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38 Cards in this Set

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What is a Fomite?
inanimate object that microorganisms may attach or become mechanical vectors.
What is Coagulase?
An anticoagulant.
An bacterial enzymes produced by bacterial toxins to keep blood from clotting; fibrinogen.
What is Hyaluronidase?
An enzyme secreted by bacteria such streptococci to hydrolyze hyaluronic acid, a type of polysaccharide that hold together certain cells of the body (connective tissue).
What is an Interferon?
Response to pathogens and tell defenses to eradicate foreign material.
Increase activity of macrophages!!

proteins made and released by the cells in response to the presence of pathogens —
such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites — or tumor cells. They allow communication between cells to trigger the protective defenses of the immune system that eradicate pathogens or tumors. Produced from T cells.
hint= respond and tell.
They're the interference between pathogens and defenses.
What is antibody titer?
a measurement of how much antibody an organism has produced
What is streptokinase?
a protein produced by beta-haemolytic
streptococcus and is used as an effective and inexpensive
clot-dissolving medication
What is collagenase?
Breaks down the protein collegen which forms the connective tissue of muscles and other body organs and tissues.
assist in destroying extracellular structures in pathogenesis of bacteria such as Clostridium. They are an exotoxin (a virulence factor) and help to facilitate the spread of gas gangrene.
They normally target the connective tissue in muscle cells and other body organs.
What are Antibodies?
used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects, such as bacteria and viruses.
hint= Immune system identifies and neutralize foreign objects.
What organism causes phallodin and amanitin?
What organism causes aflatoxin?
Aspergillus. Animal feeds.
What organism causes paralytic shellfish poisoning?
What organism causes Fungal meningitis?
What organism causes Thrush?
Trichophyton=athletes feet.
What organism causes Botulism?
What organism causes Exfoliatin; scalded skin syndrome?
What organism causes Enterotoxin (food poisoning)?
Clostridium perfingenes.
What organism causes "S"carlet fever?
Streptococcus pyogenes
What organism causes Gas gasgrene?
clostridium perfringens
What organism causes Tetanus?
Clostridium tetani
What organism causes Diphtheria?
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
What is referred to as “rice water stools”?
This displays the formation of a pseudomembrane.
The “strawberry tongue” is associated with ___ ___.
Scarlet fever.
The “snap, crackle, pop” sound due to tissue destruction stems from __ ___.
gas gangrene.
“floppy baby syndrome” is a result of ___.
This is associated with hallucinations; Salem witch trials.
Ergot toxin= clavicep
This forms “black eschar” lesion.
Name three viral diseases of the nervous system.
1- Arboviral encephalitis
2- Rabies
3- Poliomyelitis.
hint= nervous old folks.
Name the seven different types of white blood cells.
1- Basophil
2- Lymphocyte
3- Eosinophil
4- Monocyte
5- Macrophage
6- Neutrophil
7- Dendritic cells
Neutrophil white blood cells generally target ___ and ___.
Hint= neutralize BF.
EEeeooosinophil target ___ and ___ ___.
in allergic reactions
Hint= EEeeoooo...
Basophil increase during ___ ___.
allergic reactions.
Lymphocyte are considered :
Natural killer cells: virus-infected and tumor cells.
hint= lymphs are natural born killers.
Monocyte white blood cells differentiate into:
tissue resident macrophages or dendritic cells.
hint= Morph into macros or dendritics.
MACROphage are :
Big eaters.
role is to phagocytose (engulf and then digest) cellular debris and pathogens either as stationary or as mobile cells, and to stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to the pathogen.
Dendritic white blood cells' main purpose is to ___ ___.
antigen-presenting cells.

main function is to process antigen material and present it to other cells of the immune system.
hint= Present antigens.
Gift givers. They present antigens to other cells.
What is a hapten?
elicit an immune response
only when attached to a large
carrier such as a protein
What is a hapten?
Elicit an immune response when attached to a large carrier like a protein