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37 Cards in this Set

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What is this showing and tell me about it?
Algae; not a taxon;photoautotrophic eukaryotes that are not plants;many groups that are not closely related to each other;some algae produce harmful algal blooms - HABs
Chlorophyta is?
green algae;chlorophylls a and b, cellulose in cell walls, storage molecule starch;probably the group from which plants evolved
Stramenopila (candidate kingdom)
contains several groups of algae and also the “water molds”
flagellated cells have 2 flagella, one with hairy projections
phyla of algae
Phaeophyta (brown algae)
Bacillariophyta (diatoms)
Oomycota - water molds
is giant kelp; is harvested off the coast of California, partly for algin
algin is used as a thickener in many foods
algin is used in rubber tires and hand lotion
pictures of diatoms
domoic acid intoxication
produced by diatoms;can cause memory loss and diarrhea in humans
Picture of what?
Pseudonitzschia;causes harmful algal blooms HABs
amnesic shellfish poisoning ASP
Picture of What?
Aureococcus anophagefferens;very tiny - nannoplankton;in recent decade causes “brown tides” on east coast (first noted in 1987);kills some filter-feeders by clogging their feeding apparatus
What's this?
Phytophthora infestans;late blight of potatoes
caused famine in Ireland
What this?
Porphyra;source of nori
What's this?
Alexandrium;(a dinoflagellate);produces a saxitoxin - binds and blocks sodium ion channels;paralytic shellfish poisoning - PSP;
muscle relaxation - no breathing;
What's this?
Pfiesteria piscicida;Possible Estuary Associated Syndrome (PEAS);massive fish kills;people also affected - memory loss, confusion, skin irritation, headaches, liver damage;found east coast of U.S.
malaria; sexual reproduction in Anopheles mosquito - definitive host
infects human red blood cells - intermediate host
Plasmodium vivax
benign malaria
Toxoplasma gondii;toxoplasmosis;cats are an essential part of the life cycle;sexual phase in the intestine of cats -definitive host
oocysts shed in feces
Cryptosporidium parvum; cryptosporidiosis;choleralike diarrhea of 10-14 days’ duration;1957 recogized as human pathogen;oocysts ingested
Trichomonas vaginalis;has an undulating membrane;human parasite - found in vagina and male urethra - sexually transmitted - or on toilet seat-causes vaginitis with a copious, frothy greenish-yellow, foul smelling discharge
Giardia lamblia;giardiasis;archaezoan - found in small intestine of humans and other mammals;cysts excreted in feces;prolonged diarrhea, malaise, nausea, flatulence, weakness, weight loss, abdominal cramps - often with distinct odor of hydrogen sulfide in breath or stool
Entamoeba histolytica;amoebic dysentary;pathogenic
uses proteins called lectins to attach to galactose on the plasma membrane oligosaccharides
causes cell lysis;transmitted through cysts in feces
Naegleria fowleri;meningocephalitis -PAM (primary amoebic meningitis);Euglenozoan –probably not;contracted in swimming water - migrates via olfactory nerves to brain;fatality rate is nearly 100% - diagnosis at autopsy;Global warming
Leishmania;leishmaniasis;from female sand fly (Phlebotomus);widespread and complex disease
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense;African trypanosomiasis - sleeping sickness;bite of tsetse fly - death in 2-4 years
Trypanosoma cruzi;Chaga’s disease;protozoan disease of the cardiovascular system
occurs in southern Texas, Mexico, Central America and parts of South America;vector - reduviid bug - kissing bug
bites near lips - may defecate while biting;disease most dangerous to children;parasite damages nerves controlling peristaltic action of esophagus or colon
organs become grossly enlarged
10-30% die of complications after decades of infection
Cellular slime mold Dictyostelium
Plasmodial slime mold, Physarum
Clonorchis sinensis;Asian liver fluke
Paragonimus westermani
lung fluke;Definitive host – humans – fluke lives in bronchioles; liberates eggs into bronchi; swallowed and released in feces
Schistosoma haematobium;blood flukes;Can cause damage to bladder, liver, brain;
Slender females live in a groove in the male, continually producing eggs;Schistosomiasis
Debilitating disease;intermiadiate host is snails
Taenia saginata; beef tapeworm
Taenia solium;pork tapeworm; humans can be both the definitive and intermediate host; can cause cysticercosis encysts in human tissues, sometimes in the eye, sometimes in the brain
Echinococcus granulosus;dog and wolf tapeworm; encysts in humans – hydatid cyst – brood capsule
Enterobius vermicularis;pinworms;
Eggs infective to humans;Females come out at night and lay eggs around the anus which becomes itchy and is scratched transferring eggs to hands
Necator americanus;hook worms;Larvae penetrate through skin, even of foot;
Live in small intestine after traveling through lungs;
Suck blood from intestinal lining
Ancyclostoma duodenale
hook worm similar to Necator americanus
Ascaris lumbricoides;Infects over 1 billion people worldwide
Young worms pass through lungs before they settle in human small intestine;ascariasis;
Eggs infective for humans
Trichinella spiralis;trichinellosis;Acquired by eating undercooked pork, horsemeat or game especially bear;larvae encyst in human muscle, often in diaphragm and eye muscles