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148 Cards in this Set

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The light reactions of photosynthesis use _____ and produce _____

water ... NADPH

The light reactions of photosynthesis occur in the

thylakoid membranes

The oxygen released by photosynthesis is a by-product of which specific reaction?

extraction of electrons from water molecules

Which of the events listed below is part of the light reactions of photosynthesis?

ADP is phosphorylated to form ATP.

Where do the reactions of the Calvin cycle take place?

stroma fluid of the chloroplast

The light-driven movement of protons (H+) from the stroma to the inner thylakoid space across the thylakoid membrane occurs from ______ to ______ proton concentration.

low; high

The movement of protons (H+) through the ATP synthase occurs from ______ to ______ proton concentration.

high; low

In their FIRST step, the energy of which of the following is used by the chloroplasts light reactions to catapult electrons from low to high potential energy.


The light reactions convert the high potential energy of energized electrons to the energy stored in


Fill in the blanks: In the model of the hydroelectric dam, water stands for ________, the turbine stands for ________, and the lit-up light bulb stands for _________.

the protons (H+); the ATP synthase; the ATP produced

True or False? If you could track carbon atoms, you would find carbon atoms from CO2 as part of sugar and starch molecules in plant leaves and also as a part of sugar and glycogen molecules in animals.


Which of the following statements is correct?

The light reactions provide the Calvin cycle with oxygen, and the Calvin cycle provides the water for the light reactions.

The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH, and the Calvin cycle provides sugar for the light reactions.

The light reactions provide the CO2 that is converted to sugar in the Calvin cycle.

The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle.

The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle.

Carbon dioxide containing bonds with ________ held electrons is converted to sugar molecules containing bonds with ______ held electrons in the Calvin cycle.

tightly; loosely

What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle?

to synthesize a simple sugar (G3P) from carbon dioxide

The glucose made in photosynthesis is used by the plant in three of the following processes. Find the exception.

cellulose synthesis

synthesis of starch as an energy store

to fuel the plants cellular respiration

synthesis of glycogen as an energy store

synthesis of glycogen as an energy store

Comparing the photosynthetic light reactions with the Calvin cycle, which CONSUME(S) ATP?

only the Calvin cycle

Comparing the photosynthetic light reactions with the Calvin cycle, which PRODUCE(S) NADPH?

only the light reactions

Comparing the photosynthetic light reactions with the Calvin cycle, which CONSUME(S) glucose?

neither the light reactions nor the Calvin cycle

The Calvin cycle converts _______ to _______.

C=O bonds; C-H bonds

Why do plants use the ATP made by ATP synthase to produce sugars?

because ATP is too unstable to store for more than an instant

Four of the following statements are correct. Find the one that is FALSE.
While performing photosynthesis during the day, the chloroplasts of a green leaf produce

ATP to be used in the Calvin cycle.

ATP as an energy source for the roots of the plant.

sugars for the green leafs cellular respiration at night.

sugars as an energy source for the roots of the plant.

sugars to fuel the growth of the plant.

ATP as an energy source for the roots of the plant.

Three of the four answers below explain why a plants green leaves typically have higher rates of photosynthesis compared with respiration. Find the exception.

The green leaf is only a small part of the plant and needs to produce enough energy-rich sugars to support all of the non-photosynthetic parts (like roots, non-green stems and trunks, or flowers).

Only when overall photosynthetic activity exceeds overall respiration activity of the whole plant can the plant grow and accumulate biomass.

Photosynthesis supports the energy needs of the plant during the day and the night.

The rate of photosynthesis is higher because leaves dont have mitochondria.

The rate of photosynthesis is higher because leaves dont have mitochondria.

Four of the five features below present a state of high chemical potential energy in photosynthesis. Find the exception.


excited electrons





What is the final electron acceptor in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of cellular respiration.

Which statement about the transport and use of oxygen in humans is FALSE?

Oxygen for cellular respiration is taken up by the lungs.

Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to body cells requiring ATP for cellular work.

Oxygen serves as the terminal electron acceptor in mitochondria.

Oxygen is converted to CO2 in mitochondria.

High CO2 levels decrease the oxygen-binding capacity of hemoglobin.

Oxygen is converted to CO2 in mitochondria.

Three of the four features below serve as DIRECT sources of high-energy electrons for cellular respiration. Which does not?

food molecules

C-H bonds




Where does glycolysis take place?

cytosolic fluid

Where are the proteins of the electron transport chain located in cellular respiration?

in the mitochondrial inner membranes

The oxygen consumed during cellular respiration participates most DIRECTLY in what process?

accepting electrons at the end of the mitochondrial electron transport chain

In mitochondrial electron transport, water is formed. Where does the oxygen for the formation of water come from?

molecular oxygen (O2)

Where does the CO2 released in cellular respiration come from?

CO2 is what is left over from the carbon chain of glucose after the loss of H (electrons and H+).

Glycemic index

rapidity of conversion to glucose

glycemic load

Gl composition and the amount of food consumed

High GL

Low GL

Chronic elevated blood glucose

Balanced blood glucose level

High: white rice, soft drinks, candy

Low: vegetables, sweet potatoes, spicesn

Where does the citric acid cycle take place?

The matrix


• single-celled
• found everywhere
• some cause disease in
humans, but most are


• single-celled
• often live in extreme
conditions, such as
environments that are
very hot, salty, or acidic


• single-celled or
• multicellular, larger, more
sophisticated cells



“before nucleus” (no nucleus = no
membrane around the DNA)

“Eu-karyote” = “real nucleus” (with
membrane around the DNA)

Kingdom Plantae

• use sunlight to
produce sugars via

Kingdom Fungi

• single-celled or
• decompose and
digest dead

Kingdom Animalia

• multicellular
• eat and digest other


• single-celled or
• catch-all category
for all remaining
• includes many

Similarities in all living cells

• Nucleic acids (DNA) to store
genetic information for protein synthesis
• Proteins to perform diverse tasks (and
ribosomes to make proteins)
• Outer cell membrane to maintain a
suitable internal environment
• Ability to acquire energy from the
environment for ATP formation & the 3 types
of cellular work

Differences in living cells

Eukarya (Eukaryotes):

Larger cells,
compartmentation by
multiple inner membranes
for “multi-tasking”

Bacteria & Archaea:

Small cells; lack internal
(i.e., have no membrane around the DNA, no
mitochondria, no chloroplasts, no Golgi apparatus, no
rough or smooth ER),
different species specialize in unique
biochemical pathways


the eukaryotic cell’s powerhouses

Role: Burn energy-rich molecules with O2
to gain lots of ATP energy for cellular work
Prokaryotes do not have
mitochondria; many prokaryotes
cannot burn food molecules with O2
and instead use fermentation to
make small amounts of ATP.

All eukaryotes have mitochondria for
making lots of ATP: plants, animals,
fungi, protists


solar energy collectors/converters

Role: Convert solar energy
into energy-rich sugars in

Prokaryotes do not have chloroplasts;
(photosynthetic bacteria perform
photosynthesis using other structures)

Chloroplasts occur only in
plants & algae

Mitochondria and chloroplast both

possess their own DNA, ribosomes, and a double membrane – as if they
were independent organisms engulfed by a bigger cell by

Q1. A cell that contains enzymes, DNA,
ribosomes, a cell membrane, and mitochondria
could be a cell from

a plant or an animal.

Prokaryotes vs. Mitochondrian

Prokaryotes do not have mitochondria; many prokaryotes cannot burn food molecules with O2 and instead use fermentation to make smaller amounts of ATP

a hexose

6-carbon monosaccharide

Carbohydrates function as

• Energy supply
• Building blocks
• Gene regulators


- Carb. polymers

- are built from the simplest sugars (monosaccharides)

The names of simple sugars
often end in “ose"

as in glucose, fructose,
These three all are hexose
sugars with 6 carbons =
C6H12O6 = (CHOH)6

Q2. Predict the energy content of sugar: A sugar should have
____________ energy content compared to a fatty acid with
the same number of C atoms.
A) a similar
B) about twice the
C) about half the
D) about one quarter the


Carbon based food molecules are combined with what to release energy?

Carbon-based food molecules are burned with oxygen
to release ENERGY

Burning sugars with oxygen produces what?

energy-poor waste products carbon dioxide and water

Photosynthesis takes energy-poor, CO2, and H2O and uses sunlgiht to....

Photosynthesis takes energy-poor, non-reactive CO2 and
H2O and uses sunlight to turn these into energy-rich sugars

Is ATP used in cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

ATP is produced not only in cellular respiration,
ATP but also as an intermediate in sugar production in photosynthesis

C-H bonds as energy storage

Therefore, C-H bonds in energy-rich molecules like sugars are instead used for energy storage – and the sugars need to broken down again later to ATP.


production of energy-rich molecules and/or of the organism’s material substance


degradation of energy-rich food
and/or of the organism’s material substance

Nonpolar bonds

Nonpolar bonds have high chemical potential energy and low stability; C-H bonds serve as an energy source

C-H, sugar


Polar bonds have low chemical potential energy and high stability; these molecules are not an energy source

CO2, H2O


Glucose and Fructose and Galatose


Sucrose (glucose plus fructose)

Lactose (glucose plus galatose)

When is a disaccharide formed?

A disaccharide is formed when dehydration
synthesis (-H2O) joins two monosaccharides

Predict the formula for a disaccharide made from two hexoses.

A) C2H4O2
B) C6H12O6
C) C12H24O12
D) C12H22O11
E) C12H20O10


HFCS formula

55% fructose /
45% glucose

Problems with HFCS

Sugar transporter in human gut is best at taking up 1
glucose + 1 fructose;
is slow in taking up extra fructose
~30% of US pop. suffer varying degrees of
fructose mal-absorption

Q4. Draw conclusions about lactose intolerance. Choose the best answer.

A) Lactose tolerance is the original human condition for adults
from the time of hunter-gatherers.
B) Lactose intolerance is the original human condition for adults
from the time of hunter-gatherers.
C) In those ancient human populations that raised dairy cows,
adults who were lactose intolerant had a lesser chance of
survival and reproduction.
D) B and C
E) A and C


Large Carbohydrates = Polysaccharides

Starch (energy storage carbohydrate in plants)
Glycogen (energy storage carbohydrate in animals)
Cellulose (cell wall for structural support in plants)

Alpha (α) glucose

forms the spiraling helices of the
easy-to-digest storage carbohydrates starch & glycogen

Beta (β ) glucose

forms straight fibers
of the hard-to-digest structural carbohydrate cellulose


makes up the tightly-packed
fiber structure of plant cell walls

High blood glucose

stimulates fat storage

Foods with more slowly digestible carbohydrates contain non-digestible cellulose and slowly digestible straches


The long, unbranched strands of amylose (in, e.g., beans) are slowly digested.


The highly branched amylopectin (e.g., in rice, white flour,
or baking potatoes) is quickly digested (amylopectin is
even more rapidly digested than the free sugar sucrose).


Humans store glycogen in the liver as a quickly mobilized energy source

quickly mobilized & quickly exhausted:
Good for sprint/mental tasks

High consumption of dietary sugars and quick-burning
starches triggers energy storage – some as glycogen in the
liver, the majority as visceral fat.


slowly mobilized & more lasting:
Good for extended exercise/marathon

Q5. “Fast-twitch” muscle fibers are used for sprints
and “slow-twitch” fibers for extended exercise.
Predict which is correct:
A) Fast-twitch fibers store mostly fat, while slow-twitch
fibers store mostly glycogen
B) Fast-twitch fibers store mostly glycogen, while
slow-twitch fibers store mostly fat
C) Both fiber types store mostly glycogen
D) Both fiber types store mostly fat


ATP energy
H shuttle NADPH

shuttles H (as H+ and electrons) derived from H2O to where
CO2 is converted to the C-H bonds in sugar



Q6. Predict the relative rates of photosynthesis
versus respiration in a green leaf.
A) Overall photosynthesis rates and respiration
rates should be the same.
B) Overall photosynthesis rates should be higher.
C) Overall respiration rates should be higher.



Fluid space: Conversion of CO2 to
sugars in the Calvin cycle

Do you need ATP in the Calvin Cycle?

For conversion of CO2 to sugar, we
need ATP energy and H (energized electrons +H+)
for loosely held electrons in C-H bonds

What does sunlight provide?

Sunlight provides the energy to make ATP and
to extract electrons from water, energize these
and load them (and H+) onto the H shuttle


Sunlight powers the splitting of H2O
into H+, O2, and electrons+

Sunlight provides the energy to excite
electrons to become high-energy

What provides energy for the ATP formation?

Downhill flow of excited
electrons from high to
low energy (indirectly)
provides the energy for
ATP formation; ATP is
used in the Calvin cycle
for sugar formation

After the electrons are energized again, where are they loaded?

Sunlight energizes electrons again;
energized electrons (and H+) are loaded
onto NADP+; the H shuttle NADPH
provides high-energy electrons and H+ for
the C-H bonds in sugars

Summary of Electrons through the thylakoid

1. Light energizes electrons to high-energy electrons
2. Downhill electron flow energizes active uphill transport
of H+ from low H+ in stroma to high H+ inside thylakoids
3. Downhill H+ flow (from within thylakoids to stroma) energizes ATP formation
4. Light energizes electrons again for loading onto NADP+

Protons are pumped where?

ATP is formed where?

Protons are pumped uphill into the inner thylakoid space
(pile up like water behind a dam)
and ATP is formed in the stroma

Inner thylakoid space, thylakoid membrane, and stroma

ATP Synthase

Thylakoid space H+ powers the turbine

Stroma is where phosphorylation is

Q7. Fill in the blanks: When comparing photosynthetic
electron transport to the model of a hydroelectric dam, water
stands for ________, the turbine stands for ________, and
the lit-up light bulb stands for _________.


ATP is formed in chloroplasts & mitochondria

Intermembrane space = thylakoid space

Inner membrane = thylakoid membrane

Matrix = Stroma

Q8. What force drives the build-up of the proton (H+) gradient
across the photosynthetic membrane that subsequently
serves to drive ATP formation?
A) an ATP-fueled proton pump
B) water
C) light-driven electron transport
E) an ATP-fueled electron pump


Outer cell membrane

Bring in food & building blocks; eliminate waste;
keep out unwanted materials

•Internal membranes of chloroplasts & mitochondria

Platform for energy transformations via electron
transport chains & ATP synthase turbines; these
membranes act like dams, behind which protons can be
accumulated like water behind a dam

Which of the following represent a state of high energy?

A) excited electrons
B) the H+ gradient across the thylakoid membrane
C) the H (electrons + H+) loaded onto NADPH
D) the ATP formed
E) all of the above



Hemoglobin in red blood cells transports O2 from the lungs to body cells
that burn energy-rich C-H bonds from food to CO2 and H2O in cellular
respiration to produce ATP; CO2 from the body cells is then transported
back to the lungs by hemoglobin (red blood cells).

O2 binding capacity is affected by what?

Binding capacity cycle

Hemoglobin’s O2 binding capacity
is affected by CO2 concentration

Muscle releases CO2 (from cellular respiration) into blood fluid, which results in a decrease in hemoglobin's O2 binding capacity

CO2 is released through lungs into the air, the drop in CO2
concentration in the blood fluid increases
hemoglobin’s O2 binding capacity; O2 inhaled by the lungs binds tightly to hemoglobin

Q10. Hemoglobin _____ O2 in the lungs and _____ O2 in
the muscle; the binding capacity of hemoglobin for O2 is
____ in the lungs and _____ in the muscle region.
A) binds; releases; low; high
B) releases; binds; high; low
C) binds; releases; high; low
D) binds; releases; low; high


Molecular mechanism

Adding CO2 to water makes the water acidic by increasing the H+ concentration

This causes ocean acidification
as well as acidification of the
blood fluid around respiring cells;
the high H+ concentration lowers
hemoglobin’s O2-binding capacity

Extracts high energy electrons

To extract their high-energy electrons, sugars are broken down in steps, starting with glycolysis in cytosol

Where does glycolysis take place?

cytosol, cytoplasm

Extracted energy is transferred where? to make what?

Energy is extracted from C-H bonds by transfer of high-energy electrons + H+ to NADH and then into electron transport to make lots of ATP

What does NADH do?

Feeds high-energy electrons into electron transport chain to make lots of ATP.

Most ATP is formed by?

Electron transport

What happens in the mitochondrial

Citric acid cycle

What happens in folded inner mitochondrial membranes?

Electron transport chain & ATP formation

In both mitochondria and chloroplasts:

Carbon conversion cycles in fluid space

Calvin cycle (in chloroplast stroma) or
citric acid cycle (in mitochondrial matrix)

• Electron transport chain (downhill electron flow
from high to low energy) &
ATP synthase on inner membranes (thylakoids or
inner mitochondrial membranes)

terminal electron acceptor”

Oxygen serves as the “terminal electron acceptor” in mitochondrial respiration (oxidative

Without oxygen, ATP levels drop quickly, and we die.

Q11. After ATP fuels the Na+/K+ pump at the cell membrane in an animal cell, where do the “used-up” ADP and P go?


Q12. Cells use the energy of energy-rich food
molecules to form ATP. Which of the following
represents a state of high energy?
A) the C-H bonds in food molecules
B) the H (electrons + H+) loaded onto NADH
C) The H+ gradient across the mitochondrial
D) the ATP formed
E) all of the above


Q13. Humans generate much more heat than alligators. This
is due to
A) a greater number of energy transformations per minute in
B) a higher percentage of energy loss per transformation in
C) Both A and B


Brown Fat Cells

produce heat in newborns, small
mammals in cold climates, & hibernating animals.

Brown fat cells have
many mitochondria

and use an uncoupling protein to uncouple electron transport from ATP formation to generate only heat and no ATP at all

Mitochondrial uncoupling protein

The mitochondrial uncoupling
protein provides a channel
across the membrane
through which protons (H+)
flow back downhill without
making ATP,
releasing all energy as heat

Q16. Where does the oxygen produced in
photosynthesis come from?
A) CO2
B) OH groups of glucose
C) C6H12O6
D) H2O
E) chlorophyll


Q17. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts produce
which of the following?
B) sugars
C) oxygen
D) carbon dioxide
E) A and C


Q18. Which of these molecules are the least stable?
A) sugars and fats
C) H2O and CO2


Purpose of Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis

ATP is too unstable to serve as a storage form of energy.
• Therefore, C-H bonds in molecules (e.g., sugars) are used for energy storage.
• Sugars are made with solar energy (via ATP) in Photosynthesis, and Cellular Respiration converts
the energy of sugars back to ATP as needed.

Q19. What does NOT require a direct association with
membranes in both mitochondria and chloroplasts?

A) carbon conversion cycles
B) ATP synthesis by ATP synthase
C) build-up of a proton (H+) gradient
D) electron transport chains


Occurs in the matrix/ stroma aka in the fluid space, not a direct association

Q20. The energy released by electrons flowing downhill along
either the photosynthetic or mitochondrial electron transport chain
is DIRECTLY converted to the energy of
A) Glucose
B) an H+ gradient
D) H2O


Q21. While __________ are generated by mitochondria,
________ are generated by chloroplasts.
A) water and oxygen; sugar and carbon dioxide
B) water and carbon dioxide; sugar and oxygen
C) sugar and oxygen; water and oxygen
D) sugar and water; oxygen and carbon dioxide
E) oxygen and carbon dioxide; energy-rich macromolecules


Difference between dissociation of H2O and H+

No electrons are removed from O2

Photosynthesis extracts electrons from water
2 H2O to 4 H+ + 4 electrons + O2
& cellular respiration re-combines O2 with 4 electrons to re-form 2 H2O

Glycolysis is outside mitochondria

•Only when oxygen is present can glucose be broken down completely in the mitochondria for highest ATP energy yield

Anaerobic respiration =

Aerobic =


oxidative respiration


Fast-twitch glycolytic fibers (for sprint) use glycolysis - quick, but does not provide much energy.


Slow-twitch oxidative fibers (with many mitochondria for extended exercise) use oxidative respiration - slower, but yields much more ATP energy.

Low and High Demand plant growth

Low demand for
sugars by the rest of
the plant when plant is
not growing --- Starch stores in leaves

High demand for
sugars by the rest of
the plant when the
plant grows rapidly -- energy burned in growing plants

Q22) Which took place in the ABSENCE OF molecular
oxygen (O2) or ozone (O3).
A) evolution of organisms from the ocean to the terrestrial
(land) habitat
B) evolution of multi-cellular organisms
C) evolution of prokaryotes that use fermentation
D) evolution of ATP formation in mitochondria
E) evolution of plants and animals



Ethanol from:

Starch 22

Sucrose 56

Cellulose 91


Starch is easy to convert to hexoses.

HOWEVER: Annual crop, high input of fertilizer (produced with fossil fuels); only small portion of plant mass used

Huge food versus fuel conflict: Price of corn has more than tripled over the last decade


: major carbohydrate in sugar cane &
sugar beet; only 1 step to split sucrose into hexoses (for conversion to ethanol)

Seven harvests of cane before replanting is necessary.

Cane waste is burned for power & heat.

Still: food versus fuel conflict

Cellulosic ethanol

Only some microbes have enzymes to break bond in cellulose

When leaf pores (stomates) open to allow CO2 to move in, a lot of H2O is lost at the same time.

C3 plants: 400-500 g H2O lost per g CO2 fixed

C4 plants: 250-300 g H2O lost per g CO2 fixed

Rubisco fixes CO2 efficiently only
at high, but not at low, CO2

CO2 concentration in Earth’s
High when Rubisco evolved billions
of years ago
Low when C4 plants evolved

C4 Plants

have an additional enzyme that fixes CO2 efficiently under low internal CO2 concentrations; they then re-release high
concentrations of CO2 near Rubisco, which allows Rubisco to re-fix CO2 efficiently.

C4 plants fix CO2 at much lower internal concentrations than C3 plants; C4 plants use TWO CO2-fixing cycles in series that both use ATP energy.

Q23. Predict features of C3 and C4 plants resulting from the fact
that (i) C4 plants operate two CO2-fixing cycles instead of only one
like C3 plants and that (ii) C4 plants are able to fix CO2 at much
lower concentrations than C3 plants.
A) C4 plants do not need to open their leaf pores as widely as C3
plants to do photosynthesis.
B) C4 plants lose less water than C3 plants through their leaf
C) C4 plants need more energy from sunlight than C3 plants
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C


Q24. Predict in which environments C3 plants versus C4 plants
should each be most successful. C3 plants will be most
successful in __________ environments, and C4 plants will be
most successful in __________ environments.
A) sunnier and drier; less sunny but moister
B) less sunny but moister; sunnier and drier
C) less sunny but drier; sunnier and moister
D) sunnier and moister; less sunny but drier


Q25) Four of the statements below are false. Find the one that
is TRUE.
A) C3 plants are able to fix CO2 with their stomates (leaf pores)
less widely open than C4 plants.
B) C3 plants are more productive in dry climates than C4
C) C4 plants need more water than C3 plants.
D) C4 plants need more energy (sunlight) to make sugars than
C3 plants.
E) C3 plants operate two CO2 fixation cycles.


Q26) Ethanol is produced as a biofuel by fermentation of
monosaccharides. Which of the plant sources below is
DIFFICULT to break down into monosaccharides?
A) sucrose from sugarcane
B) starch from corn
C) starch from grasses
D) cellulose from grasses
E) sucrose from C4 plants


Quickly digested vs. non digestable

Non-digestible cellulose and
slowly digested amylose

Sugar or rapidly digested
amylopectin starch

Glycemic Index

Glycemic Load

• Glycemic index (GI) = Rapidity of conversion to glucose
• Glycemic load (GL) = GI x amount of food consumed

Q27. Predict which type of fruit should be most likely
to contain fructose?
A) one growing in a region with year-round fruit
B) one growing in a region with fruit availability only in
a single season
C) a fruit eaten by animals that do not detect fructose
D) a large fruit


correctly describes the endosymbiont theory.

Eukaryotes acquired mitochondria and chloroplasts by engulfing prokaryotes.

Four of the findings below provide evidence in support of the endosymbiont theory of eukaryote evolution. Find the exception.

DNA in nucleus

Energy can be extracted from which parts of the sugar molecule?


The uncoupling protein converts the energy provided by ______ to _______ .

glucose heat