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31 Cards in this Set

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What are the two components of brand knowledge?
Brand awareness and brand image
What is brand awareness?
Whether a company name comes to mind when thinking of an industry
What is the brand awareness pyramid?
Unaware, Brand Recognition, Brand Recall, Top of Mind (TOMA)
What is brand image?
associations when thinking of a particular brand
What are the four types of associations?
type, favorability, strength, and uniqueness
What are the five personality dimensions of a brand?
Sincerity - truthful, open, honest
Excitement - feeling of rush
Competence - reliable, successful
Sophistication - charm/class
Ruggedness - tough/outdoorsy
What are the three approaches to brand equity?
1) speak-for-itself - usage drives demand
2) message-driven - claims
3) leveraging - using world associations
What are the ways you can leverage meaning by connection?
1) Other Brands
2) Place
3) Things
4) People
What are five metrics used for ROMI?
1) incremental sales revenue
2) changes in brand awareness
3) total sales revenue (campaign)
4) changes in purchase intent
5) changes in attitude towards the brand
What are the six tools of persuasion?
Reciprocation, Commitment/consistency, Social proof, liking, authority, scarcity
What are the roles of MarCom?
Inform, Persuade, Remind
Why is MarCom important?
only point of differentiation
What is semiotics?
The study of implied meaning in signs/symbols, using both the sender's communication and receiver's background
What makes up a good positioning statement?
1) should reflect a brand's competitive advantage
2) should motivate consumers to action
What are the three categories of consumer needs?
symbolic - associate brand with desired group/role/image
experiential - provides sensory pleasure, variety
Whats the CPM?
Consumer Processing Model - information processing
What is HEM?
hedonic, experiential model - driven by emotions
What are the steps to CPM?
exposure, attention, comprehension. agreeing, retaining, retrieving, deciding, acting
What is the dual coding theory?
pictures are encoded as images and messages, while text is encoded as messages
What is incongruity resolution?
something that doesn't make sense and motivates you to figure it out
What is the sequence in which attitudes form?
Cognitives - person's mental images, understanding, and interpretations
Affective - feeling/emotions about something
Conative - individuals intentions, actions or behavior
What is the means-end chain?
linkage of end state (personal value) achievement with product
What is MECCAS?
Means-End Conceptualization of Components for Advertising Strategy. Five elements:
product attributes
consumer benefits
leverage points - transformation of ad msg into a personal value
personal values
executional framework
What are the types of advertising appeals?
Fear - most effective as means of enhancing motivation to process message (guilt - motivation leading to reduction focused on past/future failures)
Humor - should be directly connected to product's benefits, don't make it at someone's expense
sex - subliminal, nudity, sexual suggestiveness, overt sexuality, sensuality. must be integral to product sold
music - gains attention and increases retention/persuasiveness
rationality - most effective when consumers have high involvement and willing to pay attention
emotions - 3 ideas: 1) consumers ignore advertisements 2) rational appeals unnoticed unless looking for product 3) emotional adv. can capture attention and develop attachment to brand
What are the elements of an ad?
Headline - promise of benefit
Subheadline - spelling out of promise
Amplification - unique selling proposition
Proof of the claim
Action to take
What is the cognitive message strategy?
presentation of rational arguments. 5 forms of strategies
1) generic message - used for market leader - brand=product
2) Preemptive message - claims of superiority before competition can use it
3) Unique selling proposition - explicit testable claim of uniqueness/supriority
4) Hyperbole - untestable claim based on something
5) Comparative Advertisements - comparisons
What is spontaneous trait transference?
relating what speaker is saying to his (usually negative) to his personality
What is affective message strategies?
invokes feeling/emotions and matches them with product
2 categories:
1) resonance - connect product with consumer's experience to develop stronger ties
2) emotional - elicit powerful emotions leading to product recall and choice
What is conative message strategies?
lead to direct consumer behavior
Action-induced conative advertisements - knowledge/liking may come after purchase (impulse)
Promotional support conative advertisements - designed to support other promo efforts
What is the hierarchy of effects model?
Steps a buyer has to go through to purchase.
6 steps:
Think (2) -> Feel (3) -> Do (1)
What is the FCB grid?
matches involvement, thinking, and feeling aspect in a decision
4 quadrants:
1) High Importance Rational - willing to spend time to learn and want lots of information
2) High Importance Emotional - generate emotional response and create and image
3) Low involvement Rational - differentiation and reminder ads
4) Low involvement Emotional - lifestyle