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28 Cards in this Set

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Which of these characteristics is not a major factor in adaptive or acquired immunity?
a. specificity
b. chemotaxis
c. recognition
d. memory
Chemotaxis is not a characteristic of acquired or adaptive immunity
The primary B-cell receptor is....
a. IgD
b. IgA
c. IgE
d. IgG
The primary B-cell receptor is IgD
Small cimple molecules are ___ antigens.
a. poor
b. never
c. effective
d. mosaic
Small cimple molecules are poor antigens
Which type of cell actually secretes antibodies?
a. T Cell
b. Macrophages
c. Plasma celss
d. Monocytes
Plasma cells secrete anitbodies
In humans, Bcells mature in the _____and T cells mature in the ______.
The B cells mature in the bone marrow and T cells mature in the Thymus
The CD4 cells are ____ cells and CD8 cells are ____cells.
a. killer, supressor
b. helper, cytotoxic
c. cytotoxic, helper
d. B, T
CD4 cells are helper cells and CD8 cells are cytotoxic cells
Helper T cells receive antigen form ___, and cytotoxic T cells receive antigen from ____.
a. macrophages, b cells
b. class II MC, class I MHC
c. viruses and bacteria
d. class I MHC, class II MHC
Helper T cells receive antigen from class II MHC, and cytotoxic T cells receive antigen from class I MHC
The cross-linkage of antigens by antibodies is found in the ____ fraction of the serum
a. gamma globulin
b. albumin
c. beta globulin
d. alpha globulin
the greatest concentration of anitbodies is found in the gamma globulin fraction of the serum.
T ____ cells assist in the functions of certain B cells and other T cells.
a. sensitized
b. cytotoxic
c. helper
d. natural killer cells
T-helper cells assist in the functions of certain B cells and other T cells
Cytotoxic T cells are important in controlling
a. Virus infection
b. Allergy
c. Autoimmune
d. all of these
Virus infection
Vaccination is synonymous with ___ immunity
Artificial active
Which of the following can serve as antigen presenting cells (APC)?
a. T cells
b. B cells
c. dendritic cells
d. macrophages
e. b, c, d,
B cells, Macrophages, and dendritic cells can serve as antigen-presenting cells (APC)
What does APC stand for?
Antigen-Presenting Cells
a living microbe with reduced virulence that is used for vccination is considered _______.
A vaccine that contains parts of viruses is called ______
Widespread immunity that protects the population from the spread of disease is called.
a. seropositivity
b. cross-reactivity
c. epidemic prophylaxis
d. herd immunity
Herd immunity
DNA vaccines contain ____DNA that stimulates cells to make _____ anitgens.
DNA Vaccines contains microbial DNA that stimulates cells to make protein anitgens
What is the purpose of an adjuvant?
The purpose of adjuvant is to improve the contact between the antigen and lymphocytes
Which immuno globulin is found in mucus secretions?
Which immuno globulin(s) is/are a monomer
IgG, IgD, IgE
What immunoglobulin(s) is a dimer?
Which immunoglobulin has the greatest number of Fabs?
Which immunoglobulin is the first anitbody made during the primary response?
Which immunoglobulin is the first to be made during the secondary response?
What immunoglobulin(s) cross the placenta?
Which immunoglobulins fixes complement?
IgM, IgG
Which immunoglobulin is involved in allergic reactions?
Which immunoglobulin is primarily a surface receDptor on B cells?