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34 Cards in this Set

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Zacharias Janssen

16th Century
Credited for inventing the first truly compound microscope.
2 lenses --> look @ objects
Giovanni Faber

16th Century
credited with inventing the name "microscope"
Robert Hooke

In 1665 Hooke published Micrographia, a book describing his microscopic and telescopic observations, Hooke coined the term cell for describing biological organisms
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

"the Father of Microbiology"
improved of the microscope
observe and describe single celled organisms, known as "ANIMALCULES"
Francesco Redi

One of the men to dispute "Spontaneous Generation"
Did experiment with meat and flies, if flies were prevented from landing on meat, it did not produce maggots
Who disputed Spontaneous Generation?
Francesco Redi (1668)
John Needham (1748)
Lazzaro Spallanzani (1767)
Louis Pasteur (mid 1800s)
John Needham (1748)
did an experiment with mutton gravy.
his theory was organisms molecules reorganized and that they COULD come from non living organisms.
Lazzaro Spallanzani (1767)
redid Needham's experiments and covered the containers and flies did not appear.
What are some of the Contributions of
Louis Pasteur

-Disproved Spontaneous Generation
-Developed Process of Pasteurization
-Found Anthax to be temperature sensitive
-Developed Cholera Vaccine for chickens
-did some work with Anthrax
-did soem work with Rabies Vaccine
- worked with "pebrine" - silkworms
What is Miasma Theory?
Disease that was caused by altered chemical quality of the air. Also known as "BAD AIR".
Girolano Fracostoro

Theory: "contagion is an infection that passes from one thing to another, by direct contact, clothing, eating utensils, and air"
John Snow

(mid 1800s)
Figured out where the Cholera outbreak was coming from, traced back to public street pump. Did interviews and mad a map.
Ignaz Semmelweis

(mid 1800s)
Determined the source of blood poisoning of women during childbirth.
First Epidemiology- had students wash hands in CHLORINE after handling cadavers.
Who was the fist to create a Vaccination?
Edward Jenner (late1700- early1800s)
Theory: contagion can be interupted
Created First Vaccine for Small Pox
-people exposed to cowpox were immune to smallpox-
Robert Koch

-German Scientist
-Studied Anthrax
-Provided evidence to support Germ Theory
-Developed Koch's Postulates
-Developed Pure Culture Technique
What is Koch's Postulates?
Koch’s postulates became standards for linking a specific organism to a specific disease
-The same microorganism are present in every case
-the microorganism can be isolated from the infected host and isolated in a lab
-the disease can be reproduced by infecting a new host with the pure culture
-the same microorganism can be isolated from the second host
What are other contributions from ROBERT KOCH
-Developed Culture Techniques (AGAR) -agar came from Fanny Hesse
-Worked on tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid
-First to grow bacteria on solid media
-use glass/box culture
-Pure culture
-identified colonies
-burning carcisus
Dr. Joseph Lister

First to use and Aseptic technique.
Used carbolic Acid to pray on pts during surgery.
Taxonomy (TAXA)
The science of naming and classifying organisms and placing them into categories based on their evolutionary relationships.
What are the
Classification Groups?

Did King Philip Come Over For Great Spaghetti?
Carolus Linnaeus

"Father of Taxonomy"
Developed System of Binomial Nomenclature "Genus & Species" Ex: E.coli
-Published book on Systema Naturae
-Developed Heirarchial System (Classificaiton Groups)
-2 Kingdoms: Plantae & Animilia (Plants & Animals)
Earnest Haeckel

Created 3rd Kingdom for PROTISTS

Robert Whittaker

Developed 5 Kingdom Classification
Carol Woese

3 Domain system
(Based on cell Type)
Eukarya *Plants,Animals,Fungi, Protist
(Eu) Bacteria *True Bacteria
*no true cell wall
*live in extreme environments

What are the Characteristics of a PROKARYOTES?

Before Nucleus
1- Unicellular
2- NO Nucleus
3- bacteria ex: E.coli
4- Smaller
5- NO organelles
6- Circular Chromosome
-extra chromosomal DNA Plasmids
What are the Characteristics of a EUKARYOTIC?

True Nucleus
1- Nucleus
2- Some microorganisms ex. Yeast
3- Larger
4- Organelles *membrane bound*
5- Linear DNA Chromosome
6- Mitochondria
7- Chloroplasts
8- Golgi Apparatus
9- Cyto Skeleton
10- Histones
Most bacterial and archaeal cells are 1-5 micrometers (µm) in length
Compound Light Microscope
What is the Staining Technique?
Staining techniques Provide Contrast
The simple stain technique involves flooding a prepared specimen with basic dye

The negative stain technique uses acidic dye, which is repelled by cell walls, leaving clear cells on a dark background
What is Gram Staining Technique?
In the Gram stain technique, cells are stained with crystal violet and Gram’s iodine solution, and washed with a decolorizer

Gram-positive bacteria retain the crystal violet, whereas gram-negative bacteria do not
What is Phase Contrast Microscopy?
Phase-contrast microscopy a special condenser and objective lenses to allow observers to view living, unstained organisms
What is DARK-FIELD microscopy?
Dark-field microscopy shows the specimen against a dark background, and provides good resolution
What is Fluorescence microscopy?
In fluorescence microscopy, specimens are coated with fluorescent dye and illuminated with ultraviolet light
What are the components of a Bacteria cell?