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188 Cards in this Set

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Who discovered penicillin?
T or F?: Cholera is caused by the bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. This disease has been virtually eliminated in both developed and developing countries?
The fungi, algae and protozoa are all eukaryotes?
Photosynthesis is performed by:
A) Bacteria
B) Fungi
C) Protozoa
A)Bacteria b/c it is a prokaryote and does not have chlorophyll
An organism with 80s and 70s ribosomes could be a _____?
Yeast (eukaryotic) b/c prokaryotes have 50s and 30s and have 70S ribosomes.
Streptococcus mutans causes caries. its virulence factor is produced in the presence of ___
____ and ____ bacterial structures allow adhesion
Capsules and pili
Identify arrangements of flagella: peritrichous, amphitrichous, monotrichous, and lophotrichous
peri= surrounding the perimeter. amphi- tufts on left and right. lopho is a tuft on one side. mono- one single flagella on end.
Gram positive cell wall contains teichoic acids? T/F
Describe Gram positive wall
Thick layer of peptidoglycan, teichoic acids.
Describe Gram negative cell wall.
Thick outer membrane, thin layer of peptidoglycan.
Penicillin is effective only in Gram ___ cell walled bacteria b/c___?
Gram-positive b/c gram negatives have a outer membrane that the penicillin cannot reach the inside peptidoglycan layer.
Describe bacterial cell growth.
Lag phase- no cell number increase. This is when they prepare to multiply by making necessary structures.
LOG PHASE- cell growh exponential constant rate. most susceptible to antibiotics at this time.
Stationary phase- cell number is constant b/c as cells are made, some die.
DEATH phase- when total number of viable cells decreases as cells die off at a constant rate.
Blood agar is ____ medium. Most bacteria will grow on blood agar. Those which lyse red cells are distinguished by a zone of clearing around the colonies.
Bacteria divide through ___
binary fission
what is the log base 5 of 25?

Definition of Generation Time
The time required for a population to double in number. Ex. E.coli doubles every 20 minutes
Definition of Growth rate constant (K)
how many doublings per unit time (generations/ hour)
K= (log B final - log B initial) / 0.3 (time)
ex. E.coli has a K of 3 gen/hr if generation time is 20 minutes
Ampicillin is an antibiotic T/F?
Filtration can be used to remove bacteria from a liquid, but is ineffective in removing viruses b/c..._
viruses are too small to be retained by the filter
Gamma rays:
A) have the ability to penetrate materials
B) cause formation of highly reactive molecules
C) are used to sterilize some foods
What processes are used to preserve foods?
salting, drying, adding sugar
the best way to keep workbench sterile in the evenings when he's not at work is to :
expose the bench to UV light at night. UV light sterilzes.
which microbe is smallest between yeast, helminths, virus, and E.coli
Filtration can be used to remove bacteria from a liquid, but is ineffective in removing viruses b/c..._
viruses are too small to be retained by the filter
Gamma rays:
A) have the ability to penetrate materials
B) cause formation of highly reactive molecules
C) are used to sterilize some foods
What processes are used to preserve foods?
salting, drying, adding sugar
the best way to keep workbench sterile in the evenings when he's not at work is to :
expose the bench to UV light at night. UV light sterilzes.
which microbe is smallest between yeast, helminths, virus, and E.coli
Restriction/ modification systems, present in many bacteria, help to protect them from ____
Viral infections
Restriction endonuclease's recognition sequence are palindromes. Give an example of one.
AAGCTT because
Gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments according to___
size.. the shorter fragments travel longer towards the positively charged electrode. It's stained with ethidium bromide and viewed under UV light
Primary atypical pneumonia's infectious agent is most likely to be ____ ____
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Dr. E. Lazowski and Dr. S. Matulewics saved a multitude of Polish males from serving in the Nazi army by ___
injecting them with Proteus vulgaris
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is found and transmitted by?
- Usually found in east coast... transmitted by ticks, mites, or lice. It is a serious Rickettsia rickettsii disease
Algae are generally not pathogenic. The Dinoflagellates, which are photosynthetic, can cause paralysis in a human when the human _____
ingests shellfish in which the toxin has accumulated.
Basidiomycetes are ___. Zygomycetes are ___.
Ascomycetes are ___
Deuteromycetes are ___.
Bas- mushrooms
zygo- bread mold
asco- bakers yeast
deut- other...
Potent Mycotoxin is produced by ___, ____, ____
-amanita verma
-claviceps purpurea
-aspergillus flavis
ringworm is caused by a ___
Candida albicans causes Candidiasis which include___, ____, _____
thrush, vaginitis, and superficial infections
cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is caused by ___ ____
Cryptococcus neoformans
-not photosynthetic.
-Do not have no known pathogenic species.
-Cannot reach up to six meters in length...

Instead they are:
-microscopic, unicellular
-usually motile
-reproduce by asexual fission

-Mastigophora- flagella
-Sarcodina- pseudopods
-Ciliophora- ciliates
sporozoa- spores
The cyst form of a protozoan is metabolically active? T/F?
Ballantidium coli is the only known pathogen of the ___
Giardiasis, trichomoniasis, african sleeping sickness, and chagas' disease are all caused by ___
giardiasis is contracted by ____ ___ ____
drinking contaminated water
African sleeping sickness is transmitted by the ___ __
tsetse fly
Malaria can be transmitted by a ____ type of mosquito
specific. Many cases of malaria worldwide.
Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis. It is:
- not life-threatening in a healthy adult
-disastrous to a first trimester fetus
-can involve the brain and other organs of an immunocompromised adult.
flatworms (trematodes and cestodes):
-requires intermediary hosts
-flukes, tapeworms
Dioecious organisms have
two distinct sexes
larvae from hookworms and schistosomes both ___ the skin
if pork with trichinella spirilum is left on the counter overnight...
-nothing will happen b/c it is metabotically inactive in muscle tissue as cysts.
Wuchereria bancrofti is transmitted by mosquitoes and cause
Elephantiasis, blocking circulation in the lymphatic system
Larvae transmitted by the water flea infesting village water is reduced by::
-filtering the water through cheesecloth, and sterilizing the water
A bacteriophage can infect a wide range of bacterial species. T/F?
Animal viruses contain DNA or RNA. T/F?
Animal viruses and bacteriophage have a nuclecapsid as the core of their structure. T/F?
Bacteriophage cannot lyse or lysogenize the infected cell. T/F?
The first step in an infection by an animal virus and by a bacteriophage is adsorption. T/F?
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is pathogenic only if a particular virus has lysogenized it. This is an example of ____ ____
lysogenic conversion
HIV, Herpes zoster, Herpes simplex, and Hepatitis B all cause an acute infection with no persistence. T/F?
False. they all have repeating occurences.. and are chronic/ latent.
Papilloma virus (DS DNA) causing warts is the least likely to carry enzymes in its ___
Every virus produces (+) RNA as part of its life cycle. T/F?
Retroviruses are ____
single stranded RNA viruses.
papilloma has not been associated w/ malignancy. T/F?
Viroids are infectious circular RNA molecules that cause ___ _ ____
diseases in plants.
Prions are ____ ___ that cause brain degneration
infectious proteins
Type of relationship where both parties benefit is ___
microbial population change significantly due to ____ and ___ ___
selection and physiological adaptations usually by floods/ sudden change of environments
one would expect to find more microbial biodiversity ___ _ _ ___
close to the shoreline
rhizosphere is :
the area surrounding plant roots
Some bacteria fix ___ ____ so it can be incorporated into biomass by plants and animals
atmospheric nitrogen
One would want to find denitrifying bacteria ____
in the wastewater treatment plant. Changing Nitrate to nitrite.
purpose of waastewater treatment is to ___ __.
reduce BOD
solids are removed during the :
primary and secondary treatment.
secondary wastewater treatment is:
the microbial degradation of organic material. a biological process designed to convert most of solids to inorganic compounds and cell mass that can be removed.
water is routinely tested for
coliform bacteria
The confirmed test detects ___
____ is the utilization of microbes to reduce the toxicity of pollutants.
salmonella food poisoning symptoms occur
after a day or so of ingesting the chicken
enterotoxin from Staphy aureus causes ___
vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps.. hamburger meat even cooked
E.coli infections have been associated with ___ types of food
neutrophils and macrophage both ___
are phagocytic
The alternative pathway of the complement system:
-series of proteins that circulate the body. they work with the activities of antibodies. they are inactive when body is okay.. but stimuli of foreign invaders trigger responses. - opsonizes C3b to cell surfaces
interferon is produced in response to
double stranded RNA
interferon purpose is to
protect only surrounding cells from the virus
skin, cilia lining the respiratory tract, lysozyme in tears, and acidity of stomach are all ____ ___
non-specific defenses.
White blood cells develop from stem cells in the ___ ___
bone marrow
inflammation is triggered by
-Tissue damage
-Complement system
Fever can be induced y ___ or ___ pyrogens.
endogenous, or exogenous
Ethidium bromide causes frameshift mutations. T/F?
Nitrosic Guanidine causes __ __ __
base pair substitions
E.coli has no __.
Enzymes speed up reactions by:
decreasing the activation energy.
T/F? NAD+ has more energy than NADH?
The intermediates of catabolic reactions :
are often used in anabolic reactions
increasing temperature of E.coli to 80 degree celsius will knock out the enzymes by
altering the tertiary structure
Anaerobic respiration and fermentation differ:
the final electron acceptor during fermentation is internal.
Cyanide binds to cytochromes in ETC, preventing transfer of elctrons... what will happen if cyanide is added to a culture of E.coli growing aerobically?
- terminate the production of ATP
-result in a buildup of NADH
E.coli mutant that cannot make enzyme superoxide dismutase is ___
an obligate anaerobe
During fermentation, ___ can be an electron acceptor.
- inorganic terminal electron acceptor is not available.
UV light causes ___
thymine dimers- covalent bonds between neighboring base pairs on same strand.
Xrays cause:
-single/double strand breaks in DNA, and base alterations.
the synthesis of RNA using DNA template.
synthesis of Protein from mRNA template.
Leading strand is the strand starting with the ___
RNA primers are required for making new DNA from ____ strands
DNA replication in E.coli requires __
-DNA polymerase
Transcription requires:
ribonucleotides and RNA polymerase
Ratio of G to C is always 1 in
bacterial DNA (double stranded)
Thymine base pairs with
Uracil replaces
Translation occurs where?
on the ribosome in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
introns are present in
eukaryotic DNA
___, ___, ___, ___ are known mutagens
-5-bromo uracil
-nitrous acid
-ethidium bromide
-uv light
A wild-type organism is ___
a strain whose properties are similar to the organism first isolated from nature.
a microorganism that requires an organic growth factor
no requirements for organic growth factors b/c it can make them
If e.coli is gowing on minimal salt medium w/ lactose and glucose.. which operon will be 'on'?
tryptophan operon
Lactose is a __ in the lactose operon
A non-functional protein results in
penicillin enrichment of mutants :
-increases number of auxotrophic mutants.
-penicillin kills only growing cells, the prototrophs will grow and die while the non-multiplying auxotrophs will live.
Transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another by bacteriophage is called _
Transformation requires
-competent cells- a state that allows uptake of DNA. It is the transfer of Naked DNA by recipient.
Conjugation occurs
when dna is transferred directly from one bacteria to another in contact.
The F-factor can integrate into the bacterial chromosome by
site-specific recombination
R-factors are:
-often carry resistance genes to multiple antibiotics
-transfer a copy of themselves to recipients
-do not recombine with the host cell's chromosome
The donor remains a donor and reipient becomes a ___ in F+ mating.
Donor and recipient both become F' after mating. T/f?
Donor and recipient both become HFR after mating?
False. Donor becomes HFR. Recipient is not.
A succesful PCR reaction requires
-DNA polymerase
For a successful PCR reaction to take place, the primers must bind at:
-close to 3'
Sequencing reation is similar to PCR in that melting, annealing, and extension occurs in __ cycles
PCR uses ___ primer(s). Sequencing uses __ primer(s)
PCR= 2
Sequencing= 1
Epidemic is
a sharp increase in number of cases.
a worldwide epidemic
swine flu affects our ___,___,___
alveoli, respiratory tract.. causing our immune system to be hurt
Difference between antibodies?
The constant regions of their heavy chains.
MHC (major histocompatibility complex) is used for?
cell donation: organ transplant rejection determination
T cell receptor and immunoglobulins are same b/c
they have the ability to generate multiple specificities.
T cell receptor and immunoglobulin are different b/c
t cell are mono.. only one can bind to one while Igs have Two binding sites
T-cytotoxic (CD8) cells are involved in
apoptosis (it programs an infected host cell to die)
T-helper (CD4) cells are involved in
helping response to T-cytotoxic cells.
passive immunity is
when the immune response occured in a different individual. It can still protect you. Maternal antibodies crossing placenta to protect the fetus.
active natural immunity-
when i get chickenpox, i only get it once. i wont get it again.
active artificial immunity
passive natural-
maternal to offspring
passive artificial-
reciving IgG shots.. against meningitis
An antivenom is a __ that has ___ to the venom
-serum, that has antibodies to venom
Inactivated vaccine is
where the virus is killed.
attenuated vaccine is
where the virus is made less pathogenic. it is virulent. it is infecting the host cells. but it shows no symptoms.
Clostridium Tetanii is a ___ ___ that produces ___. the ___ will germinate in the wound.
-obligate aerobe
-produces endospores
-the spores germinate
small pox and polio are virtually eradicated. T/F?
It is difficult to make vaccines against malaria and flu and HIV b/c?
malaria and flu's strains constantly change.
HIV - vaccine may attack our own cells
Type I hypersensitivity-
IgE. heavy chain side is inserted into the mast cells. It triggers mast cells to release histamine- allergin
Type II hypersensitivity-
cytotoxic. Complement lysis. antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicty.
rheumatic fever is associated with Strep throat (Strep pyogenes) and causes____ on the side effect.
rheumatic fever
Rhesus system-
different set of antigens on the red cells either they have it or don't.
It is difficult to make vaccines against malaria and flu and HIV b/c?
malaria and flu's strains constantly change.
HIV - vaccine may attack our own cells
Type I hypersensitivity-
IgE. heavy chain side is inserted into the mast cells. It triggers mast cells to release histamine- allergin
Type II hypersensitivity-
cytotoxic. Complement lysis. antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicty.
rheumatic fever is associated with Strep throat (Strep pyogenes) and causes____ on the side effect.
rheumatic fever
Rhesus system-
different set of antigens on the red cells either they have it or don't.
Rogam treatment is where the mother is injected before delivery so it coats the ___ and wont hurt the baby if __
-coats mother's Rh+ antigens so it wont hurt if the baby is Rh-
Type III sensitivity
immune complex-mediated. activates complement inflammation, tissue damage
Type IV sensitivity
-cell mediated- dermatitis, skin test, infectious diseases like Tb
Primary (inherited) immunodeficiency disorder is where ___
there is a lack of b cell function and t cell function.
Secondary (environmental) immunodeficiency occurs when
malnutrition, organ transplants
communicable disease is transferred from ___
person to person
neoplastic is the formation of
nosocomial disease is acquired in a
Iatrogenic is caused by a
medical treatment ( UTI is most common)
epidemiology is a study of
how diseases are transmitted population-wise
The ___ the incubation period, the ___ chance one has to transmit the disease to another host.
Longer, more
lyme disease is an emerging disease caused by G- spirochete, borrelia borgdorfei. symptoms include:
bullseye shape rash, flue like, arthritis. Treatable if found early.
Chicken pox is caused by ____ ____
Varicella herpes zoster virus
measles is caused by ____.
paramyxovirus family. It causes serious secondary bacterial infections, lung damage, brain damage. Immunodeficiency like HIV.. but not chronic.
Rubella is caused by ___
togavirus family. it causes birth defects. Vaccination is available.
Warts are caused by ___
papilloma virus. Benign skin tumors. Associated w/ cervix cancer.
Strep pyogenes causes____
flesh eating by unusual toxins pyrotoxin and protease.
pseudo aeruginosa causes ___
green pus... in burn wounds
Tetanus is caused by ____
Clostridium tetani. G+ so no endotoxin b/c no outermembrane
Normal flora of the lower urethra include:
Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Haemophilus, Streptococcus, and Bacteroides
Toxic Shock syndrome is caused by
Staphylococcus aureus. By toxins absorption in bloodstream. it can occur anywhere. treatable w/ antibiotics. usually associated with tampons. b/c tampons are left in too long and staphy grow.
gonorrhea is caused by
neisseria gonorrhoeae. it expresses different surface antigens and binds to host membranes. G- cocci. transmitted high b/c asymptomatic
syphilis is caused by
treponema pallidum. it is a small painless sore at the site of the infection and goes unnoticed but it migrates to other body parts. Primary and secondary are pathogenic. Tertiary is not infectious... it affects the nervous sytem and causes insanity.. death. Gummas- large swoolen area of bacteria growth in lungs, brains, etc.
Genital herpes 1 is ____
Genital herpes 2 is _____
1- above the waist
2- below the waist.
Human to human transmit.
Life long infection.