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192 Cards in this Set

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Neisseria Gonorrhoea

Lobar Pneumonia

Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Staphyloccus Aureus

Scarlet Fever

Streptococcus Pygenes

Tissue Gas

Clostridium Perfringes

Skin Abscesses or Boil

Staphylococcus Aureus


Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Ophthalmia Neonatorum

Neisseria Gonorrhea

Nosocomial Infection

Staphylococcus Aureus

Gas Gangrene

Clostridum Perfringes

Puerperal Sepsis

Streptococcus Pygenes

Food Poisoning

Staphyloccus Aureus

Septic Sore Throat

Streptococcus Pygenes

Rheumatic Fever

Streptococcus Pygenes

Otitis Media

Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Food Intoxication

Clostridum Perfringes

Tularemia is known as

Rabbit Fever

This disease is related to TB and effects persons with HIV

Mycobacterium Avium Complex

This genus of bacteria produces a gram-positive bacterial rod that causes diphtheria


Lyme Disease is caused by the bacteria

Borrelia Burgdorferi

Syphilis is caused by the pathogen

Treponema Padllidum

Tetanus is caused by the pathogen

Clostridium Tetani

The bacteria that is known to generate pus

Streptococcus Pygenes

Tuberculosis is caused by the pathogen

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

One factor that causes the diphtheria bacteria to be virulent is

Pseudomembrane Formation

This disease signs and symptoms include pimples, boils, carbuncles

Skin Infection

Salmonella Typhi cause which of the following disease

Typhoid Fever

Tuberculosis Bacteria is virulent because of

Cell Wall Containing High Lipid Content

All of the following are gram negative except

Clostridium Perfringens

All of the following are lesions from the disease syphilis except

Rose Spot

Escherichia Coli is the causative agent for


Bacillus Anthracis is the causative agent for


Yersinia Pestis is the causative agent for


Shigella Species is the causative agent for


This bacteria causes both epidemic meningitis and meningococcemia

Neisseria Meningitidis

Puerperal Sepsis is also known as

Childbed fever

Another name for tentanus

Lock Jaw

This disease has a bull's eye rash as one of it signs

Lyme Disease

One of the signs of this bacteria is fluid in the lungs which is typical of bacterial pneumonia

Streptococcus Pneumoniae

This is a postmortem disorder

Tissue Gas

St Vitus' dance may be a sign of

Rheumatic Fever

Neisseria Gonorrhea is virulent because this it has


This spirochete is the cause of leptospirosis and may be found in a kitty litter box

Leptospira Interrogans

Another name for a middle ear infection

Otitis Media

The act of introducing disease germs or infectious material into an area or substance


Which bacteria multiplies in the blood commonly known as blood poisoning


The state or conditions in which the body or a part of it is invaded by pathogenic agent that under favorable conditions


The ability to produce pathological changes and disease


Formaldehyde solution 37% by mass and 40% by volume


All of the following are disinfectant suitable for mortuary procedures except

Noble Gases

This method of control is effective if there is direct exposure

Ultraviolet light

These disinfectant would be useful in the terminal disinfection of embalming instruments and equipment


All of the following would be factors influencing the effectiveness of chemical agent used in the control of microbial growth except

Cause of the microorganism

A group of disinfectant that are deactivated in the presence of soap


All of the following are factors that influence the virulence ( make it more virulent) of clostridium perfringens except

Pseudomembrane Formation

Infection in which the organisms are originally confined to one area but enter the blood or lymphatic vessels


Infection caused by microorganism by multiplying or lodging


An infection that is caused by two or more organism

Mixed Infection

All of the following would be direct mode of transmission for infection except


A communicable disease that occurs continuously in a particular region but has a low mortality


Real or genuine disease producing organisms

True pathogen

Microorganism that exit as part of the normal flora


The sum total body of mechanism


Relative power and degree of pathogenicity


The reduction of a microbe virulent


A microbe that is virulent to resist pharmarical to reduce disease

Drug fast

A communicable disease that attacks many people at the same time in the same geographical area


An infection that becomes systemic

General infection

A marker on every cell including invad I pathogens by which the body recognizes unknown cells or disease


Aa carrier usually an insect or other arthropod that transmits the causative organisms of disease from infected


All of the following are defense of the body against infection except


Vehicles of exit of pathogens include all of the following except


The immunity that is the result of placental transfer of antibodies or mother's breast milk

Naturally Acquired Passive

All of the following are sources of infection except

Answer C

A glycoprotein substances developed in response to an interacting

Answer D

The immunity that is the result of having a diseases

Naturally Acquired Active

The immunity that is the result of receiving a vaccination

Artificially Acquired Active

The immunity that is the result of the injection of antibodies in the form of immune

Artificially Acquired Passive

An effective disinfectant and a cold chemical sterilant


Types of disinfectant that includes benzalkonium chloride


The physical method of sterilization that incorporates both free flowing steam and pressure


A compound of iodine and a surfactant such as a detergent that can slowly release the free iodine



Shaped like a sphere or ball


Clustered together similar to grapes


Golden yellow color


True Nucleus


Before Nucleus

The five kingdom used to classify all biological forms

Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia


Study of viruses


Study of fungi


Do not contain either DNA or RNA

The belief that life-forms can spontaneous appear from nonliving matter is

Spontaneous Generation

When first seen by scientists through a microscope, microorganism and cells were referred as


Which of the following refers to the theory that the growth of microorganism can be controlled because living cells can arise from preexisting living cells

Cell Theory

The following refers to the theory that microorganism cause disease

Germ Theory

Refers to the theory that all living beings are composed of individual cells

Cell Theory


Refers to their size, shape, and arrangements


The smallest and simplest self-replicating bacterium, being intermediate in size between viruses and bacteria


A genus of rod-shaped, gram negative, intracellular parasitic bacteria

Chlamydia (birds)

A group of nonmotile, gram negative, intracellular parasites that can cause disease in human


The kingdom protista and are one celled eukaryotes,although some may be colonial with various mechanisms of motility


A group of often filamentous unicellular and multicellular organisms lacking chlorophyll and usually bearing spores


Long, whiplike, filament containing appendages that propel the bacteria

Amphitrichous Bacterium

Has one flagellum at either end of its cell

Lophotrichous Bacterium

Has two or more flagella on either end of its cell

If the glycocalyx is loosely attached to the cell wall, is known as

Slime layer

Vegetative Bacterium

When the endospore germinate, changing back into the fully developed bacterium from which it came


The process of forming an endospore


Are resistant to antibiotics, most disinfectant, and physical agent such as radiation, boiling, and drying

Strict Obligate Saprophytes

Are organisms that only survive on dead or decaying organic matter

Strict Obligate Aerobes

Microorganism that can live in the presence of oxygen


Are bacteria that per cold, thriving at the temperature between 0°C and 25°C (32°-77°F)


Bacteria that prefer moderate temperature and grow best between 25°C and 40°C (77°-104°F)


Bacteria that grows best at high temperature, between 40°C and 70°C (104°-158°F)


Two or more different species of organisms live together in close association


Two different species live in close association to the mutual benefit of each other


Exists when one organism gains some benefits, such as protection or nourishment, and the host is not harmed


The host is harmed, while the parasite receives some benefits


Occurs when the harmonious action of two microorganism produced an effect that neither could produce alone


Is a mutual opposition or contrary action, and in the case of microbial relationship

The three methods of moist heat decontamination are

Boiling, free-flowing steam, and steam under pressure

Cold temperatures

Inhibit the growth of microorganism

Factors influencing chemical agent

Nature of the disinfectant.

Concentration of the disinfectant.

Nature of the material to be disinfected.

Number of microorganism present


Process of completely removing or destroying all life forms, or their products, on or in a substance


The destruction of infectious agents by chemical or physical means directly applied to an inanimate object


The preventing of sepsis by preventing or inhibiting the growth of causative microorganism


A substance that destroys microorganism


An agent that destroys bacteria, but not necessarily their spores


An agent that kills fungi and their spores


An agent destructive to viruses

Disinfectant suitable for mortuary procedures



Conditions characterized by the multiplication of bacteria in blood


Bacteria in the blood is present but not growing or reproducing

Toxin production

A poisoning substance of plant, animal, bacterial, or fungal origin


A toxin produced by a microorganism and excreted into its surrounding medium, generally protein in nature


Bacterial toxin confined within the body of a bacterium freed only when the bacterium is broken down, found only in gram negative bacteria


A living organism that transmits the agents of disease.


An arthropod vector in which the disease causing organism multiplies or develops within the arthropod prior to becoming infective for a susceptible individual


A living organism or an object that is capable of transmitting infection by carrying the disease agent on its external body parts or surface

Endogenous Infection

Infection cause by bacteria that are normally nonpathogenic and that normally inhabit the digestive tract

Exogenous Infection

Infection caused by organisms not present in the body


An enzyme that aids in the blood's ability to clot

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae

A slowly growing, aerobic organism illustrates the characteristic fried-egg appearance.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Is the most severe rickettsial infection, it is caused by Rickettsia Rickettsii

Epidemic Typhus

Known as louse-borne typus, is caused by Rickettsia Prowazekii

Diseases is characterized by the presence of a measles-like- rash on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Diseases might the tongue be covered with a white fur or discolored black and rolled up in the back of the mouth

Epidemic Typhus

The following microorganism undergoes both an infectious stage of growth and a noninfectious stage of growth


Microorganisms is the smallest free-living organism in nature


Cold Sores

Herpes simplex 1 virus


Rubeola Virus


Epstein-Barr Virus


Variola Virus

German Measles

Rubella Virus

Types of hepatitis is spread through contact with blood and body fluids

Hepatitis B

The first vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner, band it was a vaccine for


Skin lesions caused by the herpes zoster virus


Orchitis and sterility can result from


The following disease is spread through handling contaminated cat feces


East Africa sleeping disease

Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense


Candida Albicans


Pneumocystis Carinii

Fungal Meningitis

Cryptococcus Neoformans

Amebic Dysentery

Entamoeba Histolytica

The following refers to fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails


Marlaria is spread through


West African Sleeping Disease ( West African Trypanosomiasis)

Also called gambian sleeping, sickness, is caused by trypanosoma brucei gambiense

Strict Obligate Parasites

An parasite that is completely dependent on its living host for survival


A microorganism that requires little free oxygen

Facultative Bacteria

Having the capacity to do something that is not compulsory, in particular having the ability to live or adapt to certain conditions

Strict Obligate Anaerobes

A microbe that can only survive in an area without oxygen present

Minimum Temperature

Temperature below which bacterial growth will not take place.

Maximum Temperature

Temperature above which bacterial growth will not take place

Normal pH of blood


Osmotic Pressure

Pressure that develop when two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane

Levels of control of microorganisms




Autotrophic Bacteria

Self nourishing bacteria that are capable of growing in the absence of organic compounds

Heterotrophic Bacteria

An organism that requires complex organic food from a carbon source in order to grow and develop

Bacterial Colony

A visible group of bacteria growing on a solid medium, presumably arising from a single microorganism

Binary Fission

A method of sexual reproduction in bacteria, in which the cell splits into two parts, each of which develops into a complete individual

Epstein-Barr Virus

Kissin disease




Comma shaped


Corkscrew shaped

Cell Membrane

Contained within the cell wall


Held in place by cell membrane


Outer shell formed as a protective mechanism


A genus of bacteria that are gram positive organisms occurring in pairs


A genus of gram positive, nonmotile, opportunistic bacteria that tend to aggregate in irregular grape like cluster


A genus of bacteria containing gram negative rods, which form a chain like colony


Short whisker like projection used as a means of attachment


A procaryotic one celled microorganism of the kingdom monera, existing as a free living organisms or as parasite, multiplying by binary fission and having a large range of biochemical properties