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84 Cards in this Set

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Sacred Round

Mayan calendar. It was used to plan important agricultural events (when crops should be harvested) and religious events

It had 20 days and 13 months and was based off 2 cycles of numbers and pictures

Long Count

Part of the Mayan Calendar; a non-repeating vigesimal (base-20) and base-18 calendar


large city built by the Maya people.

flourishes after decline of Mayan culture (900 CE)

no writing system

Mix culture: Toltec influence and Mayan

Symbols of Eagle, Jaguar and the Snake

Ball Courts (tikal), observatory, Castillo (91 steps on each side and 1 on top to make 365 steps total


City found N of D.F.


1st great civilization to rise in Central Mexico

Located basically in a Lake "Floating City"

Spain drained the lake


Topiltizin: King; focuses worship in Quetzalcoatl

Civilizing Deity: Does away with Human sacrifices

Throws down on the other Gods (Tezcaptilpoca)

indiscretion with his sister forced to be in exile promising to return to rule

He leaves to Yucatan (reason for Toltec influence in Chichen-itza


Feathered-serpent God

Deity that protects Toltec history


Mexico City Deity

Symbol of the Jaguar

Believed the human population came from giants who ate acorns, the fate of the human race is to be eaten by jaguars


Primary Aztec sun god: led migration to the island where Aztecs lived; on Tenochititlan finds cactus with eagle eating a serpent on it; a sign of where they need to build their civilization (were nomadic, conquering all)

He is the God of war and human sacrifice

Temple Mayor dedicated to him and Tlaloc: at the bottom of the temple the re-enact birth of Huitzlilopochtli: Chopping sister and throwing body parts everywhere


Aztec main city: built on an island in the lake

Built paths/bridges to get to the island

aqueducts built for fresh water into city


Aztec nobles


aztec Merchants

traded over long distances


the commoner social class of the Mexica


Aztec: groups of families that controlled the use of the land and performed other territorial functions, as well as performing social functions

Land Divided and Farmed by them


an Aztec commoner-rural tenants who worked on the lands of nobility

Moctezuma II

reigning when indigenous met Europeans

no militarily minded: likes supernatural myths, etc

Killed during the initial stages of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, when Hernan cortes and his men fought to escape from the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan

Son of Huitzilopotli and his 4th wife


The Aztec language. Also spoken by the ancient toltec people


1 of the major groups unconquered by Aztecs

Aztecs tried to intimidate them into joining; if not they'd go to war and pay tribute

sided with Spaniards (Cortes) when they came through; help them defeat Aztecs, provided a safeguard, built brigadines for them to use in the final night

Leader: Zempoala


Originally a Muslim Kingdom, last kingdom to be defeated in the Spanish Reconquista

Has a city in Central America named after it, Moorish Heritage


Battle of Covadonga: Beginning of Reconquest

Pelayo: Captain leading Christians over Muslims; later becomes King of Asturias (N Spain)

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

Becomes a battle of Religions: Christians vs. Muslims; Christians want them out of Spain

Took over 400 years to complete Reconquista.

Prestor John

Descendant of one of the 3 Magi, a generous ruler and a virtuous man, preside over realm l of riches and strange creatures.

The Portuguese convinced themselves that they had found him in Ethiopia

His kingdom was the object of guests, firing the imaginateions of generations of adventurers, but remaining ever out of reach

Bartolomeu Dias

Portugal Explorer

Sailed around Cape Horn in Africa

Francisco de Victoria

Founder of global political philosophy

Spanish philosopher

Founder of the School of Salamanca

Founder of International Law

Spaniards have no rights to enslave Indigenous

Prince Henry the Navigator

Cape St. Vincent, Sagres, Portugal

Set up School of Navigation>>Find gold, ivory, sage

Goal is a crusader: Drive the Muslims out

Martin Alonso Pinzon

Spanish Mariner, shipbuilder, navigator and explorer

saild with Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to the new world in 1492

Captain of the Pinta

Book of Prophecies

compilation of apocalyptic religious revelations writen by Christopher Columbus towards the end of his life

conveys the medieval notion that in order for the end of the world/second coming to occur, certain events must first be enacted

Hans Koning

Author/journalist. Writer of Columbs: His Enterprise: Exploding the Myth.

States that Columbus was just a typical whiteman and school boy hero

Completely bags on Columbus, discredits all achievemenets, and is just mad that he wasn't the one that discovered America.

S.E. Morison

American historian noted for his works of maritime history

Wrote Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus

America would have eventually been discovered, with or without him

Palos de la Frontera

The place from which Columbus set sail in 1492

Martin Waldseemuller

German cartographer, credited with the first recorded usage of the word America on a map in honor of the Florentine Explorer Amerigo Vespucci


Vasco de Gama

Portugues Explorer

First European to reach India by Sea, linking Europe and Asia for the first time by ocean route



Spanish used the word as a title for the leaders of the other indigenous groups they encountered in the territories they occupied

In colonial Mexico, Caciques and their families were considered part of the Mexican nobility, often holding the Spanish noble honorific don and dona and some having entailed estates

Treaty of Tordesillas

Line of Demarcation between Spain and Portugal (1493)

370 leagues west of Cape Verde island

Spain got west side, Portugal got East

Set up after Columbus' 1st voyage (1492)


granted as reward who had served the crown

Indigenous leaders in charge of labor

Take responsibility for instruction in the Christian life, Spanish, and protection from others

extract tribute from natives in form of labor, gold, and other products

Nicolas de Ovando

Sailed in 4th and Final Journey of Columbus (1502) and he's appointed Governor

Queen Isabel sends him with Pizarro to bring sugar cane inorder to make new land profitable

Hispaniola becomes storehouses for Exploration

2 Orders: Make a profit and protect the people

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Takes possession of the South sea for Spain (1514)

Pedro Arias de Avila

1440-1531: "Pedrarias"

1513 named to govern Tierra Firme

Destroys all order: Brutal and Greedy

Antonio de Motesinos

Spanish Dominican Friar who was a missionary on the island of Hispaniola

Preached against enslavement and harsh treatment of the indians

Preaching led ot Bartoleme de las Casas' conversion

Bernadino de Sahagun

Franciscan Friar in New Spain

early anthropologist: tried to make it easire to convey the Christian religion to the indian people by making their gods saints, associating blood atonement of Christ with Blood Sccrifice, Christian baptism with Aztec Baptism

Wrote the Florentine Codex

Bartolome de las Casas

Spanish historian, social reformer>> Dominican Friar

participated in Encomienda system until Enlightened (1515)>>gave up his slaves and encomienda>> supported indigenous rights: Goal to get rid of Encomienda System

Transcribed the logs of Columbus for a history book

Black Legend

Term that Bartolome de las Casa gave to Spain saying that they killed and tortured all the indians


Read to the Indigenous people

The New land was given to them by God> they have authority from Peter to the Pope. Governed in Christian manner. They must obey and cooperate>they have been donated to the Kingdom. Required to be subjects to Spain, let missionaries teach. Not required to be Christians. It's a choice, the right one. Your own fault if you don't comply

Juan Gines de Sepulveda

The adversary of Bartolome de las Casas

justifies Spanish conuest of the Indies because Indians live in sin> They deserve this

Amerindians were natural-born slaves

Aristotle's theory on "natural slavery"

They were barbarous and inhuman and therefore didn't deserve property, destined to serve their masters

Diego de Velasquez

active in leading the conquest of Cuba in 1511 under Diego Columbus

Founded many new settlements and cities

appointed governor of Cuba, new settlers didn't want to be under Columbus so He created general Cabildo (local government council) which was authorized to deal directly with Spain, avoiding Columbus' authority

Hernan Cortes

Works for Velazquez and helps him set up Cuba (his #2 to Governor)

Goes to Mexico against Velazquez' will and conquers it. Writes letters Carlos explaining why

Lots of power, Carlos V doesn't like him

"the butcher" because of how cruel he is

Conquers Tenochtitlan


Dona Marina: sold to the Mayans then to Cortes

Malinche: Wanderer: smart, helps cortes conquer Mexico, his interpreter and mistress

Has his first son, first Mestizo


last aztec king who ruled

executed by Cortes in 1525

held captive in Tenochtitlan

Juan de Zumarraga

First bishop of Mexico

deemed protector of the Indigenous people but at the time did not have the power to enforce anything

Beltran Nuno Guzman

Ccolonial administrator in New Spain

sent to Mexico to control Cortes' conquest of the Aztec empire, king worried he was becoming too powerful

stripping them of their encomiendas and give it to new comers

1537 is arrested for treason

Establishes Audencia


an appellate court in Spain and its empire

name of the institution: Royal Audience

Antonia de Mendoza

1st Viceroy of Mexico and 2nd in Peru

embodiment of the Charles V and has all power

Executive Judiciary, oversees church in Mexico: Viceroys there to diminish power of the conquistadores: enslaves Indians

Cortes dies and has free way of Spanish gov't: All power to Charles

Obedezco pero no cumplo: doesn't order out

Charles V

aka: Charles I

Jealous of Cortes because of his power in the new world

strips Cortes of his power and makes him a Viceroy

Marcos of Nice

Sent up to investigate the story of the 7 cities of Cibula, in search for El Dorado

Franciscan Friar

Explores north of Sonora with Cabeza de Vaca

Claimed he saw Cibola from a distance comparing it to Mexico City>>Coronado makes expedition, Nice as the guide>>Disappointment

Hernando de Soto

Starts in Central America>becomes governor of FL, "Knight in Shining armor" because he was traveling through the U.S. 1st to get to Mississippi river

Soto dies in Mississippi and survivors go back to Mexico

The one that gets Atahualpa to come down to meet Pizarro

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Leads expedition to Northern Mexico to Grand Canyon

Don't find 7 cities full of gold, but find lots of tribes who have copper

Make it to Quivira (KS) in search for gold (El Dorado)

hard to know what to do with land, not big economical institution


Located in Modern day Bolivia

Pedro Cieza de Leon came upon these remains while in search for the Inca Capital Qullasuyu

One of most important civilizations in Inca Empire: Ritual capital and administrative capital; major state power for 500 years


Indigenous peoples of the Andes


Language of the Incas

Still spoken today in the Andes Area

Manco Capac Inca

Legendary first Inca ruler

name comes from the origin of the Incas

Myth of Pacariqtambo: cave housed 4 couples from flood and they survived

son of the sun and married his sister mama huanco

First Sapa Inca

Huayna Capac

last Sapa Inca ruler before the Spanish set land in the Americas

Dies from Fever: smallpox (?)

2 of his sons (Huascar and Atahualpa became engaged in civil war over throne: Regional struggle vs. Brotherly struggle


Eldest son of Huayna Capac and principal wife Coya (from Cuzco)

Huascar at first didn't want it, Atahualpa takes it and tries to move capital to Quito, Civil War> the people want Huascar

Spaniards arrive at this moment


held prisoner by Pizzarro in Cajamarca (there just after winning the civil war) and gave gold and silver to pay the ransom for his freedom

Executed after being forced to be baptized: strangled him, burnt his body, and threw ashes in the river

Atahualpa wanted Huascar dead


Clan and the basic building block of the Indian Society

Everyone identified themselves with their clan

The Ayllu was similar to Yin and Yang>>had upper and lower part, each ruled separtely by 2 different leaders

Self sustained


head or chief of the Ayllu: Ethnic Lord

Kuraka was the provider for the people: Reciprocity: provided for in return: Redistributes all products (food, services, etc) with in the Ayllus

No trading, people living at different sea levels to produce agriculture at different levels



Sent out by the Kuraka to establish an Archipelago (Island)

Resettlement: groups of families taken from their communities by the Inca State and transferred to loyal or conquered towns to perform political, cultural, social, and economic functions


A Specialist: craftsman, bureaucrat

Taken out of their Ayllu to serve the emperor in Cusco

Once removed from their Ayllu, they would lose their association with their Ayllu


Sacred object, person, or place

Incas take them to Cusco and hold it hostage to enforce cooperation from the Ayllus


Capital City of the Inca Empire

Navel of the World


from ruling a simple Chiefdom came to rule a great empire: The Tawantinsuyu (land of 4 corners)

Ruler of the Kingdom of Cusco

Francisco Pizarro

conquers Peru nd establishes Cuzco as cpital of Peru in 1535

pig farmer in Spain, competitive but not equally cruel as Cortes (from the same city)

Worked with Almagro, but killed him b/c didn't like competition

captures Atahualpa from cajamarca and executes him, Pizarro is murdered in Lima

Francisco Pizarro (continued)

Hernando de Luque is the priest that helps him, does the numbers

Pizarro takes back all his relatives and appoints himself the captain in charge and Almagro is #2

Civil war to his benefit

founded lima when Cuzco was attacked

Pizarro and battle of Sacsayhuaman

St. James appears and mar and they receive help, won because Amargro arrived from Chile and then seizes Cuzco

PIzarro retakes Cuzco and executes Amargro

Pizarro is murdered in his house by Amargros people

Peru is left as a very chaotic place without order

Diego de Almagro

Pizzarro's #2: got to Peru too late and missed out on the plunder

given the land below Peru but wasn't happy

Credited as the first European to discover Chile

Took over Cuzco and then was killed by Pizarro, his men kill Pizarro after his death

Manco Inca

chosen to be the puppet ruler of the Incas. works with Pizarro and Spaniards

Altahuala's rival

got fed up with how he and his people were being treated so he left with a horse, came back and attacked the Spaniards in Cuzco

Pedro de Alvarado

appeared in Peru after Pizarro has won and Pizarro tells him to get out

Governor of Guatemala

Participates in conquest of Cuba while exploring Yucatan by Cortes

Known for the cruelty of his treatment of native populations nad mass murders committed in subjugation of the natives

Blasco Nunez de Vela

First Spanish Viceroy of Peru

charged by Charles with enforcement of controversial New Laws which dealth with failure of Encomienda System to project the Indians from the rapacity of the conquistadors and their descendants

tries to enforce new laws of 1542, but rebellion breaks out and he's killed

No political sense: Do as I say!

New Laws of 1542

New Laws by Charles I b/c of reformers (las Casas), there to improve the lot with the indians

Get rid of Encomienda System: can keep for 3 generations, then goes back to the crown

Treat natives better

No new encomiendas given

Francisco de Orellana

First to navigate the entire length o fthe Amazon River

Float all the way down, no way of turning back to the atlantic (1511-1546)

lost an eye in battle


City of Bolivia one of the major Silver mines in all the world

1545 Diego Guallpa foudn a bunch of silver on a mountain, which was the rich hill of Potosi

Economic motor of Peru


Location of the major source of mercury which was important for mining

Pedro de Valdivia

Spanish conquistador and the first royal governor of Chile

Sent to S Am. in 1534 where he served as Lt. under Pizarro in Peru, acting as one of his 2nds in command

Settled Santiago: Trouble finding instant wealth there, hard to make a profit

Lope de Aguirre

El Loco, styled himself "Wrath of God, Prince of Freedom, king of Tierra Firme" 'Worst man ever Born"

murders leaders, takes over expeditions, writes king and declares independency from Philip II, murders his own daughter in Venezuela

Final expedition down the Amazon in search of El Dorado

Francisco de Toledo

Most tyrannical Viceroy in Peru

"Supreme Organizer" last Inca of Vilcabamba Tupac Amaru executed

tries to reduce indigenous people into central villages: Brings stability to PEru, inspection tour/census, takes MITA institution and uses it for private projects in Potosi


tribute to Inca government in form of labor

public service was required in community-driven projects: building extensive road network

all citizens who could perform labor were required to do so for a set number of days out of a year: "Turn or a Season"

number of days depends on wealth of family

Essay Questions

Rise of Aztec vs. Rise of Incan